What Should Trump's First Tariffs Be?

Then those 68 cent phone charges they sell in the US for 7-10 bucks will be 15-20 bucks...

Und so der sale of American made phone chargers (you did mean "chargeRs"?) will go up and the number of American fire deaths will decline. Care to explain in detail the downside of that?
yes, I meant phone chargers but only had an hour of sleep the night before..I see no downside in reducing fires by faulty equipment, yet it will never be 100% hazard free..
The last time we had major trade restrictions, it was on foreign steel and Japanese cars

It resulted in an era of the worst American cars ever built, as the US car companies took advantage of the lack of competition to build crap and jack up prices.

That's the kind of result that trade wars bring about.
Trump's a blowhard. But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on goods produced here and sold abroad. Ford and Toyota see an obvious advantage not just in labor but tax rates, because cars built there have zero tax implications.

The Gop wants to have that same tax rate.

Tell a Hollywood liberal a zero corp tax is a good idea, and he'll lose it. Tell a guy who might get a job, and he'll vote gop.

But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on goods produced here and sold abroad.

But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on profits earned on goods produced here and sold abroad.

Fixed it for you.
Well yes, income tax is on income. Thanks for that. LOL

Yes, income tax is not on sales. You're welcome. LOL
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.

There shouldn't be tariffs placed on imported products. What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country. Period!
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.

There shouldn't be tariffs placed on imported products. What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country. Period!

What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country.

Exactly! No matter how much more expensive they would become. Wait, what?
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.

There shouldn't be tariffs placed on imported products. What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country. Period!

What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country.

Exactly! No matter how much more expensive they would become. Wait, what?

Slavery is never the answer. NEVER!!! That includes foreign wage slaves. Who far too often are children! Capitalism is for fools and criminals. Democracy is for morons and suckers.
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.

There shouldn't be tariffs placed on imported products. What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country. Period!

What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country.

Exactly! No matter how much more expensive they would become. Wait, what?

Slavery is never the answer. NEVER!!! That includes foreign wage slaves. Who far too often are children! Capitalism is for fools and criminals. Democracy is for morons and suckers.

Capitalism is for fools and criminals.

Onward, to our glorious socialist future, eh comrade?
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity
I am proposing something that would benefit American oil companies, retard, and hurt OPEC. Win/win.

And I am a lifelong Republican conservative. Try again.
Well to get back the original question
Tax the hekk out of imported sugar and use the tarriff as a sugar subsidy for the American farmer.
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity
I am proposing something that would benefit American oil companies, retard, and hurt OPEC. Win/win.

And I am a lifelong Republican conservative. Try again.
Well to get back the original question
Tax the hekk out of imported sugar and use the tarriff as a sugar subsidy for the American farmer.
Why increase consumer prices? Why not focus on making it easier for US companies to produce stuff here and sell it abroad at a profit? We could still tax profits earned here on stuff built abroad, at a lesser rate than we do now, and eliminate any tax of profits earned on sales abroad.
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.

There shouldn't be tariffs placed on imported products. What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country. Period!

What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country.

Exactly! No matter how much more expensive they would become. Wait, what?

Slavery is never the answer. NEVER!!! That includes foreign wage slaves. Who far too often are children! Capitalism is for fools and criminals. Democracy is for morons and suckers.

Capitalism is for fools and criminals.

Onward, to our glorious socialist future, eh comrade?

Well capitalism sure as hell isn't working. SURE..... AS...... HELL!!!!!
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity
I am proposing something that would benefit American oil companies, retard, and hurt OPEC. Win/win.

And I am a lifelong Republican conservative. Try again.
Well to get back the original question
Tax the hekk out of imported sugar and use the tarriff as a sugar subsidy for the American farmer.

Screw subsidies too! I heard that farmers here in the U.S. used to produce too much milk. Which caused the price of milk to drop. So the government had to subsidize the farmers. And do things like buy excess cheese. But there was an easier solution. Don't produce so much milk or cheese. What really gets me is that at times, farmers were getting these subsidies while pumping chemicals into their cows to make them give more milk.
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity
I am proposing something that would benefit American oil companies, retard, and hurt OPEC. Win/win.

And I am a lifelong Republican conservative. Try again.
Well to get back the original question
Tax the hekk out of imported sugar and use the tarriff as a sugar subsidy for the American farmer.
Why increase consumer prices? Why not focus on making it easier for US companies to produce stuff here and sell it abroad at a profit? We could still tax profits earned here on stuff built abroad, at a lesser rate than we do now, and eliminate any tax of profits earned on sales abroad.
Isn't that what I said.
Idaho produces 30 pct of sugar consumed in the USA
What Should Trump's First Tariffs Be?
A 25% tax on stupidity, Liberals hit the hardest.
Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.
Let's remember that manufacturing PRODUCTION has been increasing steadily since the 1970's, with the exception of the Bush crash. The last couple years have seen manufacturing production higher than it has ever been.

