What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Hey......anti-gunners call that stabbing/throat slashing a win/win......the killer didn't use a gun and the woman he murdered didn't use a gun either.........it was a success for gun control all the way around.......

And so you guys know.....according to Illinois concealed carry law....you have to unload your weapon and put it in a container to take it on public transportation...so even if a concealed carry permit holder was on the train.......that woman would have been dead long before he could have accessed the weapon....

I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!

Assault weapons are already illegal. An AR 15 is not an assault weapon.

You cannot buy a tank, a bazooka, a hand grenade, or a machine gun.

If you libs even understood the topic you might make sense, but you don't and you don't.
I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!
Speaking of people with their heads up their asses, have you ever considered the bad precedent being set by using "need" as a requirement for an enumerated right? Any right?

Do you really need a faster computer? Internet access? A printer? Do you need to have freedom of or from religion? Do you need any of those rights...or do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Have you really considered how dark that path you are suggesting could become?
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Hey......anti-gunners call that stabbing/throat slashing a win/win......the killer didn't use a gun and the woman he murdered didn't use a gun either.........it was a success for gun control all the way around.......

And so you guys know.....according to Illinois concealed carry law....you have to unload your weapon and put it in a container to take it on public transportation...so even if a concealed carry permit holder was on the train.......that woman would have been dead long before he could have accessed the weapon....

I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!

None of your business why a person wants or needs anything. Don't need cars to go over 200mph. Don't need football, don't need a computer or a TV don't need theaters. Don't need a 44oz drink. Don't need abortions. The whole idea of people dictating to another person what they want or need is regressive.
Many anti-gunners support Jim Brady's stance on guns. More proof they are lying when they say "No one is coming to take your guns".

For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.
-- James Brady​

Many anti-gunners support Jim Brady's stance on guns. More proof they are lying when they say "No one is coming to take your guns".

For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.
-- James Brady​

When seconds count.....the police are just minutes away
Many anti-gunners support Jim Brady's stance on guns. More proof they are lying when they say "No one is coming to take your guns".

For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.
-- James Brady​

We all know that John Hinckley suffered from severe mental health issues. Why isn't James Brady out there advocating for mental health laws, mental health funding, mental health research, etc.?

He's a bitter old man who can't come to grips to what happened to him. He wants everybody to be as miserable as he is. Misery loves company.
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Hey......anti-gunners call that stabbing/throat slashing a win/win......the killer didn't use a gun and the woman he murdered didn't use a gun either.........it was a success for gun control all the way around.......

And so you guys know.....according to Illinois concealed carry law....you have to unload your weapon and put it in a container to take it on public transportation...so even if a concealed carry permit holder was on the train.......that woman would have been dead long before he could have accessed the weapon....

I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!

Assault weapons are already illegal. An AR 15 is not an assault weapon.

You cannot buy a tank, a bazooka, a hand grenade, or a machine gun.

If you libs even understood the topic you might make sense, but you don't and you don't.

No...it's people who have very short peckers who have to go armed. Mine is no longer than a dog's leg but it's bigger around than a beer can.
Many anti-gunners support Jim Brady's stance on guns. More proof they are lying when they say "No one is coming to take your guns".

For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.
-- James Brady​

We all know that John Hinckley suffered from severe mental health issues. Why isn't James Brady out there advocating for mental health laws, mental health funding, mental health research, etc.?

He's a bitter old man who can't come to grips to what happened to him. He wants everybody to be as miserable as he is. Misery loves company.
Agreed. He defined the entire attitude of the anti-gun Left.

Also strongly agree on the mental health situation. Why does the Left ignore it and focus on guns instead? Because they don't give a shit. Gun control isn't about guns, it's about control and that's really what the LW is after: Control.
Many anti-gunners support Jim Brady's stance on guns. More proof they are lying when they say "No one is coming to take your guns".

For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.
-- James Brady​

When seconds count.....the police are just minutes away
LWers almost always live in urban areas. They assume there's a policeman around every corner. Those of us who live in rural areas know it takes police 20+ minutes to show up.
No...it's people who have very short peckers who have to go armed. Mine is no longer than a dog's leg but it's bigger around than a beer can.

OMG...listening to libtard obsession with sex is nauseating. We're talking about guns and the libtard with the micro-penis trying to overcompensate by claiming his micro-penis is "huge".

Homo - carrying a gun has nothing to do with a penis or sex. It has to do with safety you frigg'n homo-repressed, tool. :eusa_doh:
Many anti-gunners support Jim Brady's stance on guns. More proof they are lying when they say "No one is coming to take your guns".

For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.
-- James Brady​

When seconds count.....the police are just minutes away
LWers almost always live in urban areas. They assume there's a policeman around every corner. Those of us who live in rural areas know it takes police 20+ minutes to show up.
And realistically, even in urban areas they can't get there fast enough. That's why there are so many rapes and murders in urban areas. Ask any officer and they will tell you - "I can't be everywhere".

