What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

It's their money, they can do whatever they want with it. When you buy a fancy car that doesn't make you obligated to provide free cab service.
Should we confiscate their money? Of course not

But why does our country continue programs that encourage the wealthy to protect and accumulate more wealth?

Since the early 1980s we have been embracing supply side economic policies that direct money at the top of the economic food chain with a promise that these policies will stimulate the economy and the wealth will trickle down in the form of jobs and prosperity for all

What have the wealthy done with all this money? They kept it

They kept it?

To do what with it? Can you sleep with money?

Can you eat it?

Can you jump in your money and drive around town in it?

Can you drink it?

Can you kiss it or have it kiss you back?

Can you stick up your ass and whistle Dixie with it?

I just don't understand how some people think.

Or don't think
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?
In a free society... nobody should be forced to share any wealth or earning

Yes, and your road is paved in mud and ruts, and that ox cart gets 2 miles an hour. And when you are invaded by people who did share their wealth to have a well regulated army, you can still work as their slave and share everything. LMAO!:eusa_angel:

^ Maybe one of the dumbest things ever posted on the Internet
How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?

Who wrote the tax code that applies a lower rate on capital gains than on earned income?

Do you know?

Well, check into which party has controlled congress for all but a few of the last 75 years.

You have a problem with the tax code? blame the democrats--they wrote it.
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

they pay more on income
your confusing capital gains with income
also let me add couple items
corporations pay no taxes
People pay taxes
If Koch brothers has a tax rate on profits of 50%, all they will do is pass that cost down to you
BHO set the capital gains tax with the dem controlled senate and GOP house @ 20%
up 5% fro the level GWB had
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

And what rate is that, pray tell?

More than what Mitt Romney or Warren Buffet pays.
It's their money, they can do whatever they want with it. When you buy a fancy car that doesn't make you obligated to provide free cab service.

So you lied about supply-side. Thanks for the 33 year old admission!!:eusa_angel:
Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?

Who wrote the tax code that applies a lower rate on capital gains than on earned income?

Do you know?

Well, check into which party has controlled congress for all but a few of the last 75 years.

You have a problem with the tax code? blame the democrats--they wrote it.
But the Republicans advocate eliminating the Capital Gains tax altogether!
In a free society... nobody should be forced to share any wealth or earning

Yes, and your road is paved in mud and ruts, and that ox cart gets 2 miles an hour. And when you are invaded by people who did share their wealth to have a well regulated army, you can still work as their slave and share everything. LMAO!:eusa_angel:

^ Maybe one of the dumbest things ever posted on the Internet

You've said much worse.
How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?

But at some point in time MR paid income tax on the wealth he used to invest
BTW your waitress is paying no taxes on earned income credit with the 2 kids
need to understand the laws before you comment on them
Should we confiscate their money? Of course not

But why does our country continue programs that encourage the wealthy to protect and accumulate more wealth?

Since the early 1980s we have been embracing supply side economic policies that direct money at the top of the economic food chain with a promise that these policies will stimulate the economy and the wealth will trickle down in the form of jobs and prosperity for all

What have the wealthy done with all this money? They kept it

They kept it?

To do what with it? Can you sleep with money?

Can you eat it?

Can you jump in your money and drive around town in it?

Can you drink it?

Can you kiss it or have it kiss you back?

Can you stick up your ass and whistle Dixie with it?

I just don't understand how some people think.

Or don't think

Ask Mitt Romney how he keeps his money

Hint: It doesn't involve hiring millions of Americans
How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?

There was no way that anyone should have been exempted in the first place

It is like you going to the grocery store and them forgetting to ring up your milk for the past 2 years... when they finally correct the problem and start charging you the same for milk that everyone else pays, it is one like you who would then complain how unfair it is and that it is a raise in your price when others are not getting raised

You act as if being a business leader or whatever is not 'actual hard work'.... well, anyone can bus a table, flip a burger, or scrub a urinal... the skills needed to do the upper level jobs are less prevalent, hence more in demand, and hence derive a greater compensation package... you want the 'easier work', gain the skills needed to put yourself in demand for one of those positions
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?

Who wrote the tax code that applies a lower rate on capital gains than on earned income?

Do you know?

Well, check into which party has controlled congress for all but a few of the last 75 years.

You have a problem with the tax code? blame the democrats--they wrote it.
But the Republicans advocate eliminating the Capital Gains tax altogether!

