What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Hopefully Barry the Magnificent will be put on trial and then go to prison for a long time.
Don't know about that....
They'll blame the color of his skin,
for even charging him with anything
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Congress can have the Sargent-at-arms start locking up people refusing to comply with congressional subpoena's and hold them over for trial. They can also impeach Barr. Then compel Rosenstein to enforce their subpoena's. Or they could go down to their local sporting goods store, go over to aisle 5, pick themselves up a set of balls, then come back and remove this Presidential menace from office.
What should happen when a president openly DEFIES the law?

What should happen?....we may find out...Hillary's emails were found in Obama's white house......it shows Obama committed perjury and obstruction of justice....this is getting good.......
the pos is going to obstruct congressional inquires??

Actually......the spineless orange turd is probably telling Mnuchin......"don't worry if you wind up in prison, by defying a subpoena, I'll pardon you later.." LOL
He's trying to shut everyone up so the country won't see what a scumbag he is

nd of course
Democrats are going to have to come up with a legitimate purpose to see those tax returns.
Golly, a new tradition. In the future, no President will have to reveal tax returns. How about birth certificates? Didn't you lobby to see Obama's birth certificate and when it was shown called it fake? So will you demand future Presidents present birth certificates for scrutiny? And in the future, no President will have to honor a subpoena, testify under oath or in person or remember events when asked even though that president has the best memory in the world, just ask him.
fuck that fat piece of shit. I’m so sick of seeing and hearing his whiny bloated face, always complaining and blaming other people..Lying his ass off FUCK HIM. He is a true sack of shit. You fuckers that love him are truly demented people
the pos is going to obstruct congressional inquires??

Actually......the spineless orange turd is probably telling Mnuchin......"don't worry if you wind up in prison, by defying a subpoena, I'll pardon you later.." LOL
He's trying to shut everyone up so the country won't see what a scumbag he is

nd of course
Democrats are going to have to come up with a legitimate purpose to see those tax returns.
Golly, a new tradition. In the future, no President will have to reveal tax returns. How about birth certificates? Didn't you lobby to see Obama's birth certificate and when it was shown called it fake? So will you demand future Presidents present birth certificates for scrutiny? And in the future, no President will have to honor a subpoena, testify under oath or in person or remember events when asked even though that president has the best memory in the world, just ask him.
fuck that fat piece of shit. I’m so sick of seeing and hearing his whiny bloated face, always complaining and blaming other people..Lying his ass off FUCK HIM. He is a true sack of shit. You fuckers that love him are truly demented people
Keep them arms out and them tears a flowin'. Six more years of butthurt for you.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Are the committees of ways and means, committe on finance, or the committee on joint taxation making these requests in closed executive session? If they are not, then it is illegal for them to request any taxpayer information until they are.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH

Don't you ever get tired of you're hate filled shit? I'm going to insult you now, "TRUMP IS YOU'RE PRESIDENT TOO, LIKE IT OR NOT" HAHAHAHA
the pos is going to obstruct congressional inquires??

Actually......the spineless orange turd is probably telling Mnuchin......"don't worry if you wind up in prison, by defying a subpoena, I'll pardon you later.." LOL
He's trying to shut everyone up so the country won't see what a scumbag he is

nd of course
Democrats are going to have to come up with a legitimate purpose to see those tax returns.
Golly, a new tradition. In the future, no President will have to reveal tax returns. How about birth certificates? Didn't you lobby to see Obama's birth certificate and when it was shown called it fake? So will you demand future Presidents present birth certificates for scrutiny? And in the future, no President will have to honor a subpoena, testify under oath or in person or remember events when asked even though that president has the best memory in the world, just ask him.
fuck that fat piece of shit. I’m so sick of seeing and hearing his whiny bloated face, always complaining and blaming other people..Lying his ass off FUCK HIM. He is a true sack of shit. You fuckers that love him are truly demented people
All you had to do is not call for the extermination of white people and old people and start persecuting Christians. You haven't. You emasculated the people with the greatest potential in our nation and you see the results. Now go fly on a Boeing 737 max...go ahead!
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Hopefully Barry the Magnificent will be put on trial and then go to prison for a long time.
Don't know about that....
They'll blame the color of his skin,
for even charging him with anything
Trumps campaign was wide open for Russian interference
John Sipher, who served in Moscow and once helped run CIA spying operations against Russia, said, "It's clear that the Russians had a pretty extensive full court press on this administration." The full extent of how successful it was may never be known, he said.

"Being able to lock it down and prove in court? That only comes when you catch somebody red-handed, or when you have a source on the inside of your adversary who hands you documents."

The Mueller report says the special counsel investigated whether Russia's wooing of Trump officials "constituted a third avenue of attempted Russian interference with or influence on the 2016 presidential election," in addition to Russian hacking of Democratic emails and social media manipulation through false personas.

