What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?

There was no way that anyone should have been exempted in the first place

It is like you going to the grocery store and them forgetting to ring up your milk for the past 2 years... when they finally correct the problem and start charging you the same for milk that everyone else pays, it is one like you who would then complain how unfair it is and that it is a raise in your price when others are not getting raised

You act as if being a business leader or whatever is not 'actual hard work'.... well, anyone can bus a table, flip a burger, or scrub a urinal... the skills needed to do the upper level jobs are less prevalent, hence more in demand, and hence derive a greater compensation package... you want the 'easier work', gain the skills needed to put yourself in demand for one of those positions
Can you apply that ringing endorsement to the executive suite at Enron or WorldCom or Bears Stearns or AIG or Wells Fargo or Countrywide Mortgage? Seems those pirates floated down to East Hampton on golden parachutes. What hard work! What skills!

Raise the salaries and benefits of their current employees, bring back the jobs from overseas and hire Americans to fill those jobs. Those people will start to feel confident to spend again. This is what Reagan referred to as trickle down economics.

Nobody needs to give anything away or redistribute a damn dime.

The vast majority of Companies that moved jobs overseas hated doing it. And would rather bring the jobs home if they could.

Let me tell you a true story from a former CFO I knew.

His Company wanted to build a Factory in North Carolina.

They applied for the permit and had to get approval from the State EPA, the Federal EPA, County Zoning and make a deal with the Union. It was a Union Industry. No getting around it.

So they submit the plans to the County. Well, the County kicks them back and meanwhile, all the County Commissioners are running around trying to buy up land in or around the proposed building site so they can make a shitload of money.

Within a few weeks the building proposal hits the public and a group of fukking hippies suddenly swear they've seen an Eagle making a nest on the land. So the EPA comes in and proposes a study -- A ONE YEAR Study.

Then the Union starts making noises about how the proposed wages ($10 an hour to start back in 1995) were too low and they were going to file suit.

Then the State sends in an Environmental Engineer (oh yes there is) and she starts yapping about sheet flow and parking lots and other extraneous and stupid bullshit.

Then, some of the people in the area, regular people, get it in their heads that they might not want a factory nearby and file a suit. (they were just looking for a payoff)

Meanwhile, the Eagle's nest is yet to be determined and the EPA proposes an extra year of study because the dirty fucking hippies found an abandoned nest and moved it into a tree on the property while the County kicks the plans back again and the State wants them to do a study approved by an Environmental Engineering Firm on sheet flow and streams and bugs and ducks and stupid fukking hippies.

Know what the Company did?

They moved to China.

The area in NC lost around 5,000 jobs. China gained 10,000 jobs.

Know what happens in China when they want to build a Factory?


Here? Forget it. Very difficult, very expensive.

I could go on and on but I won't.

Maybe someday, if you're nice, I'll explain how most factories in China worked at the time. And a lot of them still do. Maybe most.

Anecdotes are a dime a dozen. Stop blaming the EPA. Check out how the O&G industry has taken over the Delaware Valley in PA and NJ with thousands of natural gas wells drilled. No problems or interference. Lots of chemicals flowing into the Delaware River though.

We are not talking about some Cletus in North Carolina, we are talking about a nation of over 300,000,000 people.

Are you fucking bi-polar or what?

You started bitching about how companies should bring jobs back from overseas then you start telling me what a bang-up job the O&G Industry is doing in the Delaware Valley because of a wonderful gubmint.

Which is it?
Know why there's such a disparity between rich and poor?

Because there is the same, exact disparity between smart and stupid.

Yes, you people that are in here daily and bitching about how 'The Man' has kept you down on an hourly basis.....?

You're stupid.

Instead of bitching about how something is always someone else's fault, you could be spending your time doing something about your very own stupidity.

And no, I don't mean getting an education. If those people had any brains, they wouldn't be putting up with numbskulls like you every day, grading your stupid papers and bouncing crybaby losers on their knee.

