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Zone1 What to Do with Gaza?

There is a limited number of choices.
Come up with one that doesn't degrade living conditions in Gaza.

You keep ignoring the fact that Israel is imposing a blockade on Gaza and is illegally occupying Palestinian territory, not to speak of the constant abuse and oppression:

You Zionists cause the problem then blame your victims.
You never explained why Israel blockades Gaza.
Because it's a violent, occupying, colonial power that is oppressing the Palestinians. I already answered your question several times. If you don't like my answer, too bad. If you disagree with it, you can object and present your perspective. That's how dialogues work.
" Land For Peace With Debase Fictional Ishmaelism Sectarian Supremacy "

* Rules Of Engagement According To Doctrine *

It's the Israelis who are occupying and dehumanizing the Palestinians, so why wouldn't the Palestinians fight back? The Israelis are illegally occupying Palestinian territory.
At issue for any with an interest is whether palestinians are expecting dominion over , or occupation of , a territory delineated for a city state of israel and for torahnism , based on the sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism .

A scope of militancy to establish a religious polity of qurayshism within a city state of hejaz is tolerable ; however , a scope of militancy to establish qurayshism outside of hejaz is debase and termed fictional ishmaelism is not tolerable .

A law exists because there is an entity capable of issuing a retort for violations of its legal pretense , and perspectivism presumes of nature that it does not include epistemological absolutes .
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Or any at all in the sense of depriving people of water or justifying the water shortage situation which Todd disingenuously blames Hamas for. Again, this situation wouldn't exist if the Zionist apartheid state wasn't illegally besieging Gaza and occupying Palestinian territory. So your criticism is moot.
so more updated definitions because you have to explain why you changed your position.
so more updated definitions because you have to explain why you changed your position.
I defined what I meant and you're not willing to accept that. I'm not surprised due to your pedantic, disingenuous attempt to obfuscate the fact and crux of the issue which is your racist Zionist apartheid state, which dehumanizes Palestinian Arabs and naturally creates a violent response from your victims.

The people who are occupied have a right to defend themselves against a racist, Jewish supremacist occupier who wants all of the Holy Land for themselves. You're not going to get it. Looking at how you're handling the current conflict in Gaza, you're definitely NOT going to get it. I wouldn't be surprised if the Israeli state crumbles politically and strategically as a result of this current, ongoing genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza. Israel is committing PR, political, and strategic suicide before the whole world. You are your own worst enemy.
You keep ignoring the fact that Israel is imposing a blockade on Gaza and is illegally occupying Palestinian territory, not to speak of the constant abuse and oppression:

You Zionists cause the problem then blame your victims.

You keep ignoring the fact that Israel is imposing a blockade on Gaza

It's a fact, a fact that I'm not ignoring.
But why are they doing it?
Because it's a violent, occupying, colonial power that is oppressing the Palestinians. I already answered your question several times. If you don't like my answer, too bad. If you disagree with it, you can object and present your perspective. That's how dialogues work.

Because it's a violent, occupying, colonial power that is oppressing the Palestinians.

Then they had no reason to remove settlements and troops in 2005.
They should be building more, moving in more Jews. But they aren't. Why?
Really? Did the Palestinians assassinate Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin? It was a right-wing religious Zionist Jew who murdered him. The PLO eliminated its military wing and finally recognized Israel as a legitimate state, signing the Oslo Accords. to move Israel and Palestine towards a two-state arrangement. What did the Israelis do after the assassination of Rabin? They expanded Jewish settlements into the West Bank like never before. A massive expansion into the Palestinian West Bank, and the Israeli government supported of Hamas:

Is what has led us to where we are now.

Arafat rejected two state. Why?
Because it's a violent, occupying, colonial power that is oppressing the Palestinians.

Then they had no reason to remove settlements and troops in 2005.
They should be building more, moving in more Jews. But they aren't. Why?
I already explained why and you ignored it. It's more cost-effective to move their troops out, along with Jewish settlers, and let the Palestinians languish and rot in a besieged city. Durrrrrrr. The Israelis were constantly being criticized for being in Gaza, protecting settlements, and taking Palestinian territory, with boots on the ground and Jewish settlers. They moved out and applied other means to hurt the Palestinians. They even supported Hamas, for years, to cause division and strife among the Palestinians and have a reason to continue with hostilities against the "evil Palestinians" (who supposedly don't want peace):

" Entitled To Self Defense Against Sectarian Supremacist Totalitarianism "

* Let Us Ignore +1400 Years Of Homicide By Doctrine *

They create the crisis and then blame their victims when they fight back.
Surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 in chronology .

Surah 9:111 is september 11 2001 and there is not directive in the gospel to kill or be killed .
Indeed , God has purchased from the believers their live and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran. And who is true to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment .

Surah 47 named after its author that relates might makes reich .

Surah 47:4
So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if God had willed , He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you be means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of God - never will He waste their deeds .
Surah 47:11
That is because God is the protector of those who have believed and because the disbelievers have no protector .
I already explained why and you ignored it. It's more cost-effective to move their troops out, along with Jewish settlers, and let the Palestinians languish and rot in a besieged city. Durrrrrrr. The Israelis were constantly being criticized for being in Gaza, protecting settlements, and taking Palestinian territory, with boots on the ground and Jewish settlers. They moved out and applied other means to hurt the Palestinians. They even supported Hamas, for years, to cause division and strife among the Palestinians and have a reason to continue with hostilities against the "evil Palestinians" (who supposedly don't want peace):

I already explained why and you ignored it. It's more cost-effective to move their troops out, along with Jewish settlers, and let the Palestinians languish and rot in a besieged city.

They could have built a bigger fence around the areas they had built in and kept it.
Arafat rejected two state. Why?

The PLO signed the Oslo Accords, after eliminating its military wing and recognizing Israel as a legitimate state. What was the result of that? The leftist government, led by Yitzhak Rabin, was replaced with a bunch of right-wing ZIonist zealots who expanded Jewish settlements in Palestinian Arab territory. The right-wingers assassinated Yitzhak Rabin and went ape on Palestinians. Who are really the ones who don't want peace? The Palestinians? No, it's the Zionist, racist apartheid state, that continues to dehumanize and abuse Palestinians.
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Gotta limited the weapons Hamas is trying to smuggle in.

There would be no Hamas today if the right-wing Zionists hadn't destroyed the Oslo Accords by assassinating Yitzack Rabin and replacing an Israeli government that was more willing to sincerely negotiate with the Palestinians towards a two-state solution, with a hardline, right-wing Zionist government that essentially wants to ethnically cleanse the Holy Land of Arab Palestinians. They're the ones who expanded Jewish settlements into the West Bank like never before and even went as far as supporting Hamas to cause strife among the Palestinians between the secularists and Islamists. The right-wing Zionist Israelis supported the radical Islamists, to undermine the secular Fatah, the PLO.

The Israelis create the chaos and then cry wolf. None of this would be happening now if not for the brutal Zionist occupation.
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The PLO signed the Oslo Accords, after eliminating its military wing and recognizing Israel as a legitimate state. What was the result of that? The leftist government, led by Yitzhak Rabin, was replaced with a bunch of right-wing ZIonist zealots that expanded Jewish settlements in Palestinian Arab territory. The right-wingers assassinated Yitzhak Rabin and went ape on Palestinians. Who are really the ones who don't want peace? The Palestinians? No, it's the Zionist, racist apartheid state, that continues to dehumanize and abuse Palestinians.
You know, whenever I talk with someone about Israel and they start with "Zionist" blah blah blah, the conversation always goes off the rails.

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