What should the end goal of our gun policy be?

What do you think should be the appropriate end goal of our gun laws?

  • None: Guns should be banned

  • Minimal: Just in your home and use on your property and gun ranges never in public

  • Limited: Above and you can carry them but only in the open where they are expressly allowe

  • Regulated: Above and concealed, but only after government checks you out and approves you

  • Unlimited as long as your Constitutional rights have not been limited by due process of law

Results are only viewable after voting.
The thing I'm trying to get at is the reason behind America's deep-rooted love affair with guns

More interested is exploring the ridiculous bigotry you have that leads you to actually believe your own hyperbole. Let's try cars. What do you suppose is the reason for your deep-rooted love affair with cars. What's your thought on that?
They allow us to travel from place to place quickly without getting wet or cold.

OK, so think about your answer and guns and your hyperbole, it was ridiculous. Hence the term ... hyperbole ...
Since you insist on insulting me, I insist on knowing what in hell you're talking about. What, exactly did I say that was (1) bigoted or (2) grossly exaggerated?


Um ... the quote in the nest in your post that started this discussion. Jesus, woman, I made it blue for you.

America's "love affair with guns?" Seriously? You have to ask how that's bigoted and exaggerated? You are full of shit.

What's with your love affair with curling irons? Guns are just tools
The thing I'm trying to get at is the reason behind America's deep-rooted love affair with guns. As many 'gun lovers' point out, guns don't kill people; people kill people. So I'm focusing on the people, the why. In our culture, the two--people and guns--make a more volatile and deadly mix than in a lot of other cultures that don't include both valuing violence and having easy access to killing machines. My theory is that American culture is still too close to its frontier roots to realistically consider disarming the populace. The experience of being on a frontier, necessarily self-reliant and surrounded by real life-threatening dangers, has echoed down the years because cultural values change much more slowly than our actual environment does.

I'm not done thinking this over yet, but know this: changing people's cultural values doesn't happen overnight, and what I'm talking about has nothing to do with taking away your gun.
Well, you are attempting to look unbiased but frame your argument with using loaded terms like gun loving. Gun loving means what exactly? If they don't make you pee? I have them for self defense. Banning guns is no guarantee of safety, how many foreign shootings would you need to see?

We've had guns since day one, ordered them through the mail even. Hardware stores used to carry them when I moved here 30 years ago. But we didn't have the school shootemups or theater slayings so you need to ask yourself what changed? The guns evolved into evil sentient beings? Or has culture degraded. Those are the only two options.

It wasn't conservatives that changed the culture, liberals always need more liberalism to fix what they screw up. They can't learn. We need guns now more than ever.
you are attempting to look unbiased but frame your argument with using loaded terms like gun loving
I was actually too lazy to write "Second amendment supporters" Sorry the term touched a nerve.
Or has culture degraded.
Maybe. I prefer the term "changed." I still want to know why. You aren't getting my point at all, just reacting to a perceived threat, since you know I'm (usually) a liberal.

You wrote "gun loving" to be condescending, it was read correctly and has nothing to do with touching a nerve
I ought to know what I mean, and it was not to be condescending. You're projecting, big time. Get back on real terra firma, or you're going to have to debate this with yourself and your windmill.

So you only want serious discussions with people you say have a "love affair with guns." Got it
For those who don't find an exact match, just pick the closest one. It's impossible to cover every possible choice in a poll like this.
Note this is a goal question, not a question what the policies are to get there.
Create laws that will prevent criminals form getting guns without restricting the law abiding.
Do you have a better plan to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, schizophrenics, psychopaths or children?
It is illegal for felons and certain mentally infirm people to buy, own, or possess guns.
Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent these people from breaking the law, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
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For those who don't find an exact match, just pick the closest one. It's impossible to cover every possible choice in a poll like this.
Note this is a goal question, not a question what the policies are to get there.
Create laws that will prevent criminals form getting guns without restricting the law abiding.

Nice theory but a trick to pull off. The only way I know is to keep violent criminals in jail
For those who don't find an exact match, just pick the closest one. It's impossible to cover every possible choice in a poll like this.
Note this is a goal question, not a question what the policies are to get there.
Create laws that will prevent criminals form getting guns without restricting the law abiding.

