"What To The Slave Is The 4th Of July?"

Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.
Nobody fought for "your" freedom since you were never a slave in the US to begin with. Though there are plenty of African shitholes that still have lots of slavery.
Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.
Nobody fought for "your" freedom since you were never a slave in the US to begin with. Though there are plenty of African shitholes that still have lots of slavery.

Shut the fuck up. That line doesn't work here. We were slaves and that is that.
I have read that article before.

So what do the actual numbers of black slave owners and their slaves tell us? In 1830, the year most carefully studied by Carter G. Woodson, about 13.7 percent (319,599) of the black population was free. Of these, 3,776 free Negroes owned 12,907 slaves, out of a total of 2,009,043 slaves owned in the entire United States, so the numbers of slaves owned by black people over all was quite small by comparison with the number owned by white people.

0.0064244518410009 percent of all slaves were owned by black freedmen. Out of the freedman population just a bit more than 1 percent owned slaves. The number was very small. That's my point.

And my point is that they existed. The slave owners owned slaves for a variety of reasons, but some owned slaves for economic reasons and they would have supported slavery. I'm not trying to excuse slavery as it is a disgusting institution, but ignoring them is ignoring history.

I'm not saying you should not say they existed, but maybe it should be pointed out that a very small number of blacks owned slaves due to the fact that such information is used in a disingenuous manner by so many white people.

I would expect it was a small number. The number of freedmen was small, the number of them who were wealthy enough to purchase slaves was small, so the number who achieved the multiple slave holder status was small as well.

We know that, but those like Correll will not mention this and make claims of blacks owning slaves like blacks were the primary slave owners

Err, no I didn't. I don't care about black slave owners. They are not relevant in any fashion to me.

Facts aren't relevant to you. Any white person who has gone to the lengths you have to create a 100 percent anti slavery white America the 1800's will lie about anything.
You are devoid of any sense or reason.
You do not know if I am left, right or middle of the road. Your "lefty" talking point is exactly what I called it as. Its you deflecting and avoiding any type of facts, documented history, and even common sense. You have peesented no facts and nothing credible that shows you to have the basic understanding of past events.

I give Lincoln what he deserves for what he did do, which was to preserve the union as HE SAID he would do...under any circumstances. And you will not dictate to me who I will respect and for what reasons.

YOUR problem is that you are attempting to make that accomplishment into something that history validates that it is not.

And the fact that I will not participate in your bullshit delusion and misinformed glorifying has you in whiny bitch mode.

If you feel that is unpleasant, then as I told you before, you are not obligated to respond to anything that I post. Other than that, if you do choose to respond to what I post, with the same idiocy that you have shown, you may not like what I have to say.

Your positions and behavior reveals you to be a fairly standard lefty.

Lincoln ran on and won on a strongly anti-slavery platform, keeping in character with his long history of being strongly anti-slavery.

Some diplomatic attempts at walking that back, leading up to and during the bloody Civil War does not out weight that.

Further more, he freed the slaves of the Confederacy and made it stick.

Your dismissal of his actions, shows that you do NOT give him, nor his supporters, credit for what they did.

And no matter how many times you lie about that, it is still obviously true.

I do find your insults unpleasant. And I will continue to point out that you are an unpleasant person, depending on how vulgar you have been in the post I am replying to and to call you on your behavior.

THis time around, I think it is appropriate to call you a liar and an ass.

Your actions and reasoning are that of an alt right wacko who is off of the rails, and trying to create imaginary history to suit your idealistic view of what Lincoln was and what he set out to accomplish.

You are dishonest as well as being oblivious to truthful history.

Every documented account of Lincoln's platform was pro Union, and in order to accomplish the Union being kept whole, slavery could not expand to northern territories. You can try to romanticize his platform as humanitarian if you insist on being wrong and don't care about looking ill informed , but his own words cannot be dismissed by anything except a lack of comprehension of factual information on your part.

