What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

How's that? Copying isn't proof.
You would have to go through life knowing next to nothing if all you ever read were original manuscripts.
It still isn't proof.
It is proof of a historical event.
No it's not. Copying is only proof of copying, nothing else.
Do you know what evidence is, Taz?
If I copy Horton Hears A Who 24,000 times, even in antiquity, it doesn't make it evidence of a true story.
Proves that they were good at copying. But how on earth does that prove the validity of anything written in it?
It seems you have one standard for what you believe and another standard for what you don't believe.
How's that? Copying isn't proof.
You would have to go through life knowing next to nothing if all you ever read were original manuscripts.
It still isn't proof.

1/4 of the Bible is prophecy. If God couldn't see the end from the beginning, He couldn't tell us the end. But He has. And contrary to the old, "prophecy is vague" argument, it is extremely precise.
Archeological digs prove it's authenticity. The Bible is the archeologists best friend. And it doesn't disappoint.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, prove it's pristine originality. Very little has been changed.
God embedded computer codes in the Bible that far exceeds the monkey text theory.
Christ proved the scientific theory that there are at least 10 dimensions, 4 seen 6 unseen, before there was a theory.
They proved the exodus didn't happen like what is in the bible, and really you believe Jonah was in a big fish, and the virgin birth, come on???

The Dead Sea Scrolls only talks about religious zealots, they prove nothing.
The Pope-- is called - the holy father---Reality--God is the holy Father not the Pope. The Pope is a mortal sinner. In Fact the bible clearly teaches--Do NOT call any man FATHER --this is speaking about in a spiritual teacher sense. In The OT Men are called Father--So its not Dads that reference was to--simple bible milk, yet its been over 1700 years and your teachers can not get it right.Why? Dogma get in the way?--The bible judged right there against your Pope. Its not me judging--the bible has all the judgements in black and white-there will be no excuses.
Maybe you should read the Catechism and tell me what you reject and what you accept.

If nothing else you will learn that everything you believe about Catholics is a lie.

I think you should read unbias facts about the history of your religion. One Pope used to sell salvation for $$$--

If not for the Roman Catholic religion, you would not have a bible to read. Luther wanted to leave the books
Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation out of the bible.
Johann Tetzel was the one who started the indulgences, it was never part of the RCC.
Does the Catholic Church still sell indulgences? | Catholic Answers

The Catholic church is the largest health care org and charitable org in the world.

The RCC is a religion based on tradition and the bible , and all you have is the bible and many preachers who use it to suit their purpose.

God gave us the bible--the blind give mortals credit.
No protestant religion-EVER- fixed the lies Catholicism brought in. Very few of them were fixed.

They do have charities don't they--In their darkness--they hand out a temp fix to the needy--then 100% fail the needy and Jesus by not making sure--Matt 6:33( the permanent fix) is in their hearts before they leave--then if they applied this 1 teaching--would never be needy-- Every real teacher of Jesus would make 100% sure that teaching is learned by each one before they left with the temp fix. That's reality.
So what appears loving to mortal hearts can actually be a disguised tragedy.

No he didn't , the bible was wrote by men, and the gospels were wrote after Pauls letters, without Rome you would not have it.
No you can't just sit and pray for food and a roof, you need to work and some people do need charity, and the RCC does it best.

Say thank you to the RCC, which RC's along with Jews were killed via evangelical and fundamentalist Nazi Christians. I do believe without Evangelicals the world would be a better place.

I say--God made sure his word lived.
So that would be a no. You should worry about the log in your eye.

By applying Jesus and Gods will( 1John 3:10-12) my teachers told the young men never stand against one another in wars of hatred. Love amongst themselves is a true mark Jesus taught. They were sent to prision, and concentration camps, etc and branded cowards by those who threw Jesus away to kill their own brothers in Christ. Its not easy applying Jesus in a satan ruled world.
You don't speak for Jesus.
Only the guys who wrote the bible speak for Jesus.

1Corinthians 9:16--- God disagrees with you.

Paul was whatever you'd want him to be.
19Although I am free in regard to all, I have made myself a slave to all so as to win over as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew to win over Jews; to those under the law I became like one under the law—though I myself am not under the law—to win over those under the law. 21 To those outside the law I became like one outside the law—though I am not outside God’s law but within the law of Christ—to win over those outside the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. All this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it.

Kind of like what evangelicals do, isn't it.

Saul of Tarsus was very zealous in heading attacks on the followers of Jesus. After Jesus appeared to him, he put that zealousness to work for Jesus. He went through many trials and stood. He even had to correct Peter on a matter one time.
I think you shouldn't worry about religions that are not your own.

We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Ot--condemns--statues, icons, graven images--Yet the Pope allows all 3 into the churches and homes.
Call no man Father( in a spiritual teacher sense)--Yet the Pope allows it.
In their pictures of Jesus through the centuries have portrayed Jesus as a sinner with long hair, It was forbidden for a jewish male to have long hair. With the exception of the Nazarites( Samson) not Nazarenes( Jesus) God made a special covenant with the Nazarites--They should never cut there hair, but could not drink any alcohol.
All 3 simple bible milk--yet its been 1700 years or more and they still cannot understand the milk let alone the meat.
No follower of Jesus -EVER stood in a war against one of their brothers in Christ--Not a single teacher that has Jesus would ever allow it.
Often times ignorance is insolent.

