What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

You contradict yourself. In the previous post you stated Muslims, Buddhists and even athiests are in God's hands. I don't see that in Scripture. Where do you see it?

No contradiction. Old Testament stories have accounts of non-Jews (Pagans, etc) being chosen to do God's will. Recall in those days there were not yet Muslims, Buddhists, etc, but if there were, they would have fallen under the Pagan heading as well.
So you believe there are muslims and Buddhists that will make it to heaven?
You contradict yourself. In the previous post you stated Muslims, Buddhists and even athiests are in God's hands. I don't see that in Scripture. Where do you see it?

No contradiction. Old Testament stories have accounts of non-Jews (Pagans, etc) being chosen to do God's will. Recall in those days there were not yet Muslims, Buddhists, etc, but if there were, they would have fallen under the Pagan heading as well.

Today's "pagan" would be called secular gentiles under natural laws.
The Buddhists, secular humanists, Constitutionalists, ethicists
and even social psychologists who study natural laws of humanity
fall under the Secular fold.

Jesus said he also governs this separate fold of the one flock.
Both branches are still governed by common values of Truth and Justice for Peace in society.
That is one of the secular names for God Christ and the Holy spirit:
Truth, Justice and Peace that are supposed to unify all humanity by these common values we share as one.
Nope. Jesus was speaking of gentiles.
The Catholic Church says it can testify that its teachings are the pathway into the Kingdom and ever lasting life as taught by Jesus. The Catholic Church cannot guarantee any other way, but leaves all others in the hands of a merciful and loving God. What is impossible for man (including the Catholic Church) is possible for God. The Catholic Church has pretty much taken the stance of keeping its mind on what Christ asked us to do, and minding our own business when people insist on going their own way.

The sects who simply say all they ever have to do is believe Christ died for all their sins and therefore they are absolutely guaranteed an everlasting afterlife in heaven practice a different belief than what the Catholic Church teaches. We leave alternate beliefs in the hands of a merciful and loving God. The same with Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish beliefs.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

All of Gods ways are justice( Deuteronomy 32:4)-- He showed all his justice scales-- an eye for an eye- perfect balance.

A sinless mortal( Adam) rebelled and sinned, losing a good standing for mortals with God. God hates sin.
A perfect mortal( Jesus) lived a sinless existence, yet paid in full the wages of sin= death. He did not owe that death-this is the ransom sacrifice he handed to his Father in heaven at his ascencion. Opening the door to all. Few find the path Jesus taught. Few believe Jesus over dogmas.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

All of Gods ways are justice( Deuteronomy 32:4)-- He showed all his justice scales-- an eye for an eye- perfect balance.

A sinless mortal( Adam) rebelled and sinned, losing a good standing for mortals with God. God hates sin.
A perfect mortal( Jesus) lived a sinless existence, yet paid in full the wages of sin= death. He did not owe that death-this is the ransom sacrifice he handed to his Father in heaven at his ascencion. Opening the door to all. Few find the path Jesus taught. Few believe Jesus over dogmas.
Can you tell me what you believe sin is or means?
To me sin is the commission of doing that which is against the will of God or the omission of doing that which is the will of God. It also includes knowing what the will of God is.
Was the atonement of Jesus Christ to only benefit the sinner or did it also benefit our Lord Jesus Christ?

John 15:13
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Doctrine and Covenants 88:6
6 He that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth;

Alma 7:12
12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

Without sinning, Jesus learned what it was like to sin.

"We say, 'But because He did not violate the law of God as we do, He does not know the burden of guilt and alienation.' The truth is because of His sensitive, uncompromising submission to the Father's will, He was the only one of the Father's family who did not transgress, who in no sense deserved the throes of sin and the withdrawal of the Spirit. Yet through His life, climaxed by those incomprehensible hours in a Garden beyond the brook Cedron, He suffered "according to the flesh" (Alma 7) the pains and afflictions of all forms of human evil doing. He participated voluntarily, in the actual conditions that follow in the wake of deliberate transgression. He experienced the cumulative impact of our vicious thoughts, motives, and acts.

