What Trump ACTUALLY said a McCain.

Trump said that illegal immigrants are treated better than our veterans and John McCain is part of that.

What a totally ridiculous thing to say

Does Trump want to compare veterans benefits to those of illegal immigrants?

Trump is exactly right.
It may not matter what Trump says on any issue. The Left will attack him regardless of whether he is right or not. Now we will see if Trump can weather the attacks and do it in a way that increases his popularity or not.
Trump said that illegal immigrants are treated better than our veterans and John McCain is part of that.

What a totally ridiculous thing to say

Does Trump want to compare veterans benefits to those of illegal immigrants?

Trump is exactly right.

Trump is a fucking moron who has never given a shit about veterans

How many vetrans has billionaire Trump hired?
As usual Leftnutter, you don't know what you are talking about. Trump is pointing out the terrible treatment many veterans receive from the government and particularly the VA. I know this is news to you.

Statement of Support for Donald J. Trump - Veterans for a Strong America
The feuding between Mr. Trump and Senator McCain has nothing to do with Mr. Trump’s high regard for the military or veterans as a whole. Mr. Trump is a supporter of the U.S. military and of America’s veterans. It is well known that when Mr. Trump is attacked by a detractor, he swings back. As veterans, we do not hide behind military service to deflect criticism, and when Senator McCain attacked, Mr. Trump hit back. - See more at: Statement of Support for Donald J. Trump - Veterans for a Strong America

Trump right about Hanoi John McCain
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on July 18, 2015

GOP Mouthster right again, understating McCain's perfidy
Trump right about Hanoi John McCain Veterans Today
McCain insulted the American Voters, yet people are getting upset over the twisted insult of a Senator?

Insult them fine, insult a government worker no way.

McCain is the one who is at fault here.
McCain is the one who needs to apologize to the America people who were there.
Trump said that illegal immigrants are treated better than our veterans and John McCain is part of that.

What a totally ridiculous thing to say

Does Trump want to compare veterans benefits to those of illegal immigrants?

Trump is exactly right.

Trump is a fucking moron who has never given a shit about veterans

How many vetrans has billionaire Trump hired?
As usual Leftnutter, you don't know what you are talking about. Trump is pointing out the terrible treatment many veterans receive from the government and particularly the VA. I know this is news to you.

Statement of Support for Donald J. Trump - Veterans for a Strong America
The feuding between Mr. Trump and Senator McCain has nothing to do with Mr. Trump’s high regard for the military or veterans as a whole. Mr. Trump is a supporter of the U.S. military and of America’s veterans. It is well known that when Mr. Trump is attacked by a detractor, he swings back. As veterans, we do not hide behind military service to deflect criticism, and when Senator McCain attacked, Mr. Trump hit back. - See more at: Statement of Support for Donald J. Trump - Veterans for a Strong America

Trump right about Hanoi John McCain
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on July 18, 2015

GOP Mouthster right again, understating McCain's perfidy
Trump right about Hanoi John McCain Veterans Today


If Trump wants to attack McCains record on vetrans issues, let him name specifics

He chose to ridicule McCains status as a war hero by stating he is only a hero because he was captured and implying anyone can be captured

"I prefer those who were not captured"
Trump said that illegal immigrants are treated better than our veterans and John McCain is part of that.

What a totally ridiculous thing to say

Does Trump want to compare veterans benefits to those of illegal immigrants?

Trump is exactly right.

Trump is a fucking moron who has never given a shit about veterans

How many vetrans has billionaire Trump hired?
As usual Leftnutter, you don't know what you are talking about. Trump is pointing out the terrible treatment many veterans receive from the government and particularly the VA. I know this is news to you.

Statement of Support for Donald J. Trump - Veterans for a Strong America
The feuding between Mr. Trump and Senator McCain has nothing to do with Mr. Trump’s high regard for the military or veterans as a whole. Mr. Trump is a supporter of the U.S. military and of America’s veterans. It is well known that when Mr. Trump is attacked by a detractor, he swings back. As veterans, we do not hide behind military service to deflect criticism, and when Senator McCain attacked, Mr. Trump hit back. - See more at: Statement of Support for Donald J. Trump - Veterans for a Strong America

Trump right about Hanoi John McCain
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on July 18, 2015

GOP Mouthster right again, understating McCain's perfidy
Trump right about Hanoi John McCain Veterans Today


If Trump wants to attack McCains record on vetrans issues, let him name specifics

He chose to ridicule McCains status as a war hero by stating he is only a hero because he was captured and implying anyone can be captured

"I prefer those who were not captured"
You are terribly uninformed. Get informed on McCain's deceitful war record. He is no hero and his over 30 years in government prove him to be ineffective and corrupt.

Lil' Johnny is a fraud. Read this and get informed for once.

John McCain: When "Tokyo Rose" Ran for President
What Was John McCain's True Wartime Record in Vietnam?

John McCain When Tokyo Rose Ran for President - The Unz Review
Trump said that illegal immigrants are treated better than our veterans and John McCain is part of that.