Nice theory but a trick to pull off. The only way I know is to keep violent criminals in jail
I didn't say it was perfect :)
Do you have a better plan to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, schizophrenics, psychopaths or children?
It is illegal for felons and certain mentally infirm people to buy, own, or possess guns.
Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent these people from breaking the law, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
I see that you and I agree with the need for gun control. Now that's settled I think we, as a nation, need to figure out how to make such gun control cheap, effective, and still be the least restrictive as possible. Letting normal have access to guns while preventing them from falling into the hands of those who should not have them seems like a reasonable goal.
Do you have a better plan to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, schizophrenics, psychopaths or children?
It is illegal for felons and certain mentally infirm people to buy, own, or possess guns.
Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent these people from breaking the law, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
I see that you and I agree with the need for gun control. Now that's settled I think we, as a nation, need to figure out how to make such gun control cheap, effective, and still be the least restrictive as possible. Letting normal have access to guns while preventing them from falling into the hands of those who should not have them seems like a reasonable goal.
You did not answer either pert of my question.
Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent these people from breaking the law, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
You did not answer either pert of my question.
Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent these people from breaking the law, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
Not sure what you're asking? Isn't it necessary to prevent people from breaking all laws? It is called enforcement. I don't know that additional laws are required but enforcement of existing laws is always needed. If Congress fails to provide the tools for law enforcement, that is a problem that needs to addressed.
You did not answer either pert of my question.
Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent these people from breaking the law, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
Not sure what you're asking? Isn't it necessary to prevent people from breaking all laws? It is called enforcement.
Law enforcement comes in -after- the law is broken; it does not -prevent- people from breaking the law.
Murder is illegal -- what laws do we have to prevent people form committing murder?
Assault is illegal - what laws do we have to prevent people from committing assalt?
Rape is illegal - what laws do we have to prevent people from committing rape?

Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent criminals et al, from breaking the laws that make it illegal for them to own guns, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
You did not answer either pert of my question.
Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent these people from breaking the law, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
Not sure what you're asking? Isn't it necessary to prevent people from breaking all laws? It is called enforcement.
Law enforcement comes in -after- the law is broken; it does not -prevent- people from breaking the law.
Murder is illegal -- what laws do we have to prevent people form committing murder?
Assault is illegal - what laws do we have to prevent people from committing assalt?
Rape is illegal - what laws do we have to prevent people from committing rape?

Why do you believe it is necessary to prevent criminals et al, from breaking the laws that make it illegal for them to own guns, and why do you think you can accomplish this by passing another law?
Now I think I understand you. OK, I think we can agree there are laws that make it illegal for criminals to own guns. I think we can also agree that criminals break the law and obtain guns. Where we differ apparently is that I'd like to take steps to prevent criminals from breaking the law and obtaining guns while you are content with punishing such criminals after they have obtained those guns. Is that a fair summary of your position?

Assuming it is... Murder is illegal and there are some very dangerous substances that can be used to kill, poisons, radioactive substances, etc., that are not generally available to the public. Possession of some date rape drugs is illegal.

If you read my previous post you'll see I answered the second part of your question: "I don't know that additional laws are required but enforcement of existing laws is always needed"
Now I think I understand you. OK, I think we can agree there are laws that make it illegal for criminals to own guns. I think we can also agree that criminals break the law and obtain guns. Where we differ apparently is that I'd like to take steps to prevent criminals from breaking the law and obtaining guns while you are content with punishing such criminals after they have obtained those guns. Is that a fair summary of your position?

Assuming it is... Murder is illegal and there are some very dangerous substances that can be used to kill, poisons, radioactive substances, etc., that are not generally available to the public. Possession of some date rape drugs is illegal.

If you read my previous post you'll see I answered the second part of your question: "I don't know that additional laws are required but enforcement of existing laws is always needed"
Existing laws do need to be enforced; still not sure why you believe it is necessary to prevent people form breaking the law and how you think you can prevent them from doing so with another law.
The thing I'm trying to get at is the reason behind America's deep-rooted love affair with guns

More interested is exploring the ridiculous bigotry you have that leads you to actually believe your own hyperbole. Let's try cars. What do you suppose is the reason for your deep-rooted love affair with cars. What's your thought on that?
They allow us to travel from place to place quickly without getting wet or cold.

