What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

People should be able to do what they want with their own money (as long as it's legal), I don't care if they are rich, poor, or middle class.
I gave an example above of the virtues of honest greed.

A housebuilder can stop building houses when he has made enough to live on, but then that would mean less houses get built. Less families in homes.

Or he can go for the gusto and build a lot more houses. More families in homes and he gets a Cadillac Escalade.
Success and initiative are not attributes exclusive to the greedy. The greedy will cut corners, slash wages, erode benefit packages negotiated in good faith, ignore environmental safeguards, ignore workplace safety practices, form phony companies to hide liability all in an effort to enrich himself.

You are attributing criminal behavior to all successful people. You are therefore being bigoted. See my sig.
I'm not saying all successful people are greedy. I am saying that the easiest way to riches is to act as a greedy person (which has helped erode out confidence and ethics but those things are of no concern to both the Conservative or the greedy). I'm not bigoted against success. I am incredulous that the success so many champion has been attained at the expense of the labor of the exploited and there is little time to show compassion for the exploited.
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

People should be able to do what they want with their own money (as long as it's legal), I don't care if they are rich, poor, or middle class.
And when laws are passed protecting workers or the environment, they are called "costly, restrictive and intrusive oversteps by the government"!
Success and initiative are not attributes exclusive to the greedy. The greedy will cut corners, slash wages, erode benefit packages negotiated in good faith, ignore environmental safeguards, ignore workplace safety practices, form phony companies to hide liability all in an effort to enrich himself.

You are attributing criminal behavior to all successful people. You are therefore being bigoted. See my sig.
I'm not saying all successful people are greedy. I am saying that the easiest way to riches is to act as a greedy person (which has helped erode out confidence and ethics but those things are of no concern to both the Conservative or the greedy). I'm not bigoted against success. I am incredulous that the success so many champion has been attained at the expense of the labor of the exploited and there is little time to show compassion for the exploited.

1) Yet you attribute greed to illegal activity.. and this is not inherently true
2) You are assuming greed is easy or makes it easier to succeed.. also not inherently true
3) When one is free to work somewhere else, shop somewhere else, invest somewhere else.. they are not being 'exploited'
Yes, and your road is paved in mud and ruts, and that ox cart gets 2 miles an hour. And when you are invaded by people who did share their wealth to have a well regulated army, you can still work as their slave and share everything. LMAO!:eusa_angel:

^ Maybe one of the dumbest things ever posted on the Internet

You've said much worse.

Dang 3 post and you haven't called anyone a racist yet. I'm proud of you!
dimocraps are just too stupid to live.

Look boys and girls of the grey-matter-disadvantaged left....

There's greed and then there's... Greed.

If somebody works his or her entire life, sacrifices, gives up a family life, studies, puts in 80 hour weeks, experiments, loses sleep, and eventually.....

Discovers a cure for Cancer and gets rich off of it. Is it that greed?

Was Thomas Edison greedy? Was Nikola Tesla? Was Bell? Was George Washington Carver?

How about the guy or gal that invented the machine or the drug that may save your life someday?

What you idiots on the left don't understand... Because you're fucking stupid; is that there are two different ways of accumulating wealth --

You can create it, which is the Republican way.

Or you can steal it. Which is the dimocrap way.

Know why dimocraps hate the rich?

Because the ONLY way a dimocrap can conceive of someone getting that rich is to steal the money.

To aa hammer, everything looks a nail. To a dimocrap, every rich person is a thief.

That's just not how it works in this Country 95% of the time.

The vast majority of the Wealth in this Country is CREATED. Out of nothingness.

From nothing, many, many rich people CREATE wealth.

dimocraps? All they know how to do is steal money.

And that's how the entire dimocrap party works..

dimocraps steal money from people who work for and create it and give it to fucking losers who vote dimocrap.

That simple.
for the exploited.

there are no such people as exploited in a modern society. Quit repeating marxist nonsense.
No such thing as exploited workers?!? Climbing down from the ivory tower or, alternatively pulling your head from whatever orifice it is firmly planted in will reveal some stark truths i.e. pension plans eroded, hours cut, safety equipment missing or broken or never obtained are all examples of how the greedy accumulate wealth by exploiting workers. It happens every day in every corner of the country to every group except the workers in the executive suite.
I'll tell you what is insane about our tax system.

It is insane that two people earning the exact same income pay wildly different amounts of taxes.

Forget about a rich guy paying a higher rate than a poor guy, we have people earning the same income giving up different amounts.

And that's because the American people have for a long time demanded federal intrusion and social engineering and behavioral modification in their lives. And no one is exempt. No one. Not conservatives, not liberals, not Republicans, not Democrats, no one.

Well, maybe Libertarians...

The government makes you pay a tax penalty for not having a mortgage. And the American people are not only okay with this, they scream like banshees when it is suggested this tax penalty be abolished.