What a totally ridiculous thing to say

Does Trump want to compare veterans benefits to those of illegal immigrants?

Trump is exactly right.

Trump is a fucking moron who has never given a shit about veterans

How many vetrans has billionaire Trump hired?
As usual Leftnutter, you don't know what you are talking about. Trump is pointing out the terrible treatment many veterans receive from the government and particularly the VA. I know this is news to you.

Statement of Support for Donald J. Trump - Veterans for a Strong America
The feuding between Mr. Trump and Senator McCain has nothing to do with Mr. Trump’s high regard for the military or veterans as a whole. Mr. Trump is a supporter of the U.S. military and of America’s veterans. It is well known that when Mr. Trump is attacked by a detractor, he swings back. As veterans, we do not hide behind military service to deflect criticism, and when Senator McCain attacked, Mr. Trump hit back. - See more at: Statement of Support for Donald J. Trump - Veterans for a Strong America

Trump right about Hanoi John McCain
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on July 18, 2015

GOP Mouthster right again, understating McCain's perfidy
Trump right about Hanoi John McCain Veterans Today


If Trump wants to attack McCains record on vetrans issues, let him name specifics

He chose to ridicule McCains status as a war hero by stating he is only a hero because he was captured and implying anyone can be captured

"I prefer those who were not captured"

Of course anyone would prefer 'those heroes not captured' dumbass. Who wants heros to be captured?

You libtards are such fucking idiots.
Trump said that illegal immigrants are treated better than our veterans and John McCain is part of that.

What a totally ridiculous thing to say

Does Trump want to compare veterans benefits to those of illegal immigrants?

Trump is exactly right.
It may not matter what Trump says on any issue. The Left will attack him regardless of whether he is right or not. Now we will see if Trump can weather the attacks and do it in a way that increases his popularity or not.

The funny thing is, Trump never said what they claim he said.
Trump did not say what the Post and other media are twisting his words to sound like. Read this and know the Truth, if it interests you at all.

Once again, the establishment is going to savage and smear every opponent of Jebba the Bush till he is the last one standing just like they did for the loser Romney and the collaborator McCain.
1. The Post did not provide context at the outset disclosing that McCain and Trump have been feuding, with McCain characterizing some Trump supporters as “crazies” and Trump stating that McCain graduated last in his class in Annapolis. The charged rhetoric continued at the conservative Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa this weekend.

2. When a panelist characterized McCain as a “war hero,” the Post is accurate in reporting that Trump initially said McCain is “not a war hero.” But then, Trump immediately modified his statement saying– four times– that McCain is a war hero:

“He is a war hero.”

“He’s a war hero because he was captured.”

“He’s a war hero, because he was captured.”

“I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now, he’s said some very bad things about a lot of people.”

3. Did Trump say McCain is not a war hero because he was captured? No, not in the exchanges represented in the Post.

4. Is the Post’s characterization an accident? It would appear not, because it is repeated in the Post’s caption of the video clip, which also states: “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a decorated Vietnam war veteran, was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese [emphasis added].”

Further, in the Post’s second sentence, Trump is quoted as stating of McCain, “He’s not a war hero…He’s a war hero because he was captured,” but the article selectively left out the phrase Trump had uttered in between: “He is a war hero.”
Fact Check The Washington Post on Donald Trump and John McCain Sharyl Attkisson
Trump is a chickenshit, cocksucking, draft dodger.
Trump is shaking up the 'good ole boys' in both parties by telling the truth, and that is good for this country.

Whether Trump wins of loses, he has provided a valuable service by forcing the PC politicians in both parties to address the real issues.
All of this love and support for McCain from the Left seven years later, you have to ask yourself why not the love and support from the Left in 2008? Back then they told us what a racist he was and how his military service and POW status should not be factors in electing a President. Remember the big deal the Left made when he referred to Obama as "That one" in the debates? Or, how about when the Left went after McCain about his use of the word, 'gook' ? What's changed, Lefties?
You people are desperate to make this about McCain. It isn't working. This isn't about McCain, it is about Trump. When Trump uttered his insults he insulted all former POW's and all veterans and all persons currently in the military. Deal with it. It isn't going away. The only thing going away is the arrogant ignorant jerk who made the comments.

Why did Trump utter the insults to begin with?
Because McCain is the one who started the insults first with his supporters.
All of this love and support for McCain from the Left seven years later, you have to ask yourself why not the love and support from the Left in 2008? Back then they told us what a racist he was and how his military service and POW status should not be factors in electing a President. Remember the big deal the Left made when he referred to Obama as "That one" in the debates? Or, how about when the Left went after McCain about his use of the word, 'gook' ? What's changed, Lefties?
You people are desperate to make this about McCain. It isn't working. This isn't about McCain, it is about Trump. When Trump uttered his insults he insulted all former POW's and all veterans and all persons currently in the military. Deal with it. It isn't going away. The only thing going away is the arrogant ignorant jerk who made the comments.