If they had any real brains, they'd be out doing something real.

Which is what you crybabies should be doing.

And oh... I'm retired. In Florida. I paid my dues. I ain't rich, but I ain't crying either.

Sick of hearing excuses all day from the same fucking losers. DO something about it

In reality rhe reason Koch brothers are rich is because they are rich
I cannot make millions because I do not have billions to invest
Liberals think they should give that money to others
my simple question is then what?
Being wealthy is not a sin
staying wealthy takes work and welath to start with
its just the facts of life

According to your theory, Bill Gates shouldn't be rich. Neither should Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Larry Paige, Eric Schmidt and thousands of others. Even the Koch brothers took a sizable fortune and grew it by several orders of magnitude. Furthermore, in a couple generations, the descendents of all these people will be broke. That's the story of wealth: from rags to riches to rags in three generations.
Yes, and your road is paved in mud and ruts, and that ox cart gets 2 miles an hour. And when you are invaded by people who did share their wealth to have a well regulated army, you can still work as their slave and share everything. LMAO!:eusa_angel:

^ Maybe one of the dumbest things ever posted on the Internet

Maybe you don't comprehend what you read, or could be a case of con-denial attack.:eusa_shhh:

Yet I addressed your little blurb... and showed you how you are wrong.. yet you ignored it just like old times, shit-tao

Raise the salaries and benefits of their current employees, bring back the jobs from overseas and hire Americans to fill those jobs. Those people will start to feel confident to spend again. This is what Reagan referred to as trickle down economics.

Nobody needs to give anything away or redistribute a damn dime.

The vast majority of Companies that moved jobs overseas hated doing it. And would rather bring the jobs home if they could.

Let me tell you a true story from a former CFO I knew.

His Company wanted to build a Factory in North Carolina.

They applied for the permit and had to get approval from the State EPA, the Federal EPA, County Zoning and make a deal with the Union. It was a Union Industry. No getting around it.

So they submit the plans to the County. Well, the County kicks them back and meanwhile, all the County Commissioners are running around trying to buy up land in or around the proposed building site so they can make a shitload of money.

Within a few weeks the building proposal hits the public and a group of fukking hippies suddenly swear they've seen an Eagle making a nest on the land. So the EPA comes in and proposes a study -- A ONE YEAR Study.

Then the Union starts making noises about how the proposed wages ($10 an hour to start back in 1995) were too low and they were going to file suit.

Then the State sends in an Environmental Engineer (oh yes there is) and she starts yapping about sheet flow and parking lots and other extraneous and stupid bullshit.

Then, some of the people in the area, regular people, get it in their heads that they might not want a factory nearby and file a suit. (they were just looking for a payoff)

Meanwhile, the Eagle's nest is yet to be determined and the EPA proposes an extra year of study because the dirty fucking hippies found an abandoned nest and moved it into a tree on the property while the County kicks the plans back again and the State wants them to do a study approved by an Environmental Engineering Firm on sheet flow and streams and bugs and ducks and stupid fukking hippies.

Know what the Company did?

They moved to China.

The area in NC lost around 5,000 jobs. China gained 10,000 jobs.

Know what happens in China when they want to build a Factory?


Here? Forget it. Very difficult, very expensive.

I could go on and on but I won't.

Maybe someday, if you're nice, I'll explain how most factories in China worked at the time. And a lot of them still do. Maybe most.

Anecdotes are a dime a dozen. Stop blaming the EPA. Check out how the O&G industry has taken over the Delaware Valley in PA and NJ with thousands of natural gas wells drilled. No problems or interference. Lots of chemicals flowing into the Delaware River though.

We are not talking about some Cletus in North Carolina, we are talking about a nation of over 300,000,000 people.

Not sure what your point is here
The O&G industry has taken nothing over
private citizens are making wealth off of the resouces found on there lans
then comes the employee who makes close to 6 figures a year in the industry
what would you think we should do for a job?
a real economy?
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?

