What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

So you consider taxes sharing?

Now that's funny.

If you don't, you got a screw loose about how tax dollars are re-distributed. Obama calls it spreading it around, what the hell do you call it?:cuckoo:

Hint being forced to hand your money over via threat of seizure of property or imprisonment is not sharing.


And who forced you, imbecile? You did it voluntarily, imbecile. And the best news is, you stayed in this terrible country, even rented land from them (you never own it as long as you pay taxes on it) and continue to share your wealth, imbecile. Bottom line here, you just are not a very bright person are you? LMAO!:eusa_whistle: With thousands of countrys you can move to on the blue marble, you stay here and whine & complain like a lil child denied his nana.
Our Founders were very concerned about too much wealth being concentrated in the hands of the few. Thomas Jefferson in particular, which is why he advocated a progressive tax system and the elimination of primogeniture.

Folks, there is natural wealth inequality and there is unnatural wealth inequality.

Natural wealth inequality occurs when someone invents a better mousetrap or music delivery device. The world beats a path to their door and they become fabulously rich. And there is not a damn thing wrong with that.

Unnatural wealth occurs when the government legislatively tilts the economic playing field to the advantage of a few, and further protects them when they mess up or commit crimes. The Wall Street derivatives bubble and subsequent fraud is a textbook example. Our federal government aided and abetted these crimes, and continues to do so. Our homes are being robbed in broad daylight, and the crooks are receiving police protection. On the few occasions their crimes come to light, they crooks are fined a small amount, no one goes to jail, and they get to keep your stuff.

40 percent of all corporate profit in the United States is now being made by the financial sector.

Think about that. 40 percent. Of all profits. Wall Street.

There's your unnatural concentration of wealth, people. Staring you in the face. That's YOUR money in their pockets. Not kidding. YOUR money, which was gained by dishonest means, not by making a better mousetrap.

Our government is owned. Totally owned. By Wall Street. Republican and Democrat.

So how does it make a lick of sense to tax the guy who invented the better mousetrap more in a misguided attempt to mitigate the unnatural concentration of wealth? Huh? Huh?

That's a copout. It is the intellectually lazy way out. It is surrendering.

We have to go after the crooks, not the people who earned their money. Don't be a fucking asshole and demand the guy who lives in a bigger house than you pay more. That won't solve anything. The crooks are laughing their asses off at your gullibility and stupidity.

Start paying attention to legislation. Start reading it. You would be amazed at the cooperation between the crooks and the politicians that is going on. It is out in the wide open, but most people are too fucking lazy to take the time.

They have all day to bitch about ALL rich people, it seems. But not enough intellectual weight to do the hard work to fix the real problems.

When Clinton repealed Glass Steagal it was party time on Wall Street.

Actually it was a bi partisan event that created the wealth bubble that GWB got blamed for
The repeal of GS did not cause it
the greedy bastards loaning money to people who had no business getting it is what caused it
If you don't, you got a screw loose about how tax dollars are re-distributed. Obama calls it spreading it around, what the hell do you call it?:cuckoo:

Hint being forced to hand your money over via threat of seizure of property or imprisonment is not sharing.


And who forced you, imbecile? You did it voluntarily, imbecile. And the best news is, you stayed in this terrible country, even rented land from them (you never own it as long as you pay taxes on it) and continue to share your wealth, imbecile. Bottom line here, you just are not a very bright person are you? LMAO!:eusa_whistle: With thousands of countrys you can move to on the blue marble, you stay here and whine & complain like a lil child denied his nana.

Try not paying your taxes and tell me who forces you to pay.

Taxes are NOT voluntary. That you think they are is sad for you are truly a brainwashed ovine.

BTW saying that taxes are not sharing is not complaining it is stating a fact.
Actually almost all of the bitching and whining I hear on this board and in real life is from conservatives. "Oh, they want to take our guns away!" "We want a tax cut!" The budget deficit is always the fault of those "other people", never defense spending that generate obscene profits for contractors or tax cuts for the affluent.

I hear a lot of bitching and moaning in my work from small businessmen, but most of it I agree with. They complain about stupid regulations but they don't want to gut worker safety. It takes a big corporation that doesn't see its work force as real people to do that. My clients eat lunch with their employees.

When I was teaching, the students were great, it was the committees I couldn't stand.
And yes, I went into private practice when I realized that teaching carried a vow of poverty.

My offices are in Ft Walton Beach. Let me know if you are coming through and I'll buy you lunch.


I use the 'Tough Love' approach.

I'm not sure it's working because, frankly, too many of them really are stupid.

I am sure as hell no Isaac Newton but I'm smart enough to listen to people smarter than me.

Government and Unions are killing this Country.

