What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?


I'm not the one so scared I think I need a high cap rifle to protect myself. While you guys are paranoid and scared of shadows people are really being killed by mass shooters.

If you don't feel the need not to protect yourself then that is fine. There is nothing that says you have to have a firearm unless you live in Kennesaw Georgia so who give a shit what you think?

If you don't like firearms then don't buy one but shut your filthy ass Libtard mouth about my Constitutional liberties. Go mind your own fucking business. We don't need nanny state Moon Bats like you spouting off your ignorant bullshit.

So you like well arming terrorists and letting them kill 50 and injure 50.

The terrorists and criminals will always get weapons. The muslims involved in the massacre in gun free Paris last November did. The gun grabbers like the clintons, feinsteins, schumers know this too.

I'm not the one so scared I think I need a high cap rifle to protect myself. While you guys are paranoid and scared of shadows people are really being killed by mass shooters.

If you don't feel the need not to protect yourself then that is fine. There is nothing that says you have to have a firearm unless you live in Kennesaw Georgia so who give a shit what you think?

If you don't like firearms then don't buy one but shut your filthy ass Libtard mouth about my Constitutional liberties. Go mind your own fucking business. We don't need nanny state Moon Bats like you spouting off your ignorant bullshit.

So you like well arming terrorists and letting them kill 50 and injure 50.

The terrorists and criminals will always get weapons. The muslims involved in the massacre in Paris last November did. The gun grabbers like the clintons, feinsteins, schumers know this too.

And you prefer to make it easy for them.
So you like taking Constitutional rights away from law abiding citizens?

What kind of an asshole are you?

Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

Right after you find where gay marriage and abortion are in the constitution.

Are you saying it is not in the constitution?

We already know you want to ignore the "right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", and we already know you are too stupid to understand the concept of interpretation, and the idea that any restriction on a right has to be using the least coercive method possible, so my question was a retort was a response to your obvious "AHAHAHAHA its not in the document" gotcha attempt. And I won't be playing your game, so:

So I ask again, where are abortion and gay marriage in the Constitution?

It doesn't say all arms. If you have just a club you retain your right to bear arms.

This is literally to stupid to respond to.
So you like taking Constitutional rights away from law abiding citizens?

What kind of an asshole are you?

Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

Right after you find where gay marriage and abortion are in the constitution.

Are you saying it is not in the constitution?

You do realizeTthe Constitution is a document that telling the government what it can and can't do. Right?

We have banned high cap magazines. So yes it can be done.

Now ask yourself why Obama hasn't used his executive orders to do so.
So you like taking Constitutional rights away from law abiding citizens?

What kind of an asshole are you?

Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

Right after you find where gay marriage and abortion are in the constitution.

Are you saying it is not in the constitution?

You do realizeTthe Constitution is a document that telling the government what it can and can't do. Right?

We have banned high cap magazines. So yes it can be done.

Those bans were meaningless, and are unconstitutional. They were also showed favoritism to the government, because government actors were exempt.

The police aren't supposed to be a new knightly class, and we are not supposed to return back to feudalism.

I'm not the one so scared I think I need a high cap rifle to protect myself. While you guys are paranoid and scared of shadows people are really being killed by mass shooters.

If you don't feel the need not to protect yourself then that is fine. There is nothing that says you have to have a firearm unless you live in Kennesaw Georgia so who give a shit what you think?

If you don't like firearms then don't buy one but shut your filthy ass Libtard mouth about my Constitutional liberties. Go mind your own fucking business. We don't need nanny state Moon Bats like you spouting off your ignorant bullshit.

So you like well arming terrorists and letting them kill 50 and injure 50.

The terrorists and criminals will always get weapons. The muslims involved in the massacre in Paris last November did. The gun grabbers like the clintons, feinsteins, schumers know this too.

And you prefer to make it easy for them.

Actually all you want to do is make it harder on law abiding citizens.

And I call bullshit on your supposed gun ownership.

I'm not the one so scared I think I need a high cap rifle to protect myself. While you guys are paranoid and scared of shadows people are really being killed by mass shooters.

If you don't feel the need not to protect yourself then that is fine. There is nothing that says you have to have a firearm unless you live in Kennesaw Georgia so who give a shit what you think?

If you don't like firearms then don't buy one but shut your filthy ass Libtard mouth about my Constitutional liberties. Go mind your own fucking business. We don't need nanny state Moon Bats like you spouting off your ignorant bullshit.

So you like well arming terrorists and letting them kill 50 and injure 50.

The terrorists and criminals will always get weapons. The muslims involved in the massacre in Paris last November did. The gun grabbers like the clintons, feinsteins, schumers know this too.

And you prefer to make it easy for them.

Actually all you want to do is make it harder on law abiding citizens.

And I call bullshit on your supposed gun ownership.

Yes cause guns are so hard to come by. You don't own so what would you know?

The terrorists and criminals will always get weapons. The muslims involved in the massacre in gun free Paris last November did. The gun grabbers like the clintons, feinsteins, schumers know this too.

The opposition to gun ownership by the stuopid Libtards has nothing to do with stopping crime. It never has. Gun control has always failed at stopping crime. Just look at Chicago as a great example.

Gun control is about taking away the ability of the people to oppose government tyranny.

These liberals hate the idea the idea that their precious enormous nanny state government may be threatened and that is the real reason they are against guns.
Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

Right after you find where gay marriage and abortion are in the constitution.

Are you saying it is not in the constitution?

