What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

Ask Mitt Romney how he keeps his money

Hint: It doesn't involve hiring millions of Americans

His wealth does
That money is invested into places that creates wealth, thence creates jobs
what would have Mitt do?
give it away
at some point in time that wealth was income and was taxed accordingly

The only reason you and I are not rich?
we do not have enough wealth to get started

Again do you want Mitt to give away hiis wealth?
The money that Mitt hides offshore creates no jobs. It just takes money out of circulation.


If he earns a return on that money then the money is put to work do you really think he earns a zero return?

If you do you're a moron.

Raise the salaries and benefits of their current employees, bring back the jobs from overseas and hire Americans to fill those jobs. Those people will start to feel confident to spend again. This is what Reagan referred to as trickle down economics.

Nobody needs to give anything away or redistribute a damn dime.

The vast majority of Companies that moved jobs overseas hated doing it. And would rather bring the jobs home if they could.

Let me tell you a true story from a former CFO I knew.

His Company wanted to build a Factory in North Carolina.

They applied for the permit and had to get approval from the State EPA, the Federal EPA, County Zoning and make a deal with the Union. It was a Union Industry. No getting around it.

So they submit the plans to the County. Well, the County kicks them back and meanwhile, all the County Commissioners are running around trying to buy up land in or around the proposed building site so they can make a shitload of money.

Within a few weeks the building proposal hits the public and a group of fukking hippies suddenly swear they've seen an Eagle making a nest on the land. So the EPA comes in and proposes a study -- A ONE YEAR Study.

Then the Union starts making noises about how the proposed wages ($10 an hour to start back in 1995) were too low and they were going to file suit.

Then the State sends in an Environmental Engineer (oh yes there is) and she starts yapping about sheet flow and parking lots and other extraneous and stupid bullshit.

Then, some of the people in the area, regular people, get it in their heads that they might not want a factory nearby and file a suit. (they were just looking for a payoff)

Meanwhile, the Eagle's nest is yet to be determined and the EPA proposes an extra year of study because the dirty fucking hippies found an abandoned nest and moved it into a tree on the property while the County kicks the plans back again and the State wants them to do a study approved by an Environmental Engineering Firm on sheet flow and streams and bugs and ducks and stupid fukking hippies.

Know what the Company did?

They moved to China.

The area in NC lost around 5,000 jobs. China gained 10,000 jobs.

Know what happens in China when they want to build a Factory?


Here? Forget it. Very difficult, very expensive.

I could go on and on but I won't.

Maybe someday, if you're nice, I'll explain how most factories in China worked at the time. And a lot of them still do. Maybe most.

Maybe I can explain it to you, since I handle project management for a dozen products manufactured in Shenzhen, Qingdao and Hong Kong.

Anecdotes are a dime a dozen. Stop blaming the EPA. Check out how the O&G industry has taken over the Delaware Valley in PA and NJ with thousands of natural gas wells drilled. No problems or interference. Lots of chemicals flowing into the Delaware River though.

We are not talking about some Cletus in North Carolina, we are talking about a nation of over 300,000,000 people.

you traitor, so you and your ilk is using slave labor to import products to the US and have the gall and balls to complain about low wages paid in the US? WTF???
Income disparity is a problem batted back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals like a shuttlecock. But the problem isn't merely a parlor game nor is it something easily dismissed as envy or resentment.

The actual problem leads to s lowing economy. If the wealth is held by the very few and the very many are not compensated adequately, there is less money flowing through the economy. Economic growth is defined as the exchange of capitol for goods and services. If those goods and services are outside the budgets of the majority, those goods and services will not be utilized and the exchange of capital stops.

When a CEO can run a business into the ditch and then get a bonus for doing so, the values have been warped to something unidentifiable as Capitalism. If the workers who are actually producing the wealth for the few are under compensated, there is less and less opportunity open for those workers because the flow of cash is so constricted.

Looking for a working paradigm for this disparity? Read the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.

How do you know that running the business into the ditch wasn't the intention?
Right now, in the toxic financial climate of planned failure that obama gave us, rich people should be shoveling their money off shore into a more stable currency. That's what they are doing. And they should.