Think about this: A rich man who is able to buy a fantastic mansion receives a huge tax deduction for the jumbo mortgage he has. The bigger the house you buy, the bigger the present the federal government gives you.

That means somebody else is going to have to make up the difference, or else the difference is going to have to be borrowed from China.

When you accept your mortgage interest deduction, you are giving your approval to borrow money from China. Remember that.

The mortgage interest deduction is a massively regressive tax. And I defy anyone to tell me the Founders would have signed off on the American people being given a tax penalty for not buying a house. Or for not buying the right refrigerator. Or for not using an alternative energy source. You can't possibly call yourself a conservative with a straight face if you accept this federal social engineering.

It sure took a lot of balls to start whining about a tax penalty for not buying health insurance at this far gone point!

Fuck all this "tax the rich" shit. We are ALL accepting bribes from the government. We are ALL borrowing money from China. Every last one of us is guilty. We are ALL willing mice in behaviorial modification experiments.

Ban tax expenditures. They are regressive, they create an imbalance of taxes between equal incomes, they are costing us over a trillion dollars a year which must then be borrowed, and they are bad for the soul.
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for the exploited.

there are no such people as exploited in a modern society. Quit repeating marxist nonsense.
No such thing as exploited workers?!? Climbing down from the ivory tower or, alternatively pulling your head from whatever orifice it is firmly planted in will reveal some stark truths i.e. pension plans eroded, hours cut, safety equipment missing or broken or never obtained are all examples of how the greedy accumulate wealth by exploiting workers. It happens every day in every corner of the country to every group except the workers in the executive suite.

Nope. no such thing. Forget Marx and his Capital. It is XXI century, dude.
Quit repeating the libtard crap.

it's a lie - if you feel exploited - you have CHOICES, which immediately cancels exploitation by it's definition.
Check the vocabulary first, before using the words, which you do not understand.
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You are attributing criminal behavior to all successful people. You are therefore being bigoted. See my sig.
I'm not saying all successful people are greedy. I am saying that the easiest way to riches is to act as a greedy person (which has helped erode out confidence and ethics but those things are of no concern to both the Conservative or the greedy). I'm not bigoted against success. I am incredulous that the success so many champion has been attained at the expense of the labor of the exploited and there is little time to show compassion for the exploited.

1) Yet you attribute greed to illegal activity.. and this is not inherently true
2) You are assuming greed is easy or makes it easier to succeed.. also not inherently true
3) When one is free to work somewhere else, shop somewhere else, invest somewhere else.. they are not being 'exploited'
I would hope that responsible Americans could all agree that the old way of making a fortune by inventing something or producing something is preferable to the new way of making a fortune: making a killing on Wall Street. Because the new way does not provide jobs and opportunity, it only provides wealth for the very, very few.
there are no such people as exploited in a modern society. Quit repeating marxist nonsense.
No such thing as exploited workers?!? Climbing down from the ivory tower or, alternatively pulling your head from whatever orifice it is firmly planted in will reveal some stark truths i.e. pension plans eroded, hours cut, safety equipment missing or broken or never obtained are all examples of how the greedy accumulate wealth by exploiting workers. It happens every day in every corner of the country to every group except the workers in the executive suite.

Nope. no such thing. Forget Marx and his Capital. It is XXI century, dude.
I cannot make a rational argument to an ostrich.
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

People should be able to do what they want with their own money (as long as it's legal), I don't care if they are rich, poor, or middle class.
And when laws are passed protecting workers or the environment, they are called "costly, restrictive and intrusive oversteps by the government"!

Well, speaking for myself; I am not in favor of having sweat shops and companies dumping toxic waste into our waters.
I'm not saying all successful people are greedy. I am saying that the easiest way to riches is to act as a greedy person (which has helped erode out confidence and ethics but those things are of no concern to both the Conservative or the greedy). I'm not bigoted against success. I am incredulous that the success so many champion has been attained at the expense of the labor of the exploited and there is little time to show compassion for the exploited.

1) Yet you attribute greed to illegal activity.. and this is not inherently true
2) You are assuming greed is easy or makes it easier to succeed.. also not inherently true
3) When one is free to work somewhere else, shop somewhere else, invest somewhere else.. they are not being 'exploited'
I would hope that responsible Americans could all agree that the old way of making a fortune by inventing something or producing something is preferable to the new way of making a fortune: making a killing on Wall Street. Because the new way does not provide jobs and opportunity, it only provides wealth for the very, very few.

So do I take it that you acknowledge you were wrong in your assumptions and have now just gone off on another tangent??
I'll tell you what is insane about our tax system.

It is insane that two people earning the exact same income pay wildly different amounts of taxes.

Forget about a rich guy paying a higher rate than a poor guy, we have people earning the same income giving up different amounts.

