What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Blogs = "I have no proof, but someone on the Internet says I'm right!"

I have shown brain the actual research into magazine capacity and mass shootings...and I have shown how he lies about people rushing mass shooters by actually showing him the stories of the incidents he cites.....he is just a troll...he knows the truth and then simply lies......

I know. Doesn't mean there aren't genuinely confused and not-too-bright people who might otherwise have believed his bullshit and need the truth stated multiple times for them.
I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Many? How many? Do you have the links?

Every mass shooting has people who escaped. Reloading helped many of them.

Prove. It.

And no, I don't mean, "See, this blogger agrees with me that it 'MUST' be true."

The entire article is prefaced on might haves therefore it is conjecture

You want 10 round limits fine? I can carry 10 handguns all loaded with a 10 round mag and one in the chamber

That's 110 shots before a reload

Yes and you only have 2 hands, one that will accurately shoot. That means you are fumbling around for the next gun.

You watch too much TV.
Not in two second intervals they cant.

He can't shoot 300 people at the same time moron. You think the shooting starts and everyone stands still? No they all bolt at the same time. You can't be this stupid.
And they stack up at the exits making it easier to shoot them

Or they run around corners to exits. 20 seconds would save a lot of lives. Meanwhile I've never heard of a defender needing a high cap magazine. Please link to some.

I thought people never use guns in self defense

Saving lives is rare. Now link to defenders needing a hi cap magazine.

Did that already.

The entire article is prefaced on might haves therefore it is conjecture

You want 10 round limits fine? I can carry 10 handguns all loaded with a 10 round mag and one in the chamber

That's 110 shots before a reload

Yes and you only have 2 hands, one that will accurately shoot. That means you are fumbling around for the next gun.
I am ambidextrous

I am strongly left-handed, and my right hand is completely stupid about most things. Nevertheless, I can shoot with it well enough to kill and wound panicked, unarmed people in a crowded building, should I ever wish to do so. I am also by no means a firearm expert, and I nevertheless can't see any reason I would be "fumbling", as Brainless put it, in switching from an empty gun to a loaded one.
I would ban big cap magazines. That doesn't leave anyone defenseless.

Australia doesn't have a mass shooting problem...

That doesnt jive with your insistence that high capacity magazines are dangerous.

Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

You know that is a lie brain.....in the actual research into all mass shootings one, just one, might have been during a magazine change.....and I showed you from witness testimony why that one wasn't......

No...it isn't physics.......you are lying......

magazine capacity has nothing to with deaths in a mass shooting.....
Yes it is physics moron. Reloading slows the shooter, physics. Slowing shooter allows more to escape. It is very simple.

Yes, except it's 100% conjecture, and inaccurate, inasmuch as studies show that it didn't happen that way the LAST time you had the ban you so desperately want.

So what you're telling us is, "It's the truth, not because I can prove it works that way, but because it just sounds so logical to me that it SHOULD work that way." Would it surprise you to know that rejecting the evidence and believing you instead is not an option anyone's rushing to take?
Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Many? How many? Do you have the links?

Every mass shooting has people who escaped. Reloading helped many of them.

So you have nothing? Just your idea, which in this thread you have been
Brain knows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with mass shootings.....and Australia...if you look up their mass shootings...they didn't have a problem with mass shootings before their gun confiscation after Port Arthur........they don't like to tell you that either......

They want magazine bans because they can ban various types of guns based on the standard magazines that are designed for the tgun.........including pistiols....

Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Many? How many? Do you have the links?

Every mass shooting has people who escaped. Reloading helped many of them.

Who has been stopped at reload? Links? You claimed "Many shooters have been stopped at reload" Do you have proof or are you going to continue to babble BS?

Giffords shooting and others.

Giffords' shooting doesn't prove a single thing you've been saying. All it proves is that getting caught in a mass shooting outdoors is marginally better than being caught in one indoors. Unfortunately, one doesn't actually get a choice in the matter.

The entire article is prefaced on might haves therefore it is conjecture

You want 10 round limits fine? I can carry 10 handguns all loaded with a 10 round mag and one in the chamber

That's 110 shots before a reload

Yes and you only have 2 hands, one that will accurately shoot. That means you are fumbling around for the next gun.

You watch too much TV.
Sadly, liberals get all of their "information" from Hollywood. One of many reasons why they are so astoundingly ignorant.
Look at the giffords shooting. Any mass shooting where everyone isn't killed has people who escaped. Slowing the shooter obviously allows more to escape.

