"What To The Slave Is The 4th Of July?"

The fact could have been ended in this nation when the nation started.

I hear you. Even a casual student of history learns early that history is packed to the brim with shoulda's, coulda's and woulda's. Getting hung up over just one is just a little, well :cuckoo:

Hurts your credibility.

Yeah getting hung up on freedom and equality hurts my credibility. Talk about crazy.
I get your argument and you have a right to your point of view, but what does it accomplish? I'm an inveterate "fixer," which is not always the best thing, but I'm curious. Dissociating from the rest of the country moves you forward how?

If you want to holler at racists, you've come to the right place. Is that all you're here for? If you want to see things equalized for blacks in this country, how does it help to completely disenfranchise from whites?
The fact could have been ended in this nation when the nation started.

I hear you. Even a casual student of history learns early that history is packed to the brim with shoulda's, coulda's and woulda's. Getting hung up over just one is just a little, well :cuckoo:

Hurts your credibility.

Yeah getting hung up on freedom and equality hurts my credibility. Talk about crazy.
Instead of continuing to whine ad nauseum, let's hear your solutions :popcorn:
Yeah getting hung up on freedom and equality hurts my credibility.

Big time! You have more freedom, equality and opportunity in this country as a POC than anywhere in the world. Anywhere.

Hurts your credibility to the point of coming across as silly.

Happy Fourth of July! My first drink today at our neighborhood BBQ will be in your honor. In honor of how fortunate you are to live in this country.
I wish you a happy day, anyway, Im2. I'm off to burn a hotdog or two and like Willie, I will raise a glass to you. I don't agree that you are terribly "fortunate," but all things are relative, and maybe on the 5th, we can continue making things a little better.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.

In 1776, slavery was widely practiced througout the world. The Founders based our nation upon principles which caused the abolition of slavery. Sad that you don't appreciate it.

Here, try reading this for some perspective:

Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence | Teaching American History

I am not reading your bullshit. I know what's what. The fact is slavery could have been ended in this nation when the nation started. Not on principles that lead to an end of slavery eventually. I don't have to appreciate that.

Slavery could have ended when the Benin Empire and Nigerians stopped building their economy around the slave trade. But wait, they didnt. They didn't have a document saying all people were created equal either.
A lot of things could have been, should have been, and then weren't. America , is a great country that a lot of people around the world are trying to come to for self advancment. To bad you can't be part of that.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.

And one other thing: there were a lot of white slaves/indentured servants in the U.S. as well.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.

In 1776, slavery was widely practiced througout the world. The Founders based our nation upon principles which caused the abolition of slavery. Sad that you don't appreciate it.

Here, try reading this for some perspective:

Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence | Teaching American History

I am not reading your bullshit. I know what's what. The fact is slavery could have been ended in this nation when the nation started. Not on principles that lead to an end of slavery eventually. I don't have to appreciate that.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzz

Slavery could have ended by blacks not enslaving blacks in Africa to begin with.

But the didn't do that.

And it's hardly a surprise that you are reluctant to learn anything about actual American history and ideology.

Thus beginneth todays lesson

OK, so the African sold each other. Now why did the white man buy the Africans? Because the African certainly did not travel over here to America with slaves on their ships to sell whites now did they? Nor were they wondering through Europe advertising how they had slaves for sale. These Africans did not see each other as your racist ass does. An African from one tribe did not see the other Africans simply as another black man. Just like Germans do not see English as just another white man.

That excuse don't work.

I know plenty about real American history

Indentured Servants

The thing is about white slaves is that some how they disappeared.

So while you try and try arguing a disingenuous argument , you need to understand that for me to know what I do, I had to study history. Real American history. You are the one lacking and whatever you call real America ideology, well that's a joke.

Now go eat your BBQ.

Thus endeth todays lesson.
I wish you a happy day, anyway, Im2. I'm off to burn a hotdog or two and like Willie, I will raise a glass to you. I don't agree that you are terribly "fortunate," but all things are relative, and maybe on the 5th, we can continue making things a little better.

Same to you oldlady. You aren't willie. So I will say this to you. We might disagree on this one, but in general we agree on far top many issues for me to hold anything against you. Enjoy your day.
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What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.

In 1776, slavery was widely practiced througout the world. The Founders based our nation upon principles which caused the abolition of slavery. Sad that you don't appreciate it.

Here, try reading this for some perspective:

Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence | Teaching American History

I am not reading your bullshit. I know what's what. The fact is slavery could have been ended in this nation when the nation started. Not on principles that lead to an end of slavery eventually. I don't have to appreciate that.

Slavery could have ended when the Benin Empire and Nigerians stopped building their economy around the slave trade. But wait, they didnt. They didn't have a document saying all people were created equal either.
A lot of things could have been, should have been, and then weren't. America , is a great country that a lot of people around the world are trying to come to for self advancment. To bad you can't be part of that.

The Benin Empire and Nigeria have nothing to do with what happened in America.. Lets stop using Africa as an excuse. Part of the supposed greatness pf this nation that I participate in is the right to air my grievance peacefully as a citizen. This is the right people like you want to try silencing. That you try doing this is un-American.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.

And one other thing: there were a lot of white slaves/indentured servants in the U.S. as well.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.

In 1776, slavery was widely practiced througout the world. The Founders based our nation upon principles which caused the abolition of slavery. Sad that you don't appreciate it.

Here, try reading this for some perspective:

Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence | Teaching American History

I am not reading your bullshit. I know what's what. The fact is slavery could have been ended in this nation when the nation started. Not on principles that lead to an end of slavery eventually. I don't have to appreciate that.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy zzzzzzzz

Slavery could have ended by blacks not enslaving blacks in Africa to begin with.