If you believe that the truth is a bitter and unpleasant pill, and you are willing to look like you have no grasp of history and facts that is not my problem... it's yours.

1. Your pretense that I find your disagreement to be insulting is dismissed as dishonesty idiocy. It is your uncalled for insults that I find insulting, and you are an ass.

2. Lincoln's 1860 platform plank on stopping the expansion of slavery into new states was not about new northern states but about ALL new territories including southern ones. THis was a violation of the previous compromise and, if enacted a death knell to slavery.

And thus directly led to the danger to the Union.

Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.

Actually, by expecting you to be able to show appropriate gratitude and respect to those who earned it, we are treating you with the expectation that you are mature adults, thus COMPLIMENTING you.

Ask me how I feel about our Founding Fathers, who freed US from Imperial Oppression.

I provide appropriate gratitude to the blacks who died in slavery, running away from slavery, those like Nat Turner and those who fought in the civil war for they are the ones who died fighting for my freedom.
Your positions and behavior reveals you to be a fairly standard lefty.

Lincoln ran on and won on a strongly anti-slavery platform, keeping in character with his long history of being strongly anti-slavery.

Some diplomatic attempts at walking that back, leading up to and during the bloody Civil War does not out weight that.

Further more, he freed the slaves of the Confederacy and made it stick.

Your dismissal of his actions, shows that you do NOT give him, nor his supporters, credit for what they did.

And no matter how many times you lie about that, it is still obviously true.

I do find your insults unpleasant. And I will continue to point out that you are an unpleasant person, depending on how vulgar you have been in the post I am replying to and to call you on your behavior.

THis time around, I think it is appropriate to call you a liar and an ass.

Your actions and reasoning are that of an alt right wacko who is off of the rails, and trying to create imaginary history to suit your idealistic view of what Lincoln was and what he set out to accomplish.

You are dishonest as well as being oblivious to truthful history.

Every documented account of Lincoln's platform was pro Union, and in order to accomplish the Union being kept whole, slavery could not expand to northern territories. You can try to romanticize his platform as humanitarian if you insist on being wrong and don't care about looking ill informed , but his own words cannot be dismissed by anything except a lack of comprehension of factual information on your part.

If you believe that the truth is a bitter and unpleasant pill, and you are willing to look like you have no grasp of history and facts that is not my problem... it's yours.

1. Your pretense that I find your disagreement to be insulting is dismissed as dishonesty idiocy. It is your uncalled for insults that I find insulting, and you are an ass.

2. Lincoln's 1860 platform plank on stopping the expansion of slavery into new states was not about new northern states but about ALL new territories including southern ones. THis was a violation of the previous compromise and, if enacted a death knell to slavery.

And thus directly led to the danger to the Union.

Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.

Actually, by expecting you to be able to show appropriate gratitude and respect to those who earned it, we are treating you with the expectation that you are mature adults, thus COMPLIMENTING you.

Ask me how I feel about our Founding Fathers, who freed US from Imperial Oppression.

I provide appropriate gratitude to the blacks who died in slavery, running away from slavery, those like Nat Turner and those who fought in the civil war for they are the ones who died fighting for my freedom.
No gratitude for all the whites who died for your freedom?
Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.
Nobody fought for "your" freedom since you were never a slave in the US to begin with. Though there are plenty of African shitholes that still have lots of slavery.

Shut the fuck up. That line doesn't work here. We were slaves and that is that.

He is right. You have never been a slave. Have you?

The facts are, that in the olden days if you were POOR, you were probably going to end up being someone's slave or an indentured servant. That was how the world was back then. You should be thankful that you live here in America today. While your relatives may or may not have been sold into slavery (not ALL black Americans are descendants of slaves), YOU are very lucky to be living here America today.
You are devoid of any sense or reason.
You do not know if I am left, right or middle of the road. Your "lefty" talking point is exactly what I called it as. Its you deflecting and avoiding any type of facts, documented history, and even common sense. You have peesented no facts and nothing credible that shows you to have the basic understanding of past events.

