What the Chauvin trial reveals.

But that's the point. Yes we can. Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that.
now that is truly racist. no other way to read that. Where do you suppose Lebron James lives? Any black ball player for that matter? You think they're hanging in the south side of Chicago? too fking funny, how racist you are.

Recently a number of black celebrities, athletes and entertainers have found themselves caught up with the law — not as perpetrators of crimes, but as alleged victims of police misconduct and racial profiling. These incidents demonstrate that police abuse is still a problem in society, particularly as black men are concerned. And no amount of money or degree fame will render a person harmless from the criminalization of color.

For example, on May 5, Tennessee Titans running back Chris Johnson was visited by Orlando’s finestbecause of the unusual number of television cameras at his house. Police were supposedly suspicious of drug activity. “Y did the police just walk in my condo saying they think it’s drug activity because it’s alot of traffic but it was the MTV camera crew. … Hard being young, black, and rich” Johnson tweeted on his Twitter page. Johnson, who was not engaging in any drug dealing, was cooperative with the officers.
Meanwhile, three weeks later, Warrick Dunn, the retired running back for the Atlanta Falcons and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, said he felt violated when stopped by police outside of Atlanta. Citing the tint of his window as the officer’s stated reason for pulling him over, the Falcons minority owner and philanthropist tweeted on the matter: “During the stop he asked a lot of personal questions and said I had the characteristic of people transporting drugs and guns,” Dunn said. “I felt violated and I’ve had my car since ‘08 and never got pulled over for tint.”
Dunn claims his car was searched by the officers, at least one of whom was a Georgia state trooper. “Taken back because I think the reasoning was bad and they are trying to fill end of month quotas,” Dunn tweeted.

And in late June, Darnell Dockett, Arizona Cardinals defensive end, felt so harassed by the police that he tweeted about it, albeit on a lighthearted note: “I don’t know why the police always messing w/me I’m never gonna let them search my car with out a search warrant! No matter what! … Police sitting here waiting on back up cuz I told them YOU NOT SEARCHING MY CAR! PERIOD! & now I’m sitting here! Owell I aint got [anything] 2 do! … There R 3police cars and they are talking! I don’t see A search warrant they won’t see inside this escalade! I got all day hope they don’t!” Dockett, who previously posted a photo of an officer giving him a ticket, continued, “Police said ‘do you mind if we look around in your Vehicle?’ I said I sure DO! He said ‘I’m gonna call back up’ I said u wanna use my phone? … I think they (POLICE) going to get a search warrant cuz they sitting here looking like fools waiting on something! … These COPS really think I’m stupid they playing good cop bad cop! BOY STOOOOP! I’m not falling for that! NO SIR YOU WILL NOT LOOK IN MY CAR! … This cop just ask me how tall R u & where R U from! I’m bout to ask him can I go across the street to POPEYS while we sitting here waiting! …”

Using media and social media to publicize their encounters with law enforcement, these four high-profile black men reacted to their experiences in four different ways. While Rock held a press conference to show he was “lawyering up” and assuming a political activist-type of role to expose police misbehavior, Johnson used Twitter to shed light on his wealth as a reason for harassment and profiling by the cops.