We say, 'But it was easier for Him because of His Divine Sonship.' The truth is it was infinitely harder. He endured 'even more than man can suffer except it be unto death,' (Mosiah 3:7) how exquisite and hard to bear we know not, which caused Him:

to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore and to suffer both body ad spirit. And would that I might not drink the bitter cup and shrink. Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook, and finished my preparations unto the children of men. (Doctrine and Covenants 19:13,19)
We say, 'But He was never left as we are unto Himself.' The truth is few can comprehend His cry on the cross, 'My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?' Who can fathom His reiterated statement in modern times,

I have trodden the winepress alone, even the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. (Doctrine and Covenants 88:106)
We say, 'But what He did twenty centuries ago cannot affect me now.' The truth is the Christ who was, is the Christ who is. Out of His life came a full knowledge of righteousness and a full knowledge of the effects of sin. This means that no human encounter, no tragic loss, no spiritual failure is beyond the pale of His present knowledge and compassion gained,

According to the flesh -- that he might succor His people according to their infirmities. (Alma 7)
No act in all history has united intelligence, virtue, and mercy in so complete an expression of love, a love which, even dimly glimpsed, will 'draw all men unto him;' a love which underlies His present living roles as Mediator, Revelator, Savior, Redeemer, and Advocate with the Father." --Christ and the Inner Life by Truman G. Madsen
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

Because they needed a
Dionysus for Greek, and Bacchus for Rome, as they were trying to deter people from becoming Jews, so a new God was needed , one that pleased both Romans and also the Greeks, but mainly the Greeks , since the Maccabean Revolt has started and that is why Paul began writing letters to Greek areas.
To me sin is the commission of doing that which is against the will of God or the omission of doing that which is the will of God. It also includes knowing what the will of God is.
I don't understand what you meant by the last sentence. Are you saying it is a sin to know what the will of God is?
To me sin is the commission of doing that which is against the will of God or the omission of doing that which is the will of God. It also includes knowing what the will of God is.
I don't understand what you meant by the last sentence. Are you saying it is a sin to know what the will of God is?
He's saying that everyone knows what god wants, therefore to do something against god's will is a sin. Almost as much nonsense as you.
The Catholic Church says it can testify that its teachings are the pathway into the Kingdom and ever lasting life as taught by Jesus. The Catholic Church cannot guarantee any other way, but leaves all others in the hands of a merciful and loving God. What is impossible for man (including the Catholic Church) is possible for God. The Catholic Church has pretty much taken the stance of keeping its mind on what Christ asked us to do, and minding our own business when people insist on going their own way.

The sects who simply say all they ever have to do is believe Christ died for all their sins and therefore they are absolutely guaranteed an everlasting afterlife in heaven practice a different belief than what the Catholic Church teaches. We leave alternate beliefs in the hands of a merciful and loving God. The same with Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish beliefs.
If your god is so merciful, why did it drown nearly everyone in his flood, and why does it let deformed babies happen?
Because they needed a Dionysus for Greek, and Bacchus for Rome, as they were trying to deter people from becoming Jews, so a new God was needed , one that pleased both Romans and also the Greeks, but mainly the Greeks , since the Maccabean Revolt has started and that is why Paul (or whoever) began writing letters to Greek areas.

I left out the best part, the new God had to die to be resurrected.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
Jesus Shouldn't Have Been a Sacrificial Lamb or Scapegoat

It's as illogical as if a boss, angry at his lazy employees, whipped his son in front of them.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
Jesus Shouldn't Have Been a Sacrificial Lamb or Scapegoat

It's as illogical as if a boss, angry at his lazy employees, whipped his son in front of them.
It was HIS choice. He did it because He loves us. Without His sacrifice, we would all be up shit creek without a paddle.
As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?
Jesus Shouldn't Have Been a Sacrificial Lamb or Scapegoat

It's as illogical as if a boss, angry at his lazy employees, whipped his son in front of them.
And yet a mother would die defending her children. Are you saying her sacrifice is illogical?
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As far as I am aware, according to Christian beliefs after Adam's fall all humanity became sinful and doomed to perdition. Then Son of God was sent by Father to save mankind and give eternal live for those believing in Him.

‌Why was all this needed? Why didnt God simply send a prophet with instructions how people can save themselves? Why did God have a need to make sacrifice for himself?

All of Gods ways are justice( Deuteronomy 32:4)-- He showed all his justice scales-- an eye for an eye- perfect balance.

A sinless mortal( Adam) rebelled and sinned, losing a good standing for mortals with God. God hates sin.
A perfect mortal( Jesus) lived a sinless existence, yet paid in full the wages of sin= death. He did not owe that death-this is the ransom sacrifice he handed to his Father in heaven at his ascencion. Opening the door to all. Few find the path Jesus taught. Few believe Jesus over dogmas.
Can you tell me what you believe sin is or means?

Sin = anything in opposition to Gods will. Sin = worship to satan.

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