What the GOP is Offering and Why It Pisses Me Off

What the GOP seems to claim as their solutions to our are as follows:

A budget that doesn't reduce the deficit (at least, according to non-GOP sources) and increases defense spending. They will not even discuss our defense spending. As if our military is so bad at our jobs, they have to spend 10x more than any other country to compensate for it.

The promise that they will protect the Rich and also Powerful Global Corporations. Because you know, that's who really needs protecting. Seriously, only Americans are stupid enough to buy that one.

They'll create jobs by lowering the corporate tax rates. Because Zero is too much. And the reason companies ship jobs from the USA - where they pay 17% of average - to India - where the rate is 33%, has to do with taxes. It's not that India has an average income of $2 a day, no labor or environmental laws to speak of etc... No. It's that attractive 33% tax rate that has Raja answering the phone whenever I call tech support. Riiight. Oh, and they've made it clear they'll fight the Dems on closing the loopholes that make it advantageous to ship our jobs overseas. Because if we protect our jobs here, all the companies in the world will leave the largest consumer base they have. Riiiight.

The promise they will fight Dodd-Frank and make sure the banks that took us in the toilet, remain Too Big To Fail.

They'll get rid of the mortgage deduction for the Middle Class (at least according to Boehner and Cantor, this would be a good thing). That way, the only way it's worth buying a house, is if you're a corporation. Then, once the corporations own the entire country, they can raise the rents. Peachy.

They will get rid of planned parenthood and increase the number of welfare moms. Wonderful.

They will make sure we don't have any more of those terrible regulations that hurt business. You know, like upgrading equipment used in The Gulf on oil rigs. Or making sure that CitiBank doesn't have to worry about getting in trouble when they commit fraud. Or BofA can go ahead and illegally foreclose on our troops while their overseas.

They'll protect me from two women getting married in Iowa. Because that's um, scary. Maybe Marcus Bachmann can pray the gayness out of them for me. Really, how the hell did this become so important?

They'll attack Iran. Whose military hasn't been reduced to zero through years of sanctions like Iraq was. Whose military is ten times bigger and better equipped than any military in the region. Because what we really need is another war in the Middle East - while lowering taxes - because that worked out so well for us last time.

WTF people? Obama sure hasn't been great but the GOP has tried SO HARD to make him / the Dems look good by comparison, it's a no-brainer.

I really thought the party would change after Obama got elected. And it did. It got worse. Where's the candidate who says things like:
1. Any business that can't survive without government help, shouldn't survive. So I'm ending the subsidies to Big Oil, farms, alternative energy companies etc...
2. Less government is better. So I don't CARE if a couple gals get married. Seriously, we have more important things to worry about.
3. We have a serious deficit problem. So instead of some bs plan that will have zero effect and appeal to the emotions of a few, I'm cutting defense by 50%. That will save us a TRILLION dollars every three years.
4. I'm getting rid of the tax breaks associated with shipping jobs overseas. We have a huge consumer base, a safe country and a great infrastructure so it's not like companies are just going to leave, it we stop rewarding them for screwing the American worker. I'll reverse the breaks as incentives for brining jobs back where they belong.

You know, stuff like that. Instead, i get the promise they'll defund planned parenthood, thus reducing the budget by 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001%

Liberals may now discuss the points and ConservaRepubs may now ignore them, change the subject, sling some labels and the usual...

It's wildly ironic that they are doing this to you. It's like you can't point out the problems in the Party, or you're the problem for saying there's a problem.

There is a problem! Many, MANY Republicans are angry and baffled by what has happened to their party. I hope they get it back before too much damage has been done.

At least they are angry and speaking out about it. The democrats were apathetic and rolled over for the Marxists when they took over.
I would suggest before the Democrats spend so much time and effort telling the Republicans what is wrong with their party you take a real serious honest look at your own. If you do you will discover the Democratic party really does not have any better record for dealing with the nations problems than the Republicans do.
If you're pissed off we're happy!

What the GOP seems to claim...

Two ConservaRepubs, two post with absolutely nothing on issues - exactly as I predicted. You guys are pretty intent on proving me correct, aren't you?

Look, I'm not a Republican but your assessment of what "seems" to be the case is so full of hyperbole, distortions, and a the convenient omission of situations in which the Dems are equally culpable, it's hard to take any of it seriously. I'd love to help you slam the actions and policies of those who fancy themselves central planners from either party but your bias is so overwhelming, and your 'list' so long and rambling, I can't muster the effort to even begin. Maybe next time.

