What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Travel is necessary. Brings people food and life saving drugs. Shooting pigs does not compare.

First of all, travel isn't "necessary" at all. Second, one can travel without automobiles (which cost more lives every single year than guns) - just ask the Amish. Just ask our founders. People traveled for centuries by foot, by horse, or by train long before automobiles were ever invented.

By the way - there is nothing more "necessary" than being able to defend one's self. You fail on every sad attempt you make to justify your oppressive views.
Or they run around corners to exits. 20 seconds would save a lot of lives. Meanwhile I've never heard of a defender needing a high cap magazine. Please link to some.

I've already shown you this link in the past but okay....

If there had been two assailants she would have been toast.

She didn't need a hi cap mag.

She shot him six times and he drove away dimwit.

Yes a successful defense. Was she defending or trying to kill him?

If he was able to drive away he would have been able to keep attacking her and she would have been out of ammo.

And here is the answer to how many rounds you need for self defense.

You need as many rounds as it takes to stop your attacker or attackers

And since you have no way of knowing in advance how many that's gonna be, it's always better to have too many than too few.
People die so you can shoot pigs. What a hero.

People die so you can drive on the highway. what a hypocrite.

Travel is necessary. Brings people food and life saving drugs. Shooting pigs does not compare.

You got something against pork chops?
Love pork chops and bacon. If you were a real man you would spear them like in medieval times.

You wouldn't know a real man if he slapped your pussified face. And to use an equivalent analogy, people in medieval times walked to get their medicine and groceries, so park the car and save lives.

Hell, they grew or butchered their own food, so Brainless needs to get his ass out to the farm STAT.
People die so you can drive on the highway. what a hypocrite.

Travel is necessary. Brings people food and life saving drugs. Shooting pigs does not compare.

You got something against pork chops?
Love pork chops and bacon. If you were a real man you would spear them like in medieval times.

You wouldn't know a real man if he slapped your pussified face. And to use an equivalent analogy, people in medieval times walked to get their medicine and groceries, so park the car and save lives.
Says the guy who needs gun courage. They had horses dumbass.

No, hon, the vast majority of people in the middle ages did NOT have horses. Typically, rich people had horses to ride, and everyone else beat feet.
Ah so you think defense is killing people. The dumb is strong in you.

Yes, actually, the best defense against someone who wants to kill you is, in fact, to kill him first. Only a craven dipshit who has never faced actual violence thinks being assaulted is a spiffy time to start mesauring and calculating "just enough force".

You have to remember Cecilie - he's a libtard. Which means he believes violence in the real world is exactly how it is in Hollywood. You just "juno chop" someone like Austin Powers - International Man of Mystery, and the perpetrator drops to the ground unconscious. :eusa_doh:

In real life, completely different story of course. I was once maced by a police officer (I was in a fight I didn't start, but I was beating the idiots ass big time and the officer was one of those people that wanted to try using their tools because as soon as I saw him coming, I backed away with my hands raised since I come from a long line of law enforcement and respect them - he decided to mace me anyway) and it did nothing to me. I mean nothing. Everyone around was coughing terribly and their eyes full of tears, even though I was the one sprayed directly in the face and point blank range. And for all I knew, he had sprayed water in my face.That is, until 15 or 20 minutes later when I calmed down and my adrenaline wasn't rushing. Then it sucked. That stuff is useless. Any woman relying on that for her safety is making a grave mistake. Tasers appear to be reliable but I can't speak intelligently about that because I've never been tased. However, I do know that it's useless against someone wearing heavy clothing (like a winter coat) as the barbs can't penetrate the layers properly.

A gun is the only thing that makes sense. I think people like Brain fear them because it's levels the playing field for women. A women carrying a gun is on the exact same level as a man carrying a gun, no matter how much more he weighs or how much stronger he is. How can brain rape people like you if you are armed? He has to make sure you are disarmed first.
Good enough for us, good enough for them.

How about this, they get to keep larger magazines for their service pieces, but those get locked up after their shift and their off duty pieces have to meet the same requirements as the rest of us.

Sounds fair.

LOL, congrats, you have now lost the support of any law enforcement agency out there. Most of them are for full civilian gun rights, and the ones that are not always want exceptions for themselves.
And cops get shot more in states with high ownership. They should rethink their position.

