What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

Meri, your brain has not only been washed, it has been dry cleaned. Get back to me when the Catholics are allowed to fire their priest. No protestant would tolerate that situation. Also, the medieval relationship between the state and the church was quite simple. The church would find someone guilty of heresy, and the state would execute them. I hardly consider that "leniency" on the part of the church. Anyone who would leave their child with a priest without a chaperone is just plain nuts. I could go on, and on, but none of this is my problem. There is a reason why the Catholic Church is losing influence everywhere other than 3rd world countries. Mexico all but banned it, and it is difficult to find a Catholic in French speaking Canada anymore.

1. A priest is a priest forever. (Unless defrocked)
2. Study primary sources in history.
3. About thirty-eight percent of Canadians are Catholic.

It wouldn't bother me if Catholicism was least in the world, no more than it bothers me very few bother with genealogy, primary source history, feeding squirrels or saving worms from a hot sidewalk. I know what I am talking about. My opinion is based on long studies of primary sources, not on opinions formed well after the fact, and the facts spun to suit said opinion. History is complicated, and the more we delve into it, the more complex it becomes because it never boils down to a simple opinion formed decades after-the-fact--usually with a broad brush.

My best friend was the daughter of a minister. Heard some great horror stories about Protestant denominations firing their pastors. It seems there is no perfect solution, but each denomination chooses what works best for them.
Don't be silly. That would not be mathematically likely. Most likely he meant people.

Both is truth. Satan beat 99% living now centuries ago--All through the bible= 99% mislead--the only time maybe not, when Israel stood strong, they fell over and over though. Few know what Jesus actually taught. In every church on earth, the teachers are paid to teach that religions dogmas. A little of what Jesus taught, but not correctly either. Jesus clearly did away with the tithe, yet some fall for it and think they are listening to Jesus real teachers. They are being mislead. Ear ticklers for the tithe I call them.
Sounds like you are judging them.

The bible has already passed judgement.
Did you just justify your judging of others?

I shared what the bible teaches--its not my personal judgements--just facts.
It absolutely is your personal judgment. The Catholic Church did not exist at the time the authors penned the Books of the Bible.
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?

Jesus started one single religion( Acts 24:5)1Cor 1:10)

Its not that difficult to find his real teachers--Jesus said--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--- thus his real teachers make 100% sure a steady bible reading every week is read at home and discussed in the congregation so all benefit from Gods will. Week after week, year after year--it does not stop. All can look at their teachers.
That would be the Catholic Church you are referring to. :smile:

Not on planet earth. They are so far removed from God and his son a 10 year old can see it.
Catholicism brought in the cross( pagan torture death device) statues, icons, graven images and filled their churches and homes with all of them. Condemned in the OT to use any of those.
You see Catholics that way to confirm your beliefs.

Idol worshiping is when one worships the created instead of the Creator. Good examples would be the self, alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, etc.

Bowing to a carved Jesus behind the pulpit is bowing to a graven image. Jesus is sitting on a throne in heaven. He is not in a wooden statue behind the pulpit.
kissing a little metal cross( icon) torture death device)
Jesus, who represents--LOVE,PEACE and UNITY would NOT have a torture death device as the front of his religion. This brought it in-2Thess 2:3)
We don't bow to that. We bow to his presence in the Eucharist which is housed in the Tabernacle.
You won't be able to determine who God is until you believe he exists. The first part informs the second part.

There is only one Creator, Taz. You are confusing many different perceptions of God with many different Gods. There is only one. And you aren't interested in finding him.
I'm not worried, you haven't found him either.

So I have to believe in god for him to exist. Um... no.
Sure I have. It wasn't very hard either.

No. You have to believe in God to find out who he is.
I already know who the god of the bible is and I don’t see any proof for such a person or being.
That's only because you don't believe there is a God in the first place.

In fact, it is worse than that. It is because you don't believe the God of the bible can be God that you believe there is no God at all.

You don't search for God in the meaning of life, you search for your confirmation bias instead.
I look for actual proof of god, of which you have shown nothing.
Sure I have. I've explained it to you many times.
Religion? Or people?

What 1% of religion is in the light?

Jesus started one single religion( Acts 24:5)1Cor 1:10)

Its not that difficult to find his real teachers--Jesus said--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--- thus his real teachers make 100% sure a steady bible reading every week is read at home and discussed in the congregation so all benefit from Gods will. Week after week, year after year--it does not stop. All can look at their teachers.
That would be the Catholic Church you are referring to. :smile:

Not on planet earth. They are so far removed from God and his son a 10 year old can see it.
Catholicism brought in the cross( pagan torture death device) statues, icons, graven images and filled their churches and homes with all of them. Condemned in the OT to use any of those.
You see Catholics that way to confirm your beliefs.