Three posts. Zero issues even discussed. If any of you would care to take a crack at an issue, you just let me know. :)

7... when you include the OP.:eusa_whistle:
Hey, how about a link to read that backs up your OP?

You need a LINK???? Because it's such a big mystery to you that the GOP is against gay marriage? LOL! Seriously? Here's 30 seconds worth of search on FOX:

Several States Take Up Fight Over Defunding Planned Parenthood | Fox News

GOP budget plan aims to head off Pentagon cuts with social program savings | Fox News

Ryan budget revives fight on Dodd-Frank, carried interest - The Deal Pipeline(SAMPLE CONTENT: NEED AN ID?)

I mean seriously? Which stated position in the OP isn't common knowledge? But I love that all the ConservaRepubs who have posted thusfar, have proven me absolutely correct! Issues? Nah. ConservaRepubs don't discuss those. LibDems do but not ConservaRepubs. :lol:

aaaaaa... the old 'it's common knowledge' defense. Tool of those who cannot back up their argument with facts.
I would suggest before the Democrats spend so much time and effort telling the Republicans what is wrong with their party you take a real serious honest look at your own. If you do you will discover the Democratic party really does not have any better record for dealing with the nations problems than the Republicans do.

There is a LOT I think the Dems have done poorly. ObamaCare is a prime example. But overall and for this election, I find the Dems positions, actions etc.... MUCH better than the Repubs during the last couple of years and currently.

So, want to be specific? As you notice, I do not insult (unless insulted first) and although I may challenge them, I can respect differing views.
If you're pissed off we're happy!

Heard of how the Democrats tried to sabotage Ralph Nader's ballot drive, in 2004, with dirt-doers? Heard of how they sued him with Ken Starr's firm, to keep him off several ballots? Heard of how Ralph counter-sued? I am still trying to find out what happened, but the internet is slow, tonight. I bet the DP settled, and Ralph is shutting up.

Have you heard, how Bill Clinton deregulated courts, banks, and energy? Have you heard how cops and attorneys were wild, now they're CRAZY? Have you heard Obama bailed the banks, let the execs keep taking huge bonuses, and then he pushed a private insurer-brand of healthcare, which as 2700 pages of Obamacare, will tie up courts and Congress, for years, but it may never issue healthcare?

Have you heard of Arnold Schwarzenegger or California? When Clinton deregulated energy, the states including California followed suit, Cali in 2001. Gov.Gray Davis, D-Jerry Brown's buddy then unilaterally imposed negotiations, of long-term deals, which process was directed at the May-June 2002 refurbishing, of California's two nuclear reactors, WHEN 15% OF OUR GRID WAS DOWN. When the power companies gouged us, Davis sued, but got almost nowhere, since he was comparatively NEGLIGENT.

Atty.Gen.Bill Lockyear said then, he didn't trust Davis. Nobody did. Then the Republicans sued for recall, based on Davis' habit of taking 50K for favors. Who knows how much he got, for cooking our books, with his bad energy deals? Obama has done nothing, since, but kill more people with drones and bust more pot clubs, in four years, than GW Bush did, in eight years.

Obama couldn't lead, and the Democrats helped the Republicans suppress bills to legalize industrial hemp, and they lost the US House, in 2010. THEN they tried to pass CO2-neutral biomass research, which lost in 2012. Oh well, are YOU pissed off?

Obama got on Fallon and sang Barry White's Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe. Can't get enough of your GREEN MUNEEE, can he, see also Al the US Rep. D-Tx, but first, he has to lose the White House, which he may just do, since look how well Democrats do, with Ron Paul and Ralph Nader and independents, generally. NOT WELL, AT ALL.

Michelle Bachman got photo'd with a BIG hot-dog in her mouth, which was so funny, wasn't it, Bill Clinton, so Michelle Obama made a plug, for eating vegetables. Too bad that is what her husband and the Democrats have been, for FOUR MORE YEARS.

Tell you what. Like in Michelle Bachmann's happy cake-hole, the White House is liable to feature MEAT, soon enough. If the Democrats were smart enough to get WITH Ralph Nader, not against him, they might have a chance, but with Romney having momentum, he is likely to win. If only Democrats were not proven, relentless CREEPS, see also, Nixon's Committee to Re-elect the President. Obama can move back to NYC and earn big money, if he loses. I don't think he likes his own cadres, without them paying to see him. Bet you Dems think everybody should like your bad selves! :eusa_shifty:

What the GOP seems to claim as their solutions to our are as follows:

A budget that doesn't reduce the deficit (at least, according to non-GOP sources) and increases defense spending. They will not even discuss our defense spending. As if our military is so bad at our jobs, they have to spend 10x more than any other country to compensate for it.