It's not any more complicated than that.

Turn the Business Leaders of this Country loose and the growth would be off the scale.

Hmm, how are unions ruining this country? I am sure you have an intelligent response coming, and I would love hearing all about it.:eusa_angel:

We turned the business leaders loose. ie. Wall Street. 1 Trillion, banks 1 trillion, two wars in the ME to cradle-grave corporations. Now tell me again how turning business loose from WHAT is going to help the American economy? I assume you want a corrupt business model of some kind, low wages and low taxes,........like Mexico has? Maybe you can point out this utopian model in existence somewhere in the World?:eusa_whistle:

The UAW is 100% financed by the American tax payer
There broke, no there 60 billion beyond broke
Now you explain to me how a private union who priced them selves out of existance (mostly retirement) has any place in my life to pay for it?
They still owe us over 20 billion and have not paid 1 penny back
In fact they have never paid one penny back to us

I would pray to god the American tax payer would bank roll me an IPO for billions

Trade unions in the south?
No issues at all
The question to the liberal was simple
what would you have the Koch brothers do?
give there welath away?
Growth both in jobs and wealth comes from wealth

The larger Koch becoames the more thhere employees have the chance to grow

My answer was simple....what the Koch Brothers accumulated under existing laws and tax structure is theirs

I question why we continue laws and tax structures that only accellerate their accumulation of wealth without boosting the economy or creating jobs

They are, after all, Job Creators aren't they?
The question to the liberal was simple
what would you have the Koch brothers do?
give there welath away?
Growth both in jobs and wealth comes from wealth

The larger Koch becoames the more thhere employees have the chance to grow

My answer was simple....what the Koch Brothers accumulated under existing laws and tax structure is theirs

I question why we continue laws and tax structures that only accellerate their accumulation of wealth without boosting the economy or creating jobs

They are, after all, Job Creators aren't they?

Exactly.. unequal tax laws suck....

Oh.. wait.,.. you want MORE taxation upon those who you don't FEEL are doing with their money that they should....

You see.. they get to choose whether they wish to hard it, invest it, etc... and those who di invest do create the jobs.. it is not he ones with the zero taxes (you know, even those who get money BACK after not paying in.. and also get entitlement payments from the government) who in no instance create any jobs
The question to the liberal was simple
what would you have the Koch brothers do?
give there welath away?
Growth both in jobs and wealth comes from wealth

The larger Koch becoames the more thhere employees have the chance to grow

My answer was simple....what the Koch Brothers accumulated under existing laws and tax structure is theirs

I question why we continue laws and tax structures that only accellerate their accumulation of wealth without boosting the economy or creating jobs

They are, after all, Job Creators aren't they?

Exactly.. unequal tax laws suck....

Oh.. wait.,.. you want MORE taxation upon those who you don't FEEL are doing with their money that they should....

You see.. they get to choose whether they wish to hard it, invest it, etc... and those who di invest do create the jobs.. it is not he ones with the zero taxes (you know, even those who get money BACK after not paying in.. and also get entitlement payments from the government) who in no instance create any jobs

Corporation pays NO taxes
People pay taxes
if Koch brothers tax rate on profit was 99%
they would add that to thjere bottom line and pass onto you and I

There is no magic money tree in a corporate head quaters
all of there wealth begins at the consumer
Actually almost all of the bitching and whining I hear on this board and in real life is from conservatives. "Oh, they want to take our guns away!" "We want a tax cut!" The budget deficit is always the fault of those "other people", never defense spending that generate obscene profits for contractors or tax cuts for the affluent.

I hear a lot of bitching and moaning in my work from small businessmen, but most of it I agree with. They complain about stupid regulations but they don't want to gut worker safety. It takes a big corporation that doesn't see its work force as real people to do that. My clients eat lunch with their employees.

When I was teaching, the students were great, it was the committees I couldn't stand.
And yes, I went into private practice when I realized that teaching carried a vow of poverty.

My offices are in Ft Walton Beach. Let me know if you are coming through and I'll buy you lunch.


I use the 'Tough Love' approach.

I'm not sure it's working because, frankly, too many of them really are stupid.

I am sure as hell no Isaac Newton but I'm smart enough to listen to people smarter than me.

Government and Unions are killing this Country.

It's not any more complicated than that.

Turn the Business Leaders of this Country loose and the growth would be off the scale.