Which would encourage massive investment.
Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???
That plan would raise taxes on the poor and drastically cut taxes on the wealthy! Your very own Mitt Romney paid a lower percentage to the IRS because he did not EARN the wealth he enjoys. It's all investment income, nothing earned by producing goods and services.

But a waitress with two kids gets soaked simply because her income is derived from ACTUAL HARD WORK, a virtue quickly fleeting from the Conservative economic playbook.

Are Conservatives capable of thinking deeper than a bumper sticker?

But at some point in time MR paid income tax on the wealth he used to invest
BTW your waitress is paying no taxes on earned income credit with the 2 kids
need to understand the laws before you comment on them

For real. If anything, she's getting money (BIG money) back from the IRS via Earned Income Credit (EITC).

libtards are just stupid
How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

And what rate is that, pray tell?

More than what Mitt Romney or Warren Buffet pays.

Do any capital gains you may earn get taxed any differently??

And if you are against it.. you should be very supportive of a flat tax.. well, that is if you believe in equal treatment by government under law... But when you complain about exemptions, deductions, etc that others get while you support exemptions, exceptions, etc for those who you happen to like or support, then (as we all know) you are a hypocrite
Income disparity is a problem batted back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals like a shuttlecock. But the problem isn't merely a parlor game nor is it something easily dismissed as envy or resentment.

The actual problem leads to s lowing economy. If the wealth is held by the very few and the very many are not compensated adequately, there is less money flowing through the economy. Economic growth is defined as the exchange of capitol for goods and services. If those goods and services are outside the budgets of the majority, those goods and services will not be utilized and the exchange of capital stops.

When a CEO can run a business into the ditch and then get a bonus for doing so, the values have been warped to something unidentifiable as Capitalism. If the workers who are actually producing the wealth for the few are under compensated, there is less and less opportunity open for those workers because the flow of cash is so constricted.

Looking for a working paradigm for this disparity? Read the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.

And now the income from stock goes to CEO and top management pay and golden umbrellas. It's not being reinvested into the company and certainly not going into employee salary raises and benefits.
Income disparity is a problem batted back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals like a shuttlecock. But the problem isn't merely a parlor game nor is it something easily dismissed as envy or resentment.

The actual problem leads to s lowing economy. If the wealth is held by the very few and the very many are not compensated adequately, there is less money flowing through the economy. Economic growth is defined as the exchange of capitol for goods and services. If those goods and services are outside the budgets of the majority, those goods and services will not be utilized and the exchange of capital stops.

When a CEO can run a business into the ditch and then get a bonus for doing so, the values have been warped to something unidentifiable as Capitalism. If the workers who are actually producing the wealth for the few are under compensated, there is less and less opportunity open for those workers because the flow of cash is so constricted.

Looking for a working paradigm for this disparity? Read the story of the goose that laid golden eggs.

And now the income from stock goes to CEO and top management pay and golden umbrellas. It's not being reinvested into the company and certainly not going into employee salary raises and benefits.

Because you get to force or dictate what an individual or corporation does with their money in a free society???

Should we confiscate their money? Of course not

But why does our country continue programs that encourage the wealthy to protect and accumulate more wealth?

Since the early 1980s we have been embracing supply side economic policies that direct money at the top of the economic food chain with a promise that these policies will stimulate the economy and the wealth will trickle down in the form of jobs and prosperity for all

What have the wealthy done with all this money? They kept it

They kept it?

To do what with it? Can you sleep with money?

Can you eat it?

Can you jump in your money and drive around town in it?

Can you drink it?

Can you kiss it or have it kiss you back?

Can you stick up your ass and whistle Dixie with it?

I just don't understand how some people think.

Or don't think

Ask Mitt Romney how he keeps his money

Hint: It doesn't involve hiring millions of Americans

His wealth does
That money is invested into places that creates wealth, thence creates jobs
what would have Mitt do?
give it away
at some point in time that wealth was income and was taxed accordingly

The only reason you and I are not rich?
we do not have enough wealth to get started

Again do you want Mitt to give away hiis wealth?
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

Raise the salaries and benefits of their current employees, bring back the jobs from overseas and hire Americans to fill those jobs. Those people will start to feel confident to spend again. This is what Reagan referred to as trickle down economics.

Nobody needs to give anything away or redistribute a damn dime.

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