OK, so think about your answer and guns and your hyperbole, it was ridiculous. Hence the term ... hyperbole ...
Since you insist on insulting me, I insist on knowing what in hell you're talking about. What, exactly did I say that was (1) bigoted or (2) grossly exaggerated?


Um ... the quote in the nest in your post that started this discussion. Jesus, woman, I made it blue for you.

America's "love affair with guns?" Seriously? You have to ask how that's bigoted and exaggerated? You are full of shit.

What's with your love affair with curling irons? Guns are just tools
Guns are tools to kill another human or animal. That is all they were designed for. I would like to see more people think about the gravity of killing PRIOR to deciding to use a gun. It is very clear and obvious to me that you and ice think much more highly of your guns than a garden rake. If I threatened to take your rake or your hedge clippers (legally of course) you would most likely not be as upset as you are about the threat of taking your guns. But once more, with emphasis and for the last time, the point I am making is NOT about taking guns. I will continue to think about what you and ice have said and try to find a way to make my point without making you scream and imbue me with thoughts I don't have.
For now, I don't see you contributing anything but insults, no thoughts about my actual ideas. I'll take it to the philosophy forum.
Existing laws do need to be enforced; still not sure why you believe it is necessary to prevent people form breaking the law and how you think you can prevent them from doing so with another law.
And I'm beginning to see that you never will.
That's because you have not explained it.

There's a difference between enforcement of laws after they are broken and the prevention of laws being broken in the first place.
We agree that laws need to be enforced after they are broken; I am especially curious as to why you think a law can be enacted that will prevent people from breaking another law.
More interested is exploring the ridiculous bigotry you have that leads you to actually believe your own hyperbole. Let's try cars. What do you suppose is the reason for your deep-rooted love affair with cars. What's your thought on that?
They allow us to travel from place to place quickly without getting wet or cold.

OK, so think about your answer and guns and your hyperbole, it was ridiculous. Hence the term ... hyperbole ...
Since you insist on insulting me, I insist on knowing what in hell you're talking about. What, exactly did I say that was (1) bigoted or (2) grossly exaggerated?


Um ... the quote in the nest in your post that started this discussion. Jesus, woman, I made it blue for you.

America's "love affair with guns?" Seriously? You have to ask how that's bigoted and exaggerated? You are full of shit.

What's with your love affair with curling irons? Guns are just tools
Guns are tools to kill another human or animal. That is all they were designed for. I would like to see more people think about the gravity of killing PRIOR to deciding to use a gun. It is very clear and obvious to me that you and ice think much more highly of your guns than a garden rake. If I threatened to take your rake or your hedge clippers (legally of course) you would most likely not be as upset as you are about the threat of taking your guns. But once more, with emphasis and for the last time, the point I am making is NOT about taking guns. I will continue to think about what you and ice have said and try to find a way to make my point without making you scream and imbue me with thoughts I don't have.
For now, I don't see you contributing anything but insults, no thoughts about my actual ideas. I'll take it to the philosophy forum.

So if we think more of guns than garden rakes, then we are in love with them. And I accused you of hyperbole. Nailed it!

Look, this is a reasonable topic and I have no objection to your questioning it and asking. What I object to is your insistence on the continual use of words like love and infatuated. I've been around guns all my life. Guns are normal things to me. You're using those words to be condescending and insulting. Then you complain when I insult you for using words to insult us. Yeah.

As for guns being to kill, so why don't you object to cops carrying guns if the only purpose in them carrying them is to kill people? Obviously they aren't out on the street hunting. Why should the military be carrying guns if all they are used for is to kill people?

The military, the police, and CITIZENS primarily carry them regarding humans for defense, not to kill anyone. Your accusation again that my guns are meant to kill people is again an insult. I have guns for no such reason and it would be a last resort and sad day if I ever have to and it would be totally their fault because they would have put me in a position I have no other choice. And that means that if I didn't have the gun, I'd be dead. Maybe along with my family
I am especially curious as to why you think a law can be enacted that will prevent people from breaking another law.
exactly when did I ever say this?
You said you would "like to take steps to prevent criminals from breaking the law and obtaining guns."
It's illegal for felons to buy, own or possess firearms. How do you prevent them from doing so, if not enact another law?

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