How far you going to run in two seconds? And you dont know the shooter is empty until he drops the mag or you happen to notice a locked back bolt or slide which is highly unlikely.
By the time you realize the weapon is dry you'll have wasted one second of your two second head start....so how far can you run in one second?
And as we know the Gifford shooter was just unlucky.

But again,list all of these incidents where lives were saved by magazine changes.

Orlando was filled with 300 people. Approximately 100 were shot. Had the shooter had 10rd mags he'd have reloaded at least 10 times. Even if we are unrealistic and assume each reload is a perfect 2 seconds that is 20 seconds. Yes many people can reach an exit in 20 seconds.

Not in two second intervals they cant.

He can't shoot 300 people at the same time moron. You think the shooting starts and everyone stands still? No they all bolt at the same time. You can't be this stupid.

Apparently, a lot of people DID stand still. That's how he managed to shoot 100 of them.

How many people do you think can get out of a door at one time? Are you not aware that fire inspectors have been saying for a while that a big reason why so many people die in fires is because they panic, all try to get out at once, and end up jammed in a mob at the door? Same scenario applies in any OTHER life-threatening emergency. Y'know, like someone behind you firing a gun. It's why the law requires multiple emergency exits in a building, and why fire safety and evacuation procedures always include, "Remain calm" as the first bullet point (you should excuse the pun). Unfortunately, it's easy to say, and fucking hard to do.

Brain is a troll......you can't argue rationally with him...but he is good for putting together your own arguments, finding new research into the issues....but he is like a punching bag......you get a good work out...but like the sand bag, he just gets hit and doesn't learn anything..........

The shooters.....they will spend 6 months to 2 years plotting their shootings.....the Colorado theater shooter was shooting people in a dark theater, with restricted movement because of the seats, and it was a gun free zone.......which he selected over the airport he wanted to initially attack...and he did, in fact pick the theater because it was gun free....

The Orlando shooter, again, a place which was dark, loud music, and limited movement due to the exits......

mass shooters are not stopped by people bravely charging them as they take 2 seconds to reload magazines....brain knows this, pretends he doesn't and then continues to lie about these situations.......why? I haven't a clue...but he does....

Blogs = "I have no proof, but someone on the Internet says I'm right!"

I have shown brain the actual research into magazine capacity and mass shootings...and I have shown how he lies about people rushing mass shooters by actually showing him the stories of the incidents he cites.....he is just a troll...he knows the truth and then simply lies......

I know. Doesn't mean there aren't genuinely confused and not-too-bright people who might otherwise have believed his bullshit and need the truth stated multiple times for them.

That is exactly why I keep posting on the 2nd Amendment, especially when someone like brain is posting.......getting the myths about guns busted is how we will help keep the Right alive.....
Saving lives is rare.

What is "rare" is an informed and enlightened liberal. Guns save lives every single day in this nation. Every day. In an hour I can post hundreds and hundreds of examples. You should stop choosing to be willfully ignorant.

Now link to defenders needing a hi cap magazine.


Watts riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1992 Los Angeles riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ferguson unrest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looters run riot after Hurricane Katrina - The Scotsman

Any other stupid questions you would like me to answer for you?
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Wild pigs, a neighbor caught 15 of them on a game camera tearing the shit of his place. I may buy an AR w/night scope just for them.

People die so you can shoot pigs. What a hero.

I haven't shot any people, yet, so what's your fucking problem. Here's an idea, you deal with the people that do and I'll take care of my place. I seriously doubt you have a clue how much damage pigs can do. The closest you've likely come to a pig is in the supermarket.

That would be the part leftists have such a hard time understanding. The vast majority of gun owners - hell, of Americans - can be trusted with high-capacity magazines or any other firearm technology you care to name, because they aren't violent people, and no piece of technology is going to make them violent. The people who cannot be trusted with high-capacity magazines, or guns at all, are not going to be prevented from having them by any law.

This is because the violence is in the person, not the tool.

It's not that we shouldn't have any laws restricting gun ownership by people who are clearly untrustworthy (although they're altogether useless if they're not enforced. I'm looking at you, Obama Justice Department). But expecting that "just one more law" will miraculously make the world a safe place is ludicrous.
Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Many? How many? Do you have the links?