The promise that they will protect the Rich and also Powerful Global Corporations. Because you know, that's who really needs protecting. Seriously, only Americans are stupid enough to buy that one.

They'll create jobs by lowering the corporate tax rates. Because Zero is too much. And the reason companies ship jobs from the USA - where they pay 17% of average - to India - where the rate is 33%, has to do with taxes. It's not that India has an average income of $2 a day, no labor or environmental laws to speak of etc... No. It's that attractive 33% tax rate that has Raja answering the phone whenever I call tech support. Riiight. Oh, and they've made it clear they'll fight the Dems on closing the loopholes that make it advantageous to ship our jobs overseas. Because if we protect our jobs here, all the companies in the world will leave the largest consumer base they have. Riiiight.

The promise they will fight Dodd-Frank and make sure the banks that took us in the toilet, remain Too Big To Fail.

They'll get rid of the mortgage deduction for the Middle Class (at least according to Boehner and Cantor, this would be a good thing). That way, the only way it's worth buying a house, is if you're a corporation. Then, once the corporations own the entire country, they can raise the rents. Peachy.

They will get rid of planned parenthood and increase the number of welfare moms. Wonderful.

They will make sure we don't have any more of those terrible regulations that hurt business. You know, like upgrading equipment used in The Gulf on oil rigs. Or making sure that CitiBank doesn't have to worry about getting in trouble when they commit fraud. Or BofA can go ahead and illegally foreclose on our troops while their overseas.

They'll protect me from two women getting married in Iowa. Because that's um, scary. Maybe Marcus Bachmann can pray the gayness out of them for me. Really, how the hell did this become so important?

They'll attack Iran. Whose military hasn't been reduced to zero through years of sanctions like Iraq was. Whose military is ten times bigger and better equipped than any military in the region. Because what we really need is another war in the Middle East - while lowering taxes - because that worked out so well for us last time.

WTF people? Obama sure hasn't been great but the GOP has tried SO HARD to make him / the Dems look good by comparison, it's a no-brainer.

I really thought the party would change after Obama got elected. And it did. It got worse. Where's the candidate who says things like:
1. Any business that can't survive without government help, shouldn't survive. So I'm ending the subsidies to Big Oil, farms, alternative energy companies etc...
2. Less government is better. So I don't CARE if a couple gals get married. Seriously, we have more important things to worry about.
3. We have a serious deficit problem. So instead of some bs plan that will have zero effect and appeal to the emotions of a few, I'm cutting defense by 50%. That will save us a TRILLION dollars every three years.
4. I'm getting rid of the tax breaks associated with shipping jobs overseas. We have a huge consumer base, a safe country and a great infrastructure so it's not like companies are just going to leave, it we stop rewarding them for screwing the American worker. I'll reverse the breaks as incentives for brining jobs back where they belong.

You know, stuff like that. Instead, i get the promise they'll defund planned parenthood, thus reducing the budget by 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001%

Liberals may now discuss the points and ConservaRepubs may now ignore them, change the subject, sling some labels and the usual...

And there goes Mr. Independent.

You're such a leftwing hack.

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Hey, how about a link to read that backs up your OP?

You need a LINK???? Because it's such a big mystery to you that the GOP is against gay marriage? LOL! Seriously? Here's 30 seconds worth of search on FOX:

Several States Take Up Fight Over Defunding Planned Parenthood | Fox News

GOP budget plan aims to head off Pentagon cuts with social program savings | Fox News

Ryan budget revives fight on Dodd-Frank, carried interest - The Deal Pipeline(SAMPLE CONTENT: NEED AN ID?)

I mean seriously? Which stated position in the OP isn't common knowledge? But I love that all the ConservaRepubs who have posted thusfar, have proven me absolutely correct! Issues? Nah. ConservaRepubs don't discuss those. LibDems do but not ConservaRepubs. :lol:

aaaaaa... the old 'it's common knowledge' defense. Tool of those who cannot back up their argument with facts.

Well I provided links for those who didn't think these things were "common knowledge". Now here's what you do to verify them as facts. See those blue letters? Yeah those. Click on them! They are what's called "links". Aren't they nice? So it's not that an old tool was used, it's that a tool couldn't figure out how to use a link. :)

Oh and I had to thank Soggy above for making sure to help prove my point!

