What the Republicans need is a realignment


It's more believable then much of the shit you post.

What's worse is there is plenty of evidence of it out there, you just won't believe it. I know about Al Gore from the horses' mouth, and the stuff about Obama and Hillary is just a matter of logical deduction, scandalous stories by bloggers notwithstanding.

Some famous person comes out of the closet and Obama runs to the phone.

Hillary had her pro-Gay stance plastered all over our billboard on this site for a couple of months here. The rumors of her liaisons with important women in her administration are well known.

Besides, if it's true what difference should it make to a liberal like yourself? Does it bother you that your president is a cocksucker or a fudge-packer, and the best candidate you guys can come up with is a rug-munching Dike?

Yup, only gay people think gay people should be treated with dignity, apparently.

I think that you and "logical deduction" have never met, not once, not even by accident.

That rings sort of hollow considering your penchant for hyperbole and overdrawn conclusions.
how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

Sorry bud, but all long term trends show the Republican Party being marginalized. While Dems may hit some bumps in the road, Republicans on the national stage are going to find it very difficult to win much of anything. Texas is going to turn blue at some point, and then it's party over. Even with Texas being red, it's really difficult for Republicans to win anything other than the House, and most of that is happening due to gerrymandering. Even in 2012, Democratic congressional candidates took more votes than Republicans. The only reason Republicans won so many more seats was due to having huge advantages in the way districts have been drawn up. God forbid Dems start winning at the state level and reverse that advantage. Then Republicans will be completely buried.

But the biggest problem Republicans have is that they have chased away just about anyone who considers themselves moderate or middle of the road. I left because there are just too many idiots on the far right.
how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

Sorry bud, but all long term trends show the Republican Party being marginalized. While Dems may hit some bumps in the road, Republicans on the national stage are going to find it very difficult to win much of anything. Texas is going to turn blue at some point, and then it's party over. Even with Texas being red, it's really difficult for Republicans to win anything other than the House, and most of that is happening due to gerrymandering. Even in 2012, Democratic congressional candidates took more votes than Republicans. The only reason Republicans won so many more seats was due to having huge advantages in the way districts have been drawn up. God forbid Dems start winning at the state level and reverse that advantage. Then Republicans will be completely buried.

But the biggest problem Republicans have is that they have chased away just about anyone who considers themselves moderate or middle of the road. I left because there are just too many idiots on the far right.


27 States have Republican legislatures............

How many are considered Democrat...........................


While this doesn't represent Congress and Senate because of the Status Quo, it shows demographics on a state by state basis. Showing that the only reason you guys have the Senate AT ALL is because of Woodrow Wilson changing the way the Senate was elected.............You should get down on your Liberal Prayer Rug and thank Wilson for that........................

As had the Founders wanted a rule by Pure Democracy instead of a Republic there wouldn't have even been a Senate at all...................

On the issue of Texas, if you can't beat the population of Texas you simply move in those who will vote for the Dems................aka the Illegal Aliens via immigration or not wanting Voter ID so they vote anyway..........A ROTTEN ACORN falls off the tree again, but that is another issue.....................

We win by opposing your IDEOLOGY, and REMINDING the people of your SO CALLED ACCOMPLISHMENTS................Even now Democrap candidates are jumping off the Obamacare wagon by design as the people are ticked off about Obamacare and the Dems know this..................

Which is why they are in FULL DAMAGE CONTROL MODE NOW..............Question is will they be able to LIE their way out of this or change the subject enough in the next election.
how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

Sorry bud, but all long term trends show the Republican Party being marginalized. While Dems may hit some bumps in the road, Republicans on the national stage are going to find it very difficult to win much of anything. Texas is going to turn blue at some point, and then it's party over. Even with Texas being red, it's really difficult for Republicans to win anything other than the House, and most of that is happening due to gerrymandering. Even in 2012, Democratic congressional candidates took more votes than Republicans. The only reason Republicans won so many more seats was due to having huge advantages in the way districts have been drawn up. God forbid Dems start winning at the state level and reverse that advantage. Then Republicans will be completely buried.

But the biggest problem Republicans have is that they have chased away just about anyone who considers themselves moderate or middle of the road. I left because there are just too many idiots on the far right.

God forbid we ever guarantee a honest election through voter I.D. laws too.

