What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Evidently you've never heard about the stupid bastard who brought a knife to a gun fight.
Evidently, you think it's funny to mock women who are brutally murdered because you advocate to disarm them and make them victims. Perhaps you want to disarm so badly because you desire to rape or otherwise attack them?

The democrat party supports a Presidential Candidate who helped her husband hide at least 3 rapes and over a dozen violent sexual assaults.....and they love the guy....you may not be far off the mark.....
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Evidently you've never heard about the stupid bastard who brought a knife to a gun fight.
He actually had and that was the point that flew right over your head. That man did not have to worry about bringing the knife to the gun fight - he knows that essentially no one anywhere in that city is armed. He can kill whoever he has the ability to overpower.
Still arguing definitions? He killed 50 and injured 50. What the gun is called really doesn't matter.
The only difference between these rifles you lefties like to call "Assault Weapons" and their hunting rifle counter parts is cosmetics. You Liberals are trying to convince everyone that extra plastic on a firearm makes them more dangerous. Its disingenuous and ignorant.

50 dead and 50 injured. Hi capacity magazines are the difference. Stop the BS.

No bullshit on my part. You can not deny what I stated. The only thing you Liberals want to ban is extra plastic. It would be hilarious if this whole issue wasn't about infringing on the right of law abiding citizens.

I've been pretty clear I want the mag limit back. That forces the murderer to reload often. That is not just plastic.

How do you plan to eliminate the tens of millions of magazines already out there? Also note: a mag is by no means difficult to make! (Hell, any modern machine shop can scan in the parts and duplicate it.)

Firearms apparently aren't that hard to make, at least in crude forms. The prison my husband used to work for had a display of them that they found in cell searches, made by the inmates with stuff they could get ahold of in the prison.
Many anti-gunners support Jim Brady's stance on guns. More proof they are lying when they say "No one is coming to take your guns".

For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.
-- James Brady​

When seconds count.....the police are just minutes away
LWers almost always live in urban areas. They assume there's a policeman around every corner. Those of us who live in rural areas know it takes police 20+ minutes to show up.
Still ineffective. The real function of the police is not to protect from active criminals - they are the cleanup crew.

The protection comes form the fear that a criminal has to face after committing the crime in the form of being jailed and from those criminals that are caught and cannot re-offend.
The only difference between these rifles you lefties like to call "Assault Weapons" and their hunting rifle counter parts is cosmetics. You Liberals are trying to convince everyone that extra plastic on a firearm makes them more dangerous. Its disingenuous and ignorant.

50 dead and 50 injured. Hi capacity magazines are the difference. Stop the BS.

No bullshit on my part. You can not deny what I stated. The only thing you Liberals want to ban is extra plastic. It would be hilarious if this whole issue wasn't about infringing on the right of law abiding citizens.

I've been pretty clear I want the mag limit back. That forces the murderer to reload often. That is not just plastic.

How do you plan to eliminate the tens of millions of magazines already out there? Also note: a mag is by no means difficult to make! (Hell, any modern machine shop can scan in the parts and duplicate it.)

Why would anyone bother?

Maybe just because you don't want them to.

Has it escaped your notice that people are interested in doing whole rafts of things that you don't approve of? It's like they don't consider you the Ultimate Arbiter of What You Can Like, or something.
The only difference between these rifles you lefties like to call "Assault Weapons" and their hunting rifle counter parts is cosmetics. You Liberals are trying to convince everyone that extra plastic on a firearm makes them more dangerous. Its disingenuous and ignorant.

50 dead and 50 injured. Hi capacity magazines are the difference. Stop the BS.

No bullshit on my part. You can not deny what I stated. The only thing you Liberals want to ban is extra plastic. It would be hilarious if this whole issue wasn't about infringing on the right of law abiding citizens.

I've been pretty clear I want the mag limit back. That forces the murderer to reload often. That is not just plastic.

How do you plan to eliminate the tens of millions of magazines already out there? Also note: a mag is by no means difficult to make! (Hell, any modern machine shop can scan in the parts and duplicate it.)

Firearms apparently aren't that hard to make, at least in crude forms. The prison my husband used to work for had a display of them that they found in cell searches, made by the inmates with stuff they could get ahold of in the prison.

Not only that...they smuggle them in too.....
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
I agree. It's pretty silly.
50 dead and 50 injured. Hi capacity magazines are the difference. Stop the BS.

No bullshit on my part. You can not deny what I stated. The only thing you Liberals want to ban is extra plastic. It would be hilarious if this whole issue wasn't about infringing on the right of law abiding citizens.