BDBoop, I'm not a Republican. My last GOP vote was for Bush Sr's second term. Since then, the party has changed into something very different than what it was.
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I would suggest before the Democrats spend so much time and effort telling the Republicans what is wrong with their party you take a real serious honest look at your own. If you do you will discover the Democratic party really does not have any better record for dealing with the nations problems than the Republicans do.

There is a LOT I think the Dems have done poorly. ObamaCare is a prime example. But overall and for this election, I find the Dems positions, actions etc.... MUCH better than the Repubs during the last couple of years and currently.

So, want to be specific? As you notice, I do not insult (unless insulted first) and although I may challenge them, I can respect differing views.

Which reminds me, of why Barack singing Barry White's song on Fallon was indicative.

Barry Eugene CARTER (1944-2003) shared a similar first name to the President, the same middle name as a defeated Democrat, and the same last name as a famous one-termer. He changed his name to Barry White, became US Rep.Al Green's contemporary, and sold a lot of records. But Barry White is dead. Obama is undead.

To my knowledge, White and Green were NOT like Ted Nugent and all kinds of plagiarists, titled AC-ZZ, who took surveillance and made note-for-note dupe hits. Then they used sync tapes, in concert, or they sounded nothing like their suspected NSA-ATT assisted punk rock. Classic? Funk? Pop? It was all PUNK.

So Obama let ATT off for spying on citizens, and then he had Mick Jagger over to the White House, as reported by Democracy NOW! Sticky Fingers and stolen wheels, eh?
I would suggest before the Democrats spend so much time and effort telling the Republicans what is wrong with their party you take a real serious honest look at your own. If you do you will discover the Democratic party really does not have any better record for dealing with the nations problems than the Republicans do.

There is a LOT I think the Dems have done poorly. ObamaCare is a prime example. But overall and for this election, I find the Dems positions, actions etc.... MUCH better than the Repubs during the last couple of years and currently.

So, want to be specific? As you notice, I do not insult (unless insulted first) and although I may challenge them, I can respect differing views.

During the Bush years you had out of control government spending from the moment Obama and the Democrats were sworn in the out of control government spending continued there is very little foreign policy difference between Bush and Obama there are differences on social issues between Democrats and Republicans and there always will be that is nothing new.But when you at the policies and results from Bush and the Republicans to Obama and the Democrats there is really no difference between them.
There is a problem! Many, MANY Republicans are angry and baffled by what has happened to their party. I hope they get it back before too much damage has been done.

The damage is likely irreparable.

It’s also very telling how the right responds to criticism of the GOP by whining how ‘bad’ Obama is.
You need a LINK???? Because it's such a big mystery to you that the GOP is against gay marriage? LOL! Seriously? Here's 30 seconds worth of search on FOX:

Several States Take Up Fight Over Defunding Planned Parenthood | Fox News

GOP budget plan aims to head off Pentagon cuts with social program savings | Fox News

Ryan budget revives fight on Dodd-Frank, carried interest - The Deal Pipeline(SAMPLE CONTENT: NEED AN ID?)

I mean seriously? Which stated position in the OP isn't common knowledge? But I love that all the ConservaRepubs who have posted thusfar, have proven me absolutely correct! Issues? Nah. ConservaRepubs don't discuss those. LibDems do but not ConservaRepubs. :lol:

aaaaaa... the old 'it's common knowledge' defense. Tool of those who cannot back up their argument with facts.

Well I provided links for those who didn't think these things were "common knowledge". Now here's what you do to verify them as facts. See those blue letters? Yeah those. Click on them! They are what's called "links". Aren't they nice? So it's not that an old tool was used, it's that a tool couldn't figure out how to use a link. :)

Oh and I had to thank Soggy above for making sure to help prove my point!

BDBoop, I'm not a Republican. My last GOP vote was for Bush Sr's second term. Since then, the party has changed into something very different than what it was.

Oh. You're an Independent?
We know what Barry Hussein promises but it seems that independent logic can't seem to come up with a logical response although the non republican candidate seems to get him pissed.
If you're pissed off we're happy!

What the GOP seems to claim...

Two ConservaRepubs, two post with absolutely nothing on issues - exactly as I predicted. You guys are pretty intent on proving me correct, aren't you?

Look, I'm not a Republican but your assessment of what "seems" to be the case is so full of hyperbole, distortions, and a the convenient omission of situations in which the Dems are equally culpable, it's hard to take any of it seriously. I'd love to help you slam the actions and policies of those who fancy themselves central planners from either party but your bias is so overwhelming, and your 'list' so long and rambling, I can't muster the effort to even begin. Maybe next time.