Written like a true minion of the convicted felon Limbaugh.
Cons will never understand capitalism.:eusa_angel:

they understand capitalism as well as anyone else.....there is just to much greed going around.....

and what is wrong with greed?

nothing as long as you are not fucking people over to accumulate your wealth....and fucking people over to make a buck seems to be accepted these days by a lot of people.....greed has always been here.....but it seems to be getting more accepted as the way to do business....thats my take anyway....
Know why there's such a disparity between rich and poor?

Because there is the same, exact disparity between smart and stupid.

Yes, you people that are in here daily and bitching about how 'The Man' has kept you down on an hourly basis.....?

You're stupid.

Instead of bitching about how something is always someone else's fault, you could be spending your time doing something about your very own stupidity.

And no, I don't mean getting an education. If those people had any brains, they wouldn't be putting up with numbskulls like you every day, grading your stupid papers and bouncing crybaby losers on their knee.

If they had any real brains, they'd be out doing something real.

Which is what you crybabies should be doing.

And oh... I'm retired. In Florida. I paid my dues. I ain't rich, but I ain't crying either.

Sick of hearing excuses all day from the same fucking losers. DO something about it

In reality rhe reason Koch brothers are rich is because they are rich
I cannot make millions because I do not have billions to investLiberals think they should give that money to others
my simple question is then what?
Being wealthy is not a sin
staying wealthy takes work and welath to start with
its just the facts of life

actually I disagree, if you are smart, hard working, save a little on a continual basis from a young age, invest wisely, and with a little bit of luck anyone can make themselves into a millionaire within their lifetime.
His wealth does
That money is invested into places that creates wealth, thence creates jobs
what would have Mitt do?
give it away
at some point in time that wealth was income and was taxed accordingly

The only reason you and I are not rich?
we do not have enough wealth to get started

Again do you want Mitt to give away hiis wealth?
The money that Mitt hides offshore creates no jobs. It just takes money out of circulation.


If he earns a return on that money then the money is put to work do you really think he earns a zero return?

If you do you're a moron.

Of course it is put to work, in the foreign country where he has it stached. That return is based on foreigners borrowing it to build schools, buy cars, buy homes, etc. It does absolutely nothing in America, because it isn't invested in America.:eusa_angel:
What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

This doesn’t make any sense.

No one is asking anyone to ‘share his wealth,’ liberals in particular.

Where the right comes up with such fantastic nonsense will forever be a mystery.
Know why there's such a disparity between rich and poor?

Because there is the same, exact disparity between smart and stupid.

Yes, you people that are in here daily and bitching about how 'The Man' has kept you down on an hourly basis.....?

You're stupid.

Instead of bitching about how something is always someone else's fault, you could be spending your time doing something about your very own stupidity.

And no, I don't mean getting an education. If those people had any brains, they wouldn't be putting up with numbskulls like you every day, grading your stupid papers and bouncing crybaby losers on their knee.

If they had any real brains, they'd be out doing something real.

Which is what you crybabies should be doing.

And oh... I'm retired. In Florida. I paid my dues. I ain't rich, but I ain't crying either.

Sick of hearing excuses all day from the same fucking losers. DO something about it

Smart: Middle class Americans that vote for Democrats.

Stupid: Middle class Americans that vote for Republicans, are teabaggers and/or Libertarians.

BTW; You are displaying yourself as one of those old, retired 'I've got mine so fuck everyone else sociopaths'. Perhaps you are, but think, (apples to apples) you are the last generation in your family that will do well financially. If you voted anything but Democrat in the last forty years.....it's your fault.

Such a great legacy that you've screwed your kids and Grand kids.
The vast majority of Companies that moved jobs overseas hated doing it. And would rather bring the jobs home if they could.

Let me tell you a true story from a former CFO I knew.

His Company wanted to build a Factory in North Carolina.

They applied for the permit and had to get approval from the State EPA, the Federal EPA, County Zoning and make a deal with the Union. It was a Union Industry. No getting around it.

