What should the verdict be in the Floyd trial?

As I said in another thread:

Minnesota's third-degree murder statute reads: "Whoever, without intent…causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life…"

"perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others" - the Minneapolis police are instructed to do this to subdue somebody who is resisting arrest, right? So, is it eminently dangerous to others? Eminently means 'extremely'; is it really? How many others have died from a knee to the neck vs how many didn't? Would Floyd have died if he didn't have that Fentenyl in his body? Absent that condition was the action Chauvin took extremely dangerous to others?

"evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life…" - how the hell do you prove that in a court of law? Chauvin was performing his duty according to his training, was he not? How are you going to show a 'depraved mind' when his training told him to do it?

All that said, an argument could be made that Chauvin should have taken his knee off Floyd's neck sooner than he did. I don't know the correct term for that misconduct, but I don't think he is guilty of 3rd degree murder.

To the OP's question, I think Chauvin should be found guilty of the charges brought. I do think he was guilty of some kind of lesser charge, whatever you might call that. The knee to the neck is standard procedure, no? (Asking, don't really know for sure.) How many people die from that if they do not have a prior debilitating health condition? I'm thinking not so many, thus it ain't eminently dangerous.
So cops should find out if you have a health condition before they bounce on your neck for nine minutes?

Your argument is so weak you had to add the "bounce" thingy. You lose.
The media did the same thing to the officer in the Ferguson case. In the end, the evidence showed that he was innocent and that the media had pumped lies and propaganda for their narrative.

I disagree, they pumped propaganda and lies for PROFIT.


Exactly right. The George Floyd riots made compelling TV and boosted ratings for CNN and other liberal media exponentially last summer. Ditto with the Gentle Giant Michael Brown riots as well as the Freddie Gay riots in Baltimore.

While ordinary citizens were having their homes and businesses and cars burned by the CNN motivated rioters, how much was CNN profiting with their increased ratings and ad rates?

I'd love to see CNN get sued over this, they lied for profit and it cost a lot of people their livelihoods.
The key word in ALL these types of cases is "compliance".
Not one of the deaths would have occurred if the person had complied and it is NOT my words but what a black minister who earlier had organized a
police protest.

Watch this video from Chris Rock and see what he said BACK in 2006!
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

Watch the this interview with Reverend Jarett Maupin about his experience in use of force training with local police.
Who is Jarrett Maupin?
Man behind Phoenix's police protests is a rights leader — and a paid political consultant.
Maupin led protests against police shooting of an unarmed man in Phoenix. In his own words...
Maupin stated that the training scenarios changed his way of thinking, saying,
I didn’t understand how important compliance was… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers, for their own safety.” !!!
Simple compliance with an authority figure, i.e. the cop. Is so simple but why are blacks more inclined NOT to comply?
FACT is what this black economist pointed out:
Walter Williams a professor of economics at George Mason University and in the famous words of Obama who said..(."by the way he is black"!, ) points this out.
In 1960, just 22 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.
Fifty years later, more than 70 percent of black children were raised in single-parent families.

No father figure who would be the authority figure that would be teaching the lessons of "compliance"!

With what we know now, I think that is a pretty clear cut case of manslaughter and should be easy to get a conviction on. Murder 1 or 2? Not a snowballs chance in hell. I

Another interesting question is weather or not a charge of manslaughter will appease the angry mob. I am betting it will not as they will riot over the fact Chauvin was not convicted of murder if he just gets a manslaughter charge.

Murder 3 is harder, not sure you can establish Chauvin was 'depraved' in this case.
Chauvin did not introduce a fatal dose of fentanyl to George Floyd. That thug had already killed himself. Suicide is not murder or manslaughter.
Nope suicide is not manslaughter.

And your point was......

Because suicide is not what Floyd did nor does it match any of the actual data. What we have is Floyd making a string of really shitty decisions and taking a bunch of drugs putting himself in a bad position.

Then we have Chauvin getting on a power trip and kneeling on the mans neck for 10 minuets. Manslaughter - killing someone through negligence. If Floyd had died in the back of the squad car you might have a point. It took all of it to kill him - the drugs, the resisting arrest and the knee on his neck.
Normal Bullshit. Just keep embellishing that story--you apparently didn't listen to the BLM rioters, it was 8 minutes 46 seconds not 10 minutes. Floyd would have died of a fentanyl overdose that day if the police had stayed home. Take your BS down the road.
Would he?

That is conjecture. It is also not what the corner stated.

I am not embellishing a damn thing. The facts just do not support the claim Chauvin had nothing to do with Floyd's death.
You are flat out lying then. Chauvin did not have his knee on Floyd's neck for 10 minutes--it was 8 min, 46 seconds. Please keep up. Uninformed people should just STFU.

Is rounding unknown to you? Do you really think the 1 min and 14 seconds is the difference between innocent and guilty? Is that all you really have?
The media did the same thing to the officer in the Ferguson case. In the end, the evidence showed that he was innocent and that the media had pumped lies and propaganda for their narrative.
And this will likely end the same way. The cop exonerated, libtard thugs BLM and Antifa burn the city, and the cop has to move and all but change his identity due to death threats from those same libtard groups. Only this time add in threats against jurors and their families. This may well get very ugly.
Before anybody did anything to him, he was saying...He couldn't breathe.

He was a nine-time loser.

The world is a better place, without him.
You’re fucking lying. He said that when he was cuffed lying on his face with a knee on his neck

No he didn't. He said it when he was first removed from his car. I watched the video the other night on the news.
Many of us have been saying for months that we hadn't seen the entire video and there was a reason behind that.
We discovered the reason. hey are going to pray for a 3rd degree verdict. They should have charged him with
involuntary manslaughter.