Idol worshiping is when one worships the created instead of the Creator. Good examples would be the self, alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, etc.
Sex is idol worshipping. I pity your partner.
Everyone worships something, Taz. The only choice you have in the matter is what you choose to worship. Sex in and of itself would not be considered worshiping sex. If you are addicted to sex and watch porn every single day, I'd say that that would qualify as worshiping sex.

I don't mind these conversations with you. I know what you are doing, but what you intend for evil, God is using for good.
So you hear another voice in your head? Why does that not surprise me? :3:

So every time you try to say something clever all that comes out is hee haw.. Do you think that surprises me?
You're a very angry person, and feel the need to insult all the time, why is that?

I am not angry about anything...Its really hard not to notice the addled produce of your mind so generously put on full display by you.

If you don't want me to point out the stupid things you say, don't say stupid things..If you have noting intelligent to say, say nothing.

You feel insulted. You wouldn't if what I said did not apply.
See? You're doing it again. You're so full of hate that all you can do is insult. What is it that I say that brings out such childishness in you? If you don't want to discuss the subject, why come here in the first place? it's obvious that all you want to do is belittle others, presumably because it makes you feel better. And I'm supposed to think that you've found the ultimate truth about god? Um... no.

Alright Taz, let me break it down for you. I am actually doing you a favor. I am not belittling you, I am showing you how it actually is. For instance, you believe that incessantly asking about kangaroos is some sort of rational argument even when you are alerted to the deeper implications not to mention that scripture was never intended to be taken literally by the intelligent.

You might as well be asking for proof that puppets come to life after being given an assignment to read Pinocchio and discuss the story in a college class .

If you feel belittled believe me I do understand why, but I find absolutely no pleasure in that....
SHADDAP!!! LOL! Pretending you don't belittle and insult constantly. Sheesh, do I even need to quote your last 1000 posts? :biggrin:

You don't believe the flood story, but you believe what they wrote about Jesus. So you're cherry-picking. Which of course, is an absurd thing to do. And sure, you have to study hard because you have to learn what and how to cherry-pick what fits your own personal narrative. I totally get it, so no need to be all upset all the time.
What do they know about outer space in the OT?
That creation was created in steps. :smile:
How so?
How wasn't it?
What do you mean? Please explain.
Everything which has transpired since the creation of time and space until now was an incremental process (i.e. steps).
What do they know about outer space in the OT?
That creation was created in steps. :smile:
How so?
How wasn't it?
What do you mean? Please explain.
Everything which has transpired since the creation of time and space until now was an incremental process (i.e. steps).
So that's all the OT knows about outer space. Sheesh, things happen in steps, WHERE THE FUCK IS NOBEL!!!??? :lmao:
Both is truth. Satan beat 99% living now centuries ago--All through the bible= 99% mislead--the only time maybe not, when Israel stood strong, they fell over and over though. Few know what Jesus actually taught. In every church on earth, the teachers are paid to teach that religions dogmas. A little of what Jesus taught, but not correctly either. Jesus clearly did away with the tithe, yet some fall for it and think they are listening to Jesus real teachers. They are being mislead. Ear ticklers for the tithe I call them.
Sounds like you are judging them.

The bible has already passed judgement.
Did you just justify your judging of others?

I shared what the bible teaches--its not my personal judgements--just facts.
It absolutely is your personal judgment. The Catholic Church did not exist at the time the authors penned the Books of the Bible.

that's funny--God warned us about them-2Thess 2:3
Jesus started one single religion( Acts 24:5)1Cor 1:10)

Its not that difficult to find his real teachers--Jesus said--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--- thus his real teachers make 100% sure a steady bible reading every week is read at home and discussed in the congregation so all benefit from Gods will. Week after week, year after year--it does not stop. All can look at their teachers.
That would be the Catholic Church you are referring to. :smile:

Not on planet earth. They are so far removed from God and his son a 10 year old can see it.
Catholicism brought in the cross( pagan torture death device) statues, icons, graven images and filled their churches and homes with all of them. Condemned in the OT to use any of those.
You see Catholics that way to confirm your beliefs.

Idol worshiping is when one worships the created instead of the Creator. Good examples would be the self, alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, etc.