Without explicitly answering that question, the Mueller report explains how Russia sought to secretly influence the incoming Trump administration after helping it get elected, and how Kushner and other senior members of the Trump team embraced those entreaties. The report describes meetings with questionable individuals and a ready use of backchannel communications, despite warnings from U.S. intelligence officials.j
Don't you ever get tired of you're hate filled shit? I'm going to insult you now, "TRUMP IS YOU'RE PRESIDENT TOO, LIKE IT OR NOT" HAHAHAHA
Does this mean I get to emulate Trump if I choose which laws I can discard as unworthy of my concern? Can I skip traffic tickets or subpoenas or junk ordinances? Can I stiff contractors, hire illegals and use funds given to me for a charity as political donations and portraits?
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Hopefully Barry the Magnificent will be put on trial and then go to prison for a long time.
Don't know about that....
They'll blame the color of his skin,
for even charging him with anything
Trumps campaign was wide open for Russian interference
John Sipher, who served in Moscow and once helped run CIA spying operations against Russia, said, "It's clear that the Russians had a pretty extensive full court press on this administration." The full extent of how successful it was may never be known, he said.

"Being able to lock it down and prove in court? That only comes when you catch somebody red-handed, or when you have a source on the inside of your adversary who hands you documents."

The Mueller report says the special counsel investigated whether Russia's wooing of Trump officials "constituted a third avenue of attempted Russian interference with or influence on the 2016 presidential election," in addition to Russian hacking of Democratic emails and social media manipulation through false personas.

Without explicitly answering that question, the Mueller report explains how Russia sought to secretly influence the incoming Trump administration after helping it get elected, and how Kushner and other senior members of the Trump team embraced those entreaties. The report describes meetings with questionable individuals and a ready use of backchannel communications, despite warnings from U.S. intelligence officials.j

WASHINGTON — The Mueller report's narrative of secret meetings between members of Donald Trump's orbit and Russian operatives — contacts that occurred both before and after the 2016 election — portrays a political campaign that left itself open to a covert Russian influence operation, former intelligence officials and other experts say.

While finding no criminal conspiracy, the report shows that Trump associates met with Russians after the intelligence community said in October 2016 that Russia was interfering in the presidential election, and even after the Obama administration announced a set of post-election sanctions to punish Russia for that behavior.

The 448-page report, written as a prosecutorial document, was not meant to assess, and does not say, whether U.S. national security was put at risk through those contacts. But former FBI and CIA officials and people who study Russian intelligence say the report describes a counterintelligence minefield — senior members of a presidential campaign and transition holding secret talks with a sophisticated foreign adversary, without the benefit of State Department and intelligence community counsel.

"The Russians came up against a group of people who were not intelligence savvy and who were predisposed not to listen to the intelligence and counterintelligence community," said Luis Rueda, who spent 27 years as a CIA operations officer. "The Russians made a very bold and aggressive attempt to take advantage of that — to try to compromise people, to try to leverage their access."

The FBI, as part of its counterintelligence mission, is continuing to investigate Russian attempts to influence the Trump administration and assess the national security damage from Russia's 2016 effort, current and former U.S. officials tell NBC News. Democratic lawmakers have demanded a briefing on the counterintelligence findings of the Russia investigation and the status of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation into Trump.
Don't you ever get tired of you're hate filled shit? I'm going to insult you now, "TRUMP IS YOU'RE PRESIDENT TOO, LIKE IT OR NOT" HAHAHAHA
Does this mean I get to emulate Trump if I choose which laws I can discard as unworthy of my concern? Can I skip traffic tickets or subpoenas or junk ordinances? Can I stiff contractors, hire illegals and use funds given to me for a charity as political donations and portraits?
Just think what these morons will say when a dem president pulls the same shit trump is pulling They'll wet their pants AND I wonder if they heard their leaders give their BS to Bill Clinton when he was president compared to their hypocritical crap now
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

I know that Trump cultists will simply HATE the comparison.......But here it is anyway...

In the 1930s, most Germans "admired" Hitler for defying the Treaty of Versailles and his nationalistic fervor and his blaming of all minorities as the real "enemy of his people".........AND, they allowed Hitler's slow and steady defying of the laws......and, of course, many Germans lived to regret that idolatry of a charlatan.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Telling assholes who have no business demanding what they're demanding isn't breaking the law, loser.

You can pound sand up your ass along with Nadler and Schiff.

Telling assholes who have no business demanding what they're demanding isn't breaking the law, loser.

You can pound sand up your ass along with Nadler and Schiff.

No business?
There are no qualifiers in conducting oversight of the executive. In fact, Trump's refusal to recognize their constitutional authority is in and of itself an example of the need for oversight and a defense for doing so. Trump is his own worst enemy.
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.
Contempt of Congress

Impeach his ass
Yes, we all know that Trump can say moronic crap about shooting someone on 5th avenue and his ass kissers would still back him....

And most of us shrugged such statements by Trump pff since we long knew he was a spinless wanna-be bully and insecure.

BUT, when Trump openly defies laws, how can his cult members still tolerate his lawlessness (without the usual bullshit like "Obama did it too",,,,and "Hillary should be locked up")

Trump ordering hius stooge Mnuchin to NOT hand over tax returns is BREAKING THE LAW......the statute is crystal clear........when a House committee requests such returns, the IRS "SHALL COMPLY".....not maybe, but SHALL.

Trump is also ordering the WH counsel to NOT testify and defy a House committee subpoena....That is also BREAKING THE LAW.......First, McGahb has already testified under oath to Mueller....therefore NO executive privilege applies.......Second, Nixon already tried that with John Dean and LOST......and Third, there are several statutes that prevent any individual (and the orange clown is also an individual who is not above the law) from threatening a witness from testifying before Congress.

With the above in mind, Trump cultists are at a cross road.......ass kiss their cult leader or finally grow a spine and state that Trump CANNOT keep defying existing laws.

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