There was no way that anyone should have been exempted in the first place

It is like you going to the grocery store and them forgetting to ring up your milk for the past 2 years... when they finally correct the problem and start charging you the same for milk that everyone else pays, it is one like you who would then complain how unfair it is and that it is a raise in your price when others are not getting raised

You act as if being a business leader or whatever is not 'actual hard work'.... well, anyone can bus a table, flip a burger, or scrub a urinal... the skills needed to do the upper level jobs are less prevalent, hence more in demand, and hence derive a greater compensation package... you want the 'easier work', gain the skills needed to put yourself in demand for one of those positions
Can you apply that ringing endorsement to the executive suite at Enron or WorldCom or Bears Stearns or AIG or Wells Fargo or Countrywide Mortgage? Seems those pirates floated down to East Hampton on golden parachutes. What hard work! What skills!

And those (and one of them I worked for) committed CRIMES including FRAUD.. not just choosing to pay executives over employees....

Again.. you think it is easy to lead a company, or even a division of a company... you go right ahead and do it.... you should be successful and rich within the year.. we'll be waiting
You just want to force what individuals and companies do with their money....

Typical statist

My, don't we distort the language here? The O/P asks what I would have them do. I said bring jobs back to American soil and provide raises for the current employees (instead of cutting their hours and benefits. I'm sure Larry Ellison of Oracle could survive on a little less than his current $263,000 a day.*)

Where do I recommend force?

Don't dodge this easy question, either. Answer it or STFU.

*Highest-paid executives: Larry Ellison, Oracle, Elon Musk, Tesla Motors, Marissa Mayer, Yahoo!, John Donahoe, eBay, John Hammergren, McKesson, Glenn Murphy, Gap Inc., John Watson, Chevron Corp., Marc Benioff, Salesforce.com, John Stumpf, Wells Fargo,

Use their profits to raise salaries and benefits... THAT is FORCE

If the company CHOOSES To pay the CEO tons and not raise salaries of employees.. that is THEIR CHOICE.. just as it is your CHOICE not to work there or use the products or services of that company
You sir, are all about force

Now.. back under your rock

You have never left the underside of yours. The only person who has mentioned force is you.
And I hope you own Oracle stock because Larry Ellison is fleecing you to the tune of $263,000 a day for personal compensation....That's why we call you sheep. ;)
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The vast majority of Companies that moved jobs overseas hated doing it. And would rather bring the jobs home if they could.

Let me tell you a true story from a former CFO I knew.

His Company wanted to build a Factory in North Carolina.

They applied for the permit and had to get approval from the State EPA, the Federal EPA, County Zoning and make a deal with the Union. It was a Union Industry. No getting around it.

So they submit the plans to the County. Well, the County kicks them back and meanwhile, all the County Commissioners are running around trying to buy up land in or around the proposed building site so they can make a shitload of money.

Within a few weeks the building proposal hits the public and a group of fukking hippies suddenly swear they've seen an Eagle making a nest on the land. So the EPA comes in and proposes a study -- A ONE YEAR Study.

Then the Union starts making noises about how the proposed wages ($10 an hour to start back in 1995) were too low and they were going to file suit.

Then the State sends in an Environmental Engineer (oh yes there is) and she starts yapping about sheet flow and parking lots and other extraneous and stupid bullshit.

Then, some of the people in the area, regular people, get it in their heads that they might not want a factory nearby and file a suit. (they were just looking for a payoff)

Meanwhile, the Eagle's nest is yet to be determined and the EPA proposes an extra year of study because the dirty fucking hippies found an abandoned nest and moved it into a tree on the property while the County kicks the plans back again and the State wants them to do a study approved by an Environmental Engineering Firm on sheet flow and streams and bugs and ducks and stupid fukking hippies.

Know what the Company did?

They moved to China.

The area in NC lost around 5,000 jobs. China gained 10,000 jobs.

