What should the verdict be in the Floyd trial?

The lying and misleading narratives put forth by our media are effective sadly.

BOTH of my daughters believe Brianna Taylor was murdered and that her and her boyfriend bare no responsibility for her death.
I as well as their boyfriends laid out the facts but the truth is not stronger than the myth.
The media did the same thing to the officer in the Ferguson case. In the end, the evidence showed that he was innocent and that the media had pumped lies and propaganda for their narrative.
We have a similar case here in KC. A cop on trial for assault because he used pepper spray on a black female minor during a riot when her father was being arrested.

The media has pushed this narrative now based on emotions, race, division. It sickens me. I don't see that one gramps.
The media did the same thing to the officer in the Ferguson case. In the end, the evidence showed that he was innocent and that the media had pumped lies and propaganda for their narrative.
And this will likely end the same way. The cop exonerated, libtard thugs BLM and Antifa burn the city, and the cop has to move and all but change his identity due to death threats from those same libtard groups. Only this time add in threats against jurors and their families. This may well get very ugly.

If you take away the emotional narrative and lies about racism and division that the media pushes, there is nothing there.
In the Ferguson case, the numero uno lie that CNN told repeatedly was that Michael Brown stuck his hands up and hollered repeatedly at the officer "hands up, don't shoot".
Millions believed that lie, contradicted by eyeball witness testimony, including US Representatives and other newsmakers.)*

Regrettably poster Polish, you do not offer some of the key nuances that complicate this story:

1. CNN (and many other news reportage outfits) reported what they were being told by witnesses on the scene. That is what reporters do......they report the who, when, where, what....of developing stories. The key word is 'developing'. Subsequent reporting, ....and serious competent research .....indicate that the 'hands up, don't shoot' narrative was seriously flawed. Some individuals....no one has been identified.....loudly and clamorously stated such to the gathering police, to the news media, and to the growing crowd of neighbors. And as flash crowds can do.....a falsity too hold. The growing crowd didn't know it was false. CNN, NPR, Wall Street Journal, St. Louis Post-Dispatch...reported....what they were being told on the scene at the time.

2. The victim appears to have been a bully, if not a thug. The video of him muscling the shop-owner to steal cigars shortly before the shooting is credible evidence of that. And subsequent witness indicated that Brown reached into the squad car to attempt to get at the officers gun. Bad things can happen in such exercises.

3. So Brown was legally and rightfully shot.

4. Regrettable, sad, and tragic.
But then it got worse. As the neighborhood assembled, first with curiosity and puzzlement, then growing anger as the false narrative of 'Don't Shoot' spread.......well, no police, no city authorities attempted in anyway to address the crowd or calm the crowd. And the fervor began to grow more strident as they saw.....in front of their very own eyes, right in the street of their neighborhood, they saw the disrespect the police showed to Brown's corpse.

5. Mind you, this is southern Illinois on a hot humid summer day. Brown is dead on the hot surfaced street. And he stays there for hours and hours ...over 4hours. The body began to bloat. And the crowd grew furious with their perception that is was an intentional gesture of disrespect towards a dead black neighborhood kid who they believed was wrongly shot, and disrespect towards their community.

6. And then it got out of control.

7. In my opinion, if it wasn't an incident like the Brown shooting, it was gonna happen sooner or later. As subsequent investigations revealed...this was heavily black community, policed and governed largely by whites. It was discovered that the police preyed upon the black population with nickle/dime traffic violations as a strategy and tactic to fund the city government. Way way disproportionately than to whites, to other communities, to the national averages. Get a ticket or two or three that you can't fight in court because you can't get off from work ........ and you get, ummmm, annoyed? Or friggin' pissed.
Michael Brown bloating in the hot sun for hours was only.....only.......the in-the-moment spark to the powder keg.

*(btw, you say that U.S Representatives and other "newsmakers" witnessed the shooting of Brown.
OK, who? Name names, and then give sourcing for your assertion.)

In short, poster Polish Prince, I offer that you do not know what you are talking about when it comes to the Ferguson riots. No disrespect intended.
The City paid off the family before the trial in order to circumvent MORE riots, etc.
Another interesting assertion by a poster here. Which begs the question: Is the assertion based on vetted and credible information? What? Who? ................ or is it merely an opinion posted up anonymously by a poster using a fake name on an internet gossipboard?

Credible answers to either view will help the rest of the forum come to a better quality decision on the matter. IMHO
Impossible to say before a single witness is heard or a single piece of evidence is shown.