I've been pretty clear I want the mag limit back. That forces the murderer to reload often. That is not just plastic.

How do you plan to eliminate the tens of millions of magazines already out there? Also note: a mag is by no means difficult to make! (Hell, any modern machine shop can scan in the parts and duplicate it.)

Why would anyone bother?

Maybe just because you don't want them to.

Has it escaped your notice that people are interested in doing whole rafts of things that you don't approve of? It's like they don't consider you the Ultimate Arbiter of What You Can Like, or something.

Where Brain357's "logic" leads:

- Why does a normal American need a 3 bedroom 2 bath house for his family? (just move two more families in - one per bedroom).

- Why does a normal American need a car? (he can use a bicycle or walk instead).

- Why does a normal American need so many clothes? (a pair of clogs and a chinese peasant outfit are plenty).

- Why does a normal American need so much food? (a bowl of rice and a fish head is sufficient).

- Why does a normal American need health care when he is no longer is able to work? (just give him pain killers until he dies).
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Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.
Interesting. The reporter (besides outright lying to the dealer as he did quote him when he asked him not to) states that he believes that he was denied for nefarious reasons even though it seems he was denied due to a background check.

What a bunch of garbage.

The reporter beat his wife and was arrested on a misdemenor battery charge....which keeps him fro passing a check...

Which is an example of a REAL common-sense gun restriction, since people who have a history of being violent to their spouses/significant others also have a notable tendency to escalate to killing said spouse/SO.
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.
Interesting. The reporter (besides outright lying to the dealer as he did quote him when he asked him not to) states that he believes that he was denied for nefarious reasons even though it seems he was denied due to a background check.

What a bunch of garbage.

The reporter beat his wife and was arrested on a misdemenor battery charge....which keeps him fro passing a check...

Which is an example of a REAL common-sense gun restriction, since people who have a history of being violent to their spouses/significant others also have a notable tendency to escalate to killing said spouse/SO.
Basically, it proves what all of us already knew....

1.) Libtards have been waging a horrific war on women for centuries

2.) Libtards should't own firearms. They are too ignorant and too violent.
They might get caught trying to buy guns illegally.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You prefer Orlando over Milwaukee?

Seriously? Your plan is "Let's disarm all the law-abiding people and leave them defenseless, so that we can HOPE that MAYBE violent would-be mass murderers will get caught buying illegal guns"? THIS is what passes for a logical policy on the left?

Let me put it this way: Australia instituted a massive gun ban back in the late 90s. Then they organized ANOTHER gun buyback in 2008, after a mentally ill man opened fire (with a gun that had been banned) in a public place, and they got 50,000 guns that had been made illegal in their initial gun ban. On the whole, I'm going to say that the gun ban didn't work very well, AND the plan of "that way, we can catch them when they buy illegal guns" ALSO was a spectacularly epic fail.

But perhaps that's just me.

I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

"Many", huh? Please cite your source.

Meanwhile, I will answer the question you were apparently trying to ask earlier, and having such difficulty wording accurately.

I think you were trying to ask for an example of high-capacity magazines ever saving lives.

According to the Department of Justice's Bureau of Criminal Statistics, about 1/3 of all aggravated assaults and robberies are committed by multiple assailants. And, contrary to what one sees on TV and in movies, those assailants frequently do not go down in just one shot, or even multiple shots.`So pretty much any time that you're faced with more than one attacker - which is apparently quite a lot - or an attacker who is on drugs, or crazy, or just has the stamina not to shatter like a clay pigeon when you hit him the first time, you're going to want to be able to fire several times without having to stop and reload.

High-capacity magazines were banned until 2004, and one of the main reasons that the ban was allowed to expire is because studies commissioned by Congress on the subject showed that the weapons and magazines covered by the ban had rarely been used in crimes to start with, and that the ban had not produced any decrease in the number of victims in shootings, nor had it produced any real decrease in the number of times the victims were shot.

In other words, the last time we had the ban you're lusting after, it did none of the things you're touting it as being able to do.
I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Then I'm sure you wont have a problem linking all those occasions.

Look at the giffords shooting. Any mass shooting where everyone isn't killed has people who escaped. Slowing the shooter obviously allows more to escape.

So long as the shooting is in an outdoor venue where they can just take off running in any direction they care to. Inside a building with limited exits (you know, like MOST mass shootings happen to be), not so much.
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.
Interesting. The reporter (besides outright lying to the dealer as he did quote him when he asked him not to) states that he believes that he was denied for nefarious reasons even though it seems he was denied due to a background check.

What a bunch of garbage.

The reporter beat his wife and was arrested on a misdemenor battery charge....which keeps him fro passing a check...