But the didn't do that.

And it's hardly a surprise that you are reluctant to learn anything about actual American history and ideology.

Thus beginneth todays lesson

OK, so the African sold each other. Now why did the white man buy the Africans? Because the African certainly did not travel over here to America with slaves on their ships to sell whites now did they? Nor were they wondering through Europe advertising how they had slaves for sale. These Africans did not see each other as your racist ass does. An African from one tribe did not see the other Africans simply as another black man. Just like Germans do not see English as just another white man.

That excuse don't work.

I know plenty about real American history

Indentured Servants

The thing is about white slaves is that some how they disappeared.

So while you try and try arguing a disingenuous argument , you need to understand that for me to know what I do, I had to study history. Real American history. You are the one lacking and whatever you call real America ideology, well that's a joke.

Now go eat your BBQ.

Thus endeth todays lesson.

You are obsessed with Race Baiting revisionist blather.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.
What to a slave is July 4th?

A beacon of hope that he may one day be free. That has happened in the U.S.

If the OP really cared about Slavery, he'd spend his ire on the issue of present day slaves...of which there are an estimated 21 Million worldwide (compare that to the aggregate less than half a million that were imported to North America over 240+ years).

And note, Latin and South America imported over 90% of the slaves from Africa. Why doesn't the OP hold those societies accountable?

There never should have been that beacon of hope. Blacks should have been free in July 4th, 1776 just like whites. This is the problem with your arguments. You want to pretend that saying it offered a beacon of hope for freedom for those slaves like is supposed to be a positive that we should be happy for. Why don't I hold those other societies responsible? Because I don't live in those other societies and most of those societies got rid of the colonizers who imported the slaves into those paces in the first place.

You don't get to tell me what I am going to spend my ire on. I live here in America, I am spending my ire on American racism. You aren't interested in todays slavery, You only mention it because I talk about how whites are still practicing racism.

In 1776, slavery was widely practiced througout the world. The Founders based our nation upon principles which caused the abolition of slavery. Sad that you don't appreciate it.

Here, try reading this for some perspective:

Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence | Teaching American History

I am not reading your bullshit. I know what's what. The fact is slavery could have been ended in this nation when the nation started. Not on principles that lead to an end of slavery eventually. I don't have to appreciate that.

Slavery could have ended when the Benin Empire and Nigerians stopped building their economy around the slave trade. But wait, they didnt. They didn't have a document saying all people were created equal either.
A lot of things could have been, should have been, and then weren't. America , is a great country that a lot of people around the world are trying to come to for self advancment. To bad you can't be part of that.

The Benin Empire and Nigeria have nothing to do with what happened in America.. Lets stop using Africa as an excuse. Part of the supposed greatness pf this nation that I participate in is the right to air my grievance peacefully as a citizen. This is the right people like you want to try silencing. That you try doing this is un-American.

Dude, you are sorely ignorant of history.
And none of you were here on July 4th, 1776, none of you fought the British for your freedom either. And since most of you are from ancestors who came here after this happened, your ancestors did not fight to win your freedom from Britain either.

So without further ado, one of the greatest speeches in American history.


What To The Slave Is The 4th Of July?"

Fellow citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here today? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? and am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits and express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your independence to us?

For the rest of the speech:


Very brave of you to take a strong stand against slavery, after white guys defeated it for you.

Slavery ended by default in order to preserve the union.
And none of you were here on July 4th, 1776, none of you fought the British for your freedom either. And since most of you are from ancestors who came here after this happened, your ancestors did not fight to win your freedom from Britain either.

So without further ado, one of the greatest speeches in American history.


What To The Slave Is The 4th Of July?"

Fellow citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here today? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? and am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits and express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your independence to us?

For the rest of the speech:


Very brave of you to take a strong stand against slavery, after white guys defeated it for you.

Slavery ended by default in order to preserve the union.

A bloody war is not fought to end something by default.
And none of you were here on July 4th, 1776, none of you fought the British for your freedom either. And since most of you are from ancestors who came here after this happened, your ancestors did not fight to win your freedom from Britain either.

So without further ado, one of the greatest speeches in American history.


What To The Slave Is The 4th Of July?"

Fellow citizens, pardon me, allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here today? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? and am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits and express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your independence to us?

For the rest of the speech:


We still celebrate the 4th of July because it is our history of when our country was free from British rule.
Actually America did exist as a colony of Britain.

There was no United States colony of Britain. You wrote U.S. existed in 1640. Distracts from your credibility.

No it does not distract from my credibility. You wan to play word games and then play the game of we did not exist until the constitution was ratified That's childish and you do this to avoid the issue.
It's a matter of language. He is right. The U.S. did not exist in 1640.

You should have said "America."

Again, I know this and I don't care. This thread was not created to argue this and the most important and correct fact I did state was that on July 4th 1776, blacks were not free from any tyranny and that if we cannot discuss slavery or the racism of the founders because it is too long ago, then we should not be celebrating this day that happened 241 years ago. If I am living in the past because i mention slavery and the damages caused to blacks, the you are living in the past by celebrating this day. If we are supposed to be grateful to whites wo did not fight to win our freedom from slavery in the civil war then whites certainly need to be grateful to the slaves who fought in the revolutionary war who gained no freedom after it was done and those slaves who gave their lives whites to be free from Britain. And if no one here was around for slavery, no one today was around on July 4th 1776. So ifi we cannot hold those in the past accountable for their racism we cannot credit them without being hypocrites.

Some blacks were freedmen in 1776. Other former slaves won their freedom by fighting for the patriot side. Your hatred renders you blind to the truth.

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