Know what happens in China when they want to build a Factory?


Here? Forget it. Very difficult, very expensive.

I could go on and on but I won't.

Maybe someday, if you're nice, I'll explain how most factories in China worked at the time. And a lot of them still do. Maybe most.

Anecdotes are a dime a dozen. Stop blaming the EPA. Check out how the O&G industry has taken over the Delaware Valley in PA and NJ with thousands of natural gas wells drilled. No problems or interference. Lots of chemicals flowing into the Delaware River though.

We are not talking about some Cletus in North Carolina, we are talking about a nation of over 300,000,000 people.

Not sure what your point is here
The O&G industry has taken nothing over
private citizens are making wealth off of the resouces found on there lans
then comes the employee who makes close to 6 figures a year in the industry
what would you think we should do for a job?
a real economy?

In his little-boy way, he's trying to say that the E-VUL American Companies moved to China for the low wages.

Which is a load of bullshit.

They moved to China for the very reasons I noted -- Government interference and regulations and Unions.

Got nothing to do with the cost of Labor, which is negligible in today's world
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I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

Raise the salaries and benefits of their current employees, bring back the jobs from overseas and hire Americans to fill those jobs. Those people will start to feel confident to spend again. This is what Reagan referred to as trickle down economics.

Nobody needs to give anything away or redistribute a damn dime.

The vast majority of Companies that moved jobs overseas hated doing it. And would rather bring the jobs home if they could.

Let me tell you a true story from a former CFO I knew.

His Company wanted to build a Factory in North Carolina.

They applied for the permit and had to get approval from the State EPA, the Federal EPA, County Zoning and make a deal with the Union. It was a Union Industry. No getting around it.

So they submit the plans to the County. Well, the County kicks them back and meanwhile, all the County Commissioners are running around trying to buy up land in or around the proposed building site so they can make a shitload of money.

Within a few weeks the building proposal hits the public and a group of fukking hippies suddenly swear they've seen an Eagle making a nest on the land. So the EPA comes in and proposes a study -- A ONE YEAR Study.

Then the Union starts making noises about how the proposed wages ($10 an hour to start back in 1995) were too low and they were going to file suit.

Then the State sends in an Environmental Engineer (oh yes there is) and she starts yapping about sheet flow and parking lots and other extraneous and stupid bullshit.

Then, some of the people in the area, regular people, get it in their heads that they might not want a factory nearby and file a suit. (they were just looking for a payoff)

Meanwhile, the Eagle's nest is yet to be determined and the EPA proposes an extra year of study because the dirty fucking hippies found an abandoned nest and moved it into a tree on the property while the County kicks the plans back again and the State wants them to do a study approved by an Environmental Engineering Firm on sheet flow and streams and bugs and ducks and stupid fukking hippies.

Know what the Company did?

They moved to China.

The area in NC lost around 5,000 jobs. China gained 10,000 jobs.

Know what happens in China when they want to build a Factory?


Here? Forget it. Very difficult, very expensive.

I could go on and on but I won't.

Maybe someday, if you're nice, I'll explain how most factories in China worked at the time. And a lot of them still do. Maybe most.

know whats happens in India when they want to build a Factory?

Bangladesh garment factory collapse death toll hits 1,021

know what happens in Texas when they want to build a Factory?

Massive explosion near Waco, Texas injures at least 160, between 5 to 15 feared dead
My, don't we distort the language here? The O/P asks what I would have them do. I said bring jobs back to American soil and provide raises for the current employees (instead of cutting their hours and benefits. I'm sure Larry Ellison of Oracle could survive on a little less than his current $263,000 a day.*)

Where do I recommend force?

Don't dodge this easy question, either. Answer it or STFU.