Hmm, how are unions ruining this country? I am sure you have an intelligent response coming, and I would love hearing all about it.:eusa_angel:

We turned the business leaders loose. ie. Wall Street. 1 Trillion, banks 1 trillion, two wars in the ME to cradle-grave corporations. Now tell me again how turning business loose from WHAT is going to help the American economy? I assume you want a corrupt business model of some kind, low wages and low taxes,........like Mexico has? Maybe you can point out this utopian model in existence somewhere in the World?:eusa_whistle:

Unions bankrupted GM and Chrysler. Unions COMPLETELY control the Public Sector. Unions control the worst educational system in the civilized world. Unions are currently bankrupting Cities, States and Municipalities as we speak. Unions are forcing manufacturing jobs overseas.

Other than that, they're doing a bang-up job.

As to the Financial Crisis. That gets complicated and no way are you bright enough to understand the long explanation it would take.

Businesses AND Government both seriously screwed the pooch on that one but with with one MAJOR difference.....

Almost all the money we loaned to Financial Institutions has been repaid with a couple of notable exceptions -- The Government Sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

They SERIOUSLY fucked the American Taxpayer.

So did Generic Motors. To the tune of around $10 Billion, I believe.

AIG even repaid their loans -- With Interest!

AIG Update: Bush TARP Loans Repaid in Full With Billions in Interest | The Gateway Pundit

The GSE's? They just said, fuck you. They still owe about $200 Billion.

In fact.... Nevermind. You'll never get it.

Stupid people can be educated. But when you WANT to be stupid?

All that's left to do is to mock you.

Last edited:
My answer was simple....what the Koch Brothers accumulated under existing laws and tax structure is theirs

I question why we continue laws and tax structures that only accellerate their accumulation of wealth without boosting the economy or creating jobs

They are, after all, Job Creators aren't they?

Exactly.. unequal tax laws suck....

Oh.. wait.,.. you want MORE taxation upon those who you don't FEEL are doing with their money that they should....

You see.. they get to choose whether they wish to hard it, invest it, etc... and those who di invest do create the jobs.. it is not he ones with the zero taxes (you know, even those who get money BACK after not paying in.. and also get entitlement payments from the government) who in no instance create any jobs

Corporation pays NO taxes
People pay taxes
if Koch brothers tax rate on profit was 99%
they would add that to thjere bottom line and pass onto you and I
There is no magic money tree in a corporate head quaters
all of there wealth begins at the consumer

When the Koch Brothers buy a politician, they pass the cost on to you and I

So what is the difference?
Exactly.. unequal tax laws suck....

Oh.. wait.,.. you want MORE taxation upon those who you don't FEEL are doing with their money that they should....

You see.. they get to choose whether they wish to hard it, invest it, etc... and those who di invest do create the jobs.. it is not he ones with the zero taxes (you know, even those who get money BACK after not paying in.. and also get entitlement payments from the government) who in no instance create any jobs

Corporation pays NO taxes
People pay taxes
if Koch brothers tax rate on profit was 99%
they would add that to thjere bottom line and pass onto you and I
There is no magic money tree in a corporate head quaters
all of there wealth begins at the consumer

When the Koch Brothers buy a politician, they pass the cost on to you and I

So what is the difference?

When NBC lies about Romney, does the effect of the lost election get passed onto us?
you bet it does
When CBS lies about GWB
And those politicians that Koch brothers are "buying" come from all sides
what about the monies BHO is still raising today?
you okay with that?
Team Obama still raising money--off Sandy Hook shootings | WashingtonExaminer.com
whats the difference?'
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

wealthy?nothing. they can relax and enjoy life.

why should they do anything? they already did while becoming rich.

leave them alone and forget about them. and stop envying - it won't get you anywhere.
The question to the liberal was simple
what would you have the Koch brothers do?
give there welath away?
Growth both in jobs and wealth comes from wealth

The larger Koch becoames the more thhere employees have the chance to grow

My answer was simple....what the Koch Brothers accumulated under existing laws and tax structure is theirs

I question why we continue laws and tax structures that only accellerate their accumulation of wealth without boosting the economy or creating jobs

They are, after all, Job Creators aren't they?

Exactly.. unequal tax laws suck....

Oh.. wait.,.. you want MORE taxation upon those who you don't FEEL are doing with their money that they should....

You see.. they get to choose whether they wish to hard it, invest it, etc... and those who di invest do create the jobs.. it is not he ones with the zero taxes (you know, even those who get money BACK after not paying in.. and also get entitlement payments from the government) who in no instance create any jobs

So you oppose people who pay zero taxes and get entitlement money back?
And you oppose people who create no jobs, but just suck off others?
And you oppose people who get free handouts that other people don't?

Is there anything else the rich & corporate "person" does that you oppose?:eusa_whistle:
Corporation pays NO taxes
People pay taxes
if Koch brothers tax rate on profit was 99%
they would add that to thjere bottom line and pass onto you and I
There is no magic money tree in a corporate head quaters
all of there wealth begins at the consumer

When the Koch Brothers buy a politician, they pass the cost on to you and I

So what is the difference?

