What sort of man supports abortion?

Men who support legal induced abortion support women, who have in this case a right to attempt to carry to term, or not, a pregnancy. Those who want to "control" women are those who want to ban abortion, such as yourself for instance...


I've done my fair share of dating and the one man who had control issues would have happily forced me to keep what would have been a very unwanted pregnancy, not the other way around.

The other men I've dated seriously all had the same opinion on the matter, they would want to know and have their say considered but would ultimately support my choice, without complaint or question. Not once have I ever dated a "liberal" man who treated me or behaved toward other women in a manner which would lead me to believe they thought they were superior simply because they were men and should be allowed to make decisions about my body. That's a trait typically confined to the right wing nut jobs.
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One too lazy to pull out, and just shoot it onto her face.

LOL, that is just wrong!

I'm not saying shoot her in the eye. Just give it a good spread. Maybe a little something in her hair.


Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....

Who is getting drafted? Are you suggesting that women aren't participating in the military, firefighting and police?

No, just poking holes in your logic using examples. Something that flew right over your empty vapid head.
If I were a man I would be against abortion -- to the extreme.
A man has ZERO say if a woman decides to kill his son/daughter.
Or if a school counselor convinces his underage daughter to kill his grandchild. Heck, even Mom doesn't have any say about that.
Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....

We pay for all of the above, so think again.

So if a man is willing to pay he can have a say in an abort/no abort decision?

No, and your comparison is not valid.
Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....

We pay for all of the above, so think again.

So if a man is willing to pay he can have a say in an abort/no abort decision?
No, his reproductive freedom is restricted by law. He can either be denied fatherhood or forced to pay for the next 18 years on the whim of the woman he just boinked.
Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....

We pay for all of the above, so think again.

So if a man is willing to pay he can have a say in an abort/no abort decision?

No, and your comparison is not valid.

Why isn't it valid?
Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....

We pay for all of the above, so think again.

So if a man is willing to pay he can have a say in an abort/no abort decision?
No, his reproductive freedom is restricted by law. He can either be denied fatherhood or forced to pay for the next 18 years on the whim of the woman he just boinked.

So basically some people want women to have their cake and eat it too. got it.
Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....

We pay for all of the above, so think again.

So if a man is willing to pay he can have a say in an abort/no abort decision?
No, his reproductive freedom is restricted by law. He can either be denied fatherhood or forced to pay for the next 18 years on the whim of the woman he just boinked.

Um, no. Your reproductive freedom is your choice. No one is forcing men to have unprotected sex.
Men should have no say in the matter.

Well since women can't get drafted, I guess they shouldn't have a say in anything that may result in war.

And only firefighters can discuss about firefighting, and only police can desire that criminals be put in jail....

We pay for all of the above, so think again.

So if a man is willing to pay he can have a say in an abort/no abort decision?
No, his reproductive freedom is restricted by law. He can either be denied fatherhood or forced to pay for the next 18 years on the whim of the woman he just boinked.

Um, no. Your reproductive freedom is your choice. No one is forcing men to have unprotected sex.

No one is forcing women to have unprotected sex either, the only thing is they are the only one with an "out". Why, in a gender neutral society should that be the case?

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