Even the sutopsy report says he didn't die because of that knee to the neck. He died of an overdose.

With what we know now, I think that is a pretty clear cut case of manslaughter and should be easy to get a conviction on. Murder 1 or 2? Not a snowballs chance in hell. I

Another interesting question is weather or not a charge of manslaughter will appease the angry mob. I am betting it will not as they will riot over the fact Chauvin was not convicted of murder if he just gets a manslaughter charge.

Murder 3 is harder, not sure you can establish Chauvin was 'depraved' in this case.
Chauvin did not introduce a fatal dose of fentanyl to George Floyd. That thug had already killed himself. Suicide is not murder or manslaughter.
Nope suicide is not manslaughter.

And your point was......

Because suicide is not what Floyd did nor does it match any of the actual data. What we have is Floyd making a string of really shitty decisions and taking a bunch of drugs putting himself in a bad position.

Then we have Chauvin getting on a power trip and kneeling on the mans neck for 10 minuets. Manslaughter - killing someone through negligence. If Floyd had died in the back of the squad car you might have a point. It took all of it to kill him - the drugs, the resisting arrest and the knee on his neck.
Normal Bullshit. Just keep embellishing that story--you apparently didn't listen to the BLM rioters, it was 8 minutes 46 seconds not 10 minutes. Floyd would have died of a fentanyl overdose that day if the police had stayed home. Take your BS down the road.
Would he?

That is conjecture. It is also not what the corner stated.

I am not embellishing a damn thing. The facts just do not support the claim Chauvin had nothing to do with Floyd's death.
You are flat out lying then. Chauvin did not have his knee on Floyd's neck for 10 minutes--it was 8 min, 46 seconds. Please keep up. Uninformed people should just STFU.

Is rounding unknown to you? Do you really think the 1 min and 14 seconds is the difference between innocent and guilty? Is that all you really have?
Moron, rounding is 9 min. not 10. Ten is gross exaggeration (embellishment). A lethal dose of self administered fentanyl is suicide--not murder or manslaughter. Manslaughter is also embellishment. The man committed suicide and was used by the DNC/BLM as a distraction to aid the democrats in an illegitimate election bid. How's it feel to used as a useless pawn to be discarded when they get tired of you.
Impossible to say before a single witness is heard or a single piece of evidence is shown.

However, I'm more concerned about the BLM/Antifa mobs intimidating jurors. If I lived in Hennepin County I would be hard pressed to vote for innocence even if I thought the case wasn't proven. Its tough to watch your house burn because you don't go along with the liberal mob.
What makes you think the BLM crowd are liberals?
The founding BLM activists have publicly admitted that they are Marxist and a Marxist isn't a liberal.
As for Floyd, I didn't care. Just another inner-city druggie, that necessitate that cops have to restrain and bring in, over and over.
I'd love to see CNN get sued over this, they lied for profit

Well, Polish, show us the lies you assert they made and intended to make in the Ferguson case?
Just give us a link or referral to a credible source.

The man committed suicide and was used by the DNC/BLM as a distraction

I love an interesting and novel factoid that just unexpectedly reveals itself.
Like the above.

I did a quick Wicki on suicide methods.
They list a bunch: gunshot, jumping from heights, train impacts, poisoning, hanging, electrocution, blood letting, and so on.

But as I scanned through that Wicki treatment I did not see......tho I scanned diligently.....but I did not see that many people, in the U.S. or internationally, had used the '9-Minute Police Knee' method of suicide.

Whic leads me to believe, and I mean no disrespect to the poster Concerned American, but I think his assertion that George Floyd committed suicide is......well, it seems somewhat flawed.

But that's just me.
Well, Polish, show us the lies you assert they made and intended to make in the Ferguson case?
Just give us a link or referral to a credible source.

In the Ferguson case, the numero uno lie that CNN told repeatedly was that Michael Brown stuck his hands up and hollered repeatedly at the officer "hands up, don't shoot".

Millions believed that lie, contradicted by eyeball witness testimony, including US Representatives and other newsmakers. Don't you think that this lie just might have been the motivation for the Ferguson Insurrection and the millions of dollars of damages?

And it WAS a lie. The police officer in Ferguson wasn't indicted, the story- promoted by CNN- that the Gentle Giant said "hands up don't shoot" was false, the Grand Jury knew it and CNN knew it. Even Eric Fucking Holder knew it and refused to get the Obama Regime involved.

Impossible to say before a single witness is heard or a single piece of evidence is shown.

However, I'm more concerned about the BLM/Antifa mobs intimidating jurors. If I lived in Hennepin County I would be hard pressed to vote for innocence even if I thought the case wasn't proven. Its tough to watch your house burn because you don't go along with the liberal mob.
hahaha i'm sorry but what other evidence and witnesses are needed? we have multiple HD videos with sound of the cop killing the man.
No we don't. Thats just more lies that the media is pumping out to the emotional weaklings who are lapping the propaganda up. According to the evidence, chauvin is innocent.
The media did the same thing to the officer in the Ferguson case. In the end, the evidence showed that he was innocent and that the media had pumped lies and propaganda for their narrative.
We have a similar case here in KC. A cop on trial for assault because he used pepper spray on a black female minor during a riot when her father was being arrested.
The media did the same thing to the officer in the Ferguson case. In the end, the evidence showed that he was innocent and that the media had pumped lies and propaganda for their narrative.
We have a similar case here in KC. A cop on trial for assault because he used pepper spray on a black female minor during a riot when her father was being arrested.

The media has pushed this narrative now based on emotions, race, division. It sickens me. I don't see that one gramps.

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