What should the verdict be in the Floyd trial?

How about this? How many COPS get murdered by BLACKS as opposed to Blacks killed by Cops? Cops are a much smaller minority. Do the math ,Libby.

My comment was about this particular case, not overall statistics.
Stats don't lie. So why does a whole country go ballistic over a dead junkie? WHY? Because rioting ,looting ,and mugging is in their nature. That is why Bernie Goetz was a Hero. Chauvin should get a Goetz Award.
Impossible to say before a single witness is heard or a single piece of evidence is shown.

However, I'm more concerned about the BLM/Antifa mobs intimidating jurors. If I lived in Hennepin County I would be hard pressed to vote for innocence even if I thought the case wasn't proven. Its tough to watch your house burn because you don't go along with the liberal mob.

Anyone intimidating or doxxing jurors shoupd be arrested and prosecuted. That is 3rd world shit.
Welcome to Democrat run America. They been causing destruction and intimidating people since Trump was elected.
  1. Chauvin had nothing to do with his death.
  2. Chauvin was just a bystander, Floyd killed himself.
  3. the niggas are gonna tear Minneapolis up.
  4. Because rioting ,looting ,and mugging is in their nature.
  5. gladly watch these shit holes burn....burn baby burn....burn baby burn


    I love that bar. You know, the one in the 'bar scene' in the first Star Wars movie. The watering-hole where all the intergalactically misinformed, malformed, deformed, racist bigots and cretins gathered around their Bizarro screens and amused the hell outta our heroes, Hans Solo and Luke Skywalker.

    So all aboard this train.
    It carries kings and queens, whores and gamblers....
    Winners and _ _ _ _ _ _!
1. I understand that newspapers have already written obituaries of famous people so that they can print the news as soon as a famous person dies.

2. Well, I have no doubt that the papers have already written the headline and the story about the case in question: Guilty! Killer Cop Convicted! Life Imprisonment Looms!

3. In 2021 America, no jury and no judge would dare let a cop go who is charged with killing certain young gentlemen (or ladies).

a. If they did, the rioting, looting, and murders would make last year's "troubles" look like child's play.
  1. Chauvin had nothing to do with his death.
  2. Chauvin was just a bystander, Floyd killed himself.
  3. the niggas are gonna tear Minneapolis up.
  4. Because rioting ,looting ,and mugging is in their nature.
  5. gladly watch these shit holes burn....burn baby burn....burn baby burn


    I love that bar. You know, the one in the 'bar scene' in the first Star Wars movie. The watering-hole where all the intergalactically misinformed, malformed, deformed, racist bigots and cretins gathered around their Bizarro screens and amused the hell outta our heroes, Hans Solo and Luke Skywalker.

    So all aboard this train.
    It carries kings and queens, whores and gamblers....
    Winners and _ _ _ _ _ _!

The evidence speaks for itself. Bet you're a regular at that bar with all the other freaks since you just throw hard evidence out. Lol.
  1. Chauvin had nothing to do with his death.
  2. Chauvin was just a bystander, Floyd killed himself.
  3. the niggas are gonna tear Minneapolis up.
  4. Because rioting ,looting ,and mugging is in their nature.
  5. gladly watch these shit holes burn....burn baby burn....burn baby burn


    I love that bar. You know, the one in the 'bar scene' in the first Star Wars movie. The watering-hole where all the intergalactically misinformed, malformed, deformed, racist bigots and cretins gathered around their Bizarro screens and amused the hell outta our heroes, Hans Solo and Luke Skywalker.

    So all aboard this train.
    It carries kings and queens, whores and gamblers....
    Winners and _ _ _ _ _ _!What a hopeless dumb fuck you are son
So now you are comparing all those racist conservs in the bar on Star Wars........................hmhmhm....................................................LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Boy it seems that bar is all inclusive and serves everyone no matter what kind of creature you are...............lololol

You got Star Wars action figures covering your basement eh?
Impossible to say before a single witness is heard or a single piece of evidence is shown.

However, I'm more concerned about the BLM/Antifa mobs intimidating jurors. If I lived in Hennepin County I would be hard pressed to vote for innocence even if I thought the case wasn't proven. Its tough to watch your house burn because you don't go along with the liberal mob.