I give Lincoln what he deserves for what he did do, which was to preserve the union as HE SAID he would do...under any circumstances. And you will not dictate to me who I will respect and for what reasons.

YOUR problem is that you are attempting to make that accomplishment into something that history validates that it is not.

And the fact that I will not participate in your bullshit delusion and misinformed glorifying has you in whiny bitch mode.

If you feel that is unpleasant, then as I told you before, you are not obligated to respond to anything that I post. Other than that, if you do choose to respond to what I post, with the same idiocy that you have shown, you may not like what I have to say.

Your positions and behavior reveals you to be a fairly standard lefty.

Lincoln ran on and won on a strongly anti-slavery platform, keeping in character with his long history of being strongly anti-slavery.

Some diplomatic attempts at walking that back, leading up to and during the bloody Civil War does not out weight that.

Further more, he freed the slaves of the Confederacy and made it stick.

Your dismissal of his actions, shows that you do NOT give him, nor his supporters, credit for what they did.

And no matter how many times you lie about that, it is still obviously true.

I do find your insults unpleasant. And I will continue to point out that you are an unpleasant person, depending on how vulgar you have been in the post I am replying to and to call you on your behavior.

THis time around, I think it is appropriate to call you a liar and an ass.

Your actions and reasoning are that of an alt right wacko who is off of the rails, and trying to create imaginary history to suit your idealistic view of what Lincoln was and what he set out to accomplish.

You are dishonest as well as being oblivious to truthful history.

Every documented account of Lincoln's platform was pro Union, and in order to accomplish the Union being kept whole, slavery could not expand to northern territories. You can try to romanticize his platform as humanitarian if you insist on being wrong and don't care about looking ill informed , but his own words cannot be dismissed by anything except a lack of comprehension of factual information on your part.

If you believe that the truth is a bitter and unpleasant pill, and you are willing to look like you have no grasp of history and facts that is not my problem... it's yours.

1. Your pretense that I find your disagreement to be insulting is dismissed as dishonesty idiocy. It is your uncalled for insults that I find insulting, and you are an ass.

2. Lincoln's 1860 platform plank on stopping the expansion of slavery into new states was not about new northern states but about ALL new territories including southern ones. THis was a violation of the previous compromise and, if enacted a death knell to slavery.

And thus directly led to the danger to the Union.

There is no "pretense" going on here at all with you. I dont regard your lies as being worthy of anything but disdain and ridicule. So if your feelings are hurt by my brutal frankness, tough shit.

Your intentional distortions of historical facts, and your insistence that black people today owe some sort of debt of gratitude to Lincoln are ridiculous to the extreme.

You can misquote, misrepresent and deny history to your hearts content, but the truth will continue to invalidate your misinformed ignorance.

1. Your continued pretense that I find your disagreement insulting, and not your uncalled for insults is noted and dismissed again. Why do you insist on being a dishonest asshole?

2. YOu are the one who can't bring yourself to show respect or gratitude to Lincoln for his pivotal role in ending slavery in thie nation. THat is on you. Your position is absurd.

You being a pompous asshole and trying to dictate to me who I should feel gratitude towards is noted and dismissed.

You are a complete stranger. You do not have a say so in what I feel gratitude for. You troll these boards as if you are some kind of authority and judge as well as jury. Labeling people that you dont even know as "lefty", telling everyone who disagrees with you "my point stands".

You are a smug jerk and I treat ypu sccordingly.

Fuck you.
Last edited:
Your actions and reasoning are that of an alt right wacko who is off of the rails, and trying to create imaginary history to suit your idealistic view of what Lincoln was and what he set out to accomplish.

You are dishonest as well as being oblivious to truthful history.

Every documented account of Lincoln's platform was pro Union, and in order to accomplish the Union being kept whole, slavery could not expand to northern territories. You can try to romanticize his platform as humanitarian if you insist on being wrong and don't care about looking ill informed , but his own words cannot be dismissed by anything except a lack of comprehension of factual information on your part.