Every mass shooting has people who escaped. Reloading helped many of them.

So you have nothing? Just your idea, which in this thread you have been
Changing magazines slows the shooter and saves lives. Many shooters have been stopped at reload and certainly many have escaped during reload. It is physics moron.

Many? How many? Do you have the links?

Every mass shooting has people who escaped. Reloading helped many of them.

Who has been stopped at reload? Links? You claimed "Many shooters have been stopped at reload" Do you have proof or are you going to continue to babble BS?

Giffords shooting and others.

Giffords' shooting doesn't prove a single thing you've been saying. All it proves is that getting caught in a mass shooting outdoors is marginally better than being caught in one indoors. Unfortunately, one doesn't actually get a choice in the matter.

actually, I have told brain the truth about the Gifford's shooting over and over again as he lies about it....

no one rushed the guy as he was changing magazines....

The shooter shot one guy in the head...but instead of killing him he grazed him and he fell to the ground. Thinking he had killed the guy, named Bill.....the shooter advanced up to where the guy had fallen.....the guy said he was able to then rise up and grab the shooter.....it was an instance of pure, dumb luck...had the shooter hit the guy in the head and killed him...no one would have stopped him...had he just stayed in place or moved in another direction, no one would have stopped him by charging him....

And the woman, who allegedly grabbed the magazine out of his hand...another myth.....

The woman saw the shooter advancing on her....she didn't think she could run away so she decided to just lay down and hoped he would just pass her by.....as she was laying on the ground, the guy who was shot in the head tackled the shooter...and they fell right in front of the woman.....so close she just had to extend her arm and grab his magazine........

another instance of dumb luck....

And...oh yeah....the magazine apparently malfunctioned...which is why he was changing it....he didn't run out of ammo...had the magazine not failed he would have kept shooting too....

the 3rd instance of dumb luck at the shooting....

And by the way....there were two concealed carry permit holders ready to shoot the guy....but by then he had been tackled and dealt with...no one mentions that, do they.....?

Here is the story from the actual participants....the video from ABC news has an interview with the guy who was shot in the head......

The Tucson Atrocity: Joe Zamudio’s StoryAmerican Handgunner | American Handgunner

from the article...

Joe adds, “Bill Badger was bleeding profusely from his head. He told me as Loughner was shooting everyone, (Loughner approached him and) pointed the gun at Bill’s head. Bill reflexively turned his head away, and when Loughner fired, the bullet took skin off down to the skull but did no real damage. Bill went down. When the gun stopped firing, Bill raised back up and Loughner was right in front of him. That was when the wrestling started.

Joe was prepared to stop the killer with gunfire if he had to. He says today, “I was just truly blessed I didn’t have to pull my firearm. I didn’t have to go to that place

And what did the old lady do....

in this link there is a pop up video of the interview with the guy named Bill, who was shot in the head...but just grazed.....

Bill Badger, the guy who initially tackled him states the shooter was right next to him as he got up....he got up off of the ground and the shooter had walked right up close to him, allowing him to grab him....

Woman Stopped Tucson Shooter From Reloading

She considered trying to run away, she said, but thought that would make her more of a target, so she laid down on the ground. But then something unexpected happened.

"Then he was next to me on the ground," she said. "The gentleman knocked him down.

"I kneeled over him. He was pulling a magazine [to reload] and I grabbed the magazine and secured that. I think the men got the gun, and I was able to get the magazine," she said.

The Gifford's shooting was not stopped by heroic people rushing the shooter as he changed magzines because he ran out of bullets......it was stopped by 3 incidents of dumb luck that came together that allowed heroic people to take the guy down.....otherwise the concealed carrier would have shot him......
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This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
To kill people who try to fuck with our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Saving lives is rare.

What is "rare" is an informed and enlightened liberal. Guns save lives every single day in this nation. Every day. In an hour I can post hundreds and hundreds of examples. You should stop choosing to be willfully ignorant.

Now link to defenders needing a hi cap magazine.


Watts riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1992 Los Angeles riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ferguson unrest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looters run riot after Hurricane Katrina - The Scotsman

Any other stupid questions you would like me to answer for you?

True story. The number-one reason to need high-capacity magazines is the proliferation of rabid leftists in the streets.
Saving lives is rare.