Trump would like to think it's all about big deals - the ONE related thing with which he has any experience at all.

The actual issue is far more complex.

We're losing jobs to automation. Steel workers laid off by automation aren't trained to step into jobs in the automated world.

And, we've crushed collective bargaining. The result is that there is nobody lobbying for good wages, reliable retirement, job security, training to keep up with the corporate direction, on the job safety, etc.

Plus, manufacturing isn't new anymore. Every significant nation in the world has manufacturing capacity and related technology that challenges our own. We don't own that sector anymore, so we're feeling the competition from the global marketplace.

So, we're ignoring stuff like new energy technology design and manufacturing - now owned by China. We no longer have the fastest supercomputers - designed and constructed by China. We are out competed in heavy equipment by Germany. Etc, etc.

We're ignoring that the new jobs in manufacturing require college education.

Then, we sit back and whine about the world marketplace!!!

What the HELL happened to our drive, innovation and determination to actually be competitive???
That's why we're raising the number of Business Visas every year.
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity
I am proposing something that would benefit American oil companies, retard, and hurt OPEC. Win/win.

And I am a lifelong Republican conservative. Try again.
Well to get back the original question
Tax the hekk out of imported sugar and use the tarriff as a sugar subsidy for the American farmer.

Screw subsidies too! I heard that farmers here in the U.S. used to produce too much milk. Which caused the price of milk to drop. So the government had to subsidize the farmers. And do things like buy excess cheese. But there was an easier solution. Don't produce so much milk or cheese. What really gets me is that at times, farmers were getting these subsidies while pumping chemicals into their cows to make them give more milk.
Mandates dictate subsidies otherwise many farmers wouldn't grow stuff.
ie milk
and ethanol.
Th Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. Donald Trump did a great job showing American Workers how badly the Democrat Globalists have been screwing them. Democrats are in big trouble.

They can't win with screeching Communist/Progressive extremists alone. The Party desperately needs average American Workers. So if i were a Democrat, i'd quit obsessing over their 'Russia Hacking' scam, and start worrying about their American Worker mass exodus.
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.

There shouldn't be tariffs placed on imported products. What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country. Period!

What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country.

Exactly! No matter how much more expensive they would become. Wait, what?

Slavery is never the answer. NEVER!!! That includes foreign wage slaves. Who far too often are children! Capitalism is for fools and criminals. Democracy is for morons and suckers.

Capitalism is for fools and criminals.

Onward, to our glorious socialist future, eh comrade?

Well capitalism sure as hell isn't working. SURE..... AS...... HELL!!!!!

Well capitalism sure as hell isn't working. SURE..... AS...... HELL!!!!!

How is not-capitalism working in Venezuela?
There shouldn't be tariffs placed on imported products. What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country. Period!

What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country.

Exactly! No matter how much more expensive they would become. Wait, what?

Slavery is never the answer. NEVER!!! That includes foreign wage slaves. Who far too often are children! Capitalism is for fools and criminals. Democracy is for morons and suckers.

Capitalism is for fools and criminals.

Onward, to our glorious socialist future, eh comrade?

Well capitalism sure as hell isn't working. SURE..... AS...... HELL!!!!!

Well capitalism sure as hell isn't working. SURE..... AS...... HELL!!!!!

How is not-capitalism working in Venezuela?

American Communists/Progressives have dropped Venezuela like a hot potato. No more cheerleading. They're ashamed of their mess. They're pretending Venezuela no longer exists.

I mean, what happened to folks like Sean Penn? He sure isn't over there helping those poor people standing in long miserable lines waiting to get basic essentials. American Communists/Progressives want nothing more to do with their failure in Venezuela. They're very shallow folks.
There shouldn't be tariffs placed on imported products. What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country. Period!

What should be done is that if products can be made in this country, they shouldn't be imported into this country.

Exactly! No matter how much more expensive they would become. Wait, what?

Slavery is never the answer. NEVER!!! That includes foreign wage slaves. Who far too often are children! Capitalism is for fools and criminals. Democracy is for morons and suckers.

Capitalism is for fools and criminals.

Onward, to our glorious socialist future, eh comrade?

Well capitalism sure as hell isn't working. SURE..... AS...... HELL!!!!!

Well capitalism sure as hell isn't working. SURE..... AS...... HELL!!!!!

How is not-capitalism working in Venezuela?

The U.S. isn't Venezuela. Also, they wouldn't have gone mostly socialist to begin with if capitalism was working there to any meaningful degree.

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