What should the verdict be in the Floyd trial?

he did not want him to die--plain and simple--you CAN'T prove otherwise

Oh, I wouldn't argue that point with you, poster harmonica.
Now, with hindsight available to him, I'm willing to suggest that Officer Chauvin would like to take it all back.

But the fact remains, as the poster 'Lesh' appropriately states: Floyd was on his belly, on a hard surface, wedged against a parked vehicle, his hands were handcuffed behind his back, there were three other uniformed police right there on scene holding onto Floyd's legs and back, (one or more of which suggested to Chauvin to lighten up.).

Yet, despite the handcuffs, the prostrate position, the availability of plenty of manpower on the immediate scene.......Chauvin kneeled on the Floyd's throat for over 9 minutes.

And killed him.

so, he wanted to kill him and it took NINE minutes!!!!!!!!!!?????
Wow. You seem a bit triggered there junior.

I did NOT say he "wanted to kill him". Can you read?

I very specifically said

HE DID NOT CARE whether Floyd lived or died.

Why would you lie like that when it's right there ?
he did not want him to die--plain and simple--you CAN'T prove otherwise

Oh, I wouldn't argue that point with you, poster harmonica.
Now, with hindsight available to him, I'm willing to suggest that Officer Chauvin would like to take it all back.

But the fact remains, as the poster 'Lesh' appropriately states: Floyd was on his belly, on a hard surface, wedged against a parked vehicle, his hands were handcuffed behind his back, there were three other uniformed police right there on scene holding onto Floyd's legs and back, (one or more of which suggested to Chauvin to lighten up.).

Yet, despite the handcuffs, the prostrate position, the availability of plenty of manpower on the immediate scene.......Chauvin kneeled on the Floyd's throat for over 9 minutes.

And killed him.

duh------he didn't mean to kill him----
what's your point??
AGAIN--you people think it's a TV show--YOU think you are PERFECT--you would handle EVERY situation PERFECTLY
AND--dealing with jackass humans is not like making a cheese sandwich
WAKE up to reality
so, he wanted to kill him and it took NINE minutes!!!!!!!!!!?????
Wow. You seem a bit triggered there junior.

I did NOT say he "wanted to kill him". Can you read?

I very specifically said

HE DID NOT CARE whether Floyd lived or died.

Why would you like like that when it's right there ?
triggered--HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH----the only reason you say that is because you are full of shit ..I'm LAUGHING!!!!!!! are you blind!!!! all the HAHAHAHAHAHAHHs
Learn to pronounce


  1. the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.
1. he was not trying to kill him--he was trying to restrain a jackass irrational criminal
Was he trying to kill Floyd?

He just didn't CARE if Floyd lived or died.

He was on his belly with his hands cuffed behind his back. How much more "restrained" does he need to be. Not to mention the fact that here were three cops surrounding him.

Wrong, they called paramedics and were waiting for them to arrive......the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl killed floyd, not the cops.
he was not trying to kill Floyd = he did not want him to die--plain and simple--you CAN'T prove otherwise
If that were true he would not have kneeled on his neck for nine minutes while he was begging for his life and saying he couldn't breathe.

HE JUST DIDN'T CARE where he lived or died.

That is a common claim by criminals, as are many other claims to get cops to ease up on restraining them...especially today where they know they can get paid for lying about police treatment....
1. he was not trying to kill him--he was trying to restrain a jackass irrational criminal
Was he trying to kill Floyd?

He just didn't CARE if Floyd lived or died.

He was on his belly with his hands cuffed behind his back. How much more "restrained" does he need to be. Not to mention the fact that here were three cops surrounding him.

Moron, I watched an episode of the show Cops....a naked guy at an apartment above a pool hall was acting violently and irrationally...it took 6 cops and they could barely control him to cuff him...

You shitheads who think you know everything about everything is really just funny....
If white people did this for some cliche right wing reason, we all know the military would be sent in, and the media would present it as catastrophic front page news for weeks.
Or surround the capitol with a fence and concertina for a threat that exists only in their guilt-ridden minds. Democrats are scared to death of the citizens of this country because the foisted a sham election and swamp rats in DC let them get away with it.
George was violent and a scumbag criminal...

Nevertheless, the cop should not have knelt on his neck for the better part of nine minutes, especially after colleagues spoke words of warning...

The cop took it upon himself to act as judge, jury and executioner, and he was caught doing it on-camera...

I don't pretend to be able to penetrate the cop's mind and soul to determine whether he intended to kill George, either at the onset nor as the incident unfolded...

But the cop was as wrong-as-wrong-can-be in what he did and he should be held to account in the criminal law courts...

The video footage speakers for itself...

Not that I have any say in it but I could believe either Murder-3 or Manslaughter conviction(s) as an outcome, and would support it...

I would also support a fairly lengthy jail-time sentence...
George was violent and a scumbag criminal...