*Highest-paid executives: Larry Ellison, Oracle, Elon Musk, Tesla Motors, Marissa Mayer, Yahoo!, John Donahoe, eBay, John Hammergren, McKesson, Glenn Murphy, Gap Inc., John Watson, Chevron Corp., Marc Benioff, Salesforce.com, John Stumpf, Wells Fargo,

Use their profits to raise salaries and benefits... THAT is FORCE

If the company CHOOSES To pay the CEO tons and not raise salaries of employees.. that is THEIR CHOICE.. just as it is your CHOICE not to work there or use the products or services of that company
You sir, are all about force

Now.. back under your rock

You have never left the underside of yours. The only person who has mentioned force is you.
And I hope you own Oracle stock because Larry Ellison is fleecing you to the tune of $263,000 a day for personal compensation....That's why we call you sheep. ;)

I mentioned the word force.. you mentioned the process of using it....

Again... if a company CHOOSES To pay an executive whatever amount is on that company.... and if they choose to do it over benefits or compensation increase for employees, that is their CHOICE.... just as you have the choice to work there, invest there, or partake of the products or services there.... or not...

That is why you ARE sheep.. you believe it is government's job to control the herd.. rather than the individuals and companies using their freedom and living with the consequences of it
Anecdotes are a dime a dozen. Stop blaming the EPA. Check out how the O&G industry has taken over the Delaware Valley in PA and NJ with thousands of natural gas wells drilled. No problems or interference. Lots of chemicals flowing into the Delaware River though.

We are not talking about some Cletus in North Carolina, we are talking about a nation of over 300,000,000 people.

Not sure what your point is here
The O&G industry has taken nothing over
private citizens are making wealth off of the resouces found on there lans
then comes the employee who makes close to 6 figures a year in the industry
what would you think we should do for a job?
a real economy?

In his little-boy way, he's trying to say that the E-VUL American Companies moved to China for the low wages.

Which is a load of bullshit.

They moved to China for the very reasons I noted -- Government interference and regulations and Unions.

Got nothing to do with the cost of Labor, which is negligible in today's world

Oh my! So now you are telling us the evil corporations didn't move because of low wages? Good, lets get a living wage and benefits going in America again!! No more of that WallyWorld nonsense.

Always nice to watch a con hang himself.............
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Know why there's such a disparity between rich and poor?

Because there is the same, exact disparity between smart and stupid.

Yes, you people that are in here daily and bitching about how 'The Man' has kept you down on an hourly basis.....?

You're stupid.

Instead of bitching about how something is always someone else's fault, you could be spending your time doing something about your very own stupidity.

And no, I don't mean getting an education. If those people had any brains, they wouldn't be putting up with numbskulls like you every day, grading your stupid papers and bouncing crybaby losers on their knee.

If they had any real brains, they'd be out doing something real.

Which is what you crybabies should be doing.

And oh... I'm retired. In Florida. I paid my dues. I ain't rich, but I ain't crying either.

Sick of hearing excuses all day from the same fucking losers. DO something about it

In reality rhe reason Koch brothers are rich is because they are rich
I cannot make millions because I do not have billions to invest
Liberals think they should give that money to others
my simple question is then what?
Being wealthy is not a sin
staying wealthy takes work and welath to start with
its just the facts of life

According to your theory, Bill Gates shouldn't be rich. Neither should Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Larry Paige, Eric Schmidt and thousands of others. Even the Koch brothers took a sizable fortune and grew it by several orders of magnitude. Furthermore, in a couple generations, the descendents of all these people will be broke. That's the story of wealth: from rags to riches to rags in three generations.