So they submit the plans to the County. Well, the County kicks them back and meanwhile, all the County Commissioners are running around trying to buy up land in or around the proposed building site so they can make a shitload of money.

Within a few weeks the building proposal hits the public and a group of fukking hippies suddenly swear they've seen an Eagle making a nest on the land. So the EPA comes in and proposes a study -- A ONE YEAR Study.

Then the Union starts making noises about how the proposed wages ($10 an hour to start back in 1995) were too low and they were going to file suit.

Then the State sends in an Environmental Engineer (oh yes there is) and she starts yapping about sheet flow and parking lots and other extraneous and stupid bullshit.

Then, some of the people in the area, regular people, get it in their heads that they might not want a factory nearby and file a suit. (they were just looking for a payoff)

Meanwhile, the Eagle's nest is yet to be determined and the EPA proposes an extra year of study because the dirty fucking hippies found an abandoned nest and moved it into a tree on the property while the County kicks the plans back again and the State wants them to do a study approved by an Environmental Engineering Firm on sheet flow and streams and bugs and ducks and stupid fukking hippies.

Know what the Company did?

They moved to China.

The area in NC lost around 5,000 jobs. China gained 10,000 jobs.

Know what happens in China when they want to build a Factory?


Here? Forget it. Very difficult, very expensive.

I could go on and on but I won't.

Maybe someday, if you're nice, I'll explain how most factories in China worked at the time. And a lot of them still do. Maybe most.

Maybe I can explain it to you, since I handle project management for a dozen products manufactured in Shenzhen, Qingdao and Hong Kong.

Anecdotes are a dime a dozen. Stop blaming the EPA. Check out how the O&G industry has taken over the Delaware Valley in PA and NJ with thousands of natural gas wells drilled. No problems or interference. Lots of chemicals flowing into the Delaware River though.

We are not talking about some Cletus in North Carolina, we are talking about a nation of over 300,000,000 people.

you traitor, so you and your ilk is using slave labor to import products to the US and have the gall and balls to complain about low wages paid in the US? WTF???

Hmm, how much stock do you own bear?:eusa_angel:
Ask Mitt Romney how he keeps his money

Hint: It doesn't involve hiring millions of Americans

Edgetho, the density and extent of your ignorance never fails to entertain.

The bulk of Romney's 2011 tax return was foreign business filings: "....266 of the 379 pages of Romney's 2011 taxes are about foreign corporations and partnerships""

What You Need to Know About Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

your point?
your media handed the election to Obama with the non-stop lying
So what does it matter where Mitt makes his wealth?
may have something to do with the tax code?

The month of the election, Mitt moved one of his companies from Illinois to China.

He is famous as a "Pioneer of Outsourcing".

Front and center on his Presidential webpage, which I linked to dozens of times, he said he wanted to bring in immigrants with degrees.

I posted video of him wanting larger class size and fewer teachers so we could cut education.

Now, you don't think Mitt wanted to help his white base? He knew he had the white base sewn up. They would vote for this guy just because he's white:

Know why there's such a disparity between rich and poor?

Because there is the same, exact disparity between smart and stupid.

Yes, you people that are in here daily and bitching about how 'The Man' has kept you down on an hourly basis.....?

You're stupid.

Instead of bitching about how something is always someone else's fault, you could be spending your time doing something about your very own stupidity.

And no, I don't mean getting an education. If those people had any brains, they wouldn't be putting up with numbskulls like you every day, grading your stupid papers and bouncing crybaby losers on their knee.

If they had any real brains, they'd be out doing something real.

Which is what you crybabies should be doing.

And oh... I'm retired. In Florida. I paid my dues. I ain't rich, but I ain't crying either.

Sick of hearing excuses all day from the same fucking losers. DO something about it

In reality rhe reason Koch brothers are rich is because they are rich
I cannot make millions because I do not have billions to investLiberals think they should give that money to others
my simple question is then what?
Being wealthy is not a sin
staying wealthy takes work and welath to start with
its just the facts of life

actually I disagree, if you are smart, hard working, save a little on a continual basis from a young age, invest wisely, and with a little bit of luck anyone can make themselves into a millionaire within their lifetime.

