What the FUCK is wrong with people today !!! Man drowns while teens laugh

Fuck You!!!... a man lost his life because some teenagers have grown up in a world where human life has lost it's value for some and they only thing your weak ass can contribute is your usual ignorant attempt at making it a racial issue.
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Of course it is a racial issue....time and again we see this group called 'teens' by the media in an attempt to obfusicate who it is that is committing so many of these horrific inicidents of a sociopathic nature.

The media has even admitted they try and cover up for the negros...not wanting to make them look bad. Perhaps if there were more truth in the media the general public would try and take some measures to correct these sociopaths of a darker persuasion....when a person or a group does something horiffically outrageous.....they should be outed...as in exposed for the public to see what kind of animals they are.
Blacks have denser bones and thicker skin which makes it more difficult to swim
Sorry, but they have the thinnest skin of all people on this planet. EVERYTHING offends them.

This 'sensitivity' is a learned behavior...they were brainwashed into it by the media and the public schools....it is known as the 'myth of black victimhood' but these young black teens do not understand it is a myth...they do not understand that hollywood movies are not portrarying the truth...the myth of black victimhood is pounded into them by the public schools, hollywood and the mass media....offers them a convienient excuse to act out in schoo...oh they are so privileged....gives them an excuse for just about anykind of socipathic behavior they want to engage in and they engage in a lot of it....just tune into your nightly crime report...now of course sometimes you have to be able to read between the lines to figure out who it is that is doing these crimes...as the media does their best to cover it up.
Pretty sick. I blame liberal progressives. They've devalued life to the point that these ignorant fools watched a man die rather than help. They were probably high as kites too.....
They did mention that they were drinking beer and smoking marijuana in the video.

Oh well....that explains it...now we understand ...drinking beer makes one a sociopath...and oh that devilweed....definitely makes one deranged.
This makes me angry as hell.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they could stand by and laugh as this man drowned?
I don't care if the person is black OR white OR yellow OR pink. This is a disgusting example of people today.

I hope all of them rot in hell or worse! Karma....PLEASE PLEASE do your thing.

Teens filmed, mocked and laughed while man slowly drowned

This will certainly do nothing to help race relations in this country.
I hope black people understand that there are some sick white people but most whites would have helped him.
I certainly would have if I had been there.
Conservative America........the land of personal responsibility. Our youth get it honestly.

Oh baloney, it's obvious these punks were products of demoquacks.

Kids need to be beaten doing shit like that.

Matthew Wayne "Matt" Shepard (December 1, 1976 – October 12, 1998) was an American student at the University of Wyoming who was beaten, tortured, and left to die near Laramie on the night of October 6, 1998. Six days later, he died from severe head injuries at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The products of conservative "values."
McKinney and Henderson decided to give Shepard a ride home.[10][11] They subsequently drove the car to a remote, rural area, and proceeded to rob, pistol-whip, and torture Shepard, tie him to a fence, and leave him to die. Media reports often contained the graphic account of the pistol-whipping and his fractured skull. It was reported that Shepard was beaten so brutally that his face was completely covered in blood, except where it had been partially washed clean by his tears.[12][13] Both of the assailants' girlfriends testified that neither McKinney nor Henderson was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the attack.[14][15] McKinney and Henderson testified in court that they discovered Shepard's address and intended to steal from his home as well.

Shepard had suffered fractures to the back of his head and in front of his right ear. He experienced severe brainstem damage, which affected his body's ability to regulate his heart rate, body temperature, and other vital functions. There were also about a dozen small lacerations around his head, face, and neck. His injuries were deemed too severe for doctors to operate on him. Shepard never regained consciousness and remained on full life support. While he lay in intensive care and in the days following the attack, candlelight vigils were held around the world.[22][23][24]

Shepard was pronounced dead six days after the attack at 12:53 a.m. on October 12, 1998, at Poudre Valley Hospital, in Fort Collins, Colorado.[25][26][27][28] He was 21 years old

Teens set kid on fire for being 'white boy'

what was that a product of then?
This makes me angry as hell.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they could stand by and laugh as this man drowned?
I don't care if the person is black OR white OR yellow OR pink. This is a disgusting example of people today.

I hope all of them rot in hell or worse! Karma....PLEASE PLEASE do your thing.

Teens filmed, mocked and laughed while man slowly drowned

This will certainly do nothing to help race relations in this country.
I hope black people understand that there are some sick white people but most whites would have helped him.
I certainly would have if I had been there.
Conservative America........the land of personal responsibility. Our youth get it honestly.

