What "State Secrets" Did Joe Biden Sell ?

You're FOS.
The "videos" are accusations by teabaggers, CLAIMING Biden is corrupt.

As simple as teabaggers CLAIMING they have a red corvette, but never produce a red corvette.
FALSE! the accusations I posted in VIDEOS show Biden :

1. Extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor he didn't approve of.
With video cameras rolling, he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending Ukraine toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.
Biden openly proclaimed >> "I said you're not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that Obama was in on the threat.

2. Openly proclaimed >> "We have put together, I think, the most extensive & inclusive voter fraud organization, in the history of American politics"
3. Openly proclaimed in a very serious tone & demeanor "I started off without you..and I sold a lot of state secrets, and a lot of very important things"

The "response" would be an answer to the question of the OP which is >> "What "State Secrets" Did Joe Biden Sell ?

So far, I'm dispappointed that there has been nothing coming of that, other than Post # 231, and that was posted by me.
Imagine that. Nothing coming from a lie.
FALSE! the accusations I posted in VIDEOS show Biden :

1. Extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor he didn't approve of.
With video cameras rolling, he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending Ukraine toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.
Biden openly proclaimed >> "I said you're not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that Obama was in on the threat.

2. Openly proclaimed >> "We have put together, I think, the most extensive & inclusive voter fraud organization, in the history of American politics"
3. Openly proclaimed in a very serious tone & demeanor "I started off without you..and I sold a lot of state secrets, and a lot of very important things"

You dumb, stupid chimp.
The “strict” gun laws in the Wild West were selectively enforced. Often it was young outsiders to the towns such as cowboys who got into fights.

If the laws in Tombone were so strict and enforced why was Doc Holliday allowed to carry a firearm in town.

Did the Wild West Really have More Gun Control than We Do?​

March 15, 2018
By Dan Gifford

Claims it did are partial truth political narratives intended to deceive. Truth is, the oft mentioned Dodge City and Tombstone laws were selectively enforced because they had far more to do with disarming political, business and crime rivals than protecting public safety.


Chortles could turn to ribald laughter if O’Brian delivered a lecture about gun carry endangering the public or the importance of obeying the law. When that action played out against the show’s theme song that said “Wyatt cleaned-up the wild West country and made law and order prevail,” he’d say, they gotta be talking about somebody else or some other town, before noting that Wyatt and his Tombstone town marshal brothers saw plenty of people — Doc Holiday being just one — illegally carrying guns in Tombstone and could not have cared less.

The reason was that enforcement of the anti carry ordinances in Tombstone and Dodge City and other frontier towns like Dead- wood, South Dakota that had them were highly selective. In Tomb- stone, those friendly with the Earps and their buddies got a pass. In Dodge City those friendly with the powers that be and or the Dodge City Gang — which included Wyatt when there — got a pass too on the side of Dodge with the carry ban. That “side” is a rarely mentioned fact.

Dodge City was actually two towns, one incorporated the other not, controlled by warring political factions that almost went to shooting at each other.

That close call brought together this group of the day’s most famous — or infamous — gunmen like Bat Masterson and Wyatt Earp to back the Dodge City Gang. The other side backed down.


The crimes that did take place in the West were often violent confrontations between young men who were drunk or who got in a personal confrontation; it goes without saying that societies of mostly young men tend to be a little more violent than others. Hence the restrictions on gun usage that took place in some frontier communities.

For instance, historian Robert McGrath, who wrote a book about crime in the most notorious Old West towns, found that “robbery, theft, and burglary occurred infrequently,” and that “bank robbery, rape, racial violence, and serious juvenile crime seem not to have occurred at all.”

“While the homicide rate was high,” McGrath wrote, “the killings were almost always the result of fights between willing combatants.”

The few gun control-type laws that existed were poorly and inconsistently enforced, McGrath said in an interview with the Chicago Tribune.

Additionally, McGrath concluded that it was widespread gun ownership that deterred criminality in these areas in which law enforcement had little authority or ability to handle crime.
Because Tombstone is the entire West.....
So far, our Dept of justice has nailed Joe down to selling the government's private database of all the top ice cream shops in America. Not just the best but the ones most apt to serve federal employees. Turns out this database is worth billions to the Chinese who want to be the USA's chief importer of Rocky Road, Cherry Chocolate Chip and Mint Chocolate Chip.

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There IS NO "our" justice department, there is only Joe Biden's "justice" department.
Oh my goodness. How will protectionist ever manage to come back from this thoughtful, resourceful, informative, enlightening, substance-laden post ? :biggrin:
You have been told numerous times why the videos are bunk. You refuse to listen to any reason.
A lot better than the bought and paid for Trump, who has 38 trademarks in China.
Gets all his MAGA trinkets made in China.
Then you are DUPED beyond all imagination. Not only does Biden ignore your safety and security, he just got finished consorting with the Chinese to have them fly a spy balloon over US nuclear installations and air force bases, so that they can endeavor to more efficiently KILL YOU, and every other American in the process.
Then you are DUPED beyond all imagination. Not only does Biden ignore your safety and security, he just got finished consorting with the Chinese to have them fly a spy balloon over US nuclear installations and air force bases, so that they can endeavor to more efficiently KILL YOU, and every other American in the process.
Either take your meds or someone needs to put you on a 72 hour psych hold. You shouldn't be running around any society in your current state.
Sad but true, and seemingly getting worse, from liberal do-noting prosecutors.
It seems the Democrats have decided to turn Marxist socialist. In order to achieve that goal they must first destroy our nation and they are making headway at that today.
That’s just your conspiracy theory that I’m here to debunk.
Joe Biden sold secrets and influence and possibly both.

Of course he will walk away scot-free because he is a high level Democrat as will the rest of his crime family.
BS. It was corporate greed, is why we have everything made in China.

We've had 43 years of deregulation and corporate tax cuts.
That's when most of US corporations transferred their manufacturing to China.
Teabaggers reward them, by giving them, even more tax cuts.

FALSE! & RIDICULOUS. US corporations don't move away from tax CUTS. Those are good for them. The less tax they pay, the higher is their profits. They move away to get away from HIGH taxes, not lower.

Looking at the past "43 years", that starts with the Reagan administration, during which the corporate tax was lowered twice (from 46% DOWN to 40% in 1987,,,,and from 40% to 34% in 1988). Regulations were minimal, and corporations were not leaving the US then.

Hoping for less regulations and less corporate tax, Clinton, in 1993, RAISED the corporate tax, and increased regulations. This began the era of outsourcing with companies moving to China to escape high taxes & high regulations.

The corporate tax remained 35% until it was again lowered, by again another Republican, Trump, who lowered it to 21% in 2018.
/----/ Nothing. I'm a New Yorker and understand Trump's bravado. When he said Mexico would pay for the wall, I understood it could happen directly but more likely indirectly. Too bad we never found out, because the democRAT Congress managed to strangle the wall's construction.
When Trump said he wanted to cut the deficit, I understood he needed a cooperative Congress to accomplish that. He never got it, not even from the GOP Congress.
Here is what he managed to accomplish in spite of the pushback from Congress. www.magapill.com
397 Accomplishments listed in that link. WOW! Thanks.

I know this is off topic, but this is very significant - I have been posting a Trump accomplishments list for a few years, with 55 of them, and thought that was a lot.

I'm going to spend a few hours going through that list, and studying it. Democrats are who really need to do that though. :doubt:

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