We already know you want to ignore the "right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", and we already know you are too stupid to understand the concept of interpretation, and the idea that any restriction on a right has to be using the least coercive method possible, so my question was a retort was a response to your obvious "AHAHAHAHA its not in the document" gotcha attempt. And I won't be playing your game, so:

So I ask again, where are abortion and gay marriage in the Constitution?

It doesn't say all arms. If you have just a club you retain your right to bear arms.

This is literally to stupid to respond to.

It is true.

The terrorists and criminals will always get weapons. The muslims involved in the massacre in gun free Paris last November did. The gun grabbers like the clintons, feinsteins, schumers know this too.

The opposition to gun ownership by the stuopid Libtards has nothing to do with stopping crime. It never has. Gun control has always failed at stopping crime. Just look at Chicago as a great example.

Gun control is about taking away the ability of the people to oppose government tyranny.

These liberals hate the idea the idea that their precious enormous nanny state government may be threatened and that is the real reason they are against guns.

All the gun deaths are a real asset.
Right after you find where gay marriage and abortion are in the constitution.

Are you saying it is not in the constitution?

We already know you want to ignore the "right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", and we already know you are too stupid to understand the concept of interpretation, and the idea that any restriction on a right has to be using the least coercive method possible, so my question was a retort was a response to your obvious "AHAHAHAHA its not in the document" gotcha attempt. And I won't be playing your game, so:

So I ask again, where are abortion and gay marriage in the Constitution?

It doesn't say all arms. If you have just a club you retain your right to bear arms.

This is literally to stupid to respond to.

It is true.

Yeah and free speech doesn't mean you can express ideas the government doesn't like either.

What a moron
An AR 15 is no more,or less potential to be deadly than a pump shot gun,or any other gun .

Really. And they say lefties have no firearms knowledge.

I guess if you compare a single shotgun blast to a single round fired from an AR, you might be on to something.

However, there is no shotgun with 30 round clips. There is no shotgun where you will hit your target lethally at 100 yards. There is no shotgun firing a rough at 2200fps that can penetrate armored helmets and jackets.

But you keep telling yourself whatever.

But if shotguns are as lethal as an AR, why are they so popular? Is it because they look like a military weapon? Shotguns can be oat less expensive. Both to buy and shoot.

Stop pretending you know anything about firearms ....

And of course you're wrong about the lethality of the shotgun at 100 yards...

Are you saying it is not in the constitution?

We already know you want to ignore the "right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", and we already know you are too stupid to understand the concept of interpretation, and the idea that any restriction on a right has to be using the least coercive method possible, so my question was a retort was a response to your obvious "AHAHAHAHA its not in the document" gotcha attempt. And I won't be playing your game, so:

So I ask again, where are abortion and gay marriage in the Constitution?

It doesn't say all arms. If you have just a club you retain your right to bear arms.

This is literally to stupid to respond to.

It is true.

Yeah and free speech doesn't mean you can express ideas the government doesn't like either.

What a moron
Nothing in the constitution says you can bear all arms. That is why many already are banned or heavily regulated.

which would reduce crime more in your opinion.

Banning and confiscating all guns


Banning negroes and barring them from the country

Don't just come back with your stupid claims of racism either. Give a real answer. Which would reduce crime more in the US. Keep guns, but ban negroes, or ban guns and keep negroes?
Gun control laws are less about guns and more about control.

Let's try this... Before we ban any guns, before we change any gun laws (fuck know we've got plenty on the books now), before we deny U.S. citizens any of their Constitutional rights, before we do any of those things...

Let's pass a law that would make it illegal for any one person to kill another person. Let's do that and see how it works...
We already know you want to ignore the "right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", and we already know you are too stupid to understand the concept of interpretation, and the idea that any restriction on a right has to be using the least coercive method possible, so my question was a retort was a response to your obvious "AHAHAHAHA its not in the document" gotcha attempt. And I won't be playing your game, so:

So I ask again, where are abortion and gay marriage in the Constitution?

It doesn't say all arms. If you have just a club you retain your right to bear arms.

This is literally to stupid to respond to.

It is true.

Yeah and free speech doesn't mean you can express ideas the government doesn't like either.

What a moron
Nothing in the constitution says you can bear all arms. That is why many already are banned or heavily regulated.

And I would wholly argue that that law in unconstitutional as well.
We have banned high cap magazines. So yes it can be done.

And what happened wet brain? What is happening now in cities with restrictions? Did your stupid piece of paper slow down the Muslim San Bernardino shooters?

Damn, you gun grabbers are stupid.

which would reduce crime more in your opinion.

Banning and confiscating all guns


Banning negroes and barring them from the country

Don't just come back with your stupid claims of racism either. Give a real answer. Which would reduce crime more in the US. Keep guns, but ban negroes, or ban guns and keep negroes?

Banning guns doesn't reduce crime. Banning certain types of guns can however limit the carnage.

Not going to ban a race of people.
We have banned high cap magazines. So yes it can be done.

And what happened wet brain? What is happening now in cities with restrictions? Did your stupid piece of paper slow down the Muslim San Bernardino shooters?

Damn, you gun grabbers are stupid.

There would be many less dead in Orlando if they had been kept in place.
It doesn't say all arms. If you have just a club you retain your right to bear arms.

This is literally to stupid to respond to.

It is true.

Yeah and free speech doesn't mean you can express ideas the government doesn't like either.

What a moron
Nothing in the constitution says you can bear all arms. That is why many already are banned or heavily regulated.

And I would wholly argue that that law in unconstitutional as well.

They have been in place for a long time and we are all better for it. You want terrorists to have explosives too eh?

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