What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

50 dead and 50 injured. Hi capacity magazines are the difference. Stop the BS.

No bullshit on my part. You can not deny what I stated. The only thing you Liberals want to ban is extra plastic. It would be hilarious if this whole issue wasn't about infringing on the right of law abiding citizens.

I've been pretty clear I want the mag limit back. That forces the murderer to reload often. That is not just plastic.

How do you plan to eliminate the tens of millions of magazines already out there? Also note: a mag is by no means difficult to make! (Hell, any modern machine shop can scan in the parts and duplicate it.)

Firearms apparently aren't that hard to make, at least in crude forms. The prison my husband used to work for had a display of them that they found in cell searches, made by the inmates with stuff they could get ahold of in the prison.

Not only that...they smuggle them in too.....

Very true. Takes someone stupid, crazy, or suicidal to buy a gun at a licensed shop to commit a crime with . . . which just described nearly all mass shooters, coincidentally.

Blogs = "I have no proof, but someone on the Internet says I'm right!"
You should preface that with "LIBERAL blogs= I have no proof, but someone on the internet says I'm right!"

Because I've seen endless blogs well sourced and filled with facts. It's just that none of them are done by the ignorant and ideological liberal.

I still prefer links to the actual sources, rather than to a blog citing sources.

These days, you get people ostensibly on the right citing blogs as proof of things, too, and it's a very bad habit evidencing incredibly sloppy debate skills.
And it becomes more and more clear. Ordinary Americans don't need any firearms. The American Military doesn't need any firearms When you get right down to it, America no longer needs a military.

First by apology and groveling, then by Executive Order, everybody loves America and all Americans love each other.

Now it's true that not quite everybody is with the program just yet but an issue in getting past that is the slow progress with police departments. Had they not killed that poor soul in Orlando he could have been invited to have a beer (or glass of white wine) in The Rose Garden and work it all out so he wouldn't do it again.

Gotta give peace a chance!!!!!!


Blogs = "I have no proof, but someone on the Internet says I'm right!"
You should preface that with "LIBERAL blogs= I have no proof, but someone on the internet says I'm right!"

Because I've seen endless blogs well sourced and filled with facts. It's just that none of them are done by the ignorant and ideological liberal.

I still prefer links to the actual sources, rather than to a blog citing sources.

These days, you get people ostensibly on the right citing blogs as proof of things, too, and it's a very bad habit evidencing incredibly sloppy debate skills.

I will link to the blog where I found the information to give them credit...since they found or presented the information or ideas, and then link to the information they actually link to........

There also tends to be more detail in the original link the blogger used....
No bullshit on my part. You can not deny what I stated. The only thing you Liberals want to ban is extra plastic. It would be hilarious if this whole issue wasn't about infringing on the right of law abiding citizens.

I've been pretty clear I want the mag limit back. That forces the murderer to reload often. That is not just plastic.

How do you plan to eliminate the tens of millions of magazines already out there? Also note: a mag is by no means difficult to make! (Hell, any modern machine shop can scan in the parts and duplicate it.)

Why would anyone bother?

Maybe just because you don't want them to.

Has it escaped your notice that people are interested in doing whole rafts of things that you don't approve of? It's like they don't consider you the Ultimate Arbiter of What You Can Like, or something.

Where's Brain357's "logic" leads:

- Why does a normal American need a 3 bedroom 2 bath house for his family? (just move two more families in - one per bedroom).

- Why does a normal American need a car? (he can use a bicycle or walk instead).

- Why does a normal American need so many clothes? (a pair of clogs and a chinese peasant outfit are plenty).

- Why does a normal American need so much food? (a bowl of rice and a fish head is sufficient).

- Why does a normal American need health care when he is no longer is able to work? (just give him pain killers until he dies).
Typical Liberal it takes a village BS.
Argumentum ad absurdum. The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

It seems reasonable to me that citizens should have access to the same arms as are used by our civilian peace officers.
And it becomes more and more clear. Ordinary Americans don't need any firearms. The American Military doesn't need any firearms When you get right down to it, America no longer needs a military.