If you believe that the truth is a bitter and unpleasant pill, and you are willing to look like you have no grasp of history and facts that is not my problem... it's yours.

1. Your pretense that I find your disagreement to be insulting is dismissed as dishonesty idiocy. It is your uncalled for insults that I find insulting, and you are an ass.

2. Lincoln's 1860 platform plank on stopping the expansion of slavery into new states was not about new northern states but about ALL new territories including southern ones. THis was a violation of the previous compromise and, if enacted a death knell to slavery.

And thus directly led to the danger to the Union.

Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.

Actually, by expecting you to be able to show appropriate gratitude and respect to those who earned it, we are treating you with the expectation that you are mature adults, thus COMPLIMENTING you.

Ask me how I feel about our Founding Fathers, who freed US from Imperial Oppression.

I provide appropriate gratitude to the blacks who died in slavery, running away from slavery, those like Nat Turner and those who fought in the civil war for they are the ones who died fighting for my freedom.
No gratitude for all the whites who died for your freedom?

Modern day whites who participated in the civil rights movement.

During the civil war era it was a matter of slave labor becoming obsolete and protecting a white northern labor force.

Slaves were not really freed. Jim Crow took effect immediately after the war ended.

Some you wingnuts here have this strange belief that as soon as slaves were "free" they immediately became equal citizens by law.

You are the same ones who believe that the minute Affirmative Action was signed into effect that millions of white people were displaced by blacks

You may not even be an ancestor of any slaves. Just because you are black doesn't automatically mean you have slavery in your background.
For the people who have searched their ancestry and know that they were descended from slaves, it would be interesting to hear some of the stories of the trials and tribulations that you're ancestors faced. You should think about doing a thread about that.
Your positions and behavior reveals you to be a fairly standard lefty.

Lincoln ran on and won on a strongly anti-slavery platform, keeping in character with his long history of being strongly anti-slavery.

Some diplomatic attempts at walking that back, leading up to and during the bloody Civil War does not out weight that.

Further more, he freed the slaves of the Confederacy and made it stick.

Your dismissal of his actions, shows that you do NOT give him, nor his supporters, credit for what they did.

And no matter how many times you lie about that, it is still obviously true.

I do find your insults unpleasant. And I will continue to point out that you are an unpleasant person, depending on how vulgar you have been in the post I am replying to and to call you on your behavior.

THis time around, I think it is appropriate to call you a liar and an ass.

Your actions and reasoning are that of an alt right wacko who is off of the rails, and trying to create imaginary history to suit your idealistic view of what Lincoln was and what he set out to accomplish.

You are dishonest as well as being oblivious to truthful history.

Every documented account of Lincoln's platform was pro Union, and in order to accomplish the Union being kept whole, slavery could not expand to northern territories. You can try to romanticize his platform as humanitarian if you insist on being wrong and don't care about looking ill informed , but his own words cannot be dismissed by anything except a lack of comprehension of factual information on your part.

If you believe that the truth is a bitter and unpleasant pill, and you are willing to look like you have no grasp of history and facts that is not my problem... it's yours.

1. Your pretense that I find your disagreement to be insulting is dismissed as dishonesty idiocy. It is your uncalled for insults that I find insulting, and you are an ass.

2. Lincoln's 1860 platform plank on stopping the expansion of slavery into new states was not about new northern states but about ALL new territories including southern ones. THis was a violation of the previous compromise and, if enacted a death knell to slavery.

And thus directly led to the danger to the Union.

There is no "pretense" going on here at all with you. I dont regard your lies as being worthy of anything but disdain and ridicule. So if your feelings are hurt by my brutal frankness, tough shit.

Your intentional distortions of historical facts, and your insistence that black people today owe some sort of debt of gratitude to Lincoln are ridiculous to the extreme.