Oh baloney, it's obvious these punks were products of demoquacks.

Kids need to be beaten doing shit like that.

Matthew Wayne "Matt" Shepard (December 1, 1976 – October 12, 1998) was an American student at the University of Wyoming who was beaten, tortured, and left to die near Laramie on the night of October 6, 1998. Six days later, he died from severe head injuries at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The products of conservative "values."
McKinney and Henderson decided to give Shepard a ride home.[10][11] They subsequently drove the car to a remote, rural area, and proceeded to rob, pistol-whip, and torture Shepard, tie him to a fence, and leave him to die. Media reports often contained the graphic account of the pistol-whipping and his fractured skull. It was reported that Shepard was beaten so brutally that his face was completely covered in blood, except where it had been partially washed clean by his tears.[12][13] Both of the assailants' girlfriends testified that neither McKinney nor Henderson was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the attack.[14][15] McKinney and Henderson testified in court that they discovered Shepard's address and intended to steal from his home as well.

Shepard had suffered fractures to the back of his head and in front of his right ear. He experienced severe brainstem damage, which affected his body's ability to regulate his heart rate, body temperature, and other vital functions. There were also about a dozen small lacerations around his head, face, and neck. His injuries were deemed too severe for doctors to operate on him. Shepard never regained consciousness and remained on full life support. While he lay in intensive care and in the days following the attack, candlelight vigils were held around the world.[22][23][24]

Shepard was pronounced dead six days after the attack at 12:53 a.m. on October 12, 1998, at Poudre Valley Hospital, in Fort Collins, Colorado.[25][26][27][28] He was 21 years old


Now for the truth about the matt shepard case.................investigative journalist Stephen Jimenez, who has spent 13 years interviewing more than 100 people with a connection to the case. His conclusion, outlined in The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths about the Murder of Matthew Shepard, is that the grotesque murder was not a hate crime, but was the result of crystal meth addiction of the perpetrators.... a drug that was flooding Denver and the surrounding area at the time of Matthew’s death. This new information has, understandably, caused a lot of anger..

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Obviously these teens that stood by and laughed are seriously deprived of any morals whatsoever. I feel sorry for any human being that comes into contact with these kids. They are the epitome of pieces of shit.

With that said, you'd have to be crazy to go swimming in any water in Florida that isn't a pool or the Atlantic Ocean, or the Gulf. Florida has some pretty exotic wildlife that can be present in any pond, lake or lagoon. I don't get the laughing and the refusal to call 911, but I can understand anyone that might be afraid to go in the water to attempt a rescue based on Florida's ecosystem.
Obviously these teens that stood by and laughed are seriously deprived of any morals whatsoever. I feel sorry for any human being that comes into contact with these kids. They are the epitome of pieces of shit.

With that said, you'd have to be crazy to go swimming in any water in Florida that isn't a pool or the Atlantic Ocean, or the Gulf. Florida has some pretty exotic wildlife that can be present in any pond, lake or lagoon. I don't get the laughing and the refusal to call 911, but I can understand anyone that might be afraid to go in the water to attempt a rescue based on Florida's ecosystem.
They aren't smart enough to be responding to the dangers. They ENJOYED this person's death. They are soulless creatures without compassion or natural empathy. They are less than animals.
Pretty sick. I blame liberal progressives. They've devalued life to the point that these ignorant fools watched a man die rather than help. They were probably high as kites too.....
They did mention that they were drinking beer and smoking marijuana in the video.

Oh well....that explains it...now we understand ...drinking beer makes one a sociopath...and oh that devilweed....definitely makes one deranged.
I wasn't trying to insinuate that at all.

Personally, being a very strong swimmer with some training as a lifeguard I would have tried to save the guy's life.

I doubt that those teens could have saved that man. It's more likely that they would have recovered more than one body if they tried, IMO.
Pretty sick. I blame liberal progressives. They've devalued life to the point that these ignorant fools watched a man die rather than help. They were probably high as kites too.....
They did mention that they were drinking beer and smoking marijuana in the video.

Oh well....that explains it...now we understand ...drinking beer makes one a sociopath...and oh that devilweed....definitely makes one deranged.
I wasn't trying to insinuate that at all.

Personally, being a very strong swimmer with some training as a lifeguard I would have tried to save the guy's life.