Three posts. Zero issues even discussed. If any of you would care to take a crack at an issue, you just let me know. :)

Would you like to discuss Paul Ryan's budget which eliminates a lot of the loop-holes that corporations and RICH people get--which increases tax revenue- but not the tax rate-or do you just babble on with a list of -left wing talking points.

The entire point is--that Obama has outspent big spending G.W Bush's 8 year record in just 3-1/2 years. If you want that to continue--then vote for Obama.

We do have the highest corporate tax rate in the WORLD--and the only way to get manufacturing jobs back in this country is to offer big incentives to stay here and or bring them back. What's your solution?

Complaining about it does nothing--because right now I could make a 20 page list of what really pisses me off about big spending liberal democrats.
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I believe the OP is a Republican.

Why do you believe that? If I started claiming I was a Democrat would you believe me, or would you assume I was saying that to make Democrats look like idiots?

By the way, the OP actually claims to be Independent.
I believe the OP is a Republican.

Why do you believe that? If I started claiming I was a Democrat would you believe me, or would you assume I was saying that to make Democrats look like idiots?

By the way, the OP actually claims to be Independent.

Because I thought it was something I remembered from my first foray through this board.

Well why not discuss SOLUTIONS--instead of continual complaints for a change?
What the GOP seems to claim as their solutions to our are as follows:

A budget that doesn't reduce the deficit (at least, according to non-GOP sources) and increases defense spending. They will not even discuss our defense spending. As if our military is so bad at our jobs, they have to spend 10x more than any other country to compensate for it.

The promise that they will protect the Rich and also Powerful Global Corporations. Because you know, that's who really needs protecting. Seriously, only Americans are stupid enough to buy that one.

They'll create jobs by lowering the corporate tax rates. Because Zero is too much. And the reason companies ship jobs from the USA - where they pay 17% of average - to India - where the rate is 33%, has to do with taxes. It's not that India has an average income of $2 a day, no labor or environmental laws to speak of etc... No. It's that attractive 33% tax rate that has Raja answering the phone whenever I call tech support. Riiight. Oh, and they've made it clear they'll fight the Dems on closing the loopholes that make it advantageous to ship our jobs overseas. Because if we protect our jobs here, all the companies in the world will leave the largest consumer base they have. Riiiight.

The promise they will fight Dodd-Frank and make sure the banks that took us in the toilet, remain Too Big To Fail.

They'll get rid of the mortgage deduction for the Middle Class (at least according to Boehner and Cantor, this would be a good thing). That way, the only way it's worth buying a house, is if you're a corporation. Then, once the corporations own the entire country, they can raise the rents. Peachy.

They will get rid of planned parenthood and increase the number of welfare moms. Wonderful.

They will make sure we don't have any more of those terrible regulations that hurt business. You know, like upgrading equipment used in The Gulf on oil rigs. Or making sure that CitiBank doesn't have to worry about getting in trouble when they commit fraud. Or BofA can go ahead and illegally foreclose on our troops while their overseas.

They'll protect me from two women getting married in Iowa. Because that's um, scary. Maybe Marcus Bachmann can pray the gayness out of them for me. Really, how the hell did this become so important?

They'll attack Iran. Whose military hasn't been reduced to zero through years of sanctions like Iraq was. Whose military is ten times bigger and better equipped than any military in the region. Because what we really need is another war in the Middle East - while lowering taxes - because that worked out so well for us last time.

WTF people? Obama sure hasn't been great but the GOP has tried SO HARD to make him / the Dems look good by comparison, it's a no-brainer.

I really thought the party would change after Obama got elected. And it did. It got worse. Where's the candidate who says things like:
1. Any business that can't survive without government help, shouldn't survive. So I'm ending the subsidies to Big Oil, farms, alternative energy companies etc...
2. Less government is better. So I don't CARE if a couple gals get married. Seriously, we have more important things to worry about.
3. We have a serious deficit problem. So instead of some bs plan that will have zero effect and appeal to the emotions of a few, I'm cutting defense by 50%. That will save us a TRILLION dollars every three years.
4. I'm getting rid of the tax breaks associated with shipping jobs overseas. We have a huge consumer base, a safe country and a great infrastructure so it's not like companies are just going to leave, it we stop rewarding them for screwing the American worker. I'll reverse the breaks as incentives for brining jobs back where they belong.

You know, stuff like that. Instead, i get the promise they'll defund planned parenthood, thus reducing the budget by 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001%

Liberals may now discuss the points and ConservaRepubs may now ignore them, change the subject, sling some labels and the usual...

Yawn, China called........they want their wall back.

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