What "State Secrets" Did Joe Biden Sell ?

the oversight has only been going on for a few months .. congress is subpoenaing bank records and other docs that will reveal the truth ! it may take a while because they are getting very little cooperation from Bidens DOJ .
I hope that they get them and we can proceed with this, and if there is nothing there, MAGA World admits it and moves on.

Not holding my breath on the second one.
The wild west actually had reasonable gun laws, shithead.
The “strict” gun laws in the Wild West were selectively enforced. Often it was young outsiders to the towns such as cowboys who got into fights.

If the laws in Tombone were so strict and enforced why was Doc Holliday allowed to carry a firearm in town.

Did the Wild West Really have More Gun Control than We Do?​

March 15, 2018
By Dan Gifford

Claims it did are partial truth political narratives intended to deceive. Truth is, the oft mentioned Dodge City and Tombstone laws were selectively enforced because they had far more to do with disarming political, business and crime rivals than protecting public safety.


Chortles could turn to ribald laughter if O’Brian delivered a lecture about gun carry endangering the public or the importance of obeying the law. When that action played out against the show’s theme song that said “Wyatt cleaned-up the wild West country and made law and order prevail,” he’d say, they gotta be talking about somebody else or some other town, before noting that Wyatt and his Tombstone town marshal brothers saw plenty of people — Doc Holiday being just one — illegally carrying guns in Tombstone and could not have cared less.

The reason was that enforcement of the anti carry ordinances in Tombstone and Dodge City and other frontier towns like Dead- wood, South Dakota that had them were highly selective. In Tomb- stone, those friendly with the Earps and their buddies got a pass. In Dodge City those friendly with the powers that be and or the Dodge City Gang — which included Wyatt when there — got a pass too on the side of Dodge with the carry ban. That “side” is a rarely mentioned fact.

Dodge City was actually two towns, one incorporated the other not, controlled by warring political factions that almost went to shooting at each other.

That close call brought together this group of the day’s most famous — or infamous — gunmen like Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp to back the Dodge City Gang. The other side backed down.


The crimes that did take place in the West were often violent confrontations between young men who were drunk or who got in a personal confrontation; it goes without saying that societies of mostly young men tend to be a little more violent than others. Hence the restrictions on gun usage that took place in some frontier communities.

For instance, historian Robert McGrath, who wrote a book about crime in the most notorious Old West towns, found that “robbery, theft, and burglary occurred infrequently,” and that “bank robbery, rape, racial violence, and serious juvenile crime seem not to have occurred at all.”

“While the homicide rate was high,” McGrath wrote, “the killings were almost always the result of fights between willing combatants.”

The few gun control-type laws that existed were poorly and inconsistently enforced, McGrath said in an interview with the Chicago Tribune.

Additionally, McGrath concluded that it was widespread gun ownership that deterred criminality in these areas in which law enforcement had little authority or ability to handle crime.
Who cares when you addressed posting an edited video? You still did that.
Already explained why editing was acceptable and non-editing would not have been. Ho hum.

Were you OK with the editing that CNN did on Trump's Jan 6 speech, when they cut it off right before he said "Peacefully & patriotically make your voices heard" ? I havent heard any Democrats complaining about THAT editing.
No worries, gramps. Conspiracy nuts like you never think they're conspiracy nuts.
One would think that Democrats would have let go of their favorite catchword "conspiracy" after so much time, but nope - it's too useful for them, when they really have no argument, they just toss out the word "conspiracy", and figure that somehow covers it.

What "State Secrets" Did Joe Biden Sell ?​

  1. Where all the best ice cream shops are in DC, NYC and LA.
  2. How to get a case of adult diapers from Walmart at half price because you are POTUS.
  3. How to shuffle away from answering questions to a press conference by making it look like you are crapping your pants.
  4. How to trip over the sandbag you just passed then blame the sandbag for your lack of memory or vision.
  5. The private chinese sex hotline phone number for Jinping.
  6. How to run for office after a disastrous term with no rallies, no campaign nor debates with anyone yet still get 100 million votes.
The worst part about it all is that stupid fucking democrats will still vote for him over American loving Trump.
Sure, because like Biden, their first allegiance is to their party (gang), not to the country, or the American people. They pretty much don't care what happens to anybody, as long as they have power, and they get their way.

It has been said that a country without a border is not a country.

I fear one day we will find a number of terrorists made their way across our open Mexican border and they will launch an attack that will cost us dearly.

Our sheer stupidity is amazing.

I am also watching our big cities turning into a crime ridden anarchy. Why the people in the big cities are not rising up in protest amazes me. I can see why people want to work from home rather than walk the streets of LA, San Fransisco, Chicago or New York City to get to work after parking. Any rational citizen would carry a gun in the big cities today. The big cities today are far more dangerous the the Wild West ever was.
Sad but true, and seemingly getting worse, from liberal do-noting prosecutors.
Because you refuse to hear the entire response, you are going to be really disappointed that nothing comes of it Then you'll say it was the deepstate, then move on to your next shitpost and forget about all this We can only hope you don't do something stupid in the meantime.
The "response" would be an answer to the question of the OP which is >> "What "State Secrets" Did Joe Biden Sell ?

So far, I'm dispappointed that there has been nothing coming of that, other than Post # 231, and that was posted by me.
Sure.......................Pure republican PROJECTION.

Russia has laws against political dissent, against Putin and his regime. (Prison time)
Russia has laws against any opposing press.
Russia has laws against opposing protesters.
Russia has censorship laws.
Russia has laws against opposing online media.
Opposing political parties.

Sounds just like US teabaggers.
No, it sounds like Joe Biden's weaponized DOJ, with the illegal jailing of Jan 6 protester, and the fascist attacks against Trump.
We don't pretend he didn't mean it, Biden said so himself.
Trump on the other hand needed his sons on FOX to tell their cult "Trump was joking".
And Biden needs you to tell us he was "joking", but as his words went viral on the internet, millions of people aren't buying that line.

See post # 24.

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