What the big deal with this "memo"?


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
Ever notice all the good shit that we see is when they dont say a word?
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

Sure, just ask you....wait, you've seen it?
Ever notice all the good shit that we see is when they dont say a word?
I get dizzy listening to these partisan Yahoos on both sides. The only ones I can semi take seriously are the moderates that speak out critically against members of their own party.

In the Political Class their is no "Party" division, it is a false paradigm being used to divide us.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

Sure, just ask you....wait, you've seen it?
Like I said, I hear these jackholes in interviews almost every day. All they do is bias partisan spin and it is so obvious. I have zero faith that any "memo" they author is going to be honest. I'm fine with releasing it as long as it doesn't compromise national security, but I give their opinions as much weight as I give the National Enquirer
Ever notice all the good shit that we see is when they dont say a word?

Rule #1 There is no such thing as a good Righty
Rule #2 There no such thing as an bad Lefty

Leftwing Undeniable truths. ;)
umm ok :dunno:

Watch them, the "Right" can do nothing right.
The "Left" can do nothing wrong.
You're talking about Left wing partisans right? Isn't the same true for Right wing partisans? Thats not a revelation, partisan wing nuts are dishonest and counterproductive on both sides...
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Rule #1 There is no such thing as a good Righty
Rule #2 There no such thing as an bad Lefty

Leftwing Undeniable truths. ;)
umm ok :dunno:

Watch them, the "Right" can do nothing right.
The "Left" can do nothing wrong.
You're talking about Left wing partisans right? Isn't the same true for Right wing partisans? Thats not a revelation, partisan wing nuts are dishonest and counterproductive on both sides...

Don't put words in my mouth. MY problem is that the United States still by and large buys the false two party paradigm. There NOT two parties. There is the Political Class and then there are us.

NOTHING will ever change until we reject them all.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
Nunez got caught trying to spin something as new information when it not only wasn't knew, it was leaked to him from the WH.

I'd rather they all Shut up too. Mueller wants Trump's deposition in a few weeks. Mueller's not going to drag this into the offyear elections anymore than he has too. It Trump tries to evade being deposed, this could drag on indefinitely.

But I understand the unhappiness of the Trumpbots, and guys like Nunez and Pee Wee Gowdy. They chased Hillary all over the place. Questioned her over and over. Not an indictment. Benghazi, selling access to the SoS, the emails ... nada.

Now Trump's got a special prosecutor, and just not any special prosecutor. Mueller's got nut sacks from mafiosos and politicans on his trophy wall. Even war medals. And best case, he releases a report detailing Trump's biz deals with Russian gangsters ... worst case an actual indictment (not gonna happen btw)
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up
If we were grown up Trumps election would have been the end of it. He would be accepted as president for the next 4 years.
Agreed, the Left threw a hissy fit, Trump poured gas on their fire instead of water, and now its all burning down.
This memo is going to single-handedly end the Mueller investigation and send Obama, Biden, The Clinton's, Comey, Lynch, Wasserman-Schultz, Schumer, and, Pelosi to jail.

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