What to do with our savings accounts ???

Lately my darlin wife and I have been buying cans and jars of our favorite foods by the case. (Yup, checking the expiration dates is important and so is cycling) also case prices on dry goods … pastas, rice, beans and such. Buying excessive amounts at case prices turns into a potential investment especially when prices go even nuttier than they are now plus consider extended family needs.
Buying precious metals is fine to buy from a reputable coin dealer but buy it at levels less than the required coin dealer reporting limits is the wiser path in my opinion.
Buy a freezer for meat storage (new/used) then if possible get out of town to cattle country where meat is both better and cheaper (grass feed) and buy meat by the (wrapped)1/2 or 1/4 steer, pig etc. if possible. Also consider buying a back up generator (don’t go nuts, minimum need and safety is a worthy start)
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If it is illegal to possess gold and you can go to prison for having it, then who is going to exchange their goods for an illegal metal?
Essentially once life becomes unaffordable an illegal black market will get set up anyway as just surviving becomes illegal.

That is what happened to the former USSR. They made surviving so hard that the black market undermined their own and it fell apart.
I'm thinking about paying off my daughter's mortgage while the money still counts for something.

I bought a nice four bedroom home and put a lot into improvements. Still thinking about further improvements, as long as the money in savings is worth something.

Lately my darlin wife and I have been buying cans and jars of our favorite foods by the case. (Yup, checking the expiration dates is important and so is cycling) also case prices on dry goods … pastas, rice, beans and such. Buying excessive amounts at case prices turns into a potential investment especially when prices go even nuttier than they are now plus consider extended family needs.
Buying precious metals is fine to buy from a reputable coin dealer but buy it at levels less than the required coin dealer reporting limits is the wiser path in my opinion.
Buy a freezer for meat storage (new/used) then if possible get out of town to cattle country where meat is both better and cheaper (grass feed) and buy meat by the (wrapped)1/2 or 1/4 steer, pig etc. if possible. Also consider buying a back up generator (don’t go nuts, minimum need and safety is a worthy start)

Have done the above with the exception of installing a generator and large propane tank.

Enforcement won't be a problem with a $50,000.00 fine and 20 years in prison. A $10,000 fine and a 10 year prison sentence was enough for my grandmother to turn hers in the 30's.
My people were made of stronger stuff. I still have the little iron treasure chest "bank" half-full of gold pieces my GG Grandad gave me. It's never been added to or taken away from and it will pass on to my G-Grandson.

Edit: I forgot I added a $5.00 gold piece I found while relic hunting.
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Building trustworthy partnerships, and community isn't the kind of thing you want to wait till calamity for. You'll want these things in place for when calamity strikes.

Not as long as I have ammo.

I'm old and could give a fuck. You, officer, are young and want to go home to your family tonight.

And that's precisely the problem with such a ridiculous penalty. If a 60 year old guy is facing the rest of his life in prison for keeping what is rightfully his; the likely hood of him turning an agent into a loot drop increases exponentially. Said agent might get some metals. But probably not the ones his boss sent him for.
Building trustworthy partnerships, and community isn't the kind of thing you want to wait till calamity for. You'll want these things in place for when calamity strikes.

My little rural farming town is 80% armed and we have a phone tree.

What to do with our savings accounts??? Keep saving account $10,000 or less as saving accounts (at least mine) doesn't pay crap. You can find something to invest in that definitely pays more, be it stocks or gold. Never link one to your checking account, as debit card fraud is real. You get your money back, but it is a hassle.
When the bankers pulled the ploy of not given a fair return a couple of decades ago that was a red flag. That signaled they were in charge, and we were using the fiat currency to life off of. They can tank this economy anytime they want. And they are part of the globalists.
I am not doing anything since I am not scared by the echo chamber that I do not listen to.
The point is we are at the point that the powers that be can change all of our lives in an instant. The Federal Reserve made comments to not give loans to so called fossil fuels people anymore as an example of power and control. A scenario is tanking the currency and introducing a new one within a couple of weeks which would be global. Whether printed or digital is the question.
The point is we are at the point that the powers that be can change all of our lives in an instant. The Federal Reserve made comments to not give loans to so called fossil fuels people anymore as an example of power and control. A scenario is tanking the currency and introducing a new one within a couple of weeks which would be global. Whether printed or digital is the question.
You should try being self-employed the banks don't want to lend you money. I lived through 1970-1980s inflation and currency flatlined and I still survived with much less.

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