What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Because I want to slave. Now get to scrubbing the floor.
The ISLAMIC TERRORIST was inside the nightclub for FOUR HOURS.

Let me repeat myself:
Moron, security and police had him stuck in a bathroom for most of those 3 hours with hostages. Most the killing was in minutes. Keep talking you just keep looking stupider.

Police did not enter Pulse until hours later. They set off several flash bombs and used a heavy armored vehicle to crash through a door.

The TERRORIST had herded hostages back into the restroom after he had gone back through the main room shooting anyone he thought might still be alive.

Are you really this ignorant about the FACTS or are you pretending to be a fool?
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Today, the gun grabbers say, who needs assault rifles. Tomorrow, who needs double action six shooters or cartridges? Y ou plan on murdering a lot of people? When it's whittled down to only black powder single shot, They will outlaw black powder. It's dirty and yucky and noisy and bad for the environment.
Yep folks. Muslims running wild and massacring people, and the gun grabbers start blaming it on the KKK and guns. Not too many of the gg's (gun grabbers), think that perhaps it might be wise to focus on the people obama is bringing here who have a reputation for violence. Nope, that involves a little thinking things out.

They don't care about muslims murdering gays or other people...they see about 100,000 new voters before election day if they can only get them into the country.......gun control is a bonus...

An FBI back ground check ,sans political correctness , would have absolutely precluded this moron from legally buying a gun.

Do you intentionally ignore facts or does it come naturally?

There WAS an FBI background check which he passed. There was also a three-day waiting with which he also complied.

Educate yourself or go away.

The shooting was about ISLAMIC TERRORISM, not anything else.
I remember reading a statistic. More people have been strangled to death with bare hands than have been killed by assault weapons.
Hands have been around for millions of years. Assault weapons, not quite so long. That being said, don't take away my AR, someone may strangle me.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Fear of change and paranoia drive them
Progressives don't like when you insult them.
Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

You should take a course on the Constitution. Your post agrees with what Lame Duck President Obama THINKS the constitution SHOULD say and not what it dies. President Obama, and obviously you, believe the U.S. Constitution should enumerate what the government must do FOR the citizens. Instead, the Constitution was designed to LIMIT what THE GOVERNMENT MAY OR MAY NOT DO. Anything addressed in what the government may do is left to the states.

So you mission, should you accept, is to show us where in this amendment, the government has the right to limit them.

Text of the 2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The constitution does not even mention them so obviously they can be limited.

Text of the 2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
What is the attraction of guns? When I went into the service half the recruits gathered about the locked rifle racks, touching the guns, and talking about them. The other half of the recruits looked for a cot to get a good night's sleep.

BS, there were no guns, pistols, rifles, assault rifles anywhere near the barracks in basic training.

So you like well arming terrorists and letting them kill 50 and injure 50.

So you like taking Constitutional rights away from law abiding citizens?

What kind of an asshole are you?

Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

So you like well arming terrorists and letting them kill 50 and injure 50.

So you like taking Constitutional rights away from law abiding citizens?

What kind of an asshole are you?

Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.[/QUOTE]
When you quote where is says I don't!
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Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

I am glad you admit that you support taking away Constitutional rights from law abiding American citizens. It just shows what an asshole you are.

Maybe you should move to Cuba. They have a ban on high capacity magazine along with a ban on firearms. Just your kind of place. That way you can leave America to us that appreciate liberty. Be sure to take more of your Libtard Moon Bat buddies with you.

Sorry but there is no right to them in the constitution.
The second amendment protects a right to have militarily useful weapons as determined by the Supreme Court in 1939. As such semi automatic rifles to INCLUDE high capacity magazines are protected by the 2nd.
What the hell does an American need a Corvette for? Or a 60" television?
We don't need them but we want them!
Same is true for the AR15 or any other weapon of the same type. So you liberals just STFU up and deal with it!

Corvettes are certified sissy cars.

Don't have one but no, a sissy car is the Miata. Definitely a chick car.
the real question is

why are libtards so ignorant about firearms

The real question is why does the right want to arm mass killers so well?

The REAL question is: why does the left want only the killers to be armed?

Who is proposing a ban? They want the mass killing guns banned. Mags cap should be limited. Only mass killers need them.

No, they just want guns banned. Do you think my memory is only five minutes long, like yours? Do you really think I'm not aware that it's always, "Just THIS gun. THIS gun is evil. You can keep the others, but let us JUST ban this one." And then a year or two later, you lefties are back, saying, "Just THIS gun" about something else.

I'm hip to the incremental bullshit tactics you people use, so don't even try it. We're talking about murderers and terrorists, not toddlers in a daycare. You don't stop them from causing harm by childproofing the world.

No guns are currently banned moron. What are you babbling about?
You are the one babbling.

It is obvious that the left wants to ban all ownership.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?

They should not be able to. Look at the carnage at Orlando, nobody should be able to own one.

Yes, because terrorists will just shrug and go, "Oh, we can't get rifles, let's just start a bridge club instead". The murderous intent is due only to the weapons.


They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...
Yet France has had several such shootings.

Causation - you are utterly ignoring it.

Banning guns doesn't reduce crime. Banning certain types of guns can however limit the carnage.

Not going to ban a race of people.
This is an assumption not backed up by facts. An assumption that you want to use to limit rights.

Yes BrainDead you owning guns is fucking hilarious

Yes because they are so rare and hard to get. Moron.
More so because you are exemplifying ignorance of firearms in this thread. Ignorance such as assuming that an AR is so much more capable of causing 'carnage' than say a .45 or a semi-automatic shotgun.

Aren't you the moron who says assault rifles aren't dangerous? Yeah, worst mass shooting in history. Good call. Oh and if only an armed defender was there. Oh wait you were wrong again. Sorry it is you constantly wrong. FL has lax gun laws, tons of guns, and the worst mass shooting in history. You are always wrong.
Again with ignoring causation. Mass shooting have happened where guns were essentially banned. Why do you ignore those events?

Because they do not fit the narrative. Clearly you want something to be correct without consequence of what reality actually shows to be correct.

Because the BAR and lemons (frag grenades) actually are "assault weapons"...the AR-15 is a plinker/deer rifle.

Just remember that Obama's little Muslim terrorist boy achieved a less than a 50% kill rate at close quarters in a place that was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Really? The worst mass shooting in history and you say something stupid like that?
Its already been pointed out that it is not the 'worst' in history. Why have you ignored that fact?
What is the attraction of guns? When I went into the service half the recruits gathered about the locked rifle racks, touching the guns, and talking about them. The other half of the recruits looked for a cot to get a good night's sleep.

BS, there were no guns, pistols, rifles, assault rifles anywhere near the barracks in basic training.
I took basic training three times and there were guns involved in the barracks the first two times and the third time we were just handed a gun.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Back when this country was founded, citizens were given the right to bear arms. But back in those days, all they had were flint lock rifles and pistols. Though even if they had machine guns, they probably would have still had the right to bear them. What we have is just called progress. If some people in society feel the need to use them to slaughter others, it means that there is something wrong with society. Not the right to bear arms.
Yes so selfish to hate mass shootings and guns made for mass killing. Selfish is clinging to mass killing guns you don't need for anything while people die.

No, allowing an avowed socialist nitwit to ruin the country's economy and standing in the world while clinging to his "hope and change" bullshit is what you need to concern yourself with. ISIS should have never been born....funny you don't believe in abortion for shitbags like Omar Mateen.

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