First by apology and groveling, then by Executive Order, everybody loves America and all Americans love each other.

Now it's true that not quite everybody is with the program just yet but an issue in getting past that is the slow progress with police departments. Had they not killed that poor soul in Orlando he could have been invited to have a beer (or glass of white wine) in The Rose Garden and work it all out so he wouldn't do it again.

Gotta give peace a chance!!!!!!

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I have to apologize.....I always confuse you with that left wing idiot who goes by the name similar to yours..........
Argumentum ad absurdum. The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

It seems reasonable to me that citizens should have access to the same arms as are used by our civilian peace officers.

Exactly. The Germans learned that the hard way........it cost them 6 million innocent people and they still didn't learn the lesson...the rest of Europe didn't learn it either....
I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!
Speaking of people with their heads up their asses, have you ever considered the bad precedent being set by using "need" as a requirement for an enumerated right? Any right?

Do you really need a faster computer? Internet access? A printer? Do you need to have freedom of or from religion? Do you need any of those rights...or do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Have you really considered how dark that path you are suggesting could become?

Trey Gowdy grilled one of the left wing idiots on just this topic.....Dan and Amy, the local radio show played clips of him questioning and idiot from Homeland or the Justice department on the No fly list.....he asked her if we can deprive a person of their 2nd Amendment rights simply by putting them on the list...how about their 5th Amendment rights...or their 8th Amendment rights.......what rights can we strip from people without due process simply by putting them on a list?
Her reply?
Argumentum ad absurdum. The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

It seems reasonable to me that citizens should have access to the same arms as are used by our civilian peace officers.
Frankly, since the U.S. Constitution and our founders both intended for us to have the same weapons as our military, it seems reasonable to me that we should have the same access to arms as every branch of the military.
the real question is

why are libtards so ignorant about firearms
These people think the cops are there to "take care" of them. And with this belief, think that no one should have the right to use a weapon to defend their life liberty or property.

Learned better than that when I was a teenager. When we were attacked, my sister and I called the cops from a movie theater lobby that was three blocks from the police station, and it STILL took them almost ten minutes to get officers there.

I mean, I'm sure if they had happened to be driving by when the attack happened, they'd have stopped and helped us, but I'm not even remotely inclined to count on a friendly neighborhood patrol car wandering by at the right moment.

I should add, especially since the leftist dipshits who run my city have seen fit to cut the police force down until there's less than one cop for every 8-900 people inside the city limits, and don't even TALK to me about the Keystone Kops we call a sheriff's department outside those limits.
I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!
Speaking of people with their heads up their asses, have you ever considered the bad precedent being set by using "need" as a requirement for an enumerated right? Any right?

Do you really need a faster computer? Internet access? A printer? Do you need to have freedom of or from religion? Do you need any of those rights...or do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Have you really considered how dark that path you are suggesting could become?

Trey Gowdy grilled one of the left wing idiots on just this topic.....Dan and Amy, the local radio show played clips of him questioning and idiot from Homeland or the Justice department on the No fly list.....he asked her if we can deprive a person of their 2nd Amendment rights simply by putting them on the list...how about their 5th Amendment rights...or their 8th Amendment rights.......what rights can we strip from people without due process simply by putting them on a list?
Her reply?

They cut off the clip..... But she pretty much mumbled her way through it..I have been meaning to find it.....
And it becomes more and more clear. Ordinary Americans don't need any firearms. The American Military doesn't need any firearms When you get right down to it, America no longer needs a military.

First by apology and groveling, then by Executive Order, everybody loves America and all Americans love each other.

Now it's true that not quite everybody is with the program just yet but an issue in getting past that is the slow progress with police departments. Had they not killed that poor soul in Orlando he could have been invited to have a beer (or glass of white wine) in The Rose Garden and work it all out so he wouldn't do it again.

