What "State" has declared war on the world???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How the Islamic State Declared War on the World

The Islamic State has emerged over the past two weeks as one of the world’s most aggressive state sponsors of terrorism. If its claims are to be believed, its members carried out sophisticated mass casualty attacks against two of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council — France and Russia. The carnage in Paris on Friday was the worst attack in France since the end of World War II; the downing of a Russian plane after its takeoff from the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh on Oct. 31, one of the worst terrorist attacks on Russian civilians since the fall of the Soviet Union. For good measure, the Islamic State also carried out synchronized suicide bombings in Beirut on Nov. 12, killing dozens of civilians in a Hezbollah-controlled neighborhood.

The group is more than a terrorist organization — it's a leading state sponsor of terrorism, and it's expanding its reach to targets across the globe.

How the Islamic State Declared War on the World


So if the Islamic State has declared war, then using these executive actions as precedence, what
is the issue regarding Trump's suggestion we ban Muslims???

Some argue it is "unconstitutional"... IS IT???

Let’s be very clear about this there is not a religion on the face of this earth that has such a sizeable number of adherents to extremism and unspeakable barbarity as does the Muslim faith. Beheadings, mutilations, mass murders, crucifixions, honor killings, genocide of Christian and Jews, kidnapping, rape and torture on a massive scale? Did Trump’s critics miss the fact that there are parts of Paris that not even French police will enter because Muslims intimidate even the police? Indeed, if Islamist extremists could get their hand on a nuclear, biological or chemical weapon , and sneak that weapon into the United States, who doubts that they would use it without hesitation?

The president not only has a duty to protect and defend the people of the United States from all enemies both foreign and domestic, but to faithfully execute his office as commander-in-chief to ensure that the safety of the American public is secured.
Is banning Muslims from entering the U.S. really an unconstitutional ban on religion? | RedState

So based on the President's duty to "protect and defend the people".... why was what the below
Presidents actions different?

So, Jimmy Carter ordered 50,000 Iranian students here in the U.S. to report to immigration offices and if they were in violation of their visas – they were deported.

On this day in 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issues Presidential Proclamation No. 2537, requiring aliens from World War II-enemy countries–Italy, Germany and Japan–to register with the United States Department of Justice. Registered persons were then issued a Certificate of Identification for Aliens of Enemy Nationality. A follow-up to the Alien Registration Act of 1940, Proclamation No. 2537 facilitated the beginning of full-scale internment of Japanese Americans the following month.
Roosevelt ushers in Japanese-American internment - Jan 14, 1942 - HISTORY.com
The last two freaking week? Only the last two weeks?

It also invaded and conquered Afghanistan in September. Aye carumba! Where the hell are all the journalists in America?

Oh I remember. They're campaigning for Hillary.

Gee I guess our media is late to the party.

The UN has been warning since May of this year and directly to members that ISIS was gaining ground in Afghanistan. Well now they hold 25 out of 34 provinces.

And think of the timing. UN Assembly in September. Obama knew this did nothing. Putin found out that Obama and others weren't going to do jack shit and starting bombing the ever living shit out of ISIS. They're on his doorstep.

And people still have the nerve to tell me that Putin has no right to be taking action. That I'm only a Putin cheer leader and dick licker. You know who you are on this board. Go pound sand idiots.

ISIS gaining ground in Afghanistan

A U.N. report ISIS is making inroads in Afghanistan, winning over a growing number of sympathizers and recruiting followers. (File photo: AP)

By AFP United Natons, United States Saturday, 26 September 2015
The ISIS group is making inroads in Afghanistan, winning over a growing number of sympathizers and recruiting followers in 25 of the country’s 34 provinces, a U.N. report said Friday.

The militant group, which controls large areas of Syria and Iraq, has been trying to establish itself in Afghanistan, challenging the Taliban on their own turf.

Afghan security forces told U.N. sanctions monitors that about 10 percent of the Taliban insurgency are ISIS sympathizers, according to the report by the U.N.’s al-Qaeda monitoring team.

“The number of groups and individuals who are openly declaring either loyalty to or sympathy with ISIS continues to grow in a number of provinces in Afghanistan,” said the report.

Afghan government sources said “sightings of the groups with some form of ISIS branding” or sympathy were reported in 25 provinces in the war-torn country, it added.

The ISIS-backed groups “regularly engage” Afghan military forces, but fighting with other parts of the insurgency are rare, except in Nangarhar province where they are battling the Taliban for control of the drug trade.

Among the prominent ISIS fighters, the report singled out Abdul Rauf Khadem, a former Taliban adviser to Mullah Omar, who visited Iraq in October 2014 and has since formed his own group in Helmand and Farah provinces.

Khadem allegedly has been recruiting followers by paying out large sums of money.

ISIS gaining ground in Afghanistan


"...a leading state sponsor of terrorism"

What exactly is that?

Iran is arguably the leading 'sponsor' and 'exporter' of terrorism in the Middle east, if not the world. It supports 'proxy' / 'surrogate' groups throughout the Middle East and throughout the world.