You can misquote, misrepresent and deny history to your hearts content, but the truth will continue to invalidate your misinformed ignorance.

1. Your continued pretense that I find your disagreement insulting, and not your uncalled for insults is noted and dismissed again. Why do you insist on being a dishonest asshole?

2. YOu are the one who can't bring yourself to show respect or gratitude to Lincoln for his pivotal role in ending slavery in thie nation. THat is on you. Your position is absurd.

You being a pompous asshole and trying to dictate to me who I should feel gratitude towards is noted and dismissed.

You are a complete stranger. You do not have a say so in what I feel gratitude for. You troll these boards as if you are some kind of authority and judge as well as jury. Labeling people that you dont even know as "lefty", telling everyone who disagrees with you "my point stands".

You are a smug jerk and I treat ypu sccordingly.

Fuck you.

1. Did I try to dictate to you how to feel? I thought I was attacking your justifications for you position, not trying to tell you what your feelings should be.

2. I have a policy of treating people with as much civility as they show me. My default is civility and respect. You have earned "pompous asshole" with your uncalled for insults. Fuck you.

3.All people judge those around them. This is a discussion forum. I am here to discuss politics with other people. If this is not what you are here for, you might be confused.

4. If your response to a point of mine is stupid and weak and/or dishonest, I will not let you create the illusion of making a point by repetition, (a standard dishonest lefty tactic) and I will point out that my point still stands.
African Kings sold their poor people or actually traded them for goods and such things. That is a sad fact. Like I said, back in the old days, if you didn't have a lot of money or standing in society, then you were like garbage, no matter the color of your skin. The rich and kings and monarchies took advantage of and used their poor people to get something for themselves. Asian people, black people, white people, all people took part in slavery at one point or another throughout history.

1. Your pretense that I find your disagreement to be insulting is dismissed as dishonesty idiocy. It is your uncalled for insults that I find insulting, and you are an ass.

2. Lincoln's 1860 platform plank on stopping the expansion of slavery into new states was not about new northern states but about ALL new territories including southern ones. THis was a violation of the previous compromise and, if enacted a death knell to slavery.

And thus directly led to the danger to the Union.

Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.

Actually, by expecting you to be able to show appropriate gratitude and respect to those who earned it, we are treating you with the expectation that you are mature adults, thus COMPLIMENTING you.

Ask me how I feel about our Founding Fathers, who freed US from Imperial Oppression.

I provide appropriate gratitude to the blacks who died in slavery, running away from slavery, those like Nat Turner and those who fought in the civil war for they are the ones who died fighting for my freedom.
No gratitude for all the whites who died for your freedom?

Modern day whites who participated in the civil rights movement.

During the civil war era it was a matter of slave labor becoming obsolete and protecting a white northern labor force.

Slaves were not really freed. Jim Crow took effect immediately after the war ended.

Some you wingnuts here have this strange belief that as soon as slaves were "free" they immediately became equal citizens by law.

You are the same ones who believe that the minute Affirmative Action was signed into effect that millions of white people were displaced by blacks

Tons of whites died in the Civil War giving you freedom and all you can do is bitch and moan. Typical reaction from the gorilla gallery. :asshole:
Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.

Actually, by expecting you to be able to show appropriate gratitude and respect to those who earned it, we are treating you with the expectation that you are mature adults, thus COMPLIMENTING you.

Ask me how I feel about our Founding Fathers, who freed US from Imperial Oppression.

I provide appropriate gratitude to the blacks who died in slavery, running away from slavery, those like Nat Turner and those who fought in the civil war for they are the ones who died fighting for my freedom.
No gratitude for all the whites who died for your freedom?

Modern day whites who participated in the civil rights movement.

During the civil war era it was a matter of slave labor becoming obsolete and protecting a white northern labor force.

Slaves were not really freed. Jim Crow took effect immediately after the war ended.

Some you wingnuts here have this strange belief that as soon as slaves were "free" they immediately became equal citizens by law.