Why did Trump utter the insults to begin with?
Because McCain is the one who started the insults first with his supporters.
I just a few hours ago dropped off my seven year old at summer day camp. I didn't think I would hear a comment like yours until sometime after 3:30 this afternoon. And actually, she doesn't make that excuse to often. She has kind of grown out of it.
All of this love and support for McCain from the Left seven years later, you have to ask yourself why not the love and support from the Left in 2008? Back then they told us what a racist he was and how his military service and POW status should not be factors in electing a President. Remember the big deal the Left made when he referred to Obama as "That one" in the debates? Or, how about when the Left went after McCain about his use of the word, 'gook' ? What's changed, Lefties?
You people are desperate to make this about McCain. It isn't working. This isn't about McCain, it is about Trump. When Trump uttered his insults he insulted all former POW's and all veterans and all persons currently in the military. Deal with it. It isn't going away. The only thing going away is the arrogant ignorant jerk who made the comments.

Why did Trump utter the insults to begin with?
Because McCain is the one who started the insults first with his supporters.
I just a few hours ago dropped off my seven year old at summer day camp. I didn't think I would hear a comment like yours until sometime after 3:30 this afternoon. And actually, she doesn't make that excuse to often. She has kind of grown out of it.

McCain stared the mud slinging first, so I am a child? :cuckoo:
Trump did not say what the Post and other media are twisting his words to sound like. Read this and know the Truth, if it interests you at all.

Once again, the establishment is going to savage and smear every opponent of Jebba the Bush till he is the last one standing just like they did for the loser Romney and the collaborator McCain.
1. The Post did not provide context at the outset disclosing that McCain and Trump have been feuding, with McCain characterizing some Trump supporters as “crazies” and Trump stating that McCain graduated last in his class in Annapolis. The charged rhetoric continued at the conservative Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa this weekend.

2. When a panelist characterized McCain as a “war hero,” the Post is accurate in reporting that Trump initially said McCain is “not a war hero.” But then, Trump immediately modified his statement saying– four times– that McCain is a war hero:

“He is a war hero.”

“He’s a war hero because he was captured.”

“He’s a war hero, because he was captured.”

“I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now, he’s said some very bad things about a lot of people.”

3. Did Trump say McCain is not a war hero because he was captured? No, not in the exchanges represented in the Post.

4. Is the Post’s characterization an accident? It would appear not, because it is repeated in the Post’s caption of the video clip, which also states: “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a decorated Vietnam war veteran, was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese [emphasis added].”

Further, in the Post’s second sentence, Trump is quoted as stating of McCain, “He’s not a war hero…He’s a war hero because he was captured,” but the article selectively left out the phrase Trump had uttered in between: “He is a war hero.”
Fact Check The Washington Post on Donald Trump and John McCain Sharyl Attkisson
Trump is a chickenshit, cocksucking, draft dodger.

Really? What year was Trump drafted and where did he go to avoid his service? Or do you have any idea what the phrase 'draft dodger' means, idiot?
Trump did not say what the Post and other media are twisting his words to sound like. Read this and know the Truth, if it interests you at all.

Once again, the establishment is going to savage and smear every opponent of Jebba the Bush till he is the last one standing just like they did for the loser Romney and the collaborator McCain.
1. The Post did not provide context at the outset disclosing that McCain and Trump have been feuding, with McCain characterizing some Trump supporters as “crazies” and Trump stating that McCain graduated last in his class in Annapolis. The charged rhetoric continued at the conservative Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa this weekend.

2. When a panelist characterized McCain as a “war hero,” the Post is accurate in reporting that Trump initially said McCain is “not a war hero.” But then, Trump immediately modified his statement saying– four times– that McCain is a war hero:

“He is a war hero.”

“He’s a war hero because he was captured.”

“He’s a war hero, because he was captured.”

“I believe, perhaps, he’s a war hero. But right now, he’s said some very bad things about a lot of people.”

3. Did Trump say McCain is not a war hero because he was captured? No, not in the exchanges represented in the Post.

4. Is the Post’s characterization an accident? It would appear not, because it is repeated in the Post’s caption of the video clip, which also states: “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a decorated Vietnam war veteran, was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese [emphasis added].”

Further, in the Post’s second sentence, Trump is quoted as stating of McCain, “He’s not a war hero…He’s a war hero because he was captured,” but the article selectively left out the phrase Trump had uttered in between: “He is a war hero.”
Fact Check The Washington Post on Donald Trump and John McCain Sharyl Attkisson
Trump is a chickenshit, cocksucking, draft dodger.

Really? What year was Trump drafted and where did he go to avoid his service? Or do you have any idea what the phrase 'draft dodger' means, idiot?
I know that Trump is a chickenshit asshole who never served his country.....I know that much.
trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump


Need MOAR people talking about me!

Who's doing the raping? These Catholics. They come here, they rape our kids. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing alcoholics. They’re bringing shitty green beer. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

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