In an era of 24-hour multimedia news on the one hand, and personal empowerment through citizen-driven social media and camera phones on the other, it is easier for the truth to come to the light. Technology brings greater transparency. And when more people are aware that a problem exists, there is a greater chance that solutions to the problem will follow.
If you are not convinced, just look at the transformation taking place in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and other Arab nations has been as much a technological revolution as a social and political revolution. Decades earlier, in the Jim Crow South of the 1950s and 1960s, television cameras captured the brutality of police brutalizing nonviolent civil rights protesters with batons, dogs and fire hoses. These images of police abuse helped to turn public opinion and facilitate the passage of federal civil rights legislation.
Rock, Johnson, Dunn and Dockett are not the only black athletes and celebrities to face the police of late. Some cases appear to have been relatively minor or innocuous, ranging from an apparent misunderstanding to the ridiculous. No teachable moments here. For example, free agent defensive end Raheem Brock, formerly of the Indianapolis Colts, was arrested in Philadelphia for failing to pay a $27 bar tab. He was charged with theft and resisting arrest, reportedly after a minor struggle with police.
Hines Ward, the Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver, was recently arrested by Hollywood, California police, and quickly released, after police stopped him for driving a car that had been reported stolen by the woman who was his passenger. Apparently the woman had reported her car stolen when she couldn’t find it, and failed to call back once she found her car. Hines, who was born in South Korea to a Korean mother and African-American father, was a recent winner on the TV show Dancing with the Stars.
But other incidents provide insight into how some black men get caught up when they come in contact with the police. For example, San Diego Chargers wide receiver Legedu Naanee was arrested last February at an Indianapolis crime scene for public intoxication. When police tried to stop him, Naanee refused and said, “Why are you being an (expletive)?” When Naanee refused to leave the area, police handcuffed and pepper sprayed him, and he resisted. According to police reports, after he was arrested, Naanee asked, “Do you know who I am?” telling police, “I am an NFL player, and I am going to sue your (expletive).”
And on March 30, former NBA star Allen Iverson had choice words for Atlanta police when his Lamborghini, of which he was a passenger, was stopped for refusing to signal when changing lanes, then taken away for tags that expired in 2009. The former MVP for the Philadelphia 76ers became irate when it was clear he would miss dinner due to the police investigation. “I’m the (expletive) passenger,” Iverson said, according to police records.
When Iverson and the driver were asked to exit the vehicle, Iverson continued to curse at the officer, according to the police report. “Take the vehicle, I have 10 more,” Iverson said after it was revealed that his car would be towed, according to the report. “Police don’t have anything else (expletive) to do except (expletive) with me.” He then asked, “Do you know who I am?”
“Do you know who I am?” is not a good question to ask the police, even if you think they should know who you are. The Naanee and Iverson encounters reflect more on the missteps and unfortunate behavior of the celebrities themselves, and how their status gives them a misplaced sense of immunity and invincibility when encountering law enforcement. Although these men may feel wronged, cursing or talking back to police is playing with fire, particularly for a black man in America, with or without celebrity status.
As the ACLU urges in their guide, Know Your Rights: What To Do If You’re Stopped By Police, Immigration Agents or the FBI, “Stay calm. Don’t run. Don’t argue, resist or obstruct the police, even if you are innocent or police are violating your rights. Keep your hands where police can see them…. Do not resist arrest, even if you believe the arrest is unfair. Say you wish to remain silent and ask for a lawyer immediately. Don’t give any explanations or excuses.” This is good advice for NBA and NFL players, rappers and everyday folks alike.
At a time when black celebrities and athletes draw attention to their criminal wrongdoing and prison time — Plaxico Burress and Lil Wayne for gun possession, Michael Vick for dogfighting, Wesley Snipesfor tax evasion and O.J. Simpson for kidnapping and armed robbery — it is worth remembering that some black men are victims. And unfortunately, the trappings of fame provide no protection from racial profiling. But that celebrity status can help expose and correct a recurring problem.

Has Tom Brady ever been harassed by the police?
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.
Nonsense. He was white enough. Whiter than Martin.

Ranking victimhood, another of Sealy's racist activities.

The white guy who runs around saying whites are racist. And you are using that for your own advantage. Democrats are the party of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and segregation. And today, you exploit the fuck out of blacks because nothing has changed
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.
Nonsense. He was white enough. Whiter than Martin.
so illegals aren't brown anymore? can't have it both way poindexter.
But that's the point. Yes we can. Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that.

So Zimmerman was a white man living in a white gated community. Mexican's, Greeks, Italians. We are only "foreigners" when we have the accent. As soon as we shake the accent we become white.

Well I'm not going to forget you cons told my Greek father to go back to where he came from. He's over here "stealing" our jobs. You fucking losers. Us foreigners come over here and in one generation have more wealth than you.

Sealy: "Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that."

And which party was that? Democrat ...
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.
Nonsense. He was white enough. Whiter than Martin.

Ranking victimhood, another of Sealy's racist activities.