When NBC lies about Romney, does the effect of the lost election get passed onto us?
you bet it does
When CBS lies about GWB
And those politicians that Koch brothers are "buying" come from all sides
what about the monies BHO is still raising today?
you okay with that?
Team Obama still raising money--off Sandy Hook shootings | WashingtonExaminer.com
whats the difference?'


Last edited:
Corporation pays NO taxes
People pay taxes
if Koch brothers tax rate on profit was 99%
they would add that to thjere bottom line and pass onto you and I
There is no magic money tree in a corporate head quaters
all of there wealth begins at the consumer

When the Koch Brothers buy a politician, they pass the cost on to you and I

So what is the difference?

When NBC lies about Romney, does the effect of the lost election get passed onto us?
you bet it does
When CBS lies about GWB

Lies? Explain what lies you mean.
My answer was simple....what the Koch Brothers accumulated under existing laws and tax structure is theirs

I question why we continue laws and tax structures that only accellerate their accumulation of wealth without boosting the economy or creating jobs

They are, after all, Job Creators aren't they?

Exactly.. unequal tax laws suck....

Oh.. wait.,.. you want MORE taxation upon those who you don't FEEL are doing with their money that they should....

You see.. they get to choose whether they wish to hard it, invest it, etc... and those who di invest do create the jobs.. it is not he ones with the zero taxes (you know, even those who get money BACK after not paying in.. and also get entitlement payments from the government) who in no instance create any jobs

So you oppose people who pay zero taxes and get entitlement money back?
And you oppose people who create no jobs, but just suck off others?
And you oppose people who get free handouts that other people don't?

Is there anything else the rich & corporate "person" does that you oppose?:eusa_whistle:

If a rich person earns money, pays no taxes, and gets a handout from the government.. then yes, I am against hat

But we know it happens FREQUENTLY with many who are NOT rich

Earning money off investments, or off profits from owning a business, or from work is not 'sucking off others' (though that is an area we know that you know a lot about)
Hint being forced to hand your money over via threat of seizure of property or imprisonment is not sharing.


And who forced you, imbecile? You did it voluntarily, imbecile. And the best news is, you stayed in this terrible country, even rented land from them (you never own it as long as you pay taxes on it) and continue to share your wealth, imbecile. Bottom line here, you just are not a very bright person are you? LMAO!:eusa_whistle: With thousands of countrys you can move to on the blue marble, you stay here and whine & complain like a lil child denied his nana.

Try not paying your taxes and tell me who forces you to pay.

Taxes are NOT voluntary. That you think they are is sad for you are truly a brainwashed ovine.

BTW saying that taxes are not sharing is not complaining it is stating a fact.

Whenever anyone points out the various criminal activities of liberals, the turds in here like to call it "complaining," but they sure are doing plenty of complaining about Trayvon getting what he deserved and about gay marriage and about women's health and about immigration reform. Liberals never "complain." Only conservatives do that.
Income disparity is a problem batted back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals like a shuttlecock. But the problem isn't merely a parlor game nor is it something easily dismissed as envy or resentment.

The actual problem leads to s lowing economy. If the wealth is held by the very few and the very many are not compensated adequately, there is less money flowing through the economy. Economic growth is defined as the exchange of capitol for goods and services. If those goods and services are outside the budgets of the majority, those goods and services will not be utilized and the exchange of capital stops.

When a CEO can run a business into the ditch and then get a bonus for doing so, the values have been warped to something unidentifiable as Capitalism. If the workers who are actually producing the wealth for the few are under compensated, there is less and less opportunity open for those workers because the flow of cash is so constricted.

Looking for a working paradigm for this disparity? Read the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.

Cons will never understand capitalism.:eusa_angel:

they understand capitalism as well as anyone else.....there is just to much greed going around.....
Income disparity is a problem batted back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals like a shuttlecock. But the problem isn't merely a parlor game nor is it something easily dismissed as envy or resentment.

The actual problem leads to s lowing economy. If the wealth is held by the very few and the very many are not compensated adequately, there is less money flowing through the economy. Economic growth is defined as the exchange of capitol for goods and services. If those goods and services are outside the budgets of the majority, those goods and services will not be utilized and the exchange of capital stops.

When a CEO can run a business into the ditch and then get a bonus for doing so, the values have been warped to something unidentifiable as Capitalism. If the workers who are actually producing the wealth for the few are under compensated, there is less and less opportunity open for those workers because the flow of cash is so constricted.

Looking for a working paradigm for this disparity? Read the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.

Cons will never understand capitalism.:eusa_angel:

they understand capitalism as well as anyone else.....there is just to much greed going around.....

and what is wrong with greed?

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