What Should Trump's First Tariffs Be?

2001 the US steel industry wanted a 40% hike on Chinese steel .. in 03, 43 lifted all tariff's and our rust belt in now a fucking ghost belt.

start there.
American steel was destroyed in the 70s, long before Bush. It was destroyed by subsidies provided by Taiwan, China, and South Korea to their domestic steel producers.
US steel factories dumped 75% of their number of employees over the last 50 years (only slightly more than the period you specify) while maintaining the same or higher steel production.

But, I'll admit it's easier to blame those evil foreigners along with those congressmen who clearly hate manufacturing and YOU in particular.
Has nothing to do with oil tariffs.

But as a matter of fact, I have been pointing out for years now that a great many of the jobs which have disappeared in America did not go overseas, and that they simply became extinct due to capital investment in technology.

See this example.

And this example.

And this example.
2001 the US steel industry wanted a 40% hike on Chinese steel .. in 03, 43 lifted all tariff's and our rust belt in now a fucking ghost belt.

start there.
American steel was destroyed in the 70s, long before Bush. It was destroyed by subsidies provided by Taiwan, China, and South Korea to their domestic steel producers.
US steel factories dumped 75% of their number of employees over the last 50 years (only slightly more than the period you specify) while maintaining the same or higher steel production.

But, I'll admit it's easier to blame those evil foreigners along with those congressmen who clearly hate manufacturing and YOU in particular.
Has nothing to do with oil tariffs.

But as a matter of fact, I have been pointing out for years now that a great many of the jobs which have disappeared in America did not go overseas, and that they simply became extinct due to capital investment in technology.

See this example.

And this example.

And this example.
I see not justification for guessing that oil tariffs are any different.
2001 the US steel industry wanted a 40% hike on Chinese steel .. in 03, 43 lifted all tariff's and our rust belt in now a fucking ghost belt.

start there.
American steel was destroyed in the 70s, long before Bush. It was destroyed by subsidies provided by Taiwan, China, and South Korea to their domestic steel producers.
US steel factories dumped 75% of their number of employees over the last 50 years (only slightly more than the period you specify) while maintaining the same or higher steel production.

But, I'll admit it's easier to blame those evil foreigners along with those congressmen who clearly hate manufacturing and YOU in particular.
Has nothing to do with oil tariffs.

But as a matter of fact, I have been pointing out for years now that a great many of the jobs which have disappeared in America did not go overseas, and that they simply became extinct due to capital investment in technology.

See this example.

And this example.

And this example.
Great links!

That first one is dramatic, showing exactly what manufacturing labor is up against.

Clinton was right. We need massive retraining, not just for existing workers but for those entering what we've tended to call "vocational" tracks.

Employment in the manufacturing sector is still open for college graduates - those with the training and education that demonstrates ability to operate, maintain and design automated manufacturing systems.
Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations".

However, over the years, Congress has delegated a lot of that power to the President.

In short, the President can impose tariffs, and Congress can do little about it.

Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on US companies which manufacture overseas. However, that would be extremely damaging to our economy.

What would be better is if Trump imposed tariffs on imported petroleum products. We don't have US producers of oil making petroleum products overseas. So the only entities harmed by tariffs on petroleum products would be furriners. Like OPEC. Like Russia.

Not crude. We don't produce heavy crude here. But we do make gasoline. So let's put tariffs on gasoline and other petroleum products.

This would have three positive impacts.

1) It would help domestic producers of petroleum products.

2) It would exacerbate the current oil glut.

3) Exacerbating the oil glut would crush Putin even more. His country has been in a deep recession since oil dropped below $60, putting a major crimp in his imperialist aims. Let's keep him there.

There is no reason for oil prices to rise unless Trump fucks us all in the ass to help his puppeteer Putin.

Actually Congress can do a lot about it, like withholding money from the President, making laws the President doesn't want, making the President's time in office a complete failure, etc.
Lower taxes and regulations will help bigly, but China survives by stealing from us. They are in for a big shock real soon.
Lower taxes and regulations will help bigly, but China survives by stealing from us. They are in for a big shock real soon.
I really do not believe that even slightly.

We're only about 15% of China's business. And, they are forming trade partnerships covering Asia (Japan, SKorea, Taiwan, etc.) and the Americas - except for the US, since we bugged out. And, they have 4X our population, which is a gigantic market even without the rest of Asia.

Let's remember that China is a large customer of ours. For example, Boeing sells 4 planes in Asia for ever plane sold in America. In combination with their trade partners, they have serious economic power.

Any idea that we're going to hurt them without hurting ourselves at least as much is more likely to be total nonsense. Plus, China could well hate the start Trump has made with the constant garbage tossed China's way.

