What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a killing machine?
No rifle any civilian can buy is a military grade weapon

One more half-truth. See:

New trigger makes AR-15s nearly full auto

If your erection lasts more than four hours after watching this video, please see a doctor.
It is very unlikely you will be attacked at all.

Tell that to the residents of Chicago or Detroit, or Brooklyn or Denver, or San Francisco, or anywhere, USA, fool.

I've been to all but Detroit and never was attacked or felt threatened. Of course I was raised in SF and know how to act when in any urban area. One problem with rookie LE and civilians is when armed they tend to take chances, feeling their weapon makes them invulnerable.
They have been in place for a long time and we are all better for it. You want terrorists to have explosives too eh?

I take it the victims of the Boston Marathon are irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant to you. Why? According to FBI interrogators, Dzhokhar and his brother were motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs. Boston Marathon bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about Brussels? No guns, 32 victims and three perpetrators were killed, and over 300 people were injured. Another bomb was found during a search of the airport. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attacks 2016 Brussels bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about Paris? Multiple Suicide bombings followed by more bombings and shootings. The President of France, François Hollande, said the attacks were an act of war by ISIL. November 2015 Paris attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about the San Bernardino shooting? In addition to the 14 killed, 22 others were seriously injured, either by bullets or other causes. FBI Director James B. Comey said that the FBI investigation has shown that Farook and Malik were "homegrown violent extremists" who were "inspired by foreign terrorist organizations."

How about Orlando? In a 9-1-1 call shortly after the attack began, he swore allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

All the gun banning nuts, what do all these attacks have in common?

The issue is NOT guns, as much as President Obama demands we ignore the FACTS, THE ISSUE IS ISIS. RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

The issue IS guns and hate and terrorism and mental illness. But mass murder is not exclusive to the Muslim community. Scapegoating is and has always been a favorite tool of demagogues (think Trump and the Trumpsters who parrot Trump).


Bush started it. (Trump impression)

True! And we didn't have a single Islamic Terrorist Attack on our soil since Congress, the UN and the United States began the War on Terror in 2003. Since Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama...the list is long isn't it?
There would be many less dead in Orlando if they had been kept in place.

You have no way of knowing that. You are full of crap and everyone knows it. You make shit up hoping for a response. You can't be this stupid in real life. You would never find your way home if you left the house.

Yes we know that. It is physics moron. Had he needed to reload many times fewer would be dead and injured. You don't seem very bright.

Wrong.....all of the mass shooters reload, and do so without a problem.....Sandy Hook, the theater shooter , the long island shooter, the list is long......and actual research shows that the rate of fire of mass shooters and their relaxed state at the time of the shooting makes it easy for them to change magazines.....

There is nothing in the gun debate that you get right...you are wrong on all of it......every single thing...

Aren't you the moron who says assault rifles aren't dangerous? Yeah, worst mass shooting in history. Good call. Oh and if only an armed defender was there. Oh wait you were wrong again. Sorry it is you constantly wrong. FL has lax gun laws, tons of guns, and the worst mass shooting in history. You are always wrong.

They are not dangerous compared to knives in this country....

in 34 years from 1982 to 2016 rifles with detachable magazines killed 149 people...

in 2014, knives killed 1,567, and each year knives kill over 1,000 people........each year.....34,000 as a rough estimate..

knives.... 34,000 people over 34 years.... Rifles...149 people in 34 years.
What is the worst mass knifing? Do your numbers include the over 60 just from this year? Seems to be a hugely growing problem.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
Why the hell does a normal American need a 65" 4k TV?


Mind your own fucking business.
The ISLAMIC TERRORIST was inside the nightclub for FOUR HOURS.

Let me repeat myself:
Moron, security and police had him stuck in a bathroom for most of those 3 hours with hostages. Most the killing was in minutes. Keep talking you just keep looking stupider.

Police did not enter Pulse until hours later. They set off several flash bombs and used a heavy armored vehicle to crash through a door.

The TERRORIST had herded hostages back into the restroom after he had gone back through the main room shooting anyone he thought might still be alive.

Are you really this ignorant about the FACTS or are you pretending to be a fool?

Are you dishonest or just a complete idiot?

Around 2:02 a.m. ET: An officer working extra duty in uniform at the club hears gunshots and engages the shooter. The officer feels he is outgunned, retreats from the club, and calls for assistance. Two SWAT officers in a nearby patrol car are among units that respond and a gunbattle ensues.
Other patrol officers rush into the club during the shootout to pull survivors out.
The shooter retreats and after exchanging gunfire with a SWAT lieutenant in a hallway he barricades himself and clubgoers in a bathroom.

It took minutes. Sucks our police have to constantly face such dangerous weapons.
Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

You should take a course on the Constitution. Your post agrees with what Lame Duck President Obama THINKS the constitution SHOULD say and not what it dies. President Obama, and obviously you, believe the U.S. Constitution should enumerate what the government must do FOR the citizens. Instead, the Constitution was designed to LIMIT what THE GOVERNMENT MAY OR MAY NOT DO. Anything addressed in what the government may do is left to the states.

