What should the verdict be in the Floyd trial?

The man ingested a fatal dose of fentanyly before the cops got there.

Drug dealer, most likely.
> Drug dealer, most likely.

Nicely done. That was quite witty and funny.

If Floyd did not die of his lethal overdose, it was surely COVID that got him :)...

New court docs say George Floyd had "fatal level" of fentanyl in his system

Medical Examiner's Autopsy Reveals George Floyd Had Positive Test For Coronavirus
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Next time do your own research, moron, I am not here to educate your dumb ass.
From the link in post #144: " Defense attorneys argue ........"

Ah yes, 'defense attorneys say'...........

For my poor avatar, he and I will listen intently and sincerely to what those 'defense attorneys argue'........boyscoutshonor, we will.

AND......importantly......we will listen intently and sincerely to what the prosecution says.

Personally, we've found that to be an efficacious approach to considering complicated contentious issues.

And you?
From the link in post #144: " Defense attorneys argue ........"

Ah yes, 'defense attorneys say'...........

For my poor avatar, he and I will listen intently and sincerely to what those 'defense attorneys argue'........boyscoutshonor, we will.

AND......importantly......we will listen intently and sincerely to what the prosecution says.

Personally, we've found that to be an efficacious approach to considering complicated contentious issues.

And you?
Floyd was a cockroach. Glad he was stepped on.

With what we know now, I think that is a pretty clear cut case of manslaughter and should be easy to get a conviction on. Murder 1 or 2? Not a snowballs chance in hell. I

Another interesting question is weather or not a charge of manslaughter will appease the angry mob. I am betting it will not as they will riot over the fact Chauvin was not convicted of murder if he just gets a manslaughter charge.

Murder 3 is harder, not sure you can establish Chauvin was 'depraved' in this case.
Chauvin did not introduce a fatal dose of fentanyl to George Floyd. That thug had already killed himself. Suicide is not murder or manslaughter.
Nope suicide is not manslaughter.

And your point was......

Because suicide is not what Floyd did nor does it match any of the actual data. What we have is Floyd making a string of really shitty decisions and taking a bunch of drugs putting himself in a bad position.

Then we have Chauvin getting on a power trip and kneeling on the mans neck for 10 minuets. Manslaughter - killing someone through negligence. If Floyd had died in the back of the squad car you might have a point. It took all of it to kill him - the drugs, the resisting arrest and the knee on his neck.
Normal Bullshit. Just keep embellishing that story--you apparently didn't listen to the BLM rioters, it was 8 minutes 46 seconds not 10 minutes. Floyd would have died of a fentanyl overdose that day if the police had stayed home. Take your BS down the road.
Would he?

That is conjecture. It is also not what the corner stated.

I am not embellishing a damn thing. The facts just do not support the claim Chauvin had nothing to do with Floyd's death.
You are flat out lying then. Chauvin did not have his knee on Floyd's neck for 10 minutes--it was 8 min, 46 seconds. Please keep up. Uninformed people should just STFU.

Is rounding unknown to you? Do you really think the 1 min and 14 seconds is the difference between innocent and guilty? Is that all you really have?
Moron, rounding is 9 min. not 10. Ten is gross exaggeration (embellishment). A lethal dose of self administered fentanyl is suicide--not murder or manslaughter. Manslaughter is also embellishment. The man committed suicide and was used by the DNC/BLM as a distraction to aid the democrats in an illegitimate election bid. How's it feel to used as a useless pawn to be discarded when they get tired of you.
So that is a yes. That is all you have. more ranting and bullshit pulled from your ass. Carry on.
I'd love to see CNN get sued over this, they lied for profit

Well, Polish, show us the lies you assert they made and intended to make in the Ferguson case?
Just give us a link or referral to a credible source.
It is pretty darn well known that virtually every single one of the recent major cases were full of lies in the public media, not just CNN. Since Zimmerman, a large portion of the media has been openly lying to promote a sensational narrative. It is what sells.
Impossible to say before a single witness is heard or a single piece of evidence is shown.

However, I'm more concerned about the BLM/Antifa mobs intimidating jurors. If I lived in Hennepin County I would be hard pressed to vote for innocence even if I thought the case wasn't proven. Its tough to watch your house burn because you don't go along with the liberal mob.
What makes you think the BLM crowd are liberals?


The leaders of BLM are self confessed MARXISTS, thus democrats, communists, socialists are likely followers.

Republicans have a long history of being anti-communists.
I think it’ll be 3rd degree.

Trumpsters will whine about injustice or jury fraud or something afterward.

We’ll see.
Next time do your own research, moron, I am not here to educate your dumb ass.

You should read your own links:

The autopsy report from Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office concludes the cause of death was "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."


"We've all had cases where those kinds of of levels come into play. You've got to look at the whole picture," Nelson said. "It's one thing to die *with* something. It's another thing to die *from* something." The documents say Baker performed the autopsy before watching the videos of police restraining Floyd, with Officer Derek Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck, because Baker wanted to avoid bias in his autopsy.

In Baker's final report after watching the videos, he ruled Floyd's death a homicide caused by "law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."
The FBI asked the Armed Forces Medical Examiner to review Baker's autopsy and they agreed with his findings, writing "his death was caused by the police subdual and restraint" with cardiovascular disease and drug intoxication contributing."