Anyone intimidating or doxxing jurors shoupd be arrested and prosecuted. That is 3rd world shit.
Welcome to Democrat run America. They been causing destruction and intimidating people since Trump was elected.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm...More like since LBJ
No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car
Why in God's name do you kneel on the neck of someone who is on his face and cuffed behind his back when you KNOW he's saying he already can't breathe?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist
ONE activist who founded the Tenn chapter said that dopey.
...SIMPLE = you kneel on the person to RESTRAIN the jackass who had RESISTED/etc...
1. I've said it a million times, a huge problem is you people think it's a TV show or movie --with a written script
a. it's NOT like you are making a cheese sandwich--it's a dynamic situation
handcuffed means nothing..you can be handcuffed and still be dangerous--don't go there:
etc MANY links like this
On his face with hands cuffed behind his back

NINE minutes...with him saying he can't breathe and begging for his life.

And oh yea...BOUNCING on his neck a few times for good measure
you didn't read the link--which is PROOF, being handcuffed means nothing
...he's talking for nine minutes????? = he CAB breathe ...what about the woman he robbed????!!!! she was begging....fuck all criminals --WHATEVER color they are .....
Have someone handcuff you and then lay you on your stomach...and then kneel on your neck (and bounce) for nine minutes.

Get back to me...if you can.
....hahhahahah--you did not and cannot refute my point --you just babbled crap
..if someone gets out of hand and RESISTS arrest, you can't treat them like they are rational!!! DUH hahahahhaha
..you people---you think you are PERFECT and it's all a tv show...YOU would do the SAME things....DON'T try to deny it...you are NOT James Bond/Chuck Norris/Bruce Lee/etc
Impossible to say before a single witness is heard or a single piece of evidence is shown.

However, I'm more concerned about the BLM/Antifa mobs intimidating jurors. If I lived in Hennepin County I would be hard pressed to vote for innocence even if I thought the case wasn't proven. Its tough to watch your house burn because you don't go along with the liberal mob.
What makes you think the BLM crowd are liberals?

You think they're conservative?
How can they allow anarchists to just take over parts of a city with no repercussions?

because of their skin color and politics, that’s it.

If white people did this for some cliche right wing reason, we all know the military would be sent in, and the media would present it as catastrophic front page news for weeks.

thank you Obama for mainstreaming identity politics (aka racism)
..if someone gets out of hand and RESISTS arrest, you can't treat them like they are rational!!! DUH hahahahhaha

So, you kill 'em?
You kneel on their throat for 9 minutes while they lay on their belly and in handcuffs?

Maybe your community could profit if you watched more TV shows?
..if someone gets out of hand and RESISTS arrest, you can't treat them like they are rational!!! DUH hahahahhaha

So, you kill 'em?
You kneel on their throat for 9 minutes while they lay on their belly and in handcuffs?

Maybe your community could profit if you watched more TV shows?
1. he was not trying to kill him--he was trying to restrain a jackass irrational criminal
2. you PROVE my point that you people think it's a TV show with a written script everyone has rad beforehand and will follow
1. he was not trying to kill him--he was trying to restrain a jackass irrational criminal
Was he trying to kill Floyd?

He just didn't CARE if Floyd lived or died.

He was on his belly with his hands cuffed behind his back. How much more "restrained" does he need to be. Not to mention the fact that here were three cops surrounding him.
1. he was not trying to kill him--he was trying to restrain a jackass irrational criminal
Was he trying to kill Floyd?

He just didn't CARE if Floyd lived or died.

He was on his belly with his hands cuffed behind his back. How much more "restrained" does he need to be. Not to mention the fact that here were three cops surrounding him.
he was not trying to kill Floyd = he did not want him to die--plain and simple--you CAN'T prove otherwise
he was not trying to kill Floyd = he did not want him to die--plain and simple--you CAN'T prove otherwise
If that were true he would not have kneeled on his neck for nine minutes while he was begging for his life and saying he couldn't breathe.

HE JUST DIDN'T CARE where he lived or died.
he was not trying to kill Floyd = he did not want him to die--plain and simple--you CAN'T prove otherwise
If that were true he would not have kneeled on his neck for nine minutes while he was begging for his life and saying he couldn't breathe.

HE JUST DIDN'T CARE where he lived or died.
YOU make the claim--now prove it!!!!!!!! or else you are full of shit.......
so, he wanted to kill him and it took NINE minutes!!!!!!!!!!?????
WAIT--don't even try to prove it because you would just be babbling crap
you CAN'T prove if he cared or not --plain and simple--you fked up....

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