And the cops I know are the most pro 2nd people around

More Police Are Killed in States With More Guns, Study Finds

Fascinating how, when you actually research their study a little bit rather than accepting their summary at face value, you find that they "mysteriously" neglected to incorporate control factors that unbiased researchers routinely include, and chose to define their research parameters differently than other studies do. It's almost like they came to their conclusion first, and THEN tailored the research to fit it.
You want to ban firearms based on cosmetic features, you want to restrict the size of magazines..

What are the last 4 words of the 2nd?

Many arms are strongly regulated. The 2nd doesn't even mention firearms.
What do you think the word "arms" means as used in the 2nd?
Arm is a weapon. Could mean a spear. It does not mention firearms. Fact.

A firearm is a weapon and therefore is not excluded by the term

But not specifically mentioned. If guns were outlawed and spears were legal the 2nd would still be intact.

Well, that's a radical - and incorrect - interpretation of the text, and naught but what I would expect from an illiterate leftist who's never read the Constitution.

"The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Please explain to me, Noah Webster, how you figure you can outlaw an entire type of arms without "infringing on the right to keep and bear arms". By definition, "infringing" is exactly what you did.

I can provide you with the definition of the word "infringe", if understanding it is a problem for you.
Ah so you think defense is killing people. The dumb is strong in you.

Yes, actually, the best defense against someone who wants to kill you is, in fact, to kill him first. Only a craven dipshit who has never faced actual violence thinks being assaulted is a spiffy time to start mesauring and calculating "just enough force".

You have to remember Cecilie - he's a libtard. Which means he believes violence in the real world is exactly how it is in Hollywood. You just "juno chop" someone like Austin Powers - International Man of Mystery, and the perpetrator drops to the ground unconscious. :eusa_doh:

In real life, completely different story of course. I was once maced by a police officer (I was in a fight I didn't start, but I was beating the idiots ass big time and the officer was one of those people that wanted to try using their tools because as soon as I saw him coming, I backed away with my hands raised since I come from a long line of law enforcement and respect them - he decided to mace me anyway) and it did nothing to me. I mean nothing. Everyone around was coughing terribly and their eyes full of tears, even though I was the one sprayed directly in the face and point blank range. And for all I knew, he had sprayed water in my face.That is, until 15 or 20 minutes later when I calmed down and my adrenaline wasn't rushing. Then it sucked. That stuff is useless. Any woman relying on that for her safety is making a grave mistake. Tasers appear to be reliable but I can't speak intelligently about that because I've never been tased. However, I do know that it's useless against someone wearing heavy clothing (like a winter coat) as the barbs can't penetrate the layers properly.

A gun is the only thing that makes sense. I think people like Brain fear them because it's levels the playing field for women. A women carrying a gun is on the exact same level as a man carrying a gun, no matter how much more he weighs or how much stronger he is. How can brain rape people like you if you are armed? He has to make sure you are disarmed first.

I know. I'm alternately amused or offended by leftists who like to loftily demand, "Why are you so paranoid? What are you so afraid of?" from me, a one-time victim of a violent criminal who happened to get insanely lucky. Telling me I have nothing to fear and nothing bad is going to happen cuts zero ice with me, because it already DID happen, so I know how easily the universe can suddenly suck.
Ah so you think defense is killing people. The dumb is strong in you.

Yes, actually, the best defense against someone who wants to kill you is, in fact, to kill him first. Only a craven dipshit who has never faced actual violence thinks being assaulted is a spiffy time to start mesauring and calculating "just enough force".

You have to remember Cecilie - he's a libtard. Which means he believes violence in the real world is exactly how it is in Hollywood. You just "juno chop" someone like Austin Powers - International Man of Mystery, and the perpetrator drops to the ground unconscious. :eusa_doh:

In real life, completely different story of course. I was once maced by a police officer (I was in a fight I didn't start, but I was beating the idiots ass big time and the officer was one of those people that wanted to try using their tools because as soon as I saw him coming, I backed away with my hands raised since I come from a long line of law enforcement and respect them - he decided to mace me anyway) and it did nothing to me. I mean nothing. Everyone around was coughing terribly and their eyes full of tears, even though I was the one sprayed directly in the face and point blank range. And for all I knew, he had sprayed water in my face.That is, until 15 or 20 minutes later when I calmed down and my adrenaline wasn't rushing. Then it sucked. That stuff is useless. Any woman relying on that for her safety is making a grave mistake. Tasers appear to be reliable but I can't speak intelligently about that because I've never been tased. However, I do know that it's useless against someone wearing heavy clothing (like a winter coat) as the barbs can't penetrate the layers properly.

