What the Republicans need is a realignment

how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

Guy, not seeing what is going to happen beyond now and 2016 that is going to change any minds.

You see, here's the thing, I'm not hearing anyone talking all that much about the ObamaCare thing after the first week. You are getting upset about it, the professional pundits, but for the 80% who are seeing no change, meh, no big deal.

and for the 16% who are seeing an improvement, yeah, that's a big deal.

for the 4% who think they aren't getting a good deal because they have to actually buy an insurance policy that covers them...

Not enough to shift an election.
Here's the essential problem the GOP has. There aren't enough old angry white people to keep it afloat.

The GOP dominated national politics from 1860 to 1932, holding the presidency for all but 16 of those 72 years, because it was an alliance of Northerners and Urban voters. And for a long time, that worked for them, especially when the country became more urban and industrial.

Then something key happened in 1932. The economy crashed in 1929, and those Urban workers shifted allegience to the Democratic Part. From1932 to 1968, Democrats held the White House for all but 8 of those 36 years.

In 1968, you saw another dramatic shift. The hippies scared the crap out of older more traditional voters, and those urban workers shifted back to the Republicans. People referred to them as "Reagan Democrats", but really, they were Nixon Democrats. And from 1968 to 1992, the REpublicans held the White HOuse for all but 4 years, and it took impeachment and resignation to give them a wedge there.

1992, Ross Perot peeled the "Reagan Democrats" off from the GOP, and the Democrats slowly picked them up. Also, as minority voters grew in numbers, they had more influence.

The only reason why the GOP got into the White House since 1992 at all was because they stole the 2000 election and in 2004, they barely won because we don't throw out presidents in the middle of wars.

right now, the GOP can only really call upon about 45% of the electorate, mostly in the South and Plains states, and that's not enough to win elections.
I belive YOU need a checkup from the neck-up.
Here's the essential problem the GOP has. There aren't enough old angry white people to keep it afloat.

The GOP dominated national politics from 1860 to 1932, holding the presidency for all but 16 of those 72 years, because it was an alliance of Northerners and Urban voters. And for a long time, that worked for them, especially when the country became more urban and industrial.

Then something key happened in 1932. The economy crashed in 1929, and those Urban workers shifted allegience to the Democratic Part. From1932 to 1968, Democrats held the White House for all but 8 of those 36 years.

In 1968, you saw another dramatic shift. The hippies scared the crap out of older more traditional voters, and those urban workers shifted back to the Republicans. People referred to them as "Reagan Democrats", but really, they were Nixon Democrats. And from 1968 to 1992, the REpublicans held the White HOuse for all but 4 years, and it took impeachment and resignation to give them a wedge there.

1992, Ross Perot peeled the "Reagan Democrats" off from the GOP, and the Democrats slowly picked them up. Also, as minority voters grew in numbers, they had more influence.

The only reason why the GOP got into the White House since 1992 at all was because they stole the 2000 election and in 2004, they barely won because we don't throw out presidents in the middle of wars.

right now, the GOP can only really call upon about 45% of the electorate, mostly in the South and Plains states, and that's not enough to win elections.

The only thing republicans need is a butt load fewer commiecrats trying to tell us what we need. Fuck Off!
Here's the essential problem the GOP has. There aren't enough old angry white people to keep it afloat.

The GOP dominated national politics from 1860 to 1932, holding the presidency for all but 16 of those 72 years, because it was an alliance of Northerners and Urban voters. And for a long time, that worked for them, especially when the country became more urban and industrial.

Then something key happened in 1932. The economy crashed in 1929, and those Urban workers shifted allegiance to the Democratic Part. From 1932 to 1968, Democrats held the White House for all but 8 of those 36 years.

In 1968, you saw another dramatic shift. The hippies scared the crap out of older more traditional voters, and those urban workers shifted back to the Republicans. People referred to them as "Reagan Democrats", but really, they were Nixon Democrats. And from 1968 to 1992, the REpublicans held the White HOuse for all but 4 years, and it took impeachment and resignation to give them a wedge there.

1992, Ross Perot peeled the "Reagan Democrats" off from the GOP, and the Democrats slowly picked them up. Also, as minority voters grew in numbers, they had more influence.

The only reason why the GOP got into the White House since 1992 at all was because they stole the 2000 election and in 2004, they barely won because we don't throw out presidents in the middle of wars.

right now, the GOP can only really call upon about 45% of the electorate, mostly in the South and Plains states, and that's not enough to win elections.

Here's one simple thing you left out. When the full destructive effect of Obamacare is realized, the Democratic party will soon enter a 8 year stretch of irrelevancy, just as the Republicans have. The year 2009 will be a key year, for Democrats, as the year they signed their own death warrants politically.