I noticed how California went blue.
By flooding the state with illegals. Now CA is broke. Let's do the same to the rest of the country, shall we?
It's probably not a good idea for Republicans to take advice about their party from someone who thinks capitalism is evil.

Just sayin'.


You think the dumb-ass bible thumping Trailer Park denizen is voting for the GOP because he loooves him some Capitalism?

Not hardly.

He loooooves him some freedom.

Too bad you don't.
It's probably not a good idea for Republicans to take advice about their party from someone who thinks capitalism is evil.

Just sayin'.


You think the dumb-ass bible thumping Trailer Park denizen is voting for the GOP because he loooves him some Capitalism?

Not hardly.

He loooooves him some freedom.

Too bad you don't.

You know, whenever your side talks about "Freedom", I grab my wallet.

Because usually, "Freedom" is defined by you guys as the ability of those with power and money to abuse those of us who don't.

The problem is, the vast majority of GOP types, angry white males who are seeing the twilight of their political power, (Or the illusion thereof) are easy to play by merely appealling to their fears, religous, sexual, racial and otherwise.

Now here's the thing. I give you guys some crap, but I actually do see a use for the wealthy in a healthy economic system- not only to provide capital to get something done, but more importantly, to give folks something to strive for.

But there has to be a balance... everyone else's rights have to be protected to some degree.
how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

the worm will turn as it has throughout history. Even dye in the wool democrats will eventually wake up. Unfortunately unless we elect another Reagan I see nothing changing but the cycle will continue. Who in the hell could ever imagine Boehner, Reid, Pelosi would be the leaders in Congress, simply tragic.
Republicans will get their turn at government again, but not until the GOP suppresses the Tea Party. The American people want to see the end of the polarization in Washington that has paralyzed government and that will be impossible as long as Tea Party movement is a significant force in the GOP. People are simple afraid of the Tea Party. Their radical actions and proposals in regard to entitlement programs, immigration, civil rights, and shutting down government has turned the public against them. As long as the Tea Party waved the flag and spouted their rhetoric about a small less costly government, they had the public's ear but when they actually starting doing something, they lost the public. The American public may be conservative, but they aren't radical.
they're still circling the drain as long as they don't offer alternatives

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Here's the essential problem the GOP has. There aren't enough old angry white people to keep it afloat.

The GOP dominated national politics from 1860 to 1932, holding the presidency for all but 16 of those 72 years, because it was an alliance of Northerners and Urban voters. And for a long time, that worked for them, especially when the country became more urban and industrial.

Then something key happened in 1932. The economy crashed in 1929, and those Urban workers shifted allegience to the Democratic Part. From1932 to 1968, Democrats held the White House for all but 8 of those 36 years.

In 1968, you saw another dramatic shift. The hippies scared the crap out of older more traditional voters, and those urban workers shifted back to the Republicans. People referred to them as "Reagan Democrats", but really, they were Nixon Democrats. And from 1968 to 1992, the REpublicans held the White HOuse for all but 4 years, and it took impeachment and resignation to give them a wedge there.

1992, Ross Perot peeled the "Reagan Democrats" off from the GOP, and the Democrats slowly picked them up. Also, as minority voters grew in numbers, they had more influence.

The only reason why the GOP got into the White House since 1992 at all was because they stole the 2000 election and in 2004, they barely won because we don't throw out presidents in the middle of wars.

right now, the GOP can only really call upon about 45% of the electorate, mostly in the South and Plains states, and that's not enough to win elections.

The essential problem with the GOP is that you are delusional? Why aren't they running the world?
It's probably not a good idea for Republicans to take advice about their party from someone who thinks capitalism is evil.

Just sayin'.


You think the dumb-ass bible thumping Trailer Park denizen is voting for the GOP because he loooves him some Capitalism?

Not hardly.

He loooooves him some freedom.

Too bad you don't.
Wish I could rep you again.
Well, the dems are doing what they seem to do best, ie stealing defeat from the jaws of victory by failing to realize that most Americans really don't like govt making decisions for them. What's somewhat different this time around is that the gop isn't really offering anything besides screaming NYET. McConnell doesn't want to talk about anything except how bad Obamacare is, but nothing about how people who didn't have access can get access.

