What the Democrats don't realize is that everyone hates Congress and aren't that outraged that Congress was attacked


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
if the January 6 incident was an attack on the White House, the Pentagon, the FBI headquarters, or hell, any police station or firehouse in America, people would have been outraged.

But everyone hates Congress, it is one of the most hated institutions in our country. Everyone knows Congressmen are corrupt, take bribes from lobbyists, have sex with their secretaries, and have long lunches where they get drunk.

The attack on Congress didn't outrage people, a lot of people thought Congress should be overrun and the building burned down.

So, Democrats should stop milking this incident, because the vast majority of Americans have already forgotten it happened.
A page right out of Putin/Russia playbook of delusions.
Every poll I've seen for a long time says people have ZERO RESPECT for our leaders..........Imagine that.........even the left sites say so.......

Wonder why..........Oh......did you send the big guy his cut from Ukraine.......he might stop drooling enough to say where's my money bro.......careful.
Every poll I've seen for a long time says people have ZERO RESPECT for our leaders..........Imagine that.........even the left sites say so.......
So, why lie about NOT being outraged?

Your nut job "leaders' spent an entire decade going after Hillary because of Benghazi.
But an attack on our capitol, with people working in it, is no big deal?
Wonder why..........Oh......did you send the big guy his cut from Ukraine.......he might stop drooling enough to say where's my money bro.......careful.
Another delusion from the Putin/Russia playbook.
Your nut job "leaders' spent an entire decade going after Hillary because of Benghazi.
Benghazi was just a show. They fucked up and used politics to cover their dumb asses. Almost every other Country pulled their people because of violence there except us. They also didn't put in ready reaction forces even though the place was violence as hell.

Libya is a statement on Obama foreign policy Which is a complete and total failure.

But an attack on our capitol, with people working in it, is no big deal?
Hyped up BS. Most of the so called people there took selfies on their phones and left.........Capital police opened the fucking door and stood down. Set up.

Nothing compared to the riots and looting. You can play that IT'S A INSURRECTION all you want.......it's BS.........if it was a real insurrection you'd know it.
Benghazi was just a show. They fucked up and used politics to cover their dumb asses. Almost every other Country pulled their people because of violence there except us.
Not only did Stevens decline to return home, but he also declined additional security.

May 5 2013
U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens — one of the four people killed in the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack at in the U.S. post in Benghazi, Libya — twice declined a senior U.S. military official’s offer to have added security assistance.
In the weeks before the attack, Stevens met in Germany with Army Gen. Carter Ham, then-head of the U.S. Africa Command, and Ham told Stevens he could provide him more military security. But Stevens declined the offer.

At that point, they are volunteers.
They also didn't put in ready reaction forces even though the place was violence as hell.
See above.
Libya is a statement on Obama foreign policy Which is a complete and total failure.
Obama didn't start two bogus wars.
More ambassador staff died under Bush's watch than Obama's.

13 Embassy attacks
66 deaths
3 American diplomats killed
22 Embassy employees killed
Number of investigations 0

2 Embassy attacks
4 American deaths
Number of Investigations 13

But Obama's foreign policy was a disaster?
Hyped up BS. Most of the so called people there took selfies on their phones and left.........Capital police opened the fucking door and stood down. Set up.
You're delusion fantasy.
Nothing compared to the riots and looting.
No, the injuries and deaths were far more concerning that the traitors taking stuff, and destroying the capitol.
You can play that IT'S A INSURRECTION all you want.......it's BS.........if it was a real insurrection you'd know it.


A rising or rebellion of citizens against their government, usually manifested by acts of violence.
Not only did Stevens decline to return home, but he also declined additional security.

May 5 2013
U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens — one of the four people killed in the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack at in the U.S. post in Benghazi, Libya — twice declined a senior U.S. military official’s offer to have added security assistance.
In the weeks before the attack, Stevens met in Germany with Army Gen. Carter Ham, then-head of the U.S. Africa Command, and Ham told Stevens he could provide him more military security. But Stevens declined the offer.

At that point, they are volunteers.
LIAR...........Your side has pushed that narrative over and over again........The men who fought there told them if they didn't increase security they were fucked. England warned us to get out............Guess you just missed that.........Same as STAND DOWN as he was killed.........the 4 men who went their to fight did so against orders and kept more from dying. For this they were either killed or attacked for doing so by a BS ADMIN.

No, the injuries and deaths were far more concerning that the traitors taking stuff, and destroying the capitol.
Destroying the Capital..................LMAO
LIAR...........Your side has pushed that narrative over and over again
The truth.
........The men who fought there told them if they didn't increase security they were fucked. England warned us to get out............Guess you just missed that
No, I dismissed it as BS, because it never happened.
.........Same as STAND DOWN as he was killed.........the 4 men who went their to fight did so against orders and kept more from dying.
Same there, more RW, BS
For this they were either killed or attacked for doing so by a BS ADMIN.
Destroying the Capital..................LMAO
By allowing our border to remain wide open, our government has become active human and drug smugglers. When coupled with this administration's other failures like today's inflation, gas prices, crime epidemic, rights confiscation, failing schools, rigged media and elections, obsessions with global warming, pronouns and LGBT and an incoherent foreign policy, there are obviously plenty of reasons for people think this government sucks.
So, why lie about NOT being outraged?

Your nut job "leaders' spent an entire decade going after Hillary because of Benghazi.
But an attack on our capitol, with people working in it, is no big deal?

Another delusion from the Putin/Russia playbook.
A major party and most of the media and entertainers endlessly spew half the population at a minimum being the worst humans in history. Repubs have been followers and not leaders in what Dems now Progs do. We see sell out Repubs like Cheney who danced on the graves of soldiers in wars while making tens of millions of dollars doing it bad mouthing Repub voters and Trump. Trump was not a war monger. He proved it. And he kept us a step ahead of other nations on potential conflicts.
So, why lie about NOT being outraged?

Your nut job "leaders' spent an entire decade going after Hillary because of Benghazi.
But an attack on our capitol, with people working in it, is no big deal?

Another delusion from the Putin/Russia playbook.
In the months leading up to the January 6th riot at the Capitol, Americans witnessed attack after attack on livelihoods and violence against everyday Americans only to be dismissed and even encouraged by many of those in Congress who are now selectively outraged because they got a taste of it themselves.

Democracy was never under attack nor threatened by a few hundred fragmented rioters The Election was ratified before the calendar turned.

This was a security breach and an opportunity to enhance policy and infrastructure at the Capitol.
A major party and most of the media and entertainers endlessly spew half the population at a minimum being the worst humans in history. Repubs have been followers and not leaders in what Dems now Progs do. We see sell out Repubs like Cheney who danced on the graves of soldiers in wars while making tens of millions of dollars doing it bad mouthing Repub voters and Trump. Trump was not a war monger. He proved it. And he kept us a step ahead of other nations on potential conflicts.
You guys are worse than Leslie Graham and Trump put together on your love/hate, flip/flopping.
In the months leading up to the January 6th riot at the Capitol, Americans witnessed attack after attack on livelihoods and violence against everyday Americans
What attacks?
only to be dismissed and even encouraged by many of those in Congress who are now selectively outraged because they got a taste of it themselves.

Democracy was never under attack nor threatened by a few hundred fragmented rioters
The closest it's ever been.
The Election was ratified before the calendar turned.
By the states, that doesn't make it official.
Submitting them on January 6th at the capitol does.
This was a security breach and an opportunity to enhance policy and infrastructure at the Capitol.
So, Trump was just doing a capitol infrastructure, "test"?

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