What should the verdict be in the Floyd trial?

Again, if Floyd had simple NOT stiffened up then there would be no knee on neck and no death.

No, he was arrested because he was passing off counterfeit money.

Ummm, so, passing bad paper --that he may or may not have known was bad --- and, 'stiffening' when being put into a cop car are both......hold for it......capitol offenses?

At the end of the event, the unarmed handcuffed guy was dead because the cop, Chauvin, killed him.
And that is what the courts have to deal with.

You’re on the wrong thread doof. Mike Brown is a distraction
Yes, for this thread, Lesh, it is. Not a little of it was my fault because I gave that long response. Mia culpa.
Forgiveness asked.

But before we bury the Ferguson distraction, I'll respond quickly to this little bon mot from poster Polish:
  • "I suppose that reporting the "hands up dont shoot" lie .. might not have been purposeful."
Ah, Polish, here's the gig: 'Purposeful'. Or intent to deceive is what makes an untruth a lie. Check your Funk & Wagnalls.
Again, if Floyd had simple NOT stiffened up then there would be no knee on neck and no death.
No, he was arrested because he was passing off counterfeit money.

Ummm, so, passing bad paper --that he may or may not have known was bad --- and, 'stiffening' when being put into a cop car are both......hold for it......capitol offenses?

At the end of the event, the unarmed handcuffed guy was dead because the cop, Chauvin, killed him.
And that is what the courts have to deal with.

You’re on the wrong thread doof. Mike Brown is a distraction
Yes, for this thread, Lesh, it is. Not a little of it was my fault because I gave that long response. Mia culpa.
Forgiveness asked.

But before we bury the Ferguson distraction, I'll respond quickly to this little bon mot from poster Polish:
  • "I suppose that reporting the "hands up dont shoot" lie .. might not have been purposeful."
Ah, Polish, here's the gig: 'Purposeful'. Or intent to deceive is what makes an untruth a lie. Check your Funk & Wagnalls.

No, quit lying. He died because he ODed on fentanyl, three times the amount. Chauvin had nothing to do with his death. Those are facts.
Ah, Polish, here's the gig: 'Purposeful'. Or intent to deceive is what makes an untruth a lie. Check your Funk & Wagnalls.

Did CNN intend to deceive?

I really don't know, and neither do you, BTW (unless you are actually the gender neutral potato head that runs CNN).

But I look at the facts, and the untrue statement about "hands up don't shoot" seems to have helped generate violence and increased ratings and revenue for CNN.

Maybe it was just a coincidence, but I sort of doubt it.
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
...SIMPLE = you kneel on the person to RESTRAIN the jackass who had RESISTED/etc...
1. I've said it a million times, a huge problem is you people think it's a TV show or movie --with a written script
a. it's NOT like you are making a cheese sandwich--it's a dynamic situation
handcuffed means nothing..you can be handcuffed and still be dangerous--don't go there:
etc MANY links like this
On his face with hands cuffed behind his back

NINE minutes...with him saying he can't breathe and begging for his life.

And oh yea...BOUNCING on his neck a few times for good measure
Tell me ...if an officer accused you of a criminal act, would you resist? I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd totally comply. Peacefully go along with the handcuffing.
Then I'd hire an aggressive lawyer after the case was dropped and sue the crap out of the police. That's simple way of making money!
Now for FACTS!!!
False arrests have many ramifications, all of which are detrimental to police departments and individual officers. Here are some statistics that show how damaging a false arrest can be:
  • Press impact – Tens of thousands of press mentions per incident
  • Price per incarcerated hour – $7,700 (In AT & CT v. City of NY, a 17-hour wrongful detention resulted in an $80K settlement)
  • Settlement fees – Up to $625,000 (Robert Bryant was awarded $625,000 after a wrongful arrest).
  • Total Expenses related to a false arrest – Potentially millions, including legal fees, settlements, public relations and other factors

Millions in lawsuit settlements are another hidden cost of police misconduct, legal experts say
While data shows that claims against police are down in cities with the largest police forces in the country, they still cost taxpayers over $300 million in fiscal year 2019.

Totally stupid to resist arrests!
....thank you ---but people like FLoyd are nothing like you!!!!! they are dumbass/irrational/idiot/violent criminals---people don't understand this.....it's not like a TV show/etc
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
...SIMPLE = you kneel on the person to RESTRAIN the jackass who had RESISTED/etc...
1. I've said it a million times, a huge problem is you people think it's a TV show or movie --with a written script
a. it's NOT like you are making a cheese sandwich--it's a dynamic situation
handcuffed means nothing..you can be handcuffed and still be dangerous--don't go there:
etc MANY links like this
On his face with hands cuffed behind his back

NINE minutes...with him saying he can't breathe and begging for his life.