Bowing to a carved Jesus behind the pulpit is bowing to a graven image. Jesus is sitting on a throne in heaven. He is not in a wooden statue behind the pulpit.
kissing a little metal cross( icon) torture death device)
Jesus, who represents--LOVE,PEACE and UNITY would NOT have a torture death device as the front of his religion. This brought it in-2Thess 2:3)
We don't bow to that. We bow to his presence in the Eucharist which is housed in the Tabernacle.

Your religion--murdered young catholic men for Adolf Hitler. Jesus does not know them. While the teachers and blind followers prayed to the same God on both sides of 55million humans being slaughtered. One of the biggest hipocrosys ever witnessed by all creation. Keep bowing to that piece of wood.
So every time you try to say something clever all that comes out is hee haw.. Do you think that surprises me?
You're a very angry person, and feel the need to insult all the time, why is that?

I am not angry about anything...Its really hard not to notice the addled produce of your mind so generously put on full display by you.

If you don't want me to point out the stupid things you say, don't say stupid things..If you have noting intelligent to say, say nothing.

You feel insulted. You wouldn't if what I said did not apply.
See? You're doing it again. You're so full of hate that all you can do is insult. What is it that I say that brings out such childishness in you? If you don't want to discuss the subject, why come here in the first place? it's obvious that all you want to do is belittle others, presumably because it makes you feel better. And I'm supposed to think that you've found the ultimate truth about god? Um... no.

Alright Taz, let me break it down for you. I am actually doing you a favor. I am not belittling you, I am showing you how it actually is. For instance, you believe that incessantly asking about kangaroos is some sort of rational argument even when you are alerted to the deeper implications not to mention that scripture was never intended to be taken literally by the intelligent.

You might as well be asking for proof that puppets come to life after being given an assignment to read Pinocchio and discuss the story in a college class .

If you feel belittled believe me I do understand why, but I find absolutely no pleasure in that....
SHADDAP!!! LOL! Pretending you don't belittle and insult constantly. Sheesh, do I even need to quote your last 1000 posts? :biggrin:

You don't believe the flood story, but you believe what they wrote about Jesus. So you're cherry-picking. Which of course, is an absurd thing to do. And sure, you have to study hard because you have to learn what and how to cherry-pick what fits your own personal narrative. I totally get it, so no need to be all upset all the time.

It just proves he does not know Jesus who taught---Man does not live by bread alone, but by every utterance from God= OT-NT-- so he is calling God a liar if does not believe the words of the bible. No wonder in their darkness they murdered the members of their own religion( allied side), their own brothers in Christ slaughtered for Adolf Hitler. 100% darkness.
In New Orleans, the church tends to follow "that old time religion". She also had a daughter who wanted to get married, but not in her Parrish church, because she did not like the priest. She went to a neighboring Parrish, but he would not marry her unless her Parrish priest gave him written permission. Fortunately, she married a catholic. Otherwise, he would have had to go through months of indoctrination by the church. of course, I could watch all this with amusement, since I am an athiest, and married my catholic wife in a civil ceremony.

Oh, come on. I married an atheist who did not have to go through any (let alone months) of indoctrination. Oddly enough, back in her day, my grandmother also married an atheist and nor did my grandfather have to undergo any "indoctrination." (The marriages also took place in different states.) Granted, neither of us lived in New Orleans. Also, I was married in a parish outside the one in which I resided--without a single hoop to jump through or written permissions required.

OK. You win. The Catholic church is all about Freedom of thought and beliefs. Galileo must be proud! The Inquisition was just for show.

You DO know that the Inquisition was several centuries ago, right? Welcome to 2018.

True. it is the 21st century, where women are not forbidden occupations merely because they have vaginas, and only the pope, in all the world, is infallible.

Well, that was utterly pointless. You want some time to think about your position?
That would be the Catholic Church you are referring to. :smile:

Not on planet earth. They are so far removed from God and his son a 10 year old can see it.
Catholicism brought in the cross( pagan torture death device) statues, icons, graven images and filled their churches and homes with all of them. Condemned in the OT to use any of those.
You see Catholics that way to confirm your beliefs.

Idol worshiping is when one worships the created instead of the Creator. Good examples would be the self, alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, etc.

Bowing to a carved Jesus behind the pulpit is bowing to a graven image. Jesus is sitting on a throne in heaven. He is not in a wooden statue behind the pulpit.
kissing a little metal cross( icon) torture death device)
Jesus, who represents--LOVE,PEACE and UNITY would NOT have a torture death device as the front of his religion. This brought it in-2Thess 2:3)
We don't bow to that. We bow to his presence in the Eucharist which is housed in the Tabernacle.