You are the same ones who believe that the minute Affirmative Action was signed into effect that millions of white people were displaced by blacks

Tons of whites died in the Civil War giving you freedom and all you can do is bitch and moan. Typical reaction from the gorilla gallery. :asshole:

No one is bitching and moaning, you inbred cave chimp.

"Tons of whites" died to preserve a country that was at the time "For White People by White People".

Learn some correct history.
Actually, by expecting you to be able to show appropriate gratitude and respect to those who earned it, we are treating you with the expectation that you are mature adults, thus COMPLIMENTING you.

Ask me how I feel about our Founding Fathers, who freed US from Imperial Oppression.

I provide appropriate gratitude to the blacks who died in slavery, running away from slavery, those like Nat Turner and those who fought in the civil war for they are the ones who died fighting for my freedom.
No gratitude for all the whites who died for your freedom?

Modern day whites who participated in the civil rights movement.

During the civil war era it was a matter of slave labor becoming obsolete and protecting a white northern labor force.

Slaves were not really freed. Jim Crow took effect immediately after the war ended.

Some you wingnuts here have this strange belief that as soon as slaves were "free" they immediately became equal citizens by law.

You are the same ones who believe that the minute Affirmative Action was signed into effect that millions of white people were displaced by blacks

Tons of whites died in the Civil War giving you freedom and all you can do is bitch and moan. Typical reaction from the gorilla gallery. :asshole:

No one is bitching and moaning, you inbred cave chimp.

"Tons of whites" died to preserve a country that was at the time "For White People by White People".

Learn some correct history.

For the people who have searched their ancestry and know that they were descended from slaves, it would be interesting to hear some of the stories of the trials and tribulations that you're ancestors faced. You should think about doing a thread about that.

Been there done that. In this forum that would be a waste of time...fodder for wingnuts who would
Your actions and reasoning are that of an alt right wacko who is off of the rails, and trying to create imaginary history to suit your idealistic view of what Lincoln was and what he set out to accomplish.

You are dishonest as well as being oblivious to truthful history.

Every documented account of Lincoln's platform was pro Union, and in order to accomplish the Union being kept whole, slavery could not expand to northern territories. You can try to romanticize his platform as humanitarian if you insist on being wrong and don't care about looking ill informed , but his own words cannot be dismissed by anything except a lack of comprehension of factual information on your part.

If you believe that the truth is a bitter and unpleasant pill, and you are willing to look like you have no grasp of history and facts that is not my problem... it's yours.

1. Your pretense that I find your disagreement to be insulting is dismissed as dishonesty idiocy. It is your uncalled for insults that I find insulting, and you are an ass.

2. Lincoln's 1860 platform plank on stopping the expansion of slavery into new states was not about new northern states but about ALL new territories including southern ones. THis was a violation of the previous compromise and, if enacted a death knell to slavery.

And thus directly led to the danger to the Union.

There is no "pretense" going on here at all with you. I dont regard your lies as being worthy of anything but disdain and ridicule. So if your feelings are hurt by my brutal frankness, tough shit.

Your intentional distortions of historical facts, and your insistence that black people today owe some sort of debt of gratitude to Lincoln are ridiculous to the extreme.

You can misquote, misrepresent and deny history to your hearts content, but the truth will continue to invalidate your misinformed ignorance.

1. Your continued pretense that I find your disagreement insulting, and not your uncalled for insults is noted and dismissed again. Why do you insist on being a dishonest asshole?

2. YOu are the one who can't bring yourself to show respect or gratitude to Lincoln for his pivotal role in ending slavery in thie nation. THat is on you. Your position is absurd.

You being a pompous asshole and trying to dictate to me who I should feel gratitude towards is noted and dismissed.

You are a complete stranger. You do not have a say so in what I feel gratitude for. You troll these boards as if you are some kind of authority and judge as well as jury. Labeling people that you dont even know as "lefty", telling everyone who disagrees with you "my point stands".