With what we know now, I think that is a pretty clear cut case of manslaughter and should be easy to get a conviction on. Murder 1 or 2? Not a snowballs chance in hell. I

Another interesting question is weather or not a charge of manslaughter will appease the angry mob. I am betting it will not as they will riot over the fact Chauvin was not convicted of murder if he just gets a manslaughter charge.

Murder 3 is harder, not sure you can establish Chauvin was 'depraved' in this case.
Chauvin did not introduce a fatal dose of fentanyl to George Floyd. That thug had already killed himself. Suicide is not murder or manslaughter.
Nope suicide is not manslaughter.

And your point was......

Because suicide is not what Floyd did nor does it match any of the actual data. What we have is Floyd making a string of really shitty decisions and taking a bunch of drugs putting himself in a bad position.

Then we have Chauvin getting on a power trip and kneeling on the mans neck for 10 minuets. Manslaughter - killing someone through negligence. If Floyd had died in the back of the squad car you might have a point. It took all of it to kill him - the drugs, the resisting arrest and the knee on his neck.
Normal Bullshit. Just keep embellishing that story--you apparently didn't listen to the BLM rioters, it was 8 minutes 46 seconds not 10 minutes. Floyd would have died of a fentanyl overdose that day if the police had stayed home. Take your BS down the road.
Would he?

That is conjecture. It is also not what the corner stated.

I am not embellishing a damn thing. The facts just do not support the claim Chauvin had nothing to do with Floyd's death.
You are flat out lying then. Chauvin did not have his knee on Floyd's neck for 10 minutes--it was 8 min, 46 seconds. Please keep up. Uninformed people should just STFU.

Is rounding unknown to you? Do you really think the 1 min and 14 seconds is the difference between innocent and guilty? Is that all you really have?
Moron, rounding is 9 min. not 10. Ten is gross exaggeration (embellishment). A lethal dose of self administered fentanyl is suicide--not murder or manslaughter. Manslaughter is also embellishment. The man committed suicide and was used by the DNC/BLM as a distraction to aid the democrats in an illegitimate election bid. How's it feel to used as a useless pawn to be discarded when they get tired of you.
So that is a yes. That is all you have. more ranting and bullshit pulled from your ass. Carry on.
You are a FUCKING LIAR. Own it. You're the same ilk as the democrats and Burn Loot Murder.
They are going for 3rd degree murder. Did the cop commit 3rd degree murder?

Minneapolis just payed the Floyd family something like 27 million dollars! For what? It seems like some weird voodoo extortion payment. That was wrong on every level. To paraphrase the coroner that oversaw Floyd's autopsy : if hadn't seen the video, (what?) He would have determined Floyd's death a overdose. Do people want facts and truth and actual justice, or do they just want blind stupid revenge? Chauvin was just a bystander, Floyd killed himself.
They are going for 3rd degree murder. Did the cop commit 3rd degree murder?

Minneapolis just payed the Floyd family something like 27 million dollars! For what? It seems like some weird voodoo extortion payment. That was wrong on every level. To paraphrase the coroner that oversaw Floyd's autopsy : if hadn't seen the video, (what?) He would have determined Floyd's death a overdose. Do people want facts and truth and actual justice, or do they just want blind stupid revenge? Chauvin was just a bystander, Floyd killed himself.
Two posts above your onw disputes your bullshit. You just LOVE the idea of a black man being killed though so...
They are going for 3rd degree murder. Did the cop commit 3rd degree murder?

Minneapolis just payed the Floyd family something like 27 million dollars! For what? It seems like some weird voodoo extortion payment. That was wrong on every level. To paraphrase the coroner that oversaw Floyd's autopsy : if hadn't seen the video, (what?) He would have determined Floyd's death a overdose. Do people want facts and truth and actual justice, or do they just want blind stupid revenge? Chauvin was just a bystander, Floyd killed himself.
Two posts above your onw disputes your bullshit. You just LOVE the idea of a black man being killed though
You cant dispute facts as racist, dont even try.
They are going for 3rd degree murder. Did the cop commit 3rd degree murder?

Max he should be charged with criminal negligence, and then there should be charges or civil suits against the fake news for inciting riots by missrepresenting the events, they set that standard of responsibility themselves-oops.
They are going for 3rd degree murder. Did the cop commit 3rd degree murder?

Minneapolis just payed the Floyd family something like 27 million dollars! For what? It seems like some weird voodoo extortion payment. That was wrong on every level. To paraphrase the coroner that oversaw Floyd's autopsy : if hadn't seen the video, (what?) He would have determined Floyd's death a overdose. Do people want facts and truth and actual justice, or do they just want blind stupid revenge? Chauvin was just a bystander, Floyd killed himself.
Two posts above your onw disputes your bullshit. You just LOVE the idea of a black man being killed though so...
Disputing isnt proof. People dispute the earth is round. Lets deal with the facts. Shan't we?
I think it’ll be 3rd degree.

Trumpsters will whine about injustice or jury fraud or something afterward.

We’ll see.
How about this? How many COPS get murdered by BLACKS as opposed to Blacks killed by Cops? Cops are a much smaller minority. Do the math ,Libby. Might surprise you. So I agree with Biden. Back in 1994 ,that is. He referred to them as gangs of predators roaming the streets. He was right then. It still applies now. If ya think I am wrong ,go to NYC and ride the Subway.

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