Gates invented something (some say stole it)
that extreme wealth came from an event that created extreme wealth
There wealth did not come from a 10.00 an hour job and taking what is left and investing it in the stock market
wealth is relative term
starting a business requires wealth either borrowed or having it to start with
same with investing
your not going to become a Warren Buffet without some capital to start with
Back in 1955, when the Oracle of Omaha was but a young thing, he only had $9,800 to his name. Today he is worth nearly than $40 billion. What's the secret to his success?
Warren Buffett Got His Start With Only $9,800
the Minimum wage in 1955 was 0.75 an hour or 1560 a year
6.25 years of wages
or in todays terms close to 100,000
that is capital
that is a place to start
that is wealth that put into the right place at the right time creates allot of wealth
there are just as many stories that failed as did not, probably more
adds to the part of succes no-one talks about

again what would you have these people do with that wealth

The reason Bill Gates is rich is because he created an item people wanted
the reason he became really rich was he built on that same wealth
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There was no way that anyone should have been exempted in the first place

It is like you going to the grocery store and them forgetting to ring up your milk for the past 2 years... when they finally correct the problem and start charging you the same for milk that everyone else pays, it is one like you who would then complain how unfair it is and that it is a raise in your price when others are not getting raised

You act as if being a business leader or whatever is not 'actual hard work'.... well, anyone can bus a table, flip a burger, or scrub a urinal... the skills needed to do the upper level jobs are less prevalent, hence more in demand, and hence derive a greater compensation package... you want the 'easier work', gain the skills needed to put yourself in demand for one of those positions
Can you apply that ringing endorsement to the executive suite at Enron or WorldCom or Bears Stearns or AIG or Wells Fargo or Countrywide Mortgage? Seems those pirates floated down to East Hampton on golden parachutes. What hard work! What skills!

And those (and one of them I worked for) committed CRIMES including FRAUD.. not just choosing to pay executives over employees....

Again.. you think it is easy to lead a company, or even a division of a company... you go right ahead and do it.... you should be successful and rich within the year.. we'll be waiting
I don't think it's easy to run a company. I do think that once you're ensconced in the executive suite it is too easy and too tempting to gather all the cream for yourself at the expense of the workers. It's far too easy to forget the talent that makes the product and far too easy for a certain political class to extoll the talent that makes the wage disparity what it sadly is today.
Our Founders were very concerned about too much wealth being concentrated in the hands of the few. Thomas Jefferson in particular, which is why he advocated a progressive tax system and the elimination of primogeniture.

Folks, there is natural wealth inequality and there is unnatural wealth inequality.

Natural wealth inequality occurs when someone invents a better mousetrap or music delivery device. The world beats a path to their door and they become fabulously rich. And there is not a damn thing wrong with that.

Unnatural wealth occurs when the government legislatively tilts the economic playing field to the advantage of a few, and further protects them when they mess up or commit crimes. The Wall Street derivatives bubble and subsequent fraud is a textbook example. Our federal government aided and abetted these crimes, and continues to do so. Our homes are being robbed in broad daylight, and the crooks are receiving police protection. On the few occasions their crimes come to light, they crooks are fined a small amount, no one goes to jail, and they get to keep your stuff.

40 percent of all corporate profit in the United States is now being made by the financial sector.

Think about that. 40 percent. Of all profits. Wall Street.

There's your unnatural concentration of wealth, people. Staring you in the face. That's YOUR money in their pockets. Not kidding. YOUR money, which was gained by dishonest means, not by making a better mousetrap.

Our government is owned. Totally owned. By Wall Street. Republican and Democrat.

So how does it make a lick of sense to tax the guy who invented the better mousetrap more in a misguided attempt to mitigate the unnatural concentration of wealth? Huh? Huh?

That's a copout. It is the intellectually lazy way out. It is surrendering.

We have to go after the crooks, not the people who earned their money. Don't be a fucking asshole and demand the guy who lives in a bigger house than you pay more. That won't solve anything. The crooks are laughing their asses off at your gullibility and stupidity.

Start paying attention to legislation. Start reading it. You would be amazed at the cooperation between the crooks and the politicians that is going on. It is out in the wide open, but most people are too fucking lazy to take the time.

They have all day to bitch about ALL rich people, it seems. But not enough intellectual weight to do the hard work to fix the real problems.
Anecdotes are a dime a dozen. Stop blaming the EPA. Check out how the O&G industry has taken over the Delaware Valley in PA and NJ with thousands of natural gas wells drilled. No problems or interference. Lots of chemicals flowing into the Delaware River though.

