What Should Trump's First Tariffs Be?

Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.
Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.

thats the majority of the horseshit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

a Republican president virtually kills the US steel industry, and a dumbass RW'r blames the Dems.

Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.

thats the majority of the horseshit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

a Republican president virtually kills the US steel industry, and a dumbass RW'r blames the Dems.


Y'all should be very worried. You're losing voters you couldn't afford to lose.
Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.

thats the majority of the horseshit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

a Republican president virtually kills the US steel industry, and a dumbass RW'r blames the Dems.


Y'all should be very worried. You're losing voters you couldn't afford to lose.

y'all who? I didnt vote for Clinton.
Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.

thats the majority of the horseshit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

a Republican president virtually kills the US steel industry, and a dumbass RW'r blames the Dems.


Y'all should be very worried. You're losing voters you couldn't afford to lose.

y'all who? I didnt vote for Clinton.
Are you in one of the states that was heavily contested, or was Hillary going to win your state regardless of your vote?
Here is a web site which shows how many barrels of petroleum products we import each year: U.S. Liquefied Petroleum Gases Imports

26 million barrels of Finished Motor Gasoline. Half a million from Russia.

And that's just gasoline.
Why didn't your boy Obama slap a tariff on Russian gas
He's not my boy, boy. Obama slapped sanctions on individuals in Russia. I also suspect he had a lot to do with the Saudis helping to plunge the price of oil, thus driving Putin's economy into the dumper.
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity

Spot on!

I was so shocked you coulda knocked me over with a wrecking ball. I wonder, should I waste my time to explain once more how the various levels of government receive more money in taxes on the sale of each gallon of gasoline than the oil companies make in profit? Should I waste the few remaining moments of my life to explain one more time that many companies, including Coke, have a much larger profit margin than oil companies? Nah, let the delusional ultra-liberal jerks feel good about making statements they know nothing about. They need a whipping boy to make themselves seem important and Big Oil is the the Democrats' favorite target. Perhaps in a few hundred years, they will be able to figure it out and say WTF was I thinking.

Sorry, ultra-libs, I'd like to 'splain it to you all but I'm just too old for this shit and it's time for Judge Judy.

Ultra-liberals, you gotta love 'em. They are so damn entertaining.
Once again, retard, since you obviously didn't read my reply to the first retard, these tariffs would HELP American oil companies and HURT OPEC and Russia.

All caught up now, dummy?
2001 the US steel industry wanted a 40% hike on Chinese steel .. in 03, 43 lifted all tariff's and our rust belt in now a fucking ghost belt.

start there.
American steel was destroyed in the 70s, long before Bush. It was destroyed by subsidies provided by Taiwan, China, and South Korea to their domestic steel producers.
We do not export to the same countries from which we import. It's the ideal situation for tariffs. We place tariffs on the imports, and then produce those products here, boosting the domestic economy.
2001 the US steel industry wanted a 40% hike on Chinese steel .. in 03, 43 lifted all tariff's and our rust belt in now a fucking ghost belt.

start there.
American steel was destroyed in the 70s, long before Bush. It was destroyed by subsidies provided by Taiwan, China, and South Korea to their domestic steel producers.
And Japan..
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity

Spot on!

I was so shocked you coulda knocked me over with a wrecking ball. I wonder, should I waste my time to explain once more how the various levels of government receive more money in taxes on the sale of each gallon of gasoline than the oil companies make in profit? Should I waste the few remaining moments of my life to explain one more time that many companies, including Coke, have a much larger profit margin than oil companies? Nah, let the delusional ultra-liberal jerks feel good about making statements they know nothing about. They need a whipping boy to make themselves seem important and Big Oil is the the Democrats' favorite target. Perhaps in a few hundred years, they will be able to figure it out and say WTF was I thinking.

Sorry, ultra-libs, I'd like to 'splain it to you all but I'm just too old for this shit and it's time for Judge Judy.

Ultra-liberals, you gotta love 'em. They are so damn entertaining.
Once again, retard, since you obviously didn't read my reply to the first retard, these tariffs would HELP American oil companies and HURT OPEC and Russia.

All caught up now, dummy?
This is total BS.

Countries that we assault with tariffs aren't going to limit their response to the same product or even the same product family.

If we block their sale of oil products they can assault our sales of airplanes (where Boeing sells many airplanes overseas for every plane sold in the US), cell phone software (where there are alternatives to android and ios), and all sorts of other products.

Also, remember that THEY have trade agreements - even if we don't. So, if we assault one nation, they can respond through numerous nations.

In general, we would LOSE a trade war. We can NOT afford to dump our export business. And, our standard of living depends on imports.

This IS a globe and the USA IS 5%.
We do not export to the same countries from which we import. It's the ideal situation for tariffs. We place tariffs on the imports, and then produce those products here, boosting the domestic economy.

Gas tariff's would probably not start a trade war- your suggestion makes more sense than many.

Of course it would raise the price of gas to Americans, with those profits going to companies(foriegn and American) producing in the United States- and of course would help American oil workers.

Then again- those countries might put similar tariff's on American oil drilling machinery- as I recall we are a leading manufacturer for oil drilling and oil exploration equipment.
2001 the US steel industry wanted a 40% hike on Chinese steel .. in 03, 43 lifted all tariff's and our rust belt in now a fucking ghost belt.

start there.
American steel was destroyed in the 70s, long before Bush. It was destroyed by subsidies provided by Taiwan, China, and South Korea to their domestic steel producers.
US steel factories dumped 75% of their number of employees over the last 50 years (only slightly more than the period you specify) while maintaining the same or higher steel production.

But, I'll admit it's easier to blame those evil foreigners along with those congressmen who clearly hate manufacturing and YOU in particular.
I don't favor tariffs and see them as nothing but tax hikes. But if Trump can somehow sock it to the NFL for these games they move out of country then I would be all for it. .
Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.
Let's remember that manufacturing PRODUCTION has been increasing steadily since the 1970's, with the exception of the Bush crash. The last couple years have seen manufacturing production higher than it has ever been.

Trump would like to think it's all about big deals - the ONE related thing with which he has any experience at all.

The actual issue is far more complex.

We're losing jobs to automation. Steel workers laid off by automation aren't trained to step into jobs in the automated world.

And, we've crushed collective bargaining. The result is that there is nobody lobbying for good wages, reliable retirement, job security, training to keep up with the corporate direction, on the job safety, etc.

Plus, manufacturing isn't new anymore. Every significant nation in the world has manufacturing capacity and related technology that challenges our own. We don't own that sector anymore, so we're feeling the competition from the global marketplace.

So, we're ignoring stuff like new energy technology design and manufacturing - now owned by China. We no longer have the fastest supercomputers - designed and constructed by China. We are out competed in heavy equipment by Germany. Etc, etc.

We're ignoring that the new jobs in manufacturing require college education.

Then, we sit back and whine about the world marketplace!!!

What the HELL happened to our drive, innovation and determination to actually be competitive???

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