Nevertheless, the cop should not have knelt on his neck for the better part of nine minutes, especially after colleagues spoke words of warning...

The cop took it upon himself to act as judge, jury and executioner, and he was caught doing it on-camera...

I don't pretend to be able to penetrate the cop's mind and soul to determine whether he intended to kill George, either at the onset nor as the incident unfolded...

But the cop was as wrong-as-wrong-can-be in what he did and he should be held to account in the criminal law courts...

The video footage speakers for itself...

Not that I have any say in it but I could believe either Murder-3 or Manslaughter conviction(s) as an outcome, and would support it...

I would also support a fairly lengthy jail-time sentence...

The video doesn't speak for itself since the autopsy showed a 2X lethal dose of fentanyl in his system......the guy was already resisting arrest, refused lawful orders so keeping him pinned on the ground made sense...they also called the ambulance in response to his claims of not being able to breath.....

The cop should be found not guilty.
1. he was not trying to kill him--he was trying to restrain a jackass irrational criminal
Was he trying to kill Floyd?

He just didn't CARE if Floyd lived or died.

He was on his belly with his hands cuffed behind his back. How much more "restrained" does he need to be. Not to mention the fact that here were three cops surrounding him.

Wrong, they called paramedics and were waiting for them to arrive......the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl killed floyd, not the cops.
A full autopsy report on George Floyd, the man who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police last month, reveals that he was positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The 20-page report also indicates that Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death, although the drugs are not listed as the cause.
How can they allow anarchists to just take over parts of a city with no repercussions?

because of their skin color and politics, that’s it.

If white people did this for some cliche right wing reason, we all know the military would be sent in, and the media would present it as catastrophic front page news for weeks.

thank you Obama for mainstreaming identity politics (aka racism)
Yes. I didn't see WHITES riot when OJ Simpson got off. Even though that thug was guilty as Hell.
so, he wanted to kill him and it took NINE minutes!!!!!!!!!!?????
Wow. You seem a bit triggered there junior.

I did NOT say he "wanted to kill him". Can you read?

I very specifically said

HE DID NOT CARE whether Floyd lived or died.

Why would you lie like that when it's right there ?
Probably NOBODY cared. Another worthless junkie bites the dust.
so, he wanted to kill him and it took NINE minutes!!!!!!!!!!?????
Wow. You seem a bit triggered there junior.

I did NOT say he "wanted to kill him". Can you read?

I very specifically said

HE DID NOT CARE whether Floyd lived or died.

Why would you lie like that when it's right there ?
If you do not believe that there are many police, fire and medical rescue squad people who are numbed from all the trauma and death they see, then you are a fool. It is true Chauvin was there for 9 minutes. But Floyd did not agree to get in a police squad car either. Chauvin deserves a fair trial. Just like anyone else. When the drug issue came forward about Floyd, that changed my view. Having drugs in your system that is a few times more then what kills is important. He was primed and stoked and on the edge. The videos prove that also.
...The video doesn't speak for itself...
Disagree, obviously.

...since the autopsy showed a 2X lethal dose of fentanyl in his system......
I had heard that he had drugs in his system... are you sure it was a "lethal" (or 2X) lethal dose?

...the guy was already resisting arrest, refused lawful orders...
Yep... nolo contendre... but once he was subdued, the cop's knee should have been transferred to the criminal's back...

...so keeping him pinned on the ground made sense...
Yep... nolo contendre... a knee in the back would have done the trick...

...they also called the ambulance in response to his claims of not being able to breath.....
That's not enough...

You can't put a grown-man's (the cop's) knee - transmitting much of the cop's body weight - onto the back of a subject's neck for 8+ minutes, crushing his airway...

...The cop should be found not guilty.
Not really... he screwed-up... big-time... and cost the (most unworthy scumbag-caliber) subject his life... despite the warnings of his fellow police officers...

That excessive force ( knee on the neck for a long time rather than the small of the back ) and his ignoring of warnings go to intent and rob the cop of sympathy on a jury...

If you're right about the level of drug-content in the bloodstream, I could see Manslaughter rather than Murder, but the cop was the trigger for death and now he's screwed.
1. he was not trying to kill him--he was trying to restrain a jackass irrational criminal
Was he trying to kill Floyd?

He just didn't CARE if Floyd lived or died.

He was on his belly with his hands cuffed behind his back. How much more "restrained" does he need to be. Not to mention the fact that here were three cops surrounding him.

Wrong, they called paramedics and were waiting for them to arrive......the 2X lethal dose of fentanyl killed floyd, not the cops.
A full autopsy report on George Floyd, the man who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police last month, reveals that he was positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The 20-page report also indicates that Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at the time of his death, although the drugs are not listed as the cause.
The people who produced that are fearful of being labeled as traitors and unpatriotic. And the result would be that they would be destroyed. This will work against you at some point as no one will come forward to say anything for anything when an event happens. Be quiet and you remain safe. Your paperverk please!

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