The white guy who runs around saying whites are racist. And you are using that for your own advantage. Democrats are the party of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and segregation. And today, you exploit the fuck out of blacks because nothing has changed
You may think you are on to something but you are not. Data confirms cops treat blacks with more disrespect. Sorry but you are failing and losing this argument.

You white priviledged conservatives want to spin this so that pointing out how this country treats blacks like second class citizens is racist and wrong is just pure bullshit. But nice try.
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.
Nonsense. He was white enough. Whiter than Martin.
so illegals aren't brown anymore? can't have it both way poindexter.
But that's the point. Yes we can. Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that.

So Zimmerman was a white man living in a white gated community. Mexican's, Greeks, Italians. We are only "foreigners" when we have the accent. As soon as we shake the accent we become white.

Well I'm not going to forget you cons told my Greek father to go back to where he came from. He's over here "stealing" our jobs. You fucking losers. Us foreigners come over here and in one generation have more wealth than you.

Sealy: "Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that."

And which party was that? Democrat ...

Regardless of what the liberal party was called in the 1960's it was us who marched with MLK and it was us who wanted schools integrated.

Don't act like you wouldn't have been on the side of segregation. That would be a lie because I know I would have been for integrating the schools and have white kids go to school with black kids.

It was your grandpappys who didn't like the idea and the apple doesn't fall far from the racist hanging tree.
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

You're completely delusional, racist
Regardless of what the liberal party was called in the 1960's it was us who marched with MLK and it was us who wanted schools integrated.
You know JFK couldn't stand MLK. You know this right? were you with them? you must look like uncle jesse then.
Ranking victimhood, another of Sealy's racist activities.

The white guy who runs around saying whites are racist. And you are using that for your own advantage. Democrats are the party of slavery, racism, Jim Crow and segregation. And today, you exploit the fuck out of blacks because nothing has changed
You may think you are on to something but you are not. Data confirms cops treat blacks with more disrespect. Sorry but you are failing and losing this argument.

You white priviledged conservatives want to spin this so that pointing out how this country treats blacks like second class citizens is racist and wrong is just pure bullshit. But nice try.

So even though the vast majority of cops are good, you want to punish a lot of innocent people because of a few bad ones because you're offended that innocent people are not being treated fairly. You're an idiot
Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

one can't argue with the stupid that is a demofk.
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.
Nonsense. He was white enough. Whiter than Martin.
so illegals aren't brown anymore? can't have it both way poindexter.
But that's the point. Yes we can. Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that.

So Zimmerman was a white man living in a white gated community. Mexican's, Greeks, Italians. We are only "foreigners" when we have the accent. As soon as we shake the accent we become white.

Well I'm not going to forget you cons told my Greek father to go back to where he came from. He's over here "stealing" our jobs. You fucking losers. Us foreigners come over here and in one generation have more wealth than you.

Sealy: "Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that."

And which party was that? Democrat ...

Regardless of what the liberal party was called in the 1960's it was us who marched with MLK and it was us who wanted schools integrated.

Don't act like you wouldn't have been on the side of segregation. That would be a lie because I know I would have been for integrating the schools and have white kids go to school with black kids.

It was your grandpappys who didn't like the idea and the apple doesn't fall far from the racist hanging tree.

You're not a liberal, you're a leftist. The difference is hate. Hate is the primary trait of leftists
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.
Nonsense. He was white enough. Whiter than Martin.
so illegals aren't brown anymore? can't have it both way poindexter.
But that's the point. Yes we can. Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that.

So Zimmerman was a white man living in a white gated community. Mexican's, Greeks, Italians. We are only "foreigners" when we have the accent. As soon as we shake the accent we become white.

Well I'm not going to forget you cons told my Greek father to go back to where he came from. He's over here "stealing" our jobs. You fucking losers. Us foreigners come over here and in one generation have more wealth than you.

Sealy: "Us immigrants can come here and in one generation we assimilate with white society. Blacks don't get to do that."

And which party was that? Democrat ...

Regardless of what the liberal party was called in the 1960's it was us who marched with MLK and it was us who wanted schools integrated.