You are correct.
You don't speak for Jesus.

The bible is filled with his words--Who do you speak for?
I certainly don't get in his way claiming to speak for him. And since you not only judge others but rationalize that you don't, you don't either.

I don't need your interpretation of what Jesus said.

I share -truth of what Jesus said. Fact of Israelite god worship history, proves it, The teachings of Jesus prove it. Your translations teach 2 different Gods--
Paul explained who God is--simple English--1Corinthians 8:6-- There is one God to all-The Father. The correct path = John 4:22-24-daily. When did your teachers explain to you that John 4:22-24 is done daily 24/7,365. The real Jesus sends one to his Father. It just takes believing Jesus.
I think you should read unbias facts about the history of your religion. One Pope used to sell salvation for $$$--
I think you shouldn't worry about religions that are not your own.

We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Which religion are you?
Matt 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth---who is Jesus speaking to?
I think you shouldn't worry about religions that are not your own.

We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.

I showed you many bible truths. And I assure you its100% fact this is the bottom line reality of what a true followers heart instructs their minds to do- 24/7, 365 without fail= John 4:22-24--bottom line reality of it all. You have not found that path. If you had the real Jesus you would have found it.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.

I showed you many bible truths. And I assure you its100% fact this is the bottom line reality of what a true followers heart instructs their minds to do- 24/7, 365 without fail= John 4:22-24--bottom line reality of it all. You have not found that path. If you had the real Jesus you would have found it.
You showed no truths, just quotes from a book.
Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.

I showed you many bible truths. And I assure you its100% fact this is the bottom line reality of what a true followers heart instructs their minds to do- 24/7, 365 without fail= John 4:22-24--bottom line reality of it all. You have not found that path. If you had the real Jesus you would have found it.
You showed no truths, just quotes from a book.

That is a very sad answer, It means you do not know God or his son. You can.
I think you shouldn't worry about religions that are not your own.

We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Which religion are you?
Matt 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth---who is Jesus speaking to?
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.
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We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Often times ignorance is insolent.

You are correct.
You don't speak for Jesus.

The bible is filled with his words--Who do you speak for?
I certainly don't get in his way claiming to speak for him. And since you not only judge others but rationalize that you don't, you don't either.

I don't need your interpretation of what Jesus said.

I share -truth of what Jesus said. Fact of Israelite god worship history, proves it, The teachings of Jesus prove it. Your translations teach 2 different Gods--
Paul explained who God is--simple English--1Corinthians 8:6-- There is one God to all-The Father. The correct path = John 4:22-24-daily. When did your teachers explain to you that John 4:22-24 is done daily 24/7,365. The real Jesus sends one to his Father. It just takes believing Jesus.
You worry about yourself and let me worry about myself. Do you need a scripture reference for that?
We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.
Poor dingbat. :206:
Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.
Poor dingbat. :206:
Why do you say that, Taz?
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.
Poor dingbat. :206:
Why do you say that, Taz?
"You are intentionally mendacious". I haven't lied about ANYTHING!
Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.
Poor dingbat. :206:
Why do you say that, Taz?
"You are intentionally mendacious". I haven't lied about ANYTHING!
You lied when you said, I only believe in the part I want to believe in, Taz. I have explained to you that I accept the allegorical accounts of actual events a dozen times and your response is that I don't believe what is written in the Bible. This is just one example of how you lie. You know exactly what you are doing too. So when you say you haven't lied about anything, that was a lie too.
Because you're both Christian cherry pickers who only believe in the part that you want to believe.
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.
Poor dingbat. :206:
Why do you say that, Taz?
"You are intentionally mendacious". I haven't lied about ANYTHING!
You lied when you said, I only believe in the part I want to believe in, Taz. I have explained to you that I accept the allegorical accounts of actual events a dozen times and your response is that I don't believe what is written in the Bible. This is just one example of how you lie. You know exactly what you are doing too. So when you say you haven't lied about anything, that was a lie too.
You don't believe that the flood actually happened, that's not a lie, that's a fact. You're a bible cherry picker, not lie, but fact. ...
kjw47 is immeasurably more honest than you are, Taz.

I believe her mistakes are honest mistakes. I can't say the same for you. You are intentionally mendacious.
Poor dingbat. :206:
Why do you say that, Taz?
"You are intentionally mendacious". I haven't lied about ANYTHING!
You lied when you said, I only believe in the part I want to believe in, Taz. I have explained to you that I accept the allegorical accounts of actual events a dozen times and your response is that I don't believe what is written in the Bible. This is just one example of how you lie. You know exactly what you are doing too. So when you say you haven't lied about anything, that was a lie too.
You don't believe that the flood actually happened, that's not a lie, that's a fact. You're a bible cherry picker, not lie, but fact. ...
Every major culture has an account of a flood, Taz. Why wouldn't I believe a flood happened?

I have repeatedly explained this to you over and over. So, you are wrong again. It is a lie for you to say I don't believe a flood happened. And given that I have repeatedly