What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

So you're admitting everything I've said isn't authoritarian and then you follow that up with "thanks for proving my point". But according to you, I wasn't being authoritarian, so I just disproved your point. You're almost as confused as a liberal. :lol:
Your habit of leaping to false conclusions is both amusing, and, like you linking me to "a liberal", makes my point....again.
So you're admitting everything I've said isn't authoritarian and then you follow that up with "thanks for proving my point". But according to you, I wasn't being authoritarian, so I just disproved your point. You're almost as confused as a liberal. :lol:
Your habit of leaping to false conclusions is both amusing, and, like you linking me to "a liberal", makes my point....again.
LMAO!!! Everything makes your point in your simple mind. I haven't made any "false conclusions". You flat out said that everything I've stated doesn't make me "authoritarian". Then you draw the conclusion that my comments that don't make me authoritarian proves your point that I am authoritarian :eusa_doh:

Let me guess. Politically you are unhinged liberal but you're love of getting high has you voting libertarian these days? Once must logically conclude you've fried some serious brain cells in your day based on your bizarre comments contradicting yourself.
What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Normal Americans need a gun such as an AR-15, to protect their rights from hysterical leftists who screech, "What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?" in their ongoing efforts to illegally take their guns away.
...Let me guess. Politically you are unhinged liberal...
Thanks for coming full circle and proving my point...again.
Agreed. The LWLs will label you a RW extremist for supporting the Second Amendment and refusing to toe the Democrat party line and the RWNJs will label you a LWer for not adhering to their authoritarian views.

My advice is to vote Libertarian. :)
...Let me guess. Politically you are unhinged liberal...
Thanks for coming full circle and proving my point...again.
Agreed. The LWLs will label you a RW extremist for supporting the Second Amendment and refusing to toe the Democrat party line and the RWNJs will label you a LWer for not adhering to their authoritarian views.

My advice is to vote Libertarian. :)
Stoned out of your mind. Brain cells fried. Confused. Thank you for proving my point... :lol:
Stoned out of your mind. Brain cells fried. Confused. Thank you for proving my point... :lol:
When your stoned, I bet you come full circle 24x7. Spinning around, no idea where you're headed or why you're headed there. :lol:

Incidentally, I noticed you haven't denied doing drugs. Oops....
Two posts within a minute of each other with no gap in between. Looks like I struck a nerve.

Based on your lack of both intellect and maturity, you and Nat would make the perfect couple.
Stoned out of your mind. Brain cells fried. Confused. Thank you for proving my point... :lol:
When your stoned, I bet you come full circle 24x7. Spinning around, no idea where you're headed or why you're headed there. :lol:

Incidentally, I noticed you haven't denied doing drugs. Oops....
Two posts within a minute of each other with no gap in between. Looks like I struck a nerve.

Based on your lack of both intellect and maturity, you and Nat would make the perfect couple.
Thank you for proving my point.... :lol:

By the way - I didn't realize that there needs to be a gap between posts. Did you make that rule? Doesn't that make you "authoritarian" to impose rules you made up on your own on others?
. Full auto has little practicality in anything other than full combat. In civilian use, the novelty gets old and expensive really fast.

For a gun nutter you don't know much. Do you think the M16 fires only on full auto?

Yeah, during my entire time in the USMC, they never bothered to explain the difference. :rolleyes-41: (sarcasm)

Seriously, if your comprehension is so bad that you needed further explanation, you could have said so.

(full auto) M-16s cost MUCH more than (semi-auto) AR-15s do. The price difference is more than a thousand dollars. And that is way than most shooters are willing to pay when they can have just as much fun with the many "bump fire" options.

Now, did that just sail right over your head too?
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

The NRA is DC's pimp and elected republicans the cheap whores.

The NRA has one mission.....to sell more weapons for the gun industry!

You know I am not the kind of guy who joins groups and political organizations but for the first time in my life I am thinking about becoming a member of the NRA and it's really just because all you people here who think you have the right to tell other people what to do can't stand the NRA

Here here.

I think it's "HEAR HEAR"!! Course what the hell do I know.......I'm just 82
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

The NRA is DC's pimp and elected republicans the cheap whores.

The NRA has one mission.....to sell more weapons for the gun industry!

You know I am not the kind of guy who joins groups and political organizations but for the first time in my life I am thinking about becoming a member of the NRA and it's really just because all you people here who think you have the right to tell other people what to do can't stand the NRA

Here here.

I think it's "HEAR HEAR"!! Course what the hell do I know.......I'm just 82

Well, I was thinking along the lines of "same here" or "here too" and it was a quick text from a cell phone . . . so.
The NRA is DC's pimp and elected republicans the cheap whores.

The NRA has one mission.....to sell more weapons for the gun industry!

You know I am not the kind of guy who joins groups and political organizations but for the first time in my life I am thinking about becoming a member of the NRA and it's really just because all you people here who think you have the right to tell other people what to do can't stand the NRA

Here here.

I think it's "HEAR HEAR"!! Course what the hell do I know.......I'm just 82

Well, I was thinking along the lines of "same here" or "here too" and it was a quick text from a cell phone . . . so.

In other words you're a right wing dumbass
The NRA has one mission.....to sell more weapons for the gun industry!

You know I am not the kind of guy who joins groups and political organizations but for the first time in my life I am thinking about becoming a member of the NRA and it's really just because all you people here who think you have the right to tell other people what to do can't stand the NRA

Here here.

I think it's "HEAR HEAR"!! Course what the hell do I know.......I'm just 82

Well, I was thinking along the lines of "same here" or "here too" and it was a quick text from a cell phone . . . so.

In other words you're a right wing dumbass

I think it's funny that you draw that conclusion from such a benign typographical error. Projecting?

But, I digress.

It's likely a good thing that we have leftarded mindless fucks like you to help police the interwebs for us.
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Hey......anti-gunners call that stabbing/throat slashing a win/win......the killer didn't use a gun and the woman he murdered didn't use a gun either.........it was a success for gun control all the way around.......

And so you guys know.....according to Illinois concealed carry law....you have to unload your weapon and put it in a container to take it on public transportation...so even if a concealed carry permit holder was on the train.......that woman would have been dead long before he could have accessed the weapon....
Thank goodness that Chicago outlawed firearms. It certainly kept this woman very safe. Thanks to the Chicago ban she did not get shot at all. Not once. She was merely stabbed to death.

Family of Murder Victim Furious After Video of Subway Stabbing Goes Viral

Hey......anti-gunners call that stabbing/throat slashing a win/win......the killer didn't use a gun and the woman he murdered didn't use a gun either.........it was a success for gun control all the way around.......

And so you guys know.....according to Illinois concealed carry law....you have to unload your weapon and put it in a container to take it on public transportation...so even if a concealed carry permit holder was on the train.......that woman would have been dead long before he could have accessed the weapon....

I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!
Why does any American need an assault rifle? For the same reason that Rosa Parks NEEDED to sit in the front of the bus-----------------because the constitution says so.

End of story.

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