What two targets would you choose, if any.

I'm stupid? You are the one who doesn't know what Allah means.

Yes, you are astoundingly stupid.


So, doesn't Allah look like a clit?

Can't you admit that you bow and worship a giant clit 5 times a day?

Actually, a giant clit is WAY better than the shit the Warlord Muhammad promoted.
Again, God looks like a clit? I will let the Christians and the Jews know.

Now, God looking like a vagina makes a lot of sense, since that is where we come from, and long to return to, especially if you're male.
[The Black Stone is not Allah, and is not considered to be Allah by Muslims..

You work very hard at being an idiot.

Oh yes it is. It is the idol that all Muslims bow to and worship. It was the idol of Ba'al before Muhammad co-opted it, now it is the idol of Allah. The other idols of the Kaaba were destroyed, but Muhammad kept the black stone as the center of worship for his fledgling cult. Muslims hajj to the idol, to kiss Allah.

Muslims worship the clit as their god.

[The Black Stone is not Allah, and is not considered to be Allah by Muslims..

You work very hard at being an idiot.

Oh yes it is. It is the idol that all Muslims bow to and worship. It was the idol of Ba'al before Muhammad co-opted it, now it is the idol of Allah. The other idols of the Kaaba were destroyed, but Muhammad kept the black stone as the center of worship for his fledgling cult. Muslims hajj to the idol, to kiss Allah.

Muslims worship the clit as their god.

That's not their God, dummy. Allah is God, nothing more.

"The Black Stone (Arabic: الحجر الأسود‎ al-Ḥajar al-Aswad) is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient stone building toward which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve.[1]

The stone was venerated at the Kaaba in pre-Islamic pagan times. According to Islamic tradition, it was set intact into the Kaaba's wall by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the year 605 A.D., five years before his first revelation. Since then it has been broken into a number of fragments and is now cemented into a silver frame in the side of the Kaaba. Its physical appearance is that of a fragmented dark rock, polished smooth by the hands of millions of pilgrims. Islamic tradition holds that it fell from Heaven to show Adam and Eve where to build an altar. Although it has often been described as a meteorite, this hypothesis is now uncertain.[2]

Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba as part of the tawaf ritual of the hajj. Many of them try, if possible, to stop and kiss the Black Stone, emulating the kiss that Islamic tradition records that it received from Muhammad.[3] If they cannot reach it, they point to it on each of their seven circuits around the Kaaba.[4]"
Black Stone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I would nuke CPAC and the Democratic National Convention.
Yo, Mexico my 1st, after I raised enough money to pay to ship, Obama, the House, except one or two, the Senate, except one or two of them, that way there would be no more illegals and a border, and new elections in America, we might get it right, finally!!! My 2nd one would be China, because we have borrowed a lot of money and are in debt to the commies!!!


Am I just not getting into the spirit of the thread? We all recognize that nuking a country would kill MILLIONS of people, yes?

Am I taking the thread too seriously or something?
Am I just not getting into the spirit of the thread? We all recognize that nuking a country would kill MILLIONS of people, yes?

Am I taking the thread too seriously or something?

I proposed giving a month's notice before nuking Mecca! So that the people could clear out. I would be going after Allah, the filthy idol in the Kaaba. No need for any people to die.
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
I wouldn't drop them, period. They're way too inhumane, innocent people would be killed, and they cause environmental and health issues for many decades afterwards. Much better to use everything else we have all at once and be done with it. Target the enemy as best we can, without killing innocent people.
Am I just not getting into the spirit of the thread? We all recognize that nuking a country would kill MILLIONS of people, yes?

Am I taking the thread too seriously or something?

I proposed giving a month's notice before nuking Mecca! So that the people could clear out. I would be going after Allah, the filthy idol in the Kaaba. No need for any people to die.
It is not an idol, dummy, but this is:

And so is this:

And they are forbidden in Christianity.
Am I just not getting into the spirit of the thread? We all recognize that nuking a country would kill MILLIONS of people, yes?

Am I taking the thread too seriously or something?

I proposed giving a month's notice before nuking Mecca! So that the people could clear out. I would be going after Allah, the filthy idol in the Kaaba. No need for any people to die.
It is not an idol, dummy, but this is:

And so is this:

Both are, stupid.
Allah means God. like Perro means Dog you fucking idiot.

So don't you agree that Allah looks like a clit?


Maybe this is why the Muzzie Beasts cut the clits off of little girls, because they look like the idol?
God looks like a clitoris? I'll let the Christians know.

The god of the Muzzie Beasts sure does - as you can see from the pictures.
The Black Stone is not considered to be Allah by Muslims.

You work very hard at being an idiot.

Its supposed to be Gods house if I'm not mistaken.
Allah means God. like Perro means Dog you fucking idiot.

So don't you agree that Allah looks like a clit?


Maybe this is why the Muzzie Beasts cut the clits off of little girls, because they look like the idol?
God looks like a clitoris? I'll let the Christians know.

The god of the Muzzie Beasts sure does - as you can see from the pictures.
The Black Stone is not considered to be Allah by Muslims.

You work very hard at being an idiot.

Its supposed to be Gods house if I'm not mistaken.
No, it isn't, and you are mistaken.
None. There are no situations in the world today, imho, that would require it.

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