Which is an example of a REAL common-sense gun restriction, since people who have a history of being violent to their spouses/significant others also have a notable tendency to escalate to killing said spouse/SO.
Basically, it proves what all of us already knew....

1.) Libtards have been waging a horrific war on women for centuries

2.) Libtards should't own firearms. They are too ignorant and too violent.

As a woman, it's quite obvious to me that liberals think my place is as mindless chattel, to be used and preyed upon by whichever odious man (as opposed to the other types, because I don't want anyone to think I'm lambasting ALL men in this) happens to wish at the moment, hauled to an abortion clinic to free THE MAN of any inconvenient consequences of his selfish behavior, and then dropped off at the nearest voting booth so that I can enable the left to continue victimizing me while brainwashing me into thinking my serfdom is "freedom".
That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Then I'm sure you wont have a problem linking all those occasions.

Look at the giffords shooting. Any mass shooting where everyone isn't killed has people who escaped. Slowing the shooter obviously allows more to escape.

How far you going to run in two seconds? And you dont know the shooter is empty until he drops the mag or you happen to notice a locked back bolt or slide which is highly unlikely.
By the time you realize the weapon is dry you'll have wasted one second of your two second head start....so how far can you run in one second?
And as we know the Gifford shooter was just unlucky.

But again,list all of these incidents where lives were saved by magazine changes.

Also, how likely are you to recognize your opportunity to escape if you've been indoctrinated by liberals your whole life to hate and fear guns, and thus have absolutely no experience with or knowledge about them? By the time you realize his gun is empty, it's because you actually saw him reload, and he's now shooting again.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
I agree. It's pretty silly.

Yes..the Germans in 1920s Germany agreed with you and cambell completely....which is why they surrendered their rifles and registered their guns in the 20s.........of course...in the 1930s, when the national socialists came to power, and then used those gun registration lists to disarm their political enemies and the Jews.......and then sent them to gas chambers......by then your dumb attitude toward guns was seen for what it was...but by then it was too late...
Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Then I'm sure you wont have a problem linking all those occasions.

Look at the giffords shooting. Any mass shooting where everyone isn't killed has people who escaped. Slowing the shooter obviously allows more to escape.

How far you going to run in two seconds? And you dont know the shooter is empty until he drops the mag or you happen to notice a locked back bolt or slide which is highly unlikely.
By the time you realize the weapon is dry you'll have wasted one second of your two second head start....so how far can you run in one second?
And as we know the Gifford shooter was just unlucky.

But again,list all of these incidents where lives were saved by magazine changes.

Orlando was filled with 300 people. Approximately 100 were shot. Had the shooter had 10rd mags he'd have reloaded at least 10 times. Even if we are unrealistic and assume each reload is a perfect 2 seconds that is 20 seconds. Yes many people came each an exit in 20 seconds.

And if someone shot the Terrorist first then what? You would have screamed, "hater, hater"

He'd have been lobbying for the person who shot the terrorist to be indicted for bringing a gun into a bar.
Then I'm sure you wont have a problem linking all those occasions.

Look at the giffords shooting. Any mass shooting where everyone isn't killed has people who escaped. Slowing the shooter obviously allows more to escape.

How far you going to run in two seconds? And you dont know the shooter is empty until he drops the mag or you happen to notice a locked back bolt or slide which is highly unlikely.
By the time you realize the weapon is dry you'll have wasted one second of your two second head start....so how far can you run in one second?
And as we know the Gifford shooter was just unlucky.

But again,list all of these incidents where lives were saved by magazine changes.

Orlando was filled with 300 people. Approximately 100 were shot. Had the shooter had 10rd mags he'd have reloaded at least 10 times. Even if we are unrealistic and assume each reload is a perfect 2 seconds that is 20 seconds. Yes many people can reach an exit in 20 seconds.

Not in two second intervals they cant.

He can't shoot 300 people at the same time moron. You think the shooting starts and everyone stands still? No they all bolt at the same time. You can't be this stupid.

Apparently, a lot of people DID stand still. That's how he managed to shoot 100 of them.

How many people do you think can get out of a door at one time? Are you not aware that fire inspectors have been saying for a while that a big reason why so many people die in fires is because they panic, all try to get out at once, and end up jammed in a mob at the door? Same scenario applies in any OTHER life-threatening emergency. Y'know, like someone behind you firing a gun. It's why the law requires multiple emergency exits in a building, and why fire safety and evacuation procedures always include, "Remain calm" as the first bullet point (you should excuse the pun). Unfortunately, it's easy to say, and fucking hard to do.

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