You are a smug jerk and I treat ypu sccordingly.

Fuck you.

1. Did I try to dictate to you how to feel? I thought I was attacking your justifications for you position, not trying to tell you what your feelings should be.

2. I have a policy of treating people with as much civility as they show me. My default is civility and respect. You have earned "pompous asshole" with your uncalled for insults. Fuck you.

3.All people judge those around them. This is a discussion forum. I am here to discuss politics with other people. If this is not what you are here for, you might be confused.

4. If your response to a point of mine is stupid and weak and/or dishonest, I will not let you create the illusion of making a point by repetition, (a standard dishonest lefty tactic) and I will point out that my point still stands.

Your "points" are usually not founded on amything but speculation....as far as the rest of your drivel....word vomit.

Sure your "points" stand. For absolutely nothing of value.
Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.
Nobody fought for "your" freedom since you were never a slave in the US to begin with. Though there are plenty of African shitholes that still have lots of slavery.

Shut the fuck up. That line doesn't work here. We were slaves and that is that.
How many hundreds of years old are you? :confused:

No, you couldn't have been a slave, except maybe if you lived a part of your life in an African shithole. Then it's certainly possible. It's the blacks that are doing the slave trading and slave owning these days. Why don't you want to discuss current events instead of dwelling on nonexistent problems that haven't even been experienced by anyone who hasn't died of old age?
Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.
Nobody fought for "your" freedom since you were never a slave in the US to begin with. Though there are plenty of African shitholes that still have lots of slavery.

Shut the fuck up. That line doesn't work here. We were slaves and that is that.
How many hundreds of years old are you? :confused:

No, you couldn't have been a slave, except maybe if you lived a part of your life in an African shithole. Then it's certainly possible. It's the blacks that are doing the slave trading and slave owning these days. Why don't you want to discuss current events instead of dwelling on nonexistent problems that haven't even been experienced by anyone who hasn't died of old age?

Human trafficking is considered a form of slavery and today it is present at the highest rate in parts of Europe.

Infographic: A Global Look at Human Trafficking
Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.
Nobody fought for "your" freedom since you were never a slave in the US to begin with. Though there are plenty of African shitholes that still have lots of slavery.

Shut the fuck up. That line doesn't work here. We were slaves and that is that.
How many hundreds of years old are you? :confused:

No, you couldn't have been a slave, except maybe if you lived a part of your life in an African shithole. Then it's certainly possible. It's the blacks that are doing the slave trading and slave owning these days. Why don't you want to discuss current events instead of dwelling on nonexistent problems that haven't even been experienced by anyone who hasn't died of old age?

Human trafficking is considered a form of slavery and today it is present at the highest rate in parts of Europe.

Infographic: A Global Look at Human Trafficking
What "parts of Europe?" "Developed economies" is listed as having the smallest number per capita. I also see Europe and "Commonwealth of Independent States," whatever that means.
Nothing is more insulting to us as blacks than to be told to be grateful to whitey because he fought and died for our freedom in the civil war. So shut the fuck .up about you being insulted.
Nobody fought for "your" freedom since you were never a slave in the US to begin with. Though there are plenty of African shitholes that still have lots of slavery.

Shut the fuck up. That line doesn't work here. We were slaves and that is that.
How many hundreds of years old are you? :confused:

No, you couldn't have been a slave, except maybe if you lived a part of your life in an African shithole. Then it's certainly possible. It's the blacks that are doing the slave trading and slave owning these days. Why don't you want to discuss current events instead of dwelling on nonexistent problems that haven't even been experienced by anyone who hasn't died of old age?

Human trafficking is considered a form of slavery and today it is present at the highest rate in parts of Europe.

Infographic: A Global Look at Human Trafficking
What "parts of Europe?" "Developed economies" is listed as having the smallest number per capita. I also see Europe and "Commonwealth of Independent States," whatever that means.

European Union Report Details Growth Of Human Trafficking

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