I doubt that those teens could have saved that man. It's more likely that they would have recovered more than one body if they tried, IMO.

but would dat be a bad thing? I think not.
Leftist social engineering failure.

Exactly and the reason as a nation we have changed from greatness to headed for the dustbin of history....yet....we now have a President who understands that...who wants to get America back on track...but what does the media say...oh he be cwazy.
Obviously these teens that stood by and laughed are seriously deprived of any morals whatsoever. I feel sorry for any human being that comes into contact with these kids. They are the epitome of pieces of shit.

With that said, you'd have to be crazy to go swimming in any water in Florida that isn't a pool or the Atlantic Ocean, or the Gulf. Florida has some pretty exotic wildlife that can be present in any pond, lake or lagoon. I don't get the laughing and the refusal to call 911, but I can understand anyone that might be afraid to go in the water to attempt a rescue based on Florida's ecosystem.
They aren't smart enough to be responding to the dangers. They ENJOYED this person's death. They are soulless creatures without compassion or natural empathy. They are less than animals.

Now that is the absolute truth....but very few understand that and even fewer are willing to say it.
T is makes me angry as hell.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they could stand by and laugh as this man drowned?
I don't care if the person is black OR white OR yellow OR pink. This is a disgusting example of people today.

I hope all of them rot in hell or worse! Karma....PLEASE PLEASE do your thing.

Teens filmed, mocked and laughed while man slowly drowned

This will certainly do nothing to help race relations in this country.
I hope black people understand that there are some sick white people but most whites would have helped him.
I certainly would have if I had been there.
They were and their great-great-great granddaddies might have been share-croppers, if they knew who they were.
I have seen blacks commit horrible crimes. Way off the top negative stuff. Hispanics and Asians or Anglo's don't hold a candle to the pure idiotic moronic vile stupid hurt BLACKS commit on each other or anyone else that crosses their path. I am tired of the race baiting games here. Facts are facts. Let's end racism, STOP acting like negative racist stereotypes. It's disgusting. White racism pales in comparison to the reality of poor blacks acting like disposed sociopaths. Other cultures over the last 100 years got past wrongs, blacks just sort of cling to racism like a child sucking it's thumb. Grow up, life isn't fair and never has been.
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This makes me angry as hell.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they could stand by and laugh as this man drowned?
I don't care if the person is black OR white OR yellow OR pink. This is a disgusting example of people today.

I hope all of them rot in hell or worse! Karma....PLEASE PLEASE do your thing.

Teens filmed, mocked and laughed while man slowly drowned

This will certainly do nothing to help race relations in this country.
I hope black people understand that there are some sick white people but most whites would have helped him.
I certainly would have if I had been there.

Watched the audio. Don't know why the police are censoring the actual video. Actually, I do. Because at least some of them were white racists, and they social engineer to not have riots (which I don't agree with). The people in this audio are no better than the hood rat who execution-style shoots someone for their sunglasses. It's soulless.
Is white racism real anymore? I see far more egregious stuff blacks commit being minimized as some kind of ...statistical...mental.......Illness..............and we get bogged down in deep definitions of crime and mental illness. Isn't racism a form of mental illness? I see little black kids beat an old Hispanic Pearl Harbor survivors dog to death, (his wife was dying in the shadows of Alzheimer's) because he was wan't nice to them... ( back in 1988) that's when I realized how selfish and hateful BLACKS are, when their kids do something like THAT. Verging on evil, Blacks need to grow up and out of that persecution complex of theirs. Blacks are their OWN worst enemy.
This makes me angry as hell.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they could stand by and laugh as this man drowned?
I don't care if the person is black OR white OR yellow OR pink. This is a disgusting example of people today.

I hope all of them rot in hell or worse! Karma....PLEASE PLEASE do your thing.

Teens filmed, mocked and laughed while man slowly drowned

This will certainly do nothing to help race relations in this country.
I hope black people understand that there are some sick white people but most whites would have helped him.
I certainly would have if I had been there.

The teens should be shot....er....um......charged with something.

How could they laugh at someone and be so callous?

Then those same people blame blacks in general and say they should be harmed also. Where could these kids learn to not value life in such a manner they say ironically.
Why would blacks seem to be so almost joyous over the suffering of anyone.? Well, I don't know. We are supposed to be post racial, that doesn't begin to explain why blacks slaughter each other or hate whites and the no go zones in our cities by non whites or cops. That's taboo, it makes blacks look..not like the innocent victims they make them selves to be.

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