A gun is the only thing that makes sense. I think people like Brain fear them because it's levels the playing field for women. A women carrying a gun is on the exact same level as a man carrying a gun, no matter how much more he weighs or how much stronger he is. How can brain rape people like you if you are armed? He has to make sure you are disarmed first.

I know. I'm alternately amused or offended by leftists who like to loftily demand, "Why are you so paranoid? What are you so afraid of?" from me, a one-time victim of a violent criminal who happened to get insanely lucky. Telling me I have nothing to fear and nothing bad is going to happen cuts zero ice with me, because it already DID happen, so I know how easily the universe can suddenly suck.

Yep....a group of three mexican or south americans tried to pull a home invasion on the wife and I.
Thank God for the Remington 870.
Brainless will now accuse you of fabricating the story just like he did me.
What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?

Normal Americans need a gun such as an AR-15, to protect their rights from hysterical leftists who screech, "What The Hell Does A Normal American Need An Army Assault Weapon For.....Target Practice?" in their ongoing efforts to illegally take their guns away.
And cops get shot more in states with high ownership. They should rethink their position.

And the cops I know are the most pro 2nd people around

More Police Are Killed in States With More Guns, Study Finds
Legal or illegal guns

You never seem to add that very important detail do you? Why is that do you think?
We don't have ownership rates for illegal guns.

We don't have ownership rates for legal guns in all states either

so how do you know how many guns are in each state?

Furthermore, his own news story he's fapping to states at the end that at least half of the shootings of law enforcement were carried out by people who were ALREADY BANNED FROM OWNING FIREARMS. It's like criminals ignore laws, or some shit.
Ah so you think defense is killing people. The dumb is strong in you.

Yes, actually, the best defense against someone who wants to kill you is, in fact, to kill him first. Only a craven dipshit who has never faced actual violence thinks being assaulted is a spiffy time to start mesauring and calculating "just enough force".

You have to remember Cecilie - he's a libtard. Which means he believes violence in the real world is exactly how it is in Hollywood. You just "juno chop" someone like Austin Powers - International Man of Mystery, and the perpetrator drops to the ground unconscious. :eusa_doh:

In real life, completely different story of course. I was once maced by a police officer (I was in a fight I didn't start, but I was beating the idiots ass big time and the officer was one of those people that wanted to try using their tools because as soon as I saw him coming, I backed away with my hands raised since I come from a long line of law enforcement and respect them - he decided to mace me anyway) and it did nothing to me. I mean nothing. Everyone around was coughing terribly and their eyes full of tears, even though I was the one sprayed directly in the face and point blank range. And for all I knew, he had sprayed water in my face.That is, until 15 or 20 minutes later when I calmed down and my adrenaline wasn't rushing. Then it sucked. That stuff is useless. Any woman relying on that for her safety is making a grave mistake. Tasers appear to be reliable but I can't speak intelligently about that because I've never been tased. However, I do know that it's useless against someone wearing heavy clothing (like a winter coat) as the barbs can't penetrate the layers properly.

A gun is the only thing that makes sense. I think people like Brain fear them because it's levels the playing field for women. A women carrying a gun is on the exact same level as a man carrying a gun, no matter how much more he weighs or how much stronger he is. How can brain rape people like you if you are armed? He has to make sure you are disarmed first.

I know. I'm alternately amused or offended by leftists who like to loftily demand, "Why are you so paranoid? What are you so afraid of?" from me, a one-time victim of a violent criminal who happened to get insanely lucky. Telling me I have nothing to fear and nothing bad is going to happen cuts zero ice with me, because it already DID happen, so I know how easily the universe can suddenly suck.

Yep....a group of three mexican or south americans tried to pull a home invasion on the wife and I.
Thank God for the Remington 870.
Brainless will now accuse you of fabricating the story just like he did me.

He can accuse me of whatever he likes. The case is a matter of public record.