We are not talking about some Cletus in North Carolina, we are talking about a nation of over 300,000,000 people.

Not sure what your point is here
The O&G industry has taken nothing over
private citizens are making wealth off of the resouces found on there lans
then comes the employee who makes close to 6 figures a year in the industry
what would you think we should do for a job?
a real economy?

In his little-boy way, he's trying to say that the E-VUL American Companies moved to China for the low wages.

Which is a load of bullshit.

They moved to China for the very reasons I noted -- Government interference and regulations and Unions.

Got nothing to do with the cost of Labor, which is negligible in today's world

Well if John Q Public did not buy from China this issue would not exist
My parents are very liberal
they buy everything from Wall Mart
God Bless them any-way
Not sure what your point is here
The O&G industry has taken nothing over
private citizens are making wealth off of the resouces found on there lans
then comes the employee who makes close to 6 figures a year in the industry
what would you think we should do for a job?
a real economy?

In his little-boy way, he's trying to say that the E-VUL American Companies moved to China for the low wages.

Which is a load of bullshit.

They moved to China for the very reasons I noted -- Government interference and regulations and Unions.

Got nothing to do with the cost of Labor, which is negligible in today's world

Oh my! So now you are telling us the evil corporations didn't move because of low wages? Good, lets get a living wage and benefits going in America again!!

Always nice to watch a con hang himself.............

Raising a wage floor does not bring people out of poverty.. it does not get business going...
You think the person with 4 years experience making $9.50 wants to make the same as the no experience slacker who gets suddenly raised to $11 an hour?? You think the entry level manager making $12 wants to only earn a dollar more an hour than his employees? You think the electrician apprentice who was making $11 an hour wants to now make the same as some fucking urinal scrubber?? When you raise that apprentice to say $17 an hour do you think his senior now wants to make the same as him?? The ripples spread... and you end up with the same people making the bottom wages with just a different number associated.. and you have prices that have increased in not only cost to consumer, but cost between companies.. and that leads to WHAT???? Less buying power, less money to pay employees, etc.... your 'living wage' myth is laughable
In his little-boy way, he's trying to say that the E-VUL American Companies moved to China for the low wages.

Which is a load of bullshit.

They moved to China for the very reasons I noted -- Government interference and regulations and Unions.

Got nothing to do with the cost of Labor, which is negligible in today's world

Oh my! So now you are telling us the evil corporations didn't move because of low wages? Good, lets get a living wage and benefits going in America again!!

Always nice to watch a con hang himself.............

Raising a wage floor does not bring people out of poverty.. it does not get business going...
You think the person with 4 years experience making $9.50 wants to make the same as the no experience slacker who gets suddenly raised to $11 an hour?? You think the entry level manager making $12 wants to only earn a dollar more an hour than his employees? You think the electrician apprentice who was making $11 an hour wants to now make the same as some fucking urinal scrubber?? When you raise that apprentice to say $17 an hour do you think his senior now wants to make the same as him?? The ripples spread... and you end up with the same people making the bottom wages with just a different number associated.. and you have prices that have increased in not only cost to consumer, but cost between companies.. and that leads to WHAT???? Less buying power, less money to pay employees, etc.... your 'living wage' myth is laughable
Prove it because it has been proven otherwise.
Not sure what your point is here
The O&G industry has taken nothing over
private citizens are making wealth off of the resouces found on there lans
then comes the employee who makes close to 6 figures a year in the industry
what would you think we should do for a job?
a real economy?

In his little-boy way, he's trying to say that the E-VUL American Companies moved to China for the low wages.

Which is a load of bullshit.

They moved to China for the very reasons I noted -- Government interference and regulations and Unions.

Got nothing to do with the cost of Labor, which is negligible in today's world

Oh my! So now you are telling us the evil corporations didn't move because of low wages? Good, lets get a living wage and benefits going in America again!!

