What two targets would you choose, if any.

What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
D.C. and Lower Manhattan - Two biggest threats to peace and freedom on this continent.

Actually, no nukes now or ever. Indiscriminate killing of the innocent and evil in one fell swoop is the greatest evil imaginable.
Thread title....."if any"

There is no Allah, you'd only melt people. Not a great thing.

Lying again?

I said give a month's warning so no humans would get hurt.

Kind of like what Israel does?
Israel Warns Gaza Targets by Phone and Leaflet
But the events on Tuesday were another example of a contentious Israeli policy in which occupants of a building about to be bombed or shelled are given a brief warning in Arabic to evacuate. The Israelis have used such telephone calls and leaflets for years now, in a stated effort to reduce civilian casualties and avoid charges of indiscriminate killings or even of crimes against the rules of war.

By the way... has anyone heard of Hamas/terrorists offering the same courtesy?
I don't think so...
Yet Israel still uses White Phosphorous indiscriminately. Its the one thing I hope I see before I die. The destruction of Israel by Palestinians.
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
D.C. and Lower Manhattan - Two biggest threats to peace and freedom on this continent.

Actually, no nukes now or ever. Indiscriminate killing of the innocent and evil in one fell swoop is the greatest evil imaginable.
So you approved of the 9/11 destruction of the WTC.
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
D.C. and Lower Manhattan - Two biggest threats to peace and freedom on this continent.

Actually, no nukes now or ever. Indiscriminate killing of the innocent and evil in one fell swoop is the greatest evil imaginable.
So you approved of the 9/11 destruction of the WTC.
So you didn't actually read the post
I wouldn't drop them, nor I don't think I would have during WW2 the war was effectively over. Nothing is served by wanton acts of terror no matter who thinks they have the righteous cause.
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
D.C. and Lower Manhattan - Two biggest threats to peace and freedom on this continent.

Actually, no nukes now or ever. Indiscriminate killing of the innocent and evil in one fell swoop is the greatest evil imaginable.
So you approved of the 9/11 destruction of the WTC.
So you didn't actually read the post
Why yes I did. So you approved of the 9/11 destruction of the WTC.
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
D.C. and Lower Manhattan - Two biggest threats to peace and freedom on this continent.

Actually, no nukes now or ever. Indiscriminate killing of the innocent and evil in one fell swoop is the greatest evil imaginable.
So you approved of the 9/11 destruction of the WTC.
So you didn't actually read the post
Why yes I did. So you approved of the 9/11 destruction of the WTC.
Do you always get three when adding one and one?
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
The largest oil field in Russia.
Where ever the largest concentration of ISIS assholes may be
Drop one on Mecca - but give lots of advance warning, like a month, so that people can clear out. Turn Allah into a heap of slag,

The world would be a much better place.
Allah means God, dummy.

"Allah (English pronunciation: /ˈælə/ or /ˈɑːlə/;[1] Arabic: الله‎ Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤˈlˤɑːh] ( listen)) is the Arabic word for God (al ilāh, literally "the God").[2][3][4] The word has cognates in other Semitic languages, including Elah in Aramaic, ʾĒl in Canaanite and Elohim in Hebrew.[5][6]

It is used mainly by
Muslims to refer to God in Islam,[7] but it has also been used by Arab Christians since pre-Islamic times.[8] It is also often, albeit not exclusively, used by Bábists, Bahá'ís, Indonesian and Maltese Christians, and Mizrahi Jews.[5][9][10] Christians and Sikhs in West Malaysia also use and have used the word to refer to God. This has caused political and legal controversies there as the law in West Malaysia prohibits non-Islamic uses of the word.[11][12][13][14]"

Allah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ever notice that Allah looks like a clitoris?


Without the idol, Muzzie Beasts would have nothing to bow to 5 times a day. Melt Allah to slag and irradiate the Kaaba - a major step toward world peace.
Allah means God. like Perro means Dog you fucking idiot.
Drop one on Mecca - but give lots of advance warning, like a month, so that people can clear out. Turn Allah into a heap of slag,

The world would be a much better place.
Allah means God, dummy.

"Allah (English pronunciation: /ˈælə/ or /ˈɑːlə/;[1] Arabic: الله‎ Allāh, IPA: [ʔalˤˈlˤɑːh] ( listen)) is the Arabic word for God (al ilāh, literally "the God").[2][3][4] The word has cognates in other Semitic languages, including Elah in Aramaic, ʾĒl in Canaanite and Elohim in Hebrew.[5][6]

It is used mainly by
Muslims to refer to God in Islam,[7] but it has also been used by Arab Christians since pre-Islamic times.[8] It is also often, albeit not exclusively, used by Bábists, Bahá'ís, Indonesian and Maltese Christians, and Mizrahi Jews.[5][9][10] Christians and Sikhs in West Malaysia also use and have used the word to refer to God. This has caused political and legal controversies there as the law in West Malaysia prohibits non-Islamic uses of the word.[11][12][13][14]"

Allah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ever notice that Allah looks like a clitoris?


Without the idol, Muzzie Beasts would have nothing to bow to 5 times a day. Melt Allah to slag and irradiate the Kaaba - a major step toward world peace.
Allah means God. like Perro means Dog you fucking idiot.

Your inability to say anything of value is noted.
...you've got two nukes to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests.....where would you drop those two nukes?

Not to put too fine a point on the question but what kind of yield are we talking about? There are nukes and nukes. Truman's nukes were little firecrackers of 15 kilotons compared to the largest bomb ever produced (by the USSR) of 100 megatons.

Big difference. BIG.

See for yourself: NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein
...you've got two nukes to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests.....where would you drop those two nukes?

Not to put too fine a point on the question but what kind of yield are we talking about? There are nukes and nukes. Truman's nukes were little firecrackers of 15 kilotons compared to the largest bomb ever produced (by the USSR) of 100 megatons.

Big difference. BIG.

See for yourself: NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein
Very fun. 100 meg over Jerusalem, winner winner, see ya Bibi.
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
I more than likely would never use nukes, but wheres the fun in being reasonable :D

I'd nuke Hollywood and NYC.

All the anti America-freedom-etc-etc spring from those Two places, killing those people off would reduce the amount of hatred in the world by 50%.

then I would salt the earth

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