And how did the GOP 'steal' the 2000 and 2004 elections? Funny when a liberal wins, nobody's stealing anything, it's just a free a fair election.
T and Texas...

So you really didn't have anything to add to the conversation, then?

I said all that needs say'n.
T and Texas...

So you really didn't have anything to add to the conversation, then?

I said all that needs say'n.

So you just didn't have anything to add.

I mean, I know this is hard to grapple with. You guys haven't won an honest national election in 20 years...

So how do you win those folks like myself who've walked away back?

Here's one simple thing you left out. When the full destructive effect of Obamacare is realized, the Democratic party will soon enter a 8 year stretch of irrelevancy, just as the Republicans have. The year 2009 will be a key year, for Democrats, as the year they signed their own death warrants politically.

Tampon, you see, here's the thing. Unlike you, people who weren't able to get health coverage before will be able to get it now.

sorry, the only people who are REALLY angry at ObamaCare are the same assholes who were really angry there was a negro in their White House. Zero sum Game.

And how did the GOP 'steal' the 2000 and 2004 elections? Funny when a liberal wins, nobody's stealing anything, it's just a free a fair election.

When a Democrat wins, it's because he got more votes.

Bush didn't get more votes. He won on a technicality after his corrupt brother manipulated the vote.
Here's the essential problem the GOP has. There aren't enough old angry white people to keep it afloat.

The GOP dominated national politics from 1860 to 1932, holding the presidency for all but 16 of those 72 years, because it was an alliance of Northerners and Urban voters. And for a long time, that worked for them, especially when the country became more urban and industrial.

Then something key happened in 1932. The economy crashed in 1929, and those Urban workers shifted allegience to the Democratic Part. From1932 to 1968, Democrats held the White House for all but 8 of those 36 years.

In 1968, you saw another dramatic shift. The hippies scared the crap out of older more traditional voters, and those urban workers shifted back to the Republicans. People referred to them as "Reagan Democrats", but really, they were Nixon Democrats. And from 1968 to 1992, the REpublicans held the White HOuse for all but 4 years, and it took impeachment and resignation to give them a wedge there.

1992, Ross Perot peeled the "Reagan Democrats" off from the GOP, and the Democrats slowly picked them up. Also, as minority voters grew in numbers, they had more influence.

The only reason why the GOP got into the White House since 1992 at all was because they stole the 2000 election and in 2004, they barely won because we don't throw out presidents in the middle of wars.

right now, the GOP can only really call upon about 45% of the electorate, mostly in the South and Plains states, and that's not enough to win elections.

Democrats have been running Washington for the last 100 years. They are currently in the process of trying to assure another 100 years.

Problem is, as happened in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, it doesn't work. Progressives caused the Great Depression and Socialists extended it.

All the 2000 election did was slow down the progress of the Progressives, and gave them more time to plan their method of attack. Fact is, the Democrat Party will not nominate anyone who isn't ether Gay or bi-sexual. Al Gore was Gay, Hillary is bi-sexual, and so is Obama. They can't even be honest about their sexuality or their true religious beliefs. Obama wanted to be a Muslim but doesn't have the willpower to do it, Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic but supports abortion, and Harry Reid is a Mormon bigot who should have been excommunicated long ago.

A party that gains power through a pack of lies. That's what the Democrats are. Obamacare is just one example of this. The mainstream Republicans are no different. They are currently in a war against the Tea Party and it will be the end of them. We aren't Democrat voters. We don't tolerate being lied to.
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Democrats have been running Washington for the last 100 years. They are currently in the process of trying to assure another 100 years.

Problem is, as happened in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, it doesn't work. Progressives caused the Great Depression and Socialists extended it.

All the 2000 election did was slow down the progress of the Progressives, and gave them more time to plan their method of attack. Fact is, the Democrat Party will not nominate anyone who isn't ether Gay or bi-sexual. Al Gore was Gay, Hillary is bi-sexual, and so is Obama. They can't even be honest about their sexuality or their true religious beliefs. Obama wanted to be a Muslim but doesn't have the willpower to do it, Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic but supports abortion, and Harry Reid is a Mormon bigot who should have been excommunicated long ago.

A party that gains power through a pack of lies. That's what the Democrats are. Obamacare is just one example of this. The mainstream Republicans are no different. They are currently in a war against the Tea Party and it will be the end of them. We aren't Democrat voters. We don't tolerate being lied to.

Seriously, guy, you actually believe this shit?

Democrats have been running Washington for the last 100 years. They are currently in the process of trying to assure another 100 years.

Problem is, as happened in the 20s, 30s, and 40s, it doesn't work. Progressives caused the Great Depression and Socialists extended it.