Tell that to the millions of Americans that lost part or all in their investments when the Republicans crashed the economy.
Who was the libtard douche-nozzle that said something like, "I don't believe in hunting. That's why I buy my meat at the Grocery store because no animals have to be hurt in the process."

Remember that one?

I'm not kidding, libtards are....


Showing us your gear shift knob? Why?:eusa_angel:
Income disparity is a problem batted back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals like a shuttlecock. But the problem isn't merely a parlor game nor is it something easily dismissed as envy or resentment.

The actual problem leads to s lowing economy. If the wealth is held by the very few and the very many are not compensated adequately, there is less money flowing through the economy. Economic growth is defined as the exchange of capitol for goods and services. If those goods and services are outside the budgets of the majority, those goods and services will not be utilized and the exchange of capital stops.

When a CEO can run a business into the ditch and then get a bonus for doing so, the values have been warped to something unidentifiable as Capitalism. If the workers who are actually producing the wealth for the few are under compensated, there is less and less opportunity open for those workers because the flow of cash is so constricted.

Looking for a working paradigm for this disparity? Read the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.

As a conservative I believe in the free market
over paid CEOs I am 100% against
If one comes aboard and his bonus is tied to market value increase
He has earned it

Firstly, because of conservatives, there is no such thing (anymore) as a free market.

What if the CEO was hired to crash the company? How many folks at the top of companies that failed in the last 13 years have really lost anything?
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

And what rate is that, pray tell?

How come I should tell what my tax rate is when Mitt Romney didn't have to? He put out one year of "returns" that was "fixed'.
Income disparity is a problem batted back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals like a shuttlecock. But the problem isn't merely a parlor game nor is it something easily dismissed as envy or resentment.

The actual problem leads to s lowing economy. If the wealth is held by the very few and the very many are not compensated adequately, there is less money flowing through the economy. Economic growth is defined as the exchange of capitol for goods and services. If those goods and services are outside the budgets of the majority, those goods and services will not be utilized and the exchange of capital stops.

When a CEO can run a business into the ditch and then get a bonus for doing so, the values have been warped to something unidentifiable as Capitalism. If the workers who are actually producing the wealth for the few are under compensated, there is less and less opportunity open for those workers because the flow of cash is so constricted.

Looking for a working paradigm for this disparity? Read the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.

As a conservative I believe in the free market
over paid CEOs I am 100% against
If one comes aboard and his bonus is tied to market value increase
He has earned it

Firstly, because of conservatives, there is no such thing (anymore) as a free market.

What if the CEO was hired to crash the company? How many folks at the top of companies that failed in the last 13 years have really lost anything?

That was Mitt Romney's "specialty". I read somewhere that in spite of all the deals his company participated in, most of his wealth came from just two or three deals. Probably the ones where tax payers were left holding the bag.
Know why there's such a disparity between rich and poor?

Because there is the same, exact disparity between smart and stupid.

Yes, you people that are in here daily and bitching about how 'The Man' has kept you down on an hourly basis.....?

You're stupid.

Instead of bitching about how something is always someone else's fault, you could be spending your time doing something about your very own stupidity.

And no, I don't mean getting an education. If those people had any brains, they wouldn't be putting up with numbskulls like you every day, grading your stupid papers and bouncing crybaby losers on their knee.

If they had any real brains, they'd be out doing something real.

Which is what you crybabies should be doing.

And oh... I'm retired. In Florida. I paid my dues. I ain't rich, but I ain't crying either.

Sick of hearing excuses all day from the same fucking losers. DO something about it

In reality rhe reason Koch brothers are rich is because they are rich
I cannot make millions because I do not have billions to invest
Liberals think they should give that money to others
my simple question is then what?
Being wealthy is not a sin
staying wealthy takes work and welath to start with
its just the facts of life

The Koch Brothers are wealthy because they were born into wealth.

Generally, the first million is the most time consuming, after that it's fairly easy.

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