What the Republicans need is a realignment

I thought they said they need more angry white guys.

No country for angry old white men: the GOP's diminishing demographic : theguardian.com

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, one of the GOP's brighter bulbs, worries that they're "losing the demographic race". He told the Washington Post:

"We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

Graham is another RINO who needs to see the inside of the political trashcan. He's joined Geezer McSenile in the "I love Illegal Immigrants and Fuck American Citizens" sing-along group.

You think the dumb-ass bible thumping Trailer Park denizen is voting for the GOP because he loooves him some Capitalism?

Not hardly.

He loooooves him some freedom.

Too bad you don't.

You know, whenever your side talks about "Freedom", I grab my wallet.

Because usually, "Freedom" is defined by you guys as the ability of those with power and money to abuse those of us who don't.

That's what communists usually say.
He loooooves him some freedom.

Too bad you don't.

You know, whenever your side talks about "Freedom", I grab my wallet.

Because usually, "Freedom" is defined by you guys as the ability of those with power and money to abuse those of us who don't.

That's what communists usually say.

And anyone else with a pair of working eyes...

"Hey, why are you dumping carcinogens into my water supply!!!!"

"Um, Errr...'freedom'?"
Another idiot liberal telling the GOP what they need to do. The answer is always the same: be more like democrats.

Fucking liberal retards.

First, guy, if you go back to my OP, I didn't suggest the GOP adopt ANY policy position or make any changes.

If you read it, or at least got someone to help you with the big words, you would see that I was tracking how the GOP lost working class Americans in 1932, got them back in 1968 and lost them again in 1992...

Never did I make a suggestion like, "They need to get right with Hispanics!" Might be worth discussing, but it wasn't the point I was making in the OP.

Do you want to try again?

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