Ike offered security, Nixon promised Peace with Honor and the econ in 1972 was pretty good, and Reagan was sort of a mystery, but he was optimistic and Carter was anything but. I just don't see the gop's positive message. There are guys who want to offer one, but they're scared ballless by the TPM

Even Gingrich pointed out that its pathetic that Repubs have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the table to offer alternatives. Why? Because the GOP = status quo (rich get richer and the poor get poorer).

I find it odd that you blame Republicans for that when the trend has actually accelerated under Obama.

President Obama Admits The Rich Are Getting Richer Under His Watch

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how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

Guy, not seeing what is going to happen beyond now and 2016 that is going to change any minds.

You see, here's the thing, I'm not hearing anyone talking all that much about the ObamaCare thing after the first week. You are getting upset about it, the professional pundits, but for the 80% who are seeing no change, meh, no big deal.

and for the 16% who are seeing an improvement, yeah, that's a big deal.

for the 4% who think they aren't getting a good deal because they have to actually buy an insurance policy that covers them...

Not enough to shift an election.

What 16% are actually seeing an improvement?

Have you seen the enrollment numbers? Even if every single person who enrolled in the national exchange and all the state exchanges got generous subsidies it would be less than one tenth of one percent of the population.
how interesting !! a fucking commiecrat telling the GOP what they need to do, the commiecrat party is giving the GOP so much fodder for the 2014 election period that should sink the commiecrats for years to come, then come 2016 the failing of obummercare and other scandals will put the commiecrats in a hole :dig: for many years to come.

soooooo ! all you commiecrats get ready for the funeral of the commie/demoncrat party :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao: .... :up: .... :lmao:

the worm will turn as it has throughout history. Even dye in the wool democrats will eventually wake up. Unfortunately unless we elect another Reagan I see nothing changing but the cycle will continue. Who in the hell could ever imagine Boehner, Reid, Pelosi would be the leaders in Congress, simply tragic.
Republicans will get their turn at government again, but not until the GOP suppresses the Tea Party. The American people want to see the end of the polarization in Washington that has paralyzed government and that will be impossible as long as Tea Party movement is a significant force in the GOP. People are simple afraid of the Tea Party. Their radical actions and proposals in regard to entitlement programs, immigration, civil rights, and shutting down government has turned the public against them. As long as the Tea Party waved the flag and spouted their rhetoric about a small less costly government, they had the public's ear but when they actually starting doing something, they lost the public. The American public may be conservative, but they aren't radical.
That's the problem with today's Republican Party....they're nothing but a bunch of radicals.
Here's the essential problem the GOP has. There aren't enough old angry white people to keep it afloat.

The GOP dominated national politics from 1860 to 1932, holding the presidency for all but 16 of those 72 years, because it was an alliance of Northerners and Urban voters. And for a long time, that worked for them, especially when the country became more urban and industrial.

Then something key happened in 1932. The economy crashed in 1929, and those Urban workers shifted allegience to the Democratic Part. From1932 to 1968, Democrats held the White House for all but 8 of those 36 years.

In 1968, you saw another dramatic shift. The hippies scared the crap out of older more traditional voters, and those urban workers shifted back to the Republicans. People referred to them as "Reagan Democrats", but really, they were Nixon Democrats. And from 1968 to 1992, the REpublicans held the White HOuse for all but 4 years, and it took impeachment and resignation to give them a wedge there.

1992, Ross Perot peeled the "Reagan Democrats" off from the GOP, and the Democrats slowly picked them up. Also, as minority voters grew in numbers, they had more influence.

The only reason why the GOP got into the White House since 1992 at all was because they stole the 2000 election and in 2004, they barely won because we don't throw out presidents in the middle of wars.

right now, the GOP can only really call upon about 45% of the electorate, mostly in the South and Plains states, and that's not enough to win elections.

The essential problem with the GOP is that you are delusional? Why aren't they running the world?

In a way they are. If they can bring down the world economy, they can run the world. So don't worry, they are working on it.

You think the dumb-ass bible thumping Trailer Park denizen is voting for the GOP because he loooves him some Capitalism?

Not hardly.

He loooooves him some freedom.

Too bad you don't.

You know, whenever your side talks about "Freedom", I grab my wallet.

Because usually, "Freedom" is defined by you guys as the ability of those with power and money to abuse those of us who don't.

That's funny, since Odumbo has been doing it since Day 1.

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