And that's because the American people have for a long time demanded federal intrusion and social engineering and behavioral modification in their lives. And no one is exempt. No one. Not conservatives, not liberals, not Republicans, not Democrats, no one.

That is actually NOT TRUE.

What IS true - EVERY tax system ( or social/medical/communal) becomes outdated eventually. Therefore EVERY created system - tax, social, communal, medical etc SHOULD be overhauled every 30-40 years since the society changes - life expectancy changes, demographics change, societal network changes.

We are long overdue to overhaul our tax system, our SS system, our Medicare and Medicaid system and a lot of our criminal law system as well
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1) Yet you attribute greed to illegal activity.. and this is not inherently true
2) You are assuming greed is easy or makes it easier to succeed.. also not inherently true
3) When one is free to work somewhere else, shop somewhere else, invest somewhere else.. they are not being 'exploited'
I would hope that responsible Americans could all agree that the old way of making a fortune by inventing something or producing something is preferable to the new way of making a fortune: making a killing on Wall Street. Because the new way does not provide jobs and opportunity, it only provides wealth for the very, very few.

So do I take it that you acknowledge you were wrong in your assumptions and have now just gone off on another tangent??

I am still opposed to greed in the marketplace. I still believe that once one assumes the mantle of greed, all other ethical considerations are abandoned. I still believe that greed as an ethic does nothing to promote growth, stability and opportunity in the marketplace. I still regard greed as a character flaw at best, a sin at worst and something to be avoided by anyone who wants to really attain success.
I'll tell you what is insane about our tax system.

It is insane that two people earning the exact same income pay wildly different amounts of taxes.

Hmm, I might ask, why taxes are based on income at all. Couldn't we base it on how many shoes you have in the closet, or how old you are, or what level of education you have, or...................????

Obviously we don't believe income is the marker, or we wouldn't have different amounts for same wages.:eusa_angel:

I think cons would hate taxes if we taxed more for bullshitting, lying, robbing workers of wages and benefits, taxed at 90% for offshore accounts, etc. LMAO!
I would hope that responsible Americans could all agree that the old way of making a fortune by inventing something or producing something is preferable to the new way of making a fortune: making a killing on Wall Street. Because the new way does not provide jobs and opportunity, it only provides wealth for the very, very few.

So do I take it that you acknowledge you were wrong in your assumptions and have now just gone off on another tangent??

I am still opposed to greed in the marketplace. I still believe that once one assumes the mantle of greed, all other ethical considerations are abandoned. I still believe that greed as an ethic does nothing to promote growth, stability and opportunity in the marketplace. I still regard greed as a character flaw at best, a sin at worst and something to be avoided by anyone who wants to really attain success.

You can be opposed to it on one level.. me on another.. person C can support it.. person D can support it and do it... and person E can support it, do it, and do it beyond legal means and take the chances... that is on the individual

But... the assumptions you made where not inherently true
I'm not saying all successful people are greedy. I am saying that the easiest way to riches is to act as a greedy person (which has helped erode out confidence and ethics but those things are of no concern to both the Conservative or the greedy). I'm not bigoted against success. I am incredulous that the success so many champion has been attained at the expense of the labor of the exploited and there is little time to show compassion for the exploited.

1) Yet you attribute greed to illegal activity.. and this is not inherently true
2) You are assuming greed is easy or makes it easier to succeed.. also not inherently true
3) When one is free to work somewhere else, shop somewhere else, invest somewhere else.. they are not being 'exploited'
I would hope that responsible Americans could all agree that the old way of making a fortune by inventing something or producing something is preferable to the new way of making a fortune: making a killing on Wall Street. Because the new way does not provide jobs and opportunity, it only provides wealth for the very, very few.

How do you make a 'Killing On Wall Street"?

Is it some deep, dark mysterious secret that only the gnomes deep in the bowels of Broad Street know about?

Are these people schooled by Magic Elves?

How, exactly, do you do that?

You have no clue, do you?

About much of anything.

A couple pages ago, someone was complaining that there was no way he (or she) could ever get rich because he had no money to invest.

Money isn't that tough to get a hold of.

What's tough to get hold of is ideas.

If you have an idea, and you put it on paper, you take the idea to a Venture Capital Firm. Like Romney's old Firm, Bain.

If they like it, they'll front you the money. They'll help you find engineers, marketing, manufacturing and distribution.

A lot of times, in China.

I'll tell you how that works in China some time soon.

The problem is, something like 75% of all Venture Capital start-ups fail, so the people lending the money take a big bite.

Still, it's better than nothing.

You people on the left? You don't get it.

Because you don't WANT to get it.

Because, frankly, you're stupid.

Don't take that personal-like.

You just are.

It's your choice. You don't have to be. You CHOOSE to be

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