All the 2000 election did was slow down the progress of the Progressives, and gave them more time to plan their method of attack. Fact is, the Democrat Party will not nominate anyone who isn't ether Gay or bi-sexual. Al Gore was Gay, Hillary is bi-sexual, and so is Obama. They can't even be honest about their sexuality or their true religious beliefs. Obama wanted to be a Muslim but doesn't have the willpower to do it, Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic but supports abortion, and Harry Reid is a Mormon bigot who should have been excommunicated long ago.

A party that gains power through a pack of lies. That's what the Democrats are. Obamacare is just one example of this. The mainstream Republicans are no different. They are currently in a war against the Tea Party and it will be the end of them. We aren't Democrat voters. We don't tolerate being lied to.

Seriously, guy, you actually believe this shit?

It's more believable then much of the shit you post.

What's worse is there is plenty of evidence of it out there, you just won't believe it. I know about Al Gore from the horses' mouth, and the stuff about Obama and Hillary is just a matter of logical deduction, scandalous stories by bloggers notwithstanding.

Some famous person comes out of the closet and Obama runs to the phone.

Hillary had her pro-Gay stance plastered all over our billboard on this site for a couple of months here. The rumors of her liaisons with important women in her administration are well known.

Besides, if it's true what difference should it make to a liberal like yourself? Does it bother you that your president is a cocksucker or a fudge-packer, and the best candidate you guys can come up with is a rug-munching Dike?
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It's more believable then much of the shit you post.

What's worse is there is plenty of evidence of it out there, you just won't believe it. I know about Al Gore from the horses' mouth, and the stuff about Obama and Hillary is just a matter of logical deduction, scandalous stories by bloggers notwithstanding.

Some famous person comes out of the closet and Obama runs to the phone.

Hillary had her pro-Gay stance plastered all over our billboard on this site for a couple of months here. The rumors of her liaisons with important women in her administration are well known.

Besides, if it's true what difference should it make to a liberal like yourself? Does it bother you that your president is a cocksucker or a fudge-packer, and the best candidate you guys can come up with is a rug-munching Dike?

Yup, only gay people think gay people should be treated with dignity, apparently.

I think that you and "logical deduction" have never met, not once, not even by accident.
how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

the worm will turn as it has throughout history. Even dye in the wool democrats will eventually wake up. Unfortunately unless we elect another Reagan I see nothing changing but the cycle will continue. Who in the hell could ever imagine Boehner, Reid, Pelosi would be the leaders in Congress, simply tragic.

Regardless of race, gender, or sexual preference, eventually they will wake up and realize the progressive big government promises of utopia while nobody has to do anything only works in theory around campfires while in drug induced stupors.

Regardless of race, gender, or sexual preference, eventually they will wake up and realize the progressive big government promises of utopia while nobody has to do anything only works in theory around campfires while in drug induced stupors.

Except nobody has suggested that, so you are making a false argument.

Frankly, the country worked at its best when the workforce was fully employed, mostly unionized, got good wages and the rich paid their fair share.

That would be from the end of WWII to about 1980, when that idiot Reagan fucked it all up by making war on the middle class.

You see, here's the thing you guys don't get. When you send the good job to China or get a machine to do the work a man would do, those people aren't going to obediently watch their families starve while the rich get richer.

They are going to vote for whoever offers a helping hand.

You see, 40% of Food Stamp families have at least one member with a job. (and oddly, these are the folks the GOP wants to cut off.) Just not a job that pays enough to put food on the table. The same can be said of MediCaid or Section 8 housing.

If you guys were REALLY serious about wanting to stem the "dependence" on government, you'd be for restoring the middle class, not attacking it.

Regardless of race, gender, or sexual preference, eventually they will wake up and realize the progressive big government promises of utopia while nobody has to do anything only works in theory around campfires while in drug induced stupors.

Except nobody has suggested that, so you are making a false argument.

Frankly, the country worked at its best when the workforce was fully employed, mostly unionized, got good wages and the rich paid their fair share.

That would be from the end of WWII to about 1980, when that idiot Reagan fucked it all up by making war on the middle class.

You see, here's the thing you guys don't get. When you send the good job to China or get a machine to do the work a man would do, those people aren't going to obediently watch their families starve while the rich get richer.

They are going to vote for whoever offers a helping hand.

You see, 40% of Food Stamp families have at least one member with a job. (and oddly, these are the folks the GOP wants to cut off.) Just not a job that pays enough to put food on the table. The same can be said of MediCaid or Section 8 housing.

If you guys were REALLY serious about wanting to stem the "dependence" on government, you'd be for restoring the middle class, not attacking it.

I don't expect you to wake up, go ahead, keep blaming the other guy, I don't give a fuck.

