What two targets would you choose, if any.

What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
I more than likely would never use nukes, but wheres the fun in being reasonable :D

I'd nuke Hollywood and NYC.

All the anti America-freedom-etc-etc spring from those Two places, killing those people off would reduce the amount of hatred in the world by 50%.

then I would salt the earth
I think the float test works better. If they can swim they survive, if they can't then they had better develop gills or join the cast of water world.
Using the word target is soooooo
aggressive and malicious.....
It encourages violent acts....

We should all be more conscience of our word choices lest we inspire murderous, bloodthirsty, senselessness.

Only two. Well, how about one on the Arctic and one on Antarctica. Then, the world will have to learn how to swim, and the fish can occupy the White House.

Even a fish would be more competent than Obama... :dunno:
For a libertardian you sure do support the most violent genocidal nation on earth to do. No surprise I guess...

Fuck off, Nazi.
Ah another fake libertardian...dime a dozen...a REAL libertarian is Dr Ron Paul. :) You are more like that pussy Rand Paul.
Ah another fake libertardian...dime a dozen...a REAL libertarian is Dr Ron Paul. :) You are more like that pussy Rand Paul.

Ron Paul would tell you to fuck off as well, Nazi.

BTW, the Libertarian party was started by Murray Rothbard, a Jew.
And? Libertardians are supposed to be the live and let live type..not condone violence or support a nation that commits extreme violence
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)

(Redacted. Never know, might wanna run for office some day and stuff like this tends to come back to haunt candidates)

Where most of the world's woes come from. Sometimes it's best to start over. (Spends a few moments considering the legality and potential ramifications of this one...) :) ...Hits delete. :)
San Francisco - no comments i think everybody understand why...
California - without beaches and surfing world will be lil bit darker, but with all haters living here - will become as bright as a sun!
What if you were in control of U.S. foreign policy and decided you'd had enough of anti-American fighting through out the world.....and you've got two nukes (just like Truman had to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to drop on any two targets to deal with whatever you consider the biggest threat(s) to America and her interests...whether that is Muslim or Chinese or Russian or whatever.......where would you drop those two nukes? And why?

Or not....and why not.

(The reason I ask is that over the last decade + I keep seeing people post pictures of mushroom clouds over Mecca, over Tehran, over where ever.)
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