I think Trump got away with his nonsense due to the pervasive ignorance Americans have concerning Asia and the progress they have made over the last decades.
Lower taxes and regulations will help bigly, but China survives by stealing from us. They are in for a big shock real soon.

China doesn't steal from the US, it's called CAPITALISM, since when has the right been so anti-capitalism?
A liberal advocating an attack on big oil, I'm shocked. /sarcasm * infinity

Spot on!

I was so shocked you coulda knocked me over with a wrecking ball. I wonder, should I waste my time to explain once more how the various levels of government receive more money in taxes on the sale of each gallon of gasoline than the oil companies make in profit? Should I waste the few remaining moments of my life to explain one more time that many companies, including Coke, have a much larger profit margin than oil companies? Nah, let the delusional ultra-liberal jerks feel good about making statements they know nothing about. They need a whipping boy to make themselves seem important and Big Oil is the the Democrats' favorite target. Perhaps in a few hundred years, they will be able to figure it out and say WTF was I thinking.

Sorry, ultra-libs, I'd like to 'splain it to you all but I'm just too old for this shit and it's time for Judge Judy.

Ultra-liberals, you gotta love 'em. They are so damn entertaining.
Once again, retard, since you obviously didn't read my reply to the first retard, these tariffs would HELP American oil companies and HURT OPEC and Russia.

All caught up now, dummy?

Riiiiight :laugh:
Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.
OK. So you are betting on the orange clown to actually succeed in some of the blather he has spewed. My bet is that by 2019, his cabinet of incompetents will have us in worse shape than Bush did in 2008.
Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.
Let's remember that manufacturing PRODUCTION has been increasing steadily since the 1970's, with the exception of the Bush crash. The last couple years have seen manufacturing production higher than it has ever been.

Trump would like to think it's all about big deals - the ONE related thing with which he has any experience at all.

The actual issue is far more complex.

We're losing jobs to automation. Steel workers laid off by automation aren't trained to step into jobs in the automated world.

And, we've crushed collective bargaining. The result is that there is nobody lobbying for good wages, reliable retirement, job security, training to keep up with the corporate direction, on the job safety, etc.

Plus, manufacturing isn't new anymore. Every significant nation in the world has manufacturing capacity and related technology that challenges our own. We don't own that sector anymore, so we're feeling the competition from the global marketplace.

So, we're ignoring stuff like new energy technology design and manufacturing - now owned by China. We no longer have the fastest supercomputers - designed and constructed by China. We are out competed in heavy equipment by Germany. Etc, etc.

We're ignoring that the new jobs in manufacturing require college education.

Then, we sit back and whine about the world marketplace!!!

What the HELL happened to our drive, innovation and determination to actually be competitive???
Exactly! Little South Korea now graduates more engineers than does the US. And most first world nations send anyone that will maintian their grades to tech school or college. We make it very difficult for our young people from poor backgrounds to go the tech school or college. We are simply losing on the basis of competition.

We will see if Trump wants to continue the losing status quo, or to make it even worse by adapting a Lysenkoist attitude toward science. I fail to see him working to make the work force more educated.
2001 the US steel industry wanted a 40% hike on Chinese steel .. in 03, 43 lifted all tariff's and our rust belt in now a fucking ghost belt.

start there.
American steel was destroyed in the 70s, long before Bush. It was destroyed by subsidies provided by Taiwan, China, and South Korea to their domestic steel producers.
US steel factories dumped 75% of their number of employees over the last 50 years (only slightly more than the period you specify) while maintaining the same or higher steel production.

But, I'll admit it's easier to blame those evil foreigners along with those congressmen who clearly hate manufacturing and YOU in particular.
Has nothing to do with oil tariffs.

But as a matter of fact, I have been pointing out for years now that a great many of the jobs which have disappeared in America did not go overseas, and that they simply became extinct due to capital investment in technology.

See this example.

And this example.

And this example.
How well I know this. Helped build a lot of those machines. You want a good life? Get educated in something that industry needs. Trades, research personal, ect. No room for ignorant asses that cannot or will not learn.
Boy, i still remember a time when Democrats actually cared about American Workers. What the hell happened? Sold out completely to the Globalists i guess. The Democratic Party is losing American Workers in droves. And that's cause for panic. American Workers are the backbone of the Party.

Donald Trump has shown American Workers how badly they've been screwed by Globalist Democrats. A mass exodus has begun as a result. These are voters the Democratic Party can't afford to lose. Screeching Communist/Progressive extremists won't be enough for it to win. Democrats are in much bigger trouble than they think.
OK. So you are betting on the orange clown to actually succeed in some of the blather he has spewed. My bet is that by 2019, his cabinet of incompetents will have us in worse shape than Bush did in 2008.