Gotta give peace a chance!!!!!!

Amazing how peaceful things get after the violent attackers are on the ground, sporting bullet holes.
I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!
Speaking of people with their heads up their asses, have you ever considered the bad precedent being set by using "need" as a requirement for an enumerated right? Any right?

Do you really need a faster computer? Internet access? A printer? Do you need to have freedom of or from religion? Do you need any of those rights...or do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Have you really considered how dark that path you are suggesting could become?

Trey Gowdy grilled one of the left wing idiots on just this topic.....Dan and Amy, the local radio show played clips of him questioning and idiot from Homeland or the Justice department on the No fly list.....he asked her if we can deprive a person of their 2nd Amendment rights simply by putting them on the list...how about their 5th Amendment rights...or their 8th Amendment rights.......what rights can we strip from people without due process simply by putting them on a list?
Her reply?

Here it is....it's great....

I have no problem with the 2nd amendment.......I have no problem with hand guns, shotguns, hunting rifles, etc. Anybody who thinks a normal U S citizen has any need for an automatic rifle capable of military combat has their right wing head so far up their ass that they'll never smell fresh air again. The folks who wrote the 2nd amendment had no knowledge of any weapon more advanced than a single shot musket with a 10-15 second reload time. GET REAL!!!!
Speaking of people with their heads up their asses, have you ever considered the bad precedent being set by using "need" as a requirement for an enumerated right? Any right?

Do you really need a faster computer? Internet access? A printer? Do you need to have freedom of or from religion? Do you need any of those rights...or do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Have you really considered how dark that path you are suggesting could become?

Trey Gowdy grilled one of the left wing idiots on just this topic.....Dan and Amy, the local radio show played clips of him questioning and idiot from Homeland or the Justice department on the No fly list.....he asked her if we can deprive a person of their 2nd Amendment rights simply by putting them on the list...how about their 5th Amendment rights...or their 8th Amendment rights.......what rights can we strip from people without due process simply by putting them on a list?
Her reply?

Here it is....it's great....

I love to see those rare representatives like Trey Gowdy who actually support and defend the U.S. Constitution.

Still ineffective. The real function of the police is not to protect from active criminals - they are the cleanup crew.

The protection comes form the fear that a criminal has to face after committing the crime in the form of being jailed and from those criminals that are caught and cannot re-offend.
Not sure if you're being truthful or facetious.

We have over 11 million illegals in this country who have no fear of the crime they are committing. We have gang-bangers murdering each other daily with handguns (not "assault weapons") who are not intimidated by the death penalty.

So what is the solution? Not banning sections of the Constitution since only law-biding citizens will comply....and they are the only ones harmed by such bans.

It seems reasonable to me that citizens should have access to the same arms as are used by our civilian peace officers.

You get it.

That is explained in the Bill of Rights.

"Being necessary for the security of a free state the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

Our Founding Fathers knew that the only way to protect liberty was to make sure that the people had strength.

The only thing that separates a "peace officer" from a government thug are the orders of some corrupt politician or stupid bureaucrat.

Frankly, since the U.S. Constitution and our founders both intended for us to have the same weapons as our military, it seems reasonable to me that we should have the same access to arms as every branch of the military.

In the US v Miller case the Supreme Court said that the Second Amendment protected civilians having military weapons.

Somehow the Libtards always seem to forget that.
Argumentum ad absurdum. The real question is why shouldn't a lawful american citizen be able to own a semi automatic rifle, which is the proper name for an "Assault weapon".

It seems reasonable to me that citizens should have access to the same arms as are used by our civilian peace officers.
Frankly, since the U.S. Constitution and our founders both intended for us to have the same weapons as our military, it seems reasonable to me that we should have the same access to arms as every branch of the military.
Well, the government is us, right? Isn't that what the liberals say? So since the government is us, we all should be permitted to use the same weapons.

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