However, I'm more concerned about the BLM/Antifa mobs intimidating jurors. If I lived in Hennepin County I would be hard pressed to vote for innocence even if I thought the case wasn't proven. Its tough to watch your house burn because you don't go along with the liberal mob.
......we have the video---he was NOT trying to kill him, but restrain him ..this says it is definitely not 1st degree murder
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
...SIMPLE = you kneel on the person to RESTRAIN the jackass who had RESISTED/etc...
1. I've said it a million times, a huge problem is you people think it's a TV show or movie --with a written script
a. it's NOT like you are making a cheese sandwich--it's a dynamic situation
handcuffed means nothing..you can be handcuffed and still be dangerous--don't go there:
etc MANY links like this
*(btw, you say that U.S Representatives and other "newsmakers" witnessed the shooting of Brown.
OK, who? Name names, and then give sourcing for your assertion.)

In short, poster Polish Prince, I offer that you do not know what you are talking about when it comes to the Ferguson riots. No disrespect intended.

Congress didn't "witness" the shooting of Brown, but they did spread the misinformation given to them by CNN and other media about "hands up don't shoot". I can't believe that this didn't help agitate riots. Here is a leading congressman on TV repeating the CNN lie.

As far as the reporters and news producers, they were responsible to verify the story before airing, particularly as story this explosive.

No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.

Sometimes these ne'er-do-wells aren't that truthful in their statements.
The City admitted it today by accepting responsibility to the tune of $27 Million.


The City paid off the family before the trial in order to circumvent MORE riots, etc.

But I'm curious.

WHY was Floyd's death/life WORTH $27 million?

Its quite possible that the city knows that the charges against chauvin are all fabricated and this is their token.
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
Simple. He was NOT complying to the officers' request.
That simple. All he had to do was NOT resist! Simple.
Again... watch the following videos and maybe you'll understand why more blacks do NOT comply.
The key word in ALL these types of cases is "compliance".
Not one of the deaths would have occurred if the person had complied and it is NOT my words but what a black minister who earlier had organized a
police protest.
Watch this video from Chris Rock and see what he said BACK in 2006!
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Reverend Jarett Maupin was behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.

No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
So please answer my simple question... if you don't comply you are resisting what should a police person do?
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
...SIMPLE = you kneel on the person to RESTRAIN the jackass who had RESISTED/etc...
1. I've said it a million times, a huge problem is you people think it's a TV show or movie --with a written script
a. it's NOT like you are making a cheese sandwich--it's a dynamic situation
handcuffed means nothing..you can be handcuffed and still be dangerous--don't go there:
etc MANY links like this
On his face with hands cuffed behind his back

NINE minutes...with him saying he can't breathe and begging for his life.

And oh yea...BOUNCING on his neck a few times for good measure
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
Simple. He was NOT complying to the officers' request.
That simple. All he had to do was NOT resist! Simple.
Again... watch the following videos and maybe you'll understand why more blacks do NOT comply.
The key word in ALL these types of cases is "compliance".
Not one of the deaths would have occurred if the person had complied and it is NOT my words but what a black minister who earlier had organized a
police protest.
Watch this video from Chris Rock and see what he said BACK in 2006!
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Reverend Jarett Maupin was behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.

No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
So please answer my simple question... if you don't comply you are resisting what should a police person do?

How many times have we seen some white Karen resisting arrest and being treated with kid gloves?
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
Simple. He was NOT complying to the officers' request.
That simple. All he had to do was NOT resist! Simple.
Again... watch the following videos and maybe you'll understand why more blacks do NOT comply.
The key word in ALL these types of cases is "compliance".
Not one of the deaths would have occurred if the person had complied and it is NOT my words but what a black minister who earlier had organized a
police protest.
Watch this video from Chris Rock and see what he said BACK in 2006!
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Reverend Jarett Maupin was behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.

No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
So please answer my simple question... if you don't comply you are resisting what should a police person do?

How many times have we seen some white Karen resisting arrest and being treated with kid gloves?

It has nothing to do with the race of some little Karen dame.

George Floyd was a big dangerous mofo with a record a mile long working as a tough guy bouncer.
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
Simple. He was NOT complying to the officers' request.
That simple. All he had to do was NOT resist! Simple.
Again... watch the following videos and maybe you'll understand why more blacks do NOT comply.
The key word in ALL these types of cases is "compliance".
Not one of the deaths would have occurred if the person had complied and it is NOT my words but what a black minister who earlier had organized a
police protest.
Watch this video from Chris Rock and see what he said BACK in 2006!
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Reverend Jarett Maupin was behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.

No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!
So please answer my simple question... if you don't comply you are resisting what should a police person do?

How many times have we seen some white Karen resisting arrest and being treated with kid gloves?

Sorry but I don't believe a word you wrote because YOU haven't provided any proof! Geez... "how many times"????
Exaggeration. No proof. Nothing.

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