Saudi has terrorist ties. Turkey, a fellow NATO ally, supports ISIS by buying black market oil - so does Assad / Syria. Qatar, an 'ally' in the ME, where we have a base or two, supports terrorists. It's no secret.

ISIS is a 'State SUPPORTED' terrorist organization. Al Qaeida is another - they recently dealt ISIS a blow by targeting and killing several key ISIS leaders in a suicide bombing.

So, bottom line, I disagree with that statement ad think it is wrong.
"...a leading state sponsor of terrorism"

What exactly is that?

Iran is arguably the leading 'sponsor' and 'exporter' of terrorism in the Middle east, if not the world. It supports 'proxy' / 'surrogate' groups throughout the Middle East and throughout the world.

Saudi has terrorist ties. Turkey, a fellow NATO ally, supports ISIS by buying black market oil - so does Assad / Syria. Qatar, an 'ally' in the ME, where we have a base or two, supports terrorists. It's no secret.

ISIS is a 'State SUPPORTED' terrorist organization. Al Qaeida is another - they recently dealt ISIS a blow by targeting and killing several key ISIS leaders in a suicide bombing.

So, bottom line, I disagree with that statement ad think it is wrong.

Respectfully disagree easy and here's why. Iran is horrid to be sure but the turmoil we have witnessed in the past few years has all been Sunni driven. Not Shia.

Your bad actors in the Arab Spring are Saudi Arabia, Qatar and late to the party Turkey with that son of a bitch Erdogan and now Kuwait has jumped in.

The preponderance sp (first coffee) of terror organization are hands down Sunni.

I want to check later on the Sunni/Shia ratio of refugees from Syria. Bet you dollars to donuts the son of a bitch is bringing in Sunnis. We know damn well Obama is screwing Christians and leave the truly persecuted behind.

ETA: yes he threw Iran a big bone but if you check his history he's pro Sunni all the way all the time. MB big time.

ETA again: I need a second coffee. Is anyone helping the Yazidis?
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They're a state now? Guess that means the UN will recognize them shortly and give them a seat in the General Assembly.

An Islamic state (Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية‎ ad-dawlah al-islāmiyah) is a type of government primarily based on the enforcement of shari'a (Islamic law), dispensation of justice, maintenance of law and order.[1] From the early years of Islam, numerous governments have been founded as "Islamic."

However, the term "Islamic state" has taken on a more specific connotation since the 20th century. The concept of the modern Islamic state has been articulated and promoted by ideologues such as Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Israr Ahmed, and Sayyid Qutb. Like the earlier notion of the caliphate, the modern Islamic state is rooted in Islamic law. It is modeled after the rule of Muhammad. However, unlike caliph-led governments which were imperial despotisms or monarchies (Arabic: malik), a modern Islamic state can incorporate modern political institutions such as elections, parliamentary rule, judicial review, and popular sovereignty.

Today, many Muslim countries have incorporated Islamic law, wholly or in part, into their legal systems. Certain Muslim states have declared Islam to be their state religion in their constitutions, but do not apply Islamic law in their courts. Islamic states which are not Islamic monarchies are usually referred to as Islamic republics.

See also: Islamic democracy, Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists and Fiqh

I was wrong to declare it a "country"... . It is a state status though.
An Islamic state (Arabic: الدولة الإسلامية‎ ad-dawlah al-islāmiyah) is a type of government primarily based on the enforcement of shari'a (Islamic law), dispensation of justice, maintenance of law and order.[1] From the early years of Islam, numerous governments have been founded as "Islamic."

However, the term "Islamic state" has taken on a more specific connotation since the 20th century. The concept of the modern Islamic state has been articulated and promoted by ideologues such as Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Israr Ahmed, and Sayyid Qutb. Like the earlier notion of the caliphate, the modern Islamic state is rooted in Islamic law. It is modeled after the rule of Muhammad. However, unlike caliph-led governments which were imperial despotisms or monarchies (Arabic: malik), a modern Islamic state can incorporate modern political institutions such as elections, parliamentary rule, judicial review, and popular sovereignty.

Today, many Muslim countries have incorporated Islamic law, wholly or in part, into their legal systems. Certain Muslim states have declared Islam to be their state religion in their constitutions, but do not apply Islamic law in their courts. Islamic states which are not Islamic monarchies are usually referred to as Islamic republics.

See also: Islamic democracy, Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists and Fiqh
Islamic state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well our Supreme leader doesn't seem too concerned....
After all climate change is gonna kill us before a member of ISIS will.....

They are contained for God's sake and pose no danger to anyone......

I'm going back to the thread about whether Michelle O is really a dude.....

Much more interesting.
The last two freaking week? Only the last two weeks?

It also invaded and conquered Afghanistan in September. Aye carumba! Where the hell are all the journalists in America?

Oh I remember. They're campaigning for Hillary.


They are heavily invested in finding out if Trumps hair is real, you know real news.

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