Your religion--murdered young catholic men for Adolf Hitler. Jesus does not know them. While the teachers and blind followers prayed to the same God on both sides of 55million humans being slaughtered. One of the biggest hipocrosys ever witnessed by all creation. Keep bowing to that piece of wood.

Fascinating collective responsibility theory you have going there. "No Catholics are Christians, because some Catholics did bad things half-a-century ago!"
What do they know about outer space in the OT?
That creation was created in steps. :smile:
How so?
How wasn't it?
What do you mean? Please explain.
Everything which has transpired since the creation of time and space until now was an incremental process (i.e. steps).
What do they know about outer space in the OT?
That creation was created in steps. :smile:
How so?
How wasn't it?
What do you mean? Please explain.
Everything which has transpired since the creation of time and space until now was an incremental process (i.e. steps).
So that's all the OT knows about outer space. Sheesh, things happen in steps, WHERE THE FUCK IS NOBEL!!!??? :lmao:
Jesus started one single religion( Acts 24:5)1Cor 1:10)

Its not that difficult to find his real teachers--Jesus said--- Man does not live by bread alone, but by EVERY utterance from God--- thus his real teachers make 100% sure a steady bible reading every week is read at home and discussed in the congregation so all benefit from Gods will. Week after week, year after year--it does not stop. All can look at their teachers.
That would be the Catholic Church you are referring to. :smile:

Not on planet earth. They are so far removed from God and his son a 10 year old can see it.
Catholicism brought in the cross( pagan torture death device) statues, icons, graven images and filled their churches and homes with all of them. Condemned in the OT to use any of those.
You see Catholics that way to confirm your beliefs.

Idol worshiping is when one worships the created instead of the Creator. Good examples would be the self, alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, etc.
Sex is idol worshipping. I pity your partner.
Everyone worships something, Taz. The only choice you have in the matter is what you choose to worship. Sex in and of itself would not be considered worshiping sex. If you are addicted to sex and watch porn every single day, I'd say that that would qualify as worshiping sex.

I don't mind these conversations with you. I know what you are doing, but what you intend for evil, God is using for good.
Being addicted to something isn't worshipping.
You're a very angry person, and feel the need to insult all the time, why is that?

I am not angry about anything...Its really hard not to notice the addled produce of your mind so generously put on full display by you.

If you don't want me to point out the stupid things you say, don't say stupid things..If you have noting intelligent to say, say nothing.

You feel insulted. You wouldn't if what I said did not apply.
See? You're doing it again. You're so full of hate that all you can do is insult. What is it that I say that brings out such childishness in you? If you don't want to discuss the subject, why come here in the first place? it's obvious that all you want to do is belittle others, presumably because it makes you feel better. And I'm supposed to think that you've found the ultimate truth about god? Um... no.

Alright Taz, let me break it down for you. I am actually doing you a favor. I am not belittling you, I am showing you how it actually is. For instance, you believe that incessantly asking about kangaroos is some sort of rational argument even when you are alerted to the deeper implications not to mention that scripture was never intended to be taken literally by the intelligent.

You might as well be asking for proof that puppets come to life after being given an assignment to read Pinocchio and discuss the story in a college class .

If you feel belittled believe me I do understand why, but I find absolutely no pleasure in that....
SHADDAP!!! LOL! Pretending you don't belittle and insult constantly. Sheesh, do I even need to quote your last 1000 posts? :biggrin:

You don't believe the flood story, but you believe what they wrote about Jesus. So you're cherry-picking. Which of course, is an absurd thing to do. And sure, you have to study hard because you have to learn what and how to cherry-pick what fits your own personal narrative. I totally get it, so no need to be all upset all the time.

It just proves he does not know Jesus who taught---Man does not live by bread alone, but by every utterance from God= OT-NT-- so he is calling God a liar if does not believe the words of the bible. No wonder in their darkness they murdered the members of their own religion( allied side), their own brothers in Christ slaughtered for Adolf Hitler. 100% darkness.
I invoked Godwin's Law, you lose, you fucking wanker. :biggrin:
So every time you try to say something clever all that comes out is hee haw.. Do you think that surprises me?
You're a very angry person, and feel the need to insult all the time, why is that?

I am not angry about anything...Its really hard not to notice the addled produce of your mind so generously put on full display by you.