Always nice to watch a con hang himself.............

That is EXACTLY what I'm telling you -- Stupid.

Low wages had NOTHING to do with most Companies moving offshore.

Unions and stupid government did.

Here, try this. It might be a little above your reading comprehension skills but if you ask nicely, maybe somebody can translate it to 'stupid' for you

The Jeep Toledo South plant needs just 13.57 employee-hours to assemble a vehicle, a significant margin over the second-place Oshawa, Ontario, Chevy Impala/Monte Carlo plant (15.18 hours) and third-place Oshawa Pontiac Grand Prix/Buick LaCrosse plant (16.17 hours). Belvidere, Illinois, was fourth, needing 17.09 hours to assemble Dodge Caliber/Jeep Compass/Patriot, and GM’s CAMI plant in Ontario was fifth. It needs 17.59 hours to assemble a Chevy Equinox, Pontiac Torrent, or Suzuki XL-7. Note that Nissan, which for several years had the most efficient plants in North America, and Honda, declined to participate in this year’s study, though Harbour extrapolated estimates from available information. Hyundai was added to the list for the first time.

When Harbour adds up all the man-hours it takes to build a car or truck, including stamping, assembly, engine and transmission manufacture, Hyundai was seventh of seven majors, at 35.1 hours per vehicle in North America. Ford Motor Company was sixth, at 33.88 hours, a 3.7-percent improvement over last year, Nissan was fifth, at an estimated 32.96 hours, or 8.8 percent more time than the previous year, and GM was fourth, at 32.29 hours, a 0.2-percent improvement. Honda was third, at 31.33 hours, a 2.3-percent improvement.

So let's say that it takes 30 Man-Hours to assemble a car.

Let's say that it costs $50 an hour in this Country for wages and benefits and in China it costs $5 an hour.

You're only saving a little less than $1,500 per car to have it made in China. Or Brazil. Or Mexico. Or.... wherever.

If that much. But let's say it's $1,500.

If it's a $25,000 car, the import tax alone is $500. And the cost of shipping it here is around $1,000.

So what are saving? Zero. Nada. Nothing.

Not only that, as a Compnay, you've lost control of your means of production.

You have to keep quality control engineers and supervisors in a Country they really don't want to be in and overpay them.

You've lost control of your quality. You usually have to bribe politicians in these third world countries.


Not wages. Wages have NOTHING TO DO WITH Companies moving overseas.


Well, except in certain labor-intensive industries like Textiles. Then, okay.

You wanna work in a Textile Mill? Go for it. They're such a small Industry and they never paid worth a shit anyway.

But the rest? It's people like you cutting your own throats.

Know why?

because you're stupid.

Just that simple

Read more: Toyota, Chrysler have North Americas most efficient plants - Motor Trend Blog
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Can you apply that ringing endorsement to the executive suite at Enron or WorldCom or Bears Stearns or AIG or Wells Fargo or Countrywide Mortgage? Seems those pirates floated down to East Hampton on golden parachutes. What hard work! What skills!

And those (and one of them I worked for) committed CRIMES including FRAUD.. not just choosing to pay executives over employees....

Again.. you think it is easy to lead a company, or even a division of a company... you go right ahead and do it.... you should be successful and rich within the year.. we'll be waiting
I don't think it's easy to run a company. I do think that once you're ensconced in the executive suite it is too easy and too tempting to gather all the cream for yourself at the expense of the workers. It's far too easy to forget the talent that makes the product and far too easy for a certain political class to extoll the talent that makes the wage disparity what it sadly is today.

And those who have talent that is in demand get compensated accordingly.. those who have a talent for flipping a burger do not.. Those who have a talent of riding an old timey big wheel bicycle do not.. it is not just being talented at SOMETHING or ANYTHING.. but being talented at things that are in demand that others are not widely talented in.. or easily trained to be talented in

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