What sort of man supports abortion?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Philippa Taylor is the Head of Public Policy at the Christian Medical Fellowship in the UK. She says, “We have to consider the possibility that perhaps women are not always making choices that they really want to make, as men absolve themselves of their responsibility in decision- making. A choice is no choice if there are not equal (supported) alternatives.”

Men who support abortion typically believe they have the right to coerce women to get abortion.

Men who support abortion don't want to support their offspring.

Men who support abortion believe they have a right to sex with women who aren't in a position to raise a child.

Men who support abortion are generally great supporters of the sex industry in all it's forms.

Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking.

And the industry tells them that they should feel free to tell women what they "want" (abortion) even if the woman doesn't, in order to *help* her make the right decision for *her*:

"You may think it’s better to support whatever she wants, or you may not want to influence her too much. But, it’s important to tell her how you feel...."

And if you are a man and feel morally bereft because you've coerced a woman into killing her baby, get over it: "If you still think abortion is morally wrong, the solution lies in forgiveness--from yourself, from her, from God." http://www.menandabortion.com/formen.html

"Many men favor abortion for their own reason...They want to be able to have sexual relations without bearing responsibility if a child results....
this has always been the chief reason why abortions occur at all. Though pro-abortion rhetoric depicts the decision to abort as a woman's declaration of independence from male control -- an assertion of her 'right to control her own body' -- the reality is usually that she has found herself both dependent on a man and under his control and feels that abortion is a last ugly option."
"The unmarried father used to be "expected to take his share of the responsibility. The decent thing to do...was to offer marriage. Now he need only ask, 'What are you going to do?' The question conveys the message: 'It's not my problem.' Or he may be more blunt, pressuring her to abort or threatening not to support the child if she goes ahead and gives birth."

If I were a man I would be against abortion -- to the extreme.
A man has ZERO say if a woman decides to kill his son/daughter.
I'm a woman -- and people need to stop being man-haters....
Generalizing and posturing! Garbage!
Men who support abortion believe they have a right to sex with women who aren't in a position to raise a child.

Men who support abortion are generally great supporters of the sex industry in all it's forms.

Men who support abortion are often involved in human trafficking.

Then why on earth would you trust any of these men to be a father and to raise a baby?
Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....
If I were a man I would be against abortion -- to the extreme.
A man has ZERO say if a woman decides to kill his son/daughter.
His say ends when the underpants hit the floor. Deal with it.

There are plenty of safe ways to preserve "his" choice, including keeping it in his pants eh?

Well then women can just not have sex as well if they don't want to get pregnant.
Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....

Who is getting drafted? Are you suggesting that women aren't participating in the military, firefighting and police?

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