It's a citizen's responsibility to protect themselves. An officer can only act after a crime has been committed. They cannot proactively prevent crime. That would be illegal.
What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Normal Americans need a gun such as an AR-15, to protect their rights from hysterical leftists who screech, "What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?" in their ongoing efforts to illegally take their guns away.
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Hey......anti-gunners call that stabbing/throat slashing a win/win......the killer didn't use a gun and the woman he murdered didn't use a gun either.........it was a success for gun control all the way around.......

And so you guys know.....according to Illinois concealed carry law....you have to unload your weapon and put it in a container to take it on public transportation...so even if a concealed carry permit holder was on the train.......that woman would have been dead long before he could have accessed the weapon....

I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!

Yeah....we have pretty much looked past fully automatic rifles......and would almost be willing to give up on those...but then you guys come after AR-15s, and mislabel them so you can get them banned too......
And the founders had no idea about the computer you are using....so what you are saying by your logic is that because of the damage computer crime causes...through sex trafficking, allowing terrorists to murder people by allowing them to recruit, move money and plan their attacks, and cyber bullying, and identity theft an the theft of state secrets.....you are saying that only the police and military need computers....right? According to your hair brained logic...right?
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Evidently you've never heard about the stupid bastard who brought a knife to a gun fight.

Except.....in chicago..anti-gun nuts like you disarm people who want to use those trains....so no one would have been able to stop the stabbing and throat cutting......not even the female victim..........

You must be happy though.....your gun control law worked like a charm here...no one on that train had a gun on them, not the killer, the victim or the other passengers....

It was a total win for gun control.........:clap::clap2::clap2::clap2:
I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!
Speaking of people with their heads up their asses, have you ever considered the bad precedent being set by using "need" as a requirement for an enumerated right? Any right?

Do you really need a faster computer? Internet access? A printer? Do you need to have freedom of or from religion? Do you need any of those rights...or do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Have you really considered how dark that path you are suggesting could become?

Trey Gowdy grilled one of the left wing idiots on just this topic.....Dan and Amy, the local radio show played clips of him questioning and idiot from Homeland or the Justice department on the No fly list.....he asked her if we can deprive a person of their 2nd Amendment rights simply by putting them on the list...how about their 5th Amendment rights...or their 8th Amendment rights.......what rights can we strip from people without due process simply by putting them on a list?
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Evidently you've never heard about the stupid bastard who brought a knife to a gun fight.
Evidently you're desperate to avoid the topic as that post you just made was completely nonsensical. Guns were banned. So this guy brought a knife to a fist fight - and promptly murdered this woman because she wasn't able to defend herself due to assholes just like you in Chicago.

Would you like to try again? Maybe with something that isn't irrational?!?
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Hey......anti-gunners call that stabbing/throat slashing a win/win......the killer didn't use a gun and the woman he murdered didn't use a gun either.........it was a success for gun control all the way around.......

And so you guys know.....according to Illinois concealed carry law....you have to unload your weapon and put it in a container to take it on public transportation...so even if a concealed carry permit holder was on the train.......that woman would have been dead long before he could have accessed the weapon....

I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!

Assault weapons are already illegal. An AR 15 is not an assault weapon.

You cannot buy a tank, a bazooka, a hand grenade, or a machine gun.

If you libs even understood the topic you might make sense, but you don't and you don't.

No...it's people who have very short peckers who have to go armed. Mine is no longer than a dog's leg but it's bigger around than a beer can.

Thank you.....I always wait till the sexual obsession of the anti-gun nut comes out.....because you all have it, some just hide it better than others........as soon as we start talking about the 2nd amendment and guns...you guys start talking about sex and mens reproductive organs......

Get help.....
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Evidently you've never heard about the stupid bastard who brought a knife to a gun fight.
Evidently, you think it's funny to mock women who are brutally murdered because you advocate to disarm them and make them victims. Perhaps you want to disarm so badly because you desire to rape or otherwise attack them?
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Hey......anti-gunners call that stabbing/throat slashing a win/win......the killer didn't use a gun and the woman he murdered didn't use a gun either.........it was a success for gun control all the way around.......

And so you guys know.....according to Illinois concealed carry law....you have to unload your weapon and put it in a container to take it on public transportation...so even if a concealed carry permit holder was on the train.......that woman would have been dead long before he could have accessed the weapon....

I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!

None of your business why a person wants or needs anything. Don't need cars to go over 200mph. Don't need football, don't need a computer or a TV don't need theaters. Don't need a 44oz drink. Don't need abortions. The whole idea of people dictating to another person what they want or need is regressive.

All citizens need is a government provided, vitamin enriched gruel that give them 1500 calories a day, 6 hours of sleep, work in a state factory for a 10 hour shift and then transportation to their dormitory.......then the state can decide who is worth allowing the privelege of reproduction...by awarding licenses to those citizens who meet the requirements......

That is all a citizen needs.............

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