What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

In a free society... nobody should be forced to share any wealth or earning

Yes, and your road is paved in mud and ruts, and that ox cart gets 2 miles an hour. And when you are invaded by people who did share their wealth to have a well regulated army, you can still work as their slave and share everything. LMAO!:eusa_angel:

But we are not talking about the running of government.. and one of the main CONSTITUTIONAL charges of government is to defend the nation... and while the federal government is charged with posting roads, most of that falls on the state and/or local government

Not the same as handing out entitlements to individuals or corporations

But nice try

So the fed doesn't give the States money for roadways?
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

Probably the best kept secret is that there are more wealthy Liberals than conservatives. They have kept the control over the black vote because they have to power to do it. Who ever has the most money rules and that is why the Liberals are controlling the vote across the nation. They have the money to do it. ( Look at Hollywood - Film Producers - Movie Moguls - Movie stars - all democrats ) Many are in Republican leadership positions today. That is how the GOP lost control. They have Democrat leaders otherwise known as RINOS. Republicans are only now figuring how they lost the party. What a shame.

Here's the top 392 richest people in the US. I'll bet the Waltons alone have more $$$ than all of the Democrats in Hollywood. Nice try.

The Richest People in America List - Forbes

fyi, The GOP hasn't lost control, the middle class continues to hurt.
Notice all the filthy rich democrooks? They stand in front of people rubbing their noses in this "rich don't pay their fair share " bullshit.

How about they just write checks and shut the fuck up?

If rich liberals were truly concerned with "income inequality", they'd just write the checks.

They're not concerned though, they want to control people. They want to remove any chance their slaves might find economic mobility, because that will diminish their power.

Common liberals are too stupid to understand that the liberals that control them are criminally insane.

There is no "Wealth Tax" in this Country and there probably never will be. At least not in our lifetime.

We pay taxes on Income. And super, stinking rich dimocrap scum don't have 'Income', they have wealth.

The vast, overwhelming majority of Taxes paid in this Country are paid by the Working Man and Working Woman.

Nobody else.

Not generational Welfare Whores, not the Stinking rich, not the elites who have an entire division of Tax Lawyers for them......

Us. You.

And any tax increases will be paid by us. Nobody else. Us

Laws that Republicans wrote allow the rich to pay far less effective rate than the middle class.

There are folks that take advantage of welfare. Did you know that every Home Depot store was built using taxpayers subsidy? Did you know that taxpayers are supporting Walmart employees in the amount of $1 billion/yr?, and that doesn't include taxpayer subsidy to build their stores.
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???

Two reasons:

1) You'll screw the middle class and poor.

2) The rich won't go for it.
Edgetho, the density and extent of your ignorance never fails to entertain.

The bulk of Romney's 2011 tax return was foreign business filings: "....266 of the 379 pages of Romney's 2011 taxes are about foreign corporations and partnerships""

What You Need to Know About Mitt Romney's 2011 Tax Return - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

your point?
your media handed the election to Obama with the non-stop lying
So what does it matter where Mitt makes his wealth?
may have something to do with the tax code?

The month of the election, Mitt moved one of his companies from Illinois to China.

He is famous as a "Pioneer of Outsourcing".

Front and center on his Presidential webpage, which I linked to dozens of times, he said he wanted to bring in immigrants with degrees.

I posted video of him wanting larger class size and fewer teachers so we could cut education.

Now, you don't think Mitt wanted to help his white base? He knew he had the white base sewn up. They would vote for this guy just because he's white:


there's that word again....do you know any other colors Dean?.....
Know why there's such a disparity between rich and poor?

Because there is the same, exact disparity between smart and stupid.

Yes, you people that are in here daily and bitching about how 'The Man' has kept you down on an hourly basis.....?

You're stupid.

Instead of bitching about how something is always someone else's fault, you could be spending your time doing something about your very own stupidity.