Regardless of race, gender, or sexual preference, eventually they will wake up and realize the progressive big government promises of utopia while nobody has to do anything only works in theory around campfires while in drug induced stupors.

Except nobody has suggested that, so you are making a false argument.

Frankly, the country worked at its best when the workforce was fully employed, mostly unionized, got good wages and the rich paid their fair share.

That would be from the end of WWII to about 1980, when that idiot Reagan fucked it all up by making war on the middle class.

You see, here's the thing you guys don't get. When you send the good job to China or get a machine to do the work a man would do, those people aren't going to obediently watch their families starve while the rich get richer.

They are going to vote for whoever offers a helping hand.

You see, 40% of Food Stamp families have at least one member with a job. (and oddly, these are the folks the GOP wants to cut off.) Just not a job that pays enough to put food on the table. The same can be said of MediCaid or Section 8 housing.

If you guys were REALLY serious about wanting to stem the "dependence" on government, you'd be for restoring the middle class, not attacking it.

I don't expect you to wake up, go ahead, keep blaming the other guy, I don't give a fuck.

So you didn't process a word I said, did you?

Guy, people are going to vote for their own best interest, every fucking time.

All the GOP offers is "Work harder for less money so a rich guy can get richer!"

Not seeing why anyone is going for that, exactly.
Except nobody has suggested that, so you are making a false argument.

Frankly, the country worked at its best when the workforce was fully employed, mostly unionized, got good wages and the rich paid their fair share.

That would be from the end of WWII to about 1980, when that idiot Reagan fucked it all up by making war on the middle class.

You see, here's the thing you guys don't get. When you send the good job to China or get a machine to do the work a man would do, those people aren't going to obediently watch their families starve while the rich get richer.

They are going to vote for whoever offers a helping hand.

You see, 40% of Food Stamp families have at least one member with a job. (and oddly, these are the folks the GOP wants to cut off.) Just not a job that pays enough to put food on the table. The same can be said of MediCaid or Section 8 housing.

If you guys were REALLY serious about wanting to stem the "dependence" on government, you'd be for restoring the middle class, not attacking it.

I don't expect you to wake up, go ahead, keep blaming the other guy, I don't give a fuck.

So you didn't process a word I said, did you?

Guy, people are going to vote for their own best interest, every fucking time.

All the GOP offers is "Work harder for less money so a rich guy can get richer!"

Not seeing why anyone is going for that, exactly.

Where did I state that the gop is the answer? I stated that people will eventually turn from the progressive promises of utopia, and they have infected both parties.
I don't expect you to wake up, go ahead, keep blaming the other guy, I don't give a fuck.

So you didn't process a word I said, did you?

Guy, people are going to vote for their own best interest, every fucking time.

All the GOP offers is "Work harder for less money so a rich guy can get richer!"

Not seeing why anyone is going for that, exactly.

Where did I state that the gop is the answer? I stated that people will eventually turn from the progressive promises of utopia, and they have infected both parties.

Really, when are they going to do that.

The biggest problem with the EEEEEvils of Big government is the one I've been having with a couple of guys on this board who rant about how government spends too much, but they are both living on Military Pensions.

Everyone is all for cutting the OTHER guy's program, just not the one they benefit from.

The best cure for "progressivism", as you say, is self-reliance. but that's kind of hard to acheive when the strong are allowed to prey on the weak.
I agree with all the posters that have so far told the commie that we don't require his advice on this subject..............

America is a hell of a lot more Conservative than Commie. aka Democrap scum...............

The GOP needs to go back to being a Conservative Party, not the Status Quo. Who attack their own when the Status Quo is threatened. The Status Quo on BOTH SIDES is the major problem. They are so far up the butts of the campaign financing entities, that when their sponsors smile you see their candidate..........................They need to go away............

The Rhino's need to be FIRED.........

Now, as for the Dems we could decide to fight FIRE WITH FIRE and use their scumbag tactics. Lie our asses off to win the game..............But why would we want to join those LYING SCUMBAGS..........................The problem with their Lies is that it takes another 10 Lies to justify the 1st Lie.............Eventually, THE TRUTH WINS...........which is why they must change the subject or topic when they are called out for their LIES.........................

These LIES need to be shown to the public all the time. OVER AND OVER AGAIN, just as they use their media to PROMOTE THEIR LIES................ And let the people know what scumbags they are.....................

Back in the day, after Wilson SCREWED OVER THE COUNTRY...............they were called PROGRESSIVES and that name was so SCORNED that the Dems then went to call themselves LIBERALS.............and now as the Liberal name draws SCORN they change their names to Progressives.................

History repeating itself for the scumbags...........

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