And oh yea...BOUNCING on his neck a few times for good measure
you didn't read the link--which is PROOF, being handcuffed means nothing
...he's talking for nine minutes????? = he CAB breathe ...what about the woman he robbed????!!!! she was begging....fuck all criminals --WHATEVER color they are .....
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
...SIMPLE = you kneel on the person to RESTRAIN the jackass who had RESISTED/etc...
1. I've said it a million times, a huge problem is you people think it's a TV show or movie --with a written script
a. it's NOT like you are making a cheese sandwich--it's a dynamic situation
handcuffed means nothing..you can be handcuffed and still be dangerous--don't go there:
etc MANY links like this
On his face with hands cuffed behind his back

NINE minutes...with him saying he can't breathe and begging for his life.

And oh yea...BOUNCING on his neck a few times for good measure
you didn't read the link--which is PROOF, being handcuffed means nothing
...he's talking for nine minutes????? = he CAB breathe ...what about the woman he robbed????!!!! she was begging....fuck all criminals --WHATEVER color they are .....
Have someone handcuff you and then lay you on your stomach...and then kneel on your neck (and bounce) for nine minutes.

Get back to me...if you can.
“If you look at more of the video, [Floyd] was talking about how he couldn’t breathe… Right when he’s getting out of the car, and they’re trying to get him into the police car, he’s complaining he can’t breathe,” said Woodson. “That’s one of the signs of fentanyl overdose. The toxicology report has now come out, where he had 3 times the level of fentanyl needed to kill a human being, that and methamphetamine.”
At 46, Floyd had three severely narrowed coronary arteries, including one that was 90 percent blocked, autopsies show. His heart was slightly enlarged, probably the result of long-term high blood pressure.

Floyd was a smoker, and he had spent years using street drugs. On that evening, the autopsies reveal, Floyd had a large amount of fentanyl, a small amount of methamphetamine and THC — the active ingredient in marijuana — in his blood.

The video of Floyd gasping for breath and dying beneath Chauvin’s knee that evening ignited a social justice movement and nationwide demand for policing reform. But when Chauvin’s trial for his alleged role in Floyd’s death begins, much of the argument will center instead on the autopsy details, most specifically whether fentanyl and underlying health conditions — not the police officer’s actions — stopped Floyd’s heart and lungs.

If Floyd was a normal, healthy guy then you might have a case for 3rd degree murder. But I can't see it in this case, it's not like a bunch of normally healthy people have died from this same thing. And when your police training tells you to do it this way then it's kinda hard to believe it is extremely dangerous and warrants a conviction.

My guess is, we'll see a hung jury, with some voting guilty and others voting not guilty. I think Minnesota requires all 12 jurors to vote guilty to get a conviction, and I don't see tha happening. Or a mistrial if one or more jurors tells the judge they have been threatened.
Have someone handcuff you and then lay you on your stomach...and then kneel on your neck (and bounce) for nine minutes.

Get back to me...if you can.
Try it. I wish I could kneel on your neck
Have someone handcuff you and then lay you on your stomach...and then kneel on your neck (and bounce) for nine minutes.

Get back to me...if you can.
Try it. I wish I could kneel on your neck
If you noticed Chauvin knelt on the side of Floyd's neck. Compressing the sides of the neck does not stop breathing. Put your hands on the sides of your neck and find out.
Have someone handcuff you and then lay you on your stomach...and then kneel on your neck (and bounce) for nine minutes.

Get back to me...if you can.
Try it. I wish I could kneel on your neck
If you noticed Chauvin knelt on the side of Floyd's neck. Compressing the sides of the neck does not stop breathing. Put your hands on the sides of your neck and find out.
Please...let me do that to you
Have someone handcuff you and then lay you on your stomach...and then kneel on your neck (and bounce) for nine minutes.

Get back to me...if you can.
Try it. I wish I could kneel on your neck
If you noticed Chauvin knelt on the side of Floyd's neck. Compressing the sides of the neck does not stop breathing. Put your hands on the sides of your neck and find out.
Please...let me do that to you
You can do it all day. The sides of my neck compressed will not stop me from breathing. Scientific fact.
I'd love to see CNN get sued over this, they lied for profit

Well, Polish, show us the lies you assert they made and intended to make in the Ferguson case?
Just give us a link or referral to a credible source.

The man committed suicide and was used by the DNC/BLM as a distraction

I love an interesting and novel factoid that just unexpectedly reveals itself.
Like the above.

I did a quick Wicki on suicide methods.
They list a bunch: gunshot, jumping from heights, train impacts, poisoning, hanging, electrocution, blood letting, and so on.

But as I scanned through that Wicki treatment I did not see......tho I scanned diligently.....but I did not see that many people, in the U.S. or internationally, had used the '9-Minute Police Knee' method of suicide.

Whic leads me to believe, and I mean no disrespect to the poster Concerned American, but I think his assertion that George Floyd committed suicide is......well, it seems somewhat flawed.

But that's just me.
The man ingested a fatal dose of fentanyly before the cops got there. He would have died of an overdose which, if you did your due diligence, you would have found that OD is one way that people commit suicide. Take your blinders off, most of what the media tells you is lies.

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