And no, I don't mean getting an education. If those people had any brains, they wouldn't be putting up with numbskulls like you every day, grading your stupid papers and bouncing crybaby losers on their knee.

If they had any real brains, they'd be out doing something real.

Which is what you crybabies should be doing.

And oh... I'm retired. In Florida. I paid my dues. I ain't rich, but I ain't crying either.

Sick of hearing excuses all day from the same fucking losers. DO something about it

In reality rhe reason Koch brothers are rich is because they are rich
I cannot make millions because I do not have billions to invest
Liberals think they should give that money to others
my simple question is then what?
Being wealthy is not a sin
staying wealthy takes work and welath to start with
its just the facts of life

The Koch Brothers are wealthy because they were born into wealth.

Generally, the first million is the most time consuming, after that it's fairly easy.

Really? I have a friend who made his first million over 10 years ago. Why isn't he a billionaire now?
How about if they just pay the same tax rate as me. I would be fine with that.

Actually.. how about everyone pay the same tax rate on every dollar earned (starting with dollar 1) with no exception, exemption, deduction, loophole, or anything else???

Two reasons:

1) You'll screw the middle class and poor.

2) The rich won't go for it.

Why wouldn't the rich go for it? If it would "screw" the middle class and the poor, then the laws we have now are screwing the rich. Is that what you're trying to say?
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Notice all the filthy rich democrooks? They stand in front of people rubbing their noses in this "rich don't pay their fair share " bullshit.

How about they just write checks and shut the fuck up?

If rich liberals were truly concerned with "income inequality", they'd just write the checks.

They're not concerned though, they want to control people. They want to remove any chance their slaves might find economic mobility, because that will diminish their power.

Common liberals are too stupid to understand that the liberals that control them are criminally insane.

There is no "Wealth Tax" in this Country and there probably never will be. At least not in our lifetime.

We pay taxes on Income. And super, stinking rich dimocrap scum don't have 'Income', they have wealth.

The vast, overwhelming majority of Taxes paid in this Country are paid by the Working Man and Working Woman.

Nobody else.

Not generational Welfare Whores, not the Stinking rich, not the elites who have an entire division of Tax Lawyers for them......

Us. You.

And any tax increases will be paid by us. Nobody else. Us

Laws that Republicans wrote allow the rich to pay far less effective rate than the middle class.

There are folks that take advantage of welfare. Did you know that every Home Depot store was built using taxpayers subsidy? Did you know that taxpayers are supporting Walmart employees in the amount of $1 billion/yr?, and that doesn't include taxpayer subsidy to build their stores.

Yeah, we know. That's counting food stamps as a "subsidy" to Walmart. It's pure horseshit, of course.
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

Probably the best kept secret is that there are more wealthy Liberals than conservatives. They have kept the control over the black vote because they have to power to do it. Who ever has the most money rules and that is why the Liberals are controlling the vote across the nation. They have the money to do it. ( Look at Hollywood - Film Producers - Movie Moguls - Movie stars - all democrats ) Many are in Republican leadership positions today. That is how the GOP lost control. They have Democrat leaders otherwise known as RINOS. Republicans are only now figuring how they lost the party. What a shame.

Here's the top 392 richest people in the US. I'll bet the Waltons alone have more $$$ than all of the Democrats in Hollywood. Nice try.

The Richest People in America List - Forbes

fyi, The GOP hasn't lost control, the middle class continues to hurt.

How do you know the Waltons aren't Democrats, dipshit?
The money that Mitt hides offshore creates no jobs. It just takes money out of circulation.


If he earns a return on that money then the money is put to work do you really think he earns a zero return?

If you do you're a moron.

Of course it is put to work, in the foreign country where he has it stached. That return is based on foreigners borrowing it to build schools, buy cars, buy homes, etc. It does absolutely nothing in America, because it isn't invested in America.:eusa_angel:

It's his money and none of your business now is it?
Our system is called CAPITAList. not LABORist.