Don't act like you wouldn't have been on the side of segregation. That would be a lie because I know I would have been for integrating the schools and have white kids go to school with black kids.

It was your grandpappys who didn't like the idea and the apple doesn't fall far from the racist hanging tree.

You're not a liberal, you're a leftist. The difference is hate. Hate is the primary trait of leftists
always has been. Leftists have been around longer than we've been a country. they finally figured out how to use the trojan horse here.
  • Thanks
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Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Hispanics in Fl are notoriously racist.
Much more so than other whites.
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Hispanics in Fl are notoriously racist.
Much more so than other whites.
They hate illegals as well
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.

It's whatever serves Sealy's political agenda. For example, the Hispanic Zimmerman was according to Sealy "white" because he killed a black. If the cops had killed Zimmerman, then Sealy would be screaming they killed a Hispanic.

Cops killed an armed black man Jacob Blake and it was the cops fault. Then in DC the cops killed an unarmed white woman and it was the white woman's fault.

Sealy is a racist. He says he's pro black, but when a black tries to leave his Democrat plantation, Sealy and his gang of thugs show them that the Democrat party is the party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation and blacks are still their property.

One thing Sealy does not care about are all the blacks killed by blacks because he hasn't figured out how to exploit that.

Sealy is a sick, manipulative fuck
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Hispanics in Fl are notoriously racist.
Much more so than other whites.

And yet it's racist Sealy and his white ass to keeps calling Hispanic Zimmerman "white." Race for a political agenda. Show where Hispanics in Florida are doing that
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Do cops pick on Latinos? Asians? Jews? Nope. Just blacks. And it doesn't even have to be in a hood. It could be a black guy living in the white suburbs. The cops treat them differently/worse.

Just blacks? Really? No other minorities, just blacks.

It's whatever serves Sealy's political agenda. For example, the Hispanic Zimmerman was according to Sealy "white" because he killed a black. If the cops had killed Zimmerman, then Sealy would be screaming they killed a Hispanic.

Cops killed an armed black man Jacob Blake and it was the cops fault. Then in DC the cops killed an unarmed white woman and it was the white woman's fault.

Sealy is a racist. He says he's pro black, but when a black tries to leave his Democrat plantation, Sealy and his gang of thugs show them that the Democrat party is the party of racism, slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation and blacks are still their property.

One thing Sealy does not care about are all the blacks killed by blacks because he hasn't figured out how to exploit that.

Sealy is a sick, manipulative fuck
Hispanics aren't complaining that cops are abusing/murdering them. As long as they don't have an accent they are treated just like you are by the cops.
Sounds like he needed to be murdered. I just don't get people like you.
I never asked you to get me. I'm unique much like everyone else is. why do you think we're all cut from the same cloth? And who authorized you to worry about us?

According to Sealy, literally, you either consider Trayvan Martin to be completely innocent, a pillar of society and a wonderful lad or you want to kill him.

He puts it literally in that absurd extreme dichotomy, those are your only choices. He's a total angel or you want him dead.

Then he doesn't understand you. When he's the one with the problem, he sees everything in absurd absolutes
he still doesn't know that Zimmerman isn't white. That mere fact blows up his entire thesis.

Zimmerman was white (according to Sealy) because Sealy's a racist who is exploiting blacks because Sealy is a racist.

It it politically served Sealy for Zimmerman to be Latino, Sealy would suddenly get that he's Latino.

It's like Asians and Jews who go back and forth as people of color or whites as Sealy and the Nazi Democrats exploit them. You're either a white man or Democrats exploit you. Or both as you point out with alternately Hispanic/white guy Zimmerman

Hispanics in Fl are notoriously racist.
Much more so than other whites.

And yet it's racist Sealy and his white ass to keeps calling Hispanic Zimmerman "white." Race for a political agenda. Show where Hispanics in Florida are doing that
Your party chooses to treat hispanics as non whites because you believe they vote Democratic. As soon as you can find an angle to win them over you'll stop that. Like you kiss Cuban's in Florida's ass because they view Democrats as Castro Socialists. And didn't we send Alian Gonzales back to Cuba where he belonged?

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