You're not only betting, you're truly hoping more Americans lose their jobs. You're consumed with petty hate. You're sick. :cuckoo:
As a Canadian I want to be positive about my countrys' honesty in dealing with America and Europe, alas, I know far too much to pretend to be naive. Our security establishment has ruined this faith, especially in Ontario which is for all intents and purposes a communist jurisdiction with a crony capitalist core (which in many respects is worse than communism) . I know first hand these activities because I blew the whistle on these tactics against foreign businesses at great personal cost to my wife and I, more on this later...

This being said, to me this should be a multi lateral move. First, he should start with stating that NAFTA is null and void after 90 or 120 days and all parties must negotiate and sign an agreement before the expiration. This forces everyone to the table to hammer out what needs to change, all nations know what the issues are. If no deal can be negotiated, America goes forward with negotiating bi-lateral deals with Mexico and Canada while gradually enacting tariffs as required when no agreement exists.

IF he comes to an agreement with Canada and Mexico, it must come with strong whistle blower protections and the ability to facilitate grievances between countries, allowing for those who experiences abuses or special information regarding violations of the agreement to have a platform to provide them. The current mechanism in NAFTA is insufficient, even so, not surprisingly to me, Canada has been the chief violator and loser in this process. These changes would immediately force Canada to backtrack off the excessive state sponsored interference in American corporations on Canadian soil which it currently engages in. These actions alone have cost these corporations billions since NAFTA, and worse, impacted performance.

He then states that he will be laying tariffs on Canadian lumber out west and the auto industry out of Ontario. These have been the two industries that have been playing by a different set of rules in Canada in an effort to take jobs from the U.S. while undermining NAFTA. The strategy of Trump focusing on jobs first is a huge consideration and must be his primary focus, tariffs against these industries would immediately reap benefit, and might even force GM to overturn their decision to sell jobs to Ontario as they did a few months ago, to the tune of $550M from the Canadian federal and provincial governments, again, more on this later.

For the record. America and Trump hold all the cards in this situation. Mayor Tory of Toronto, Wynne in Ontario and Trudeau who is PM will try and present an air of mutual harm if NAFTA is ruined, this is only partially accurate. Trade between the two might suffer, though it will hurt Canada far more than American exporters, but this is about jobs, something Canada has been trying to manipulate and control for some time knowing it is all about jobs. If Trump creates an American business exodus from Canada employing Canadians it will be game over. If a major corporation left Toronto for instance, Canada doesn't have the innovative businesses to step in and replace said lost jobs. As an example, Canada is the only Western nation without it's own domestic auto industry.
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The last time we had major trade restrictions, it was on foreign steel and Japanese cars

It resulted in an era of the worst American cars ever built, as the US car companies took advantage of the lack of competition to build crap and jack up prices.

That's the kind of result that trade wars bring about.
Trump's a blowhard. But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on goods produced here and sold abroad. Ford and Toyota see an obvious advantage not just in labor but tax rates, because cars built there have zero tax implications.

The Gop wants to have that same tax rate.

Tell a Hollywood liberal a zero corp tax is a good idea, and he'll lose it. Tell a guy who might get a job, and he'll vote gop.
The last time we had major trade restrictions, it was on foreign steel and Japanese cars

It resulted in an era of the worst American cars ever built, as the US car companies took advantage of the lack of competition to build crap and jack up prices.

That's the kind of result that trade wars bring about.
Trump's a blowhard. But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on goods produced here and sold abroad. Ford and Toyota see an obvious advantage not just in labor but tax rates, because cars built there have zero tax implications.

The Gop wants to have that same tax rate.

Tell a Hollywood liberal a zero corp tax is a good idea, and he'll lose it. Tell a guy who might get a job, and he'll vote gop.

But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on goods produced here and sold abroad.

But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on profits earned on goods produced here and sold abroad.

Fixed it for you.
The last time we had major trade restrictions, it was on foreign steel and Japanese cars

It resulted in an era of the worst American cars ever built, as the US car companies took advantage of the lack of competition to build crap and jack up prices.

That's the kind of result that trade wars bring about.
Trump's a blowhard. But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on goods produced here and sold abroad. Ford and Toyota see an obvious advantage not just in labor but tax rates, because cars built there have zero tax implications.

The Gop wants to have that same tax rate.

Tell a Hollywood liberal a zero corp tax is a good idea, and he'll lose it. Tell a guy who might get a job, and he'll vote gop.

But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on goods produced here and sold abroad.

But, under current law, large US corps pay 35% tax on profits earned on goods produced here and sold abroad.

Fixed it for you.
Well yes, income tax is on income. Thanks for that. LOL

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