It is designed to benefit those who accumulate CAPITAL, not those who LABOR.

Our tax codes mirror that accordingly.

If YOU WORK and make a 1,000,000 a year you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of about 35%

If YOUR CAPITAL WORKS for you and makes a $1,000,000 a year, you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of 15%

Now...based on that what does our society really value?

Work or capital?
Our system is called CAPITAList. not LABORist.

It is designed to benefit those who accumulate CAPITAL, not those who LABOR.

Our tax codes mirror that accordingly.

If YOU WORK and make a 1,000,000 a year you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of about 35%

If YOUR CAPITAL WORKS for you and makes a $1,000,000 a year, you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of 15%

Now...based on that what does our society really value?

Work or capital?

You wrongly assume that those who labor cannot accumulate capital.
Our system is called CAPITAList. not LABORist.

It is designed to benefit those who accumulate CAPITAL, not those who LABOR.

Our tax codes mirror that accordingly.

If YOU WORK and make a 1,000,000 a year you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of about 35%

If YOUR CAPITAL WORKS for you and makes a $1,000,000 a year, you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of 15%

Now...based on that what does our society really value?

Work or capital?

You wrongly assume that those who labor cannot accumulate capital.

Hey maybe you want to correct that assumption and tell all just how much "capital" those that labor can accumulate. Is it 500 dollars? Is 500 dollars a LOT of capital to you? How much "capital" you think you could put together on a 15 dollar an hour job? Or even 20 dollars an hour.

Yes sir, need 2 million dollars capital to start a business, just get a 15 dollar an hour job........and buy lottery tickets. That will be the only way you might get close to 2 million dollars.
Our system is called CAPITAList. not LABORist.

It is designed to benefit those who accumulate CAPITAL, not those who LABOR.

Our tax codes mirror that accordingly.

If YOU WORK and make a 1,000,000 a year you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of about 35%

If YOUR CAPITAL WORKS for you and makes a $1,000,000 a year, you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of 15%

Now...based on that what does our society really value?

Work or capital?

If that capital doesn't work, nobody would be able to make 1,000, 000 - do you understand that?
Our system is called CAPITAList. not LABORist.

It is designed to benefit those who accumulate CAPITAL, not those who LABOR.

Our tax codes mirror that accordingly.

If YOU WORK and make a 1,000,000 a year you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of about 35%

If YOUR CAPITAL WORKS for you and makes a $1,000,000 a year, you are on the hook to the IRS at the rate of 15%

Now...based on that what does our society really value?

Work or capital?

You wrongly assume that those who labor cannot accumulate capital.

Hey maybe you want to correct that assumption and tell all just how much "capital" those that labor can accumulate. Is it 500 dollars? Is 500 dollars a LOT of capital to you? How much "capital" you think you could put together on a 15 dollar an hour job? Or even 20 dollars an hour.

Yes sir, need 2 million dollars capital to start a business, just get a 15 dollar an hour job........and buy lottery tickets. That will be the only way you might get close to 2 million dollars.

he is talking about somebody making a million a year by working - that guy CAN accumulate capital. Somebody working on 15$ an hour is not, probably, paying ANY income taxes.

Stop bullshitting
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Right now, in the toxic financial climate of planned failure that obama gave us, rich people should be shoveling their money off shore into a more stable currency. That's what they are doing. And they should.
So you favor actions that hurt this country?

Some fuckin' patriot you are!
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"


"Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for? ....Thomas Sowell
Right now, in the toxic financial climate of planned failure that obama gave us, rich people should be shoveling their money off shore into a more stable currency. That's what they are doing. And they should.
So you favor actions that hurt this country?

Some fuckin' patriot you are!

You know if your going to be taxed 27% here and 15% there and you have 1 million people you are investing for
what are you going to do?
See what the problem is?
401Ks have allot to do where people are investing there wealth for us

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