Daren Lee Bolton

I believe the article mentions that the sadistic piece of shit, Bolton, was already in prison on charges of kidnapping, sexual abuse, and indecent exposure when the fingerprint match to Zosha's death was made. That earlier case was me and my sister. I don't believe anything with our names included in it was ever published, not that I would be giving out my real name even if asked.

I was 19 at the time. Bolton lived in our neighborhood, a couple of streets over, and had killed Zosha and Cathy two or three years prior to attacking us. I was a dumb kid who had lived her whole life in a small town with virtually no crime. I knew, in an abstract way, that there were sick, violent animals in the world, but until that night, I never realized how simply, ridiculously easy it could be to encounter one by coincidence, while walking down one's own street.

But I guarantee you, in the thirty years since then, I have never, ever forgotten that lesson. What am I afraid of, you leftists ask? Not a damned thing, now that I'm armed.
He's most likely too stupid to take a picture.
Well my gp100 is pretty. But pictures are easy to find so what would be the point?

You fucking hypocrite, are you seriously saying you own an automatic weapon?
A GP 100 is a Ruger .357
And I still don't believe he owns any weapons

Yeah but it's one pull of the trigger for one round fired....just like the terrorist used.
Yeah.....brainless is a hypocrite.
6 rd capacity revolver. Not a mass killing weapon.

Did you know if you shoot six people one time each, it's still classified as a "mass shooting"? If your aim is any good and they die, it's classified as a "mass killing".
Not in my book.
You want to act like a savage and destroy my lively hood expect to get shot.

Sure. And then deal with courts and civil cases. Better be able to prove it was defense sitting on a roof shooting unarmed people.

If someone is trying to burn down the building you're in that is attempted murder.
Better be able to prove it.

You ever hear of a camera?
Everyone you shoot better be a danger to you.

The funny thing about beng a woman is that most aggressive adults are automatically considered a danger to me, legally speaking. The attacker would pretty much have to be a pissed-off, unarmed midget to not meet that qualification.
the real question is

why are libtards so ignorant about firearms
These people think the cops are there to "take care" of them. And with this belief, think that no one should have the right to use a weapon to defend their life liberty or property.

Learned better than that when I was a teenager. When we were attacked, my sister and I called the cops from a movie theater lobby that was three blocks from the police station, and it STILL took them almost ten minutes to get officers there.

I mean, I'm sure if they had happened to be driving by when the attack happened, they'd have stopped and helped us, but I'm not even remotely inclined to count on a friendly neighborhood patrol car wandering by at the right moment.
And it becomes more and more clear. Ordinary Americans don't need any firearms. The American Military doesn't need any firearms When you get right down to it, America no longer needs a military.

First by apology and groveling, then by Executive Order, everybody loves America and all Americans love each other.

Now it's true that not quite everybody is with the program just yet but an issue in getting past that is the slow progress with police departments. Had they not killed that poor soul in Orlando he could have been invited to have a beer (or glass of white wine) in The Rose Garden and work it all out so he wouldn't do it again.

Gotta give peace a chance!!!!!!
A woman living alone faces multiple invaders in the middle of the night and you want to limit how many bullets she can fire? Perhaps give the invaders time to tackle her while she reloads?

Give examples where anyone ever needed a hi cap mag for defense. Criminals are cowards, 99.989% of defenses don't even involve shooting.

You need as many rounds as it takes to stop your attacker(s)

How do you know that will be 1 round or 20?

You don't
If we have no examples of anyone needing a hi cap mag then we can assume they are not needed. And like I said, shooting in defense is extremely rare.

What YOU think people need is irrelevant

And rare maybe but it still happens and it's not up to you to tell anyone what they need or don't need. If my wife thinks she needs a 9 mm with a 17 round mag then that's what she should have. Period
What are you talking about? Obviously, she only needs 1 bullet per invader. <massive eye roll>

Yes, because she's Dirty Harry in disguise.
This idea of the NRA governing the types of weapons available in gun shops is rank bull shit! Why is it that we're the only industrialized nation in the world which feels the necessity of a ordinary citizen to go armed with a military style killing machine?
"Style". I love it every time a member of the anti-gun left claims they want to ban all guns of a military "style".

These two guns are both actual military weapons in my possession. Thanks for revealing you want to ban them.



It's all that time leftists spend around gays and drag queens. Makes 'em think that fashion is everything.

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