If you don't want me to point out the stupid things you say, don't say stupid things..If you have noting intelligent to say, say nothing.

You feel insulted. You wouldn't if what I said did not apply.
See? You're doing it again. You're so full of hate that all you can do is insult. What is it that I say that brings out such childishness in you? If you don't want to discuss the subject, why come here in the first place? it's obvious that all you want to do is belittle others, presumably because it makes you feel better. And I'm supposed to think that you've found the ultimate truth about god? Um... no.

Alright Taz, let me break it down for you. I am actually doing you a favor. I am not belittling you, I am showing you how it actually is. For instance, you believe that incessantly asking about kangaroos is some sort of rational argument even when you are alerted to the deeper implications not to mention that scripture was never intended to be taken literally by the intelligent.

You might as well be asking for proof that puppets come to life after being given an assignment to read Pinocchio and discuss the story in a college class .

If you feel belittled believe me I do understand why, but I find absolutely no pleasure in that....
SHADDAP!!! LOL! Pretending you don't belittle and insult constantly. Sheesh, do I even need to quote your last 1000 posts? :biggrin:

You don't believe the flood story, but you believe what they wrote about Jesus. So you're cherry-picking. Which of course, is an absurd thing to do. And sure, you have to study hard because you have to learn what and how to cherry-pick what fits your own personal narrative. I totally get it, so no need to be all upset all the time.

LOL...Again Taz, I am not upset about anything. And I am not belittling you. I find no pleasure in trying to gently awaken you up to the fact that you are wandering around in a public park on a Sunday afternoon with both hands in your underwear. That is not me belittling you. That is what human beings call being embarrassed. You can either stand there and accuse me of being a meanie, that would only be more funny, or you can put on some clothes. The choice is yours. Like I said. I am doing you a favor. I have somehow awakened enough of a spark of life in you for you to even feel that much self awareness.

You can thank me some other time...
Last edited:
That would be the Catholic Church you are referring to. :smile:

Not on planet earth. They are so far removed from God and his son a 10 year old can see it.
Catholicism brought in the cross( pagan torture death device) statues, icons, graven images and filled their churches and homes with all of them. Condemned in the OT to use any of those.
You see Catholics that way to confirm your beliefs.

Idol worshiping is when one worships the created instead of the Creator. Good examples would be the self, alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, etc.

Bowing to a carved Jesus behind the pulpit is bowing to a graven image. Jesus is sitting on a throne in heaven. He is not in a wooden statue behind the pulpit.
kissing a little metal cross( icon) torture death device)
Jesus, who represents--LOVE,PEACE and UNITY would NOT have a torture death device as the front of his religion. This brought it in-2Thess 2:3)
We don't bow to that. We bow to his presence in the Eucharist which is housed in the Tabernacle.

Your religion--murdered young catholic men for Adolf Hitler. Jesus does not know them. While the teachers and blind followers prayed to the same God on both sides of 55million humans being slaughtered. One of the biggest hipocrosys ever witnessed by all creation. Keep bowing to that piece of wood.
My religion did that? How?
That would be the Catholic Church you are referring to. :smile:

Not on planet earth. They are so far removed from God and his son a 10 year old can see it.
Catholicism brought in the cross( pagan torture death device) statues, icons, graven images and filled their churches and homes with all of them. Condemned in the OT to use any of those.
You see Catholics that way to confirm your beliefs.

Idol worshiping is when one worships the created instead of the Creator. Good examples would be the self, alcohol, drugs, sex, money, power, etc.
Sex is idol worshipping. I pity your partner.
Everyone worships something, Taz. The only choice you have in the matter is what you choose to worship. Sex in and of itself would not be considered worshiping sex. If you are addicted to sex and watch porn every single day, I'd say that that would qualify as worshiping sex.

I don't mind these conversations with you. I know what you are doing, but what you intend for evil, God is using for good.
Being addicted to something isn't worshipping.
Actually it is.
That creation was created in steps. :smile:
How so?
How wasn't it?
What do you mean? Please explain.
Everything which has transpired since the creation of time and space until now was an incremental process (i.e. steps).
That creation was created in steps. :smile:
How so?
How wasn't it?
What do you mean? Please explain.
Everything which has transpired since the creation of time and space until now was an incremental process (i.e. steps).
So that's all the OT knows about outer space. Sheesh, things happen in steps, WHERE THE FUCK IS NOBEL!!!??? :lmao:
I would say correctly predicting the universe had a beginning 6000 years ago deserves a novel prize.

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