What is "rare" is an informed and enlightened liberal. Guns save lives every single day in this nation. Every day. In an hour I can post hundreds and hundreds of examples. You should stop choosing to be willfully ignorant.

Now link to defenders needing a hi cap magazine.


Watts riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1992 Los Angeles riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ferguson unrest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looters run riot after Hurricane Katrina - The Scotsman

Any other stupid questions you would like me to answer for you?

True story. The number-one reason to need high-capacity magazines is the proliferation of rabid leftists in the streets.
Exactly! And....I forgot to mention Trump rally's where libtards resort to extreme violence and assaults because they can't handle or accept our Constitutional right to free speech.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?

Wild pigs, a neighbor caught 15 of them on a game camera tearing the shit of his place. I may buy an AR w/night scope just for them.

People die so you can shoot pigs. What a hero.

People die so you can drive on the highway. what a hypocrite.

Travel is necessary. Brings people food and life saving drugs. Shooting pigs does not compare.

Shooting wild pigs keeps their population under control so that they don't unbalance the eco-system.

Are you saying you don't care about Mother Earth?
I've already shown you this link in the past but okay....

If there had been two assailants she would have been toast.

She didn't need a hi cap mag.

She shot him six times and he drove away dimwit.

Yes a successful defense. Was she defending or trying to kill him?

Kill him obviously.
Anyone who knows shit about firearms will tell you never shoot to wound.

Ah so you think defense is killing people. The dumb is strong in you.

Yes, actually, the best defense against someone who wants to kill you is, in fact, to kill him first. Only a craven dipshit who has never faced actual violence thinks being assaulted is a spiffy time to start mesauring and calculating "just enough force".
Saving lives is rare.

What is "rare" is an informed and enlightened liberal. Guns save lives every single day in this nation. Every day. In an hour I can post hundreds and hundreds of examples. You should stop choosing to be willfully ignorant.

Now link to defenders needing a hi cap magazine.


Watts riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1992 Los Angeles riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ferguson unrest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looters run riot after Hurricane Katrina - The Scotsman

Any other stupid questions you would like me to answer for you?

And here you go...I have collected links to stories of people who used more than 2 and many times more than 10 rounds.......this might help, feel free to link to them in the future...

Woman shoots 12 times, has to reload....

Report: Woman unloads, reloads on alleged intruder


Enemy Within: The Jim Patterson IncidentAmerican Handgunner | American Handgunner

hit guy 5 times to stop...

Also....prosectued though cleared by police


Masaad ayoob mag ban hearing testimony includes 3 cases where more than 3 rounds fired...


Massad Ayoob, identified only three anecdotal instances in which individuals engaging

28Case 1:13-cv-01300-MSK-MJW Document 159 Filed 06/26/14 USDC Colorado Page 29 of 50

The first incident involved a gun shop owner who lived next door to the shop. One night, carloads of people drove through his storefront to steal guns. In defending his property, the shop owner used a fully automatic M-16 and a fully automatic 9mm submachine gun to fire over 100 rounds. One perpetrator was killed, others were injured, and all were captured and convicted.

The second incident involved a man who owned a watch shop in Los Angeles and who had been involved in a series of “gun fights.” (Presumably, he had been robbed repeatedly.) The shop owner began keeping multiple pistols hidden in his shop. Mr. Ayoob recalled that at least one of the gun fights “went beyond” 17 or 19 shots before the last of the multiple perpetrators was down or had fled.

The third incident involved a Virginia jewelry store that was robbed by “two old gangster type guys.” The two brothers who owned the store successfully defended themselves and their property using multiple revolvers (not semiautomatic weapons) that were kept behind the counter. Mr. Ayoob did not specify how many rounds were fired in that incident.


Dr who brought gun into gun free zone shoots patient 3 times

Armed Doctor Opens Fire and Stops Active Shooter in Pennsylvania Hospital


Woman shoots home invader 5 times...

Woman hiding with kids shoots intruder
clerk shoots robber 10 times after robber shoots him in leg
Armed Robber Shoots Store Owner in the Leg, Store Owner Then Shoots Robber 10 Times

Home invasion....30-40 rounds fired...

Why You NEED an AR-15 with a 30 Round Magazine! - GunsAmerica Digest

20 rounds vs. 2 robbers....

Armed Robbery Victim Shoots Back, 20 Rounds Fired

Uber driver fires 6 shots hits 3 times...low and outside....

Chicago Tribune

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