So you mission, should you accept, is to show us where in this amendment, the government has the right to limit them.

Text of the 2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The constitution does not even mention them so obviously they can be limited.

Text of the 2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It doesn't say all arms or mention high cap magazines. If you have a club that is an arm. No mention of what kind of arms.

Yes whatever will you do without high capacity magazines. Please quote where the constitution says you have a right to them.

I am glad you admit that you support taking away Constitutional rights from law abiding American citizens. It just shows what an asshole you are.

Maybe you should move to Cuba. They have a ban on high capacity magazine along with a ban on firearms. Just your kind of place. That way you can leave America to us that appreciate liberty. Be sure to take more of your Libtard Moon Bat buddies with you.

Sorry but there is no right to them in the constitution.
The second amendment protects a right to have militarily useful weapons as determined by the Supreme Court in 1939. As such semi automatic rifles to INCLUDE high capacity magazines are protected by the 2nd.

That's funny. Lots of military weapons are illegal.

Because the BAR and lemons (frag grenades) actually are "assault weapons"...the AR-15 is a plinker/deer rifle.

Just remember that Obama's little Muslim terrorist boy achieved a less than a 50% kill rate at close quarters in a place that was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Really? The worst mass shooting in history and you say something stupid like that?
Its already been pointed out that it is not the 'worst' in history. Why have you ignored that fact?

Really? Which had more dead/wounded?

That's funny. Lots of military weapons are illegal.

You should go read the US v Miller Supreme Court Case .

It said the Second protects the right of citizens to have military style records.

If you would do a little bit of homework before posting your dribble you wouldn't look like a fool so much.
I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

BUT, Australia does have a far higher violent crime rate than does the United States.

Brain is lying....Australia has had many shootings were more than one person has been shot since the weapons confiscation.....

Why weren't they mass shootings...pure, dumb fucking luck......a muslim terrorist took 17 hostages in a coffee shop with a gun....he didn't kill them even though he had a gun and could have.

last year a 15 year old muslim terrorist used an illegal 6 shot revolver to murder a police department employee, had he brought the gun to his school or a theater or a mall or shot more innocent people, it would have been a mass shooting....

There was the Monash university shooting....a Chinese immigrant student took a long gun to his university and shot 2 people and wounded more....and would have killed more but he didn't know how to operate the rifle....

So those saying Australia hasn't had mass shootings are lying to you.....not one of their gun control laws, and nothing to do with their gun confiscation kept them from having mass shootings......it was pure, dumb luck........

Their gun ownership levels...are now back to where they were before the gun confisction.....so brain is lying to you again...

he is a troll, and he wants your guns.

That's funny. Lots of military weapons are illegal.

You should go read the US v Miller Supreme Court Case .

It said the Second protects the right of citizens to have military style records.

If you would do a little bit of homework before posting your dribble you wouldn't look like a fool so much.

Go buy a grenade then.
I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

BUT, Australia does have a far higher violent crime rate than does the United States.

Brain is lying....Australia has had many shootings were more than one person has been shot since the weapons confiscation.....

Why weren't they mass shootings...pure, dumb fucking luck......a muslim terrorist took 17 hostages in a coffee shop with a gun....he didn't kill them even though he had a gun and could have.

last year a 15 year old muslim terrorist used an illegal 6 shot revolver to murder a police department employee, had he brought the gun to his school or a theater or a mall or shot more innocent people, it would have been a mass shooting....

There was the Monash university shooting....a Chinese immigrant student took a long gun to his university and shot 2 people and wounded more....and would have killed more but he didn't know how to operate the rifle....

So those saying Australia hasn't had mass shootings are lying to you.....not one of their gun control laws, and nothing to do with their gun confiscation kept them from having mass shootings......it was pure, dumb luck........

Their gun ownership levels...are now back to where they were before the gun confisction.....so brain is lying to you again...

he is a troll, and he wants your guns.

Yeah those sound real bad compared to ours. 49 dead, over 50 injured in one shooting.

Because the BAR and lemons (frag grenades) actually are "assault weapons"...the AR-15 is a plinker/deer rifle.

Just remember that Obama's little Muslim terrorist boy achieved a less than a 50% kill rate at close quarters in a place that was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Really? The worst mass shooting in history and you say something stupid like that?
Its already been pointed out that it is not the 'worst' in history. Why have you ignored that fact?

Really? Which had more dead/wounded?

South Korea.....and they completely ban guns for civilians so only criminals and cops have guns...in this case, the murderer was a cop...and murdered 56 people and wounded even more....

Woo Bum-kon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Woo Bum-kon (or Wou Bom-kon) (February 24, 1955 – April 27, 1982) was a South Korean policeman who killed 56 people and wounded 35 others in several villages in Uiryeong County, South Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, during the night from April 26 to April 27, 1982, before committing suicide.[1]

His rampage remained the deadliest known mass murder committed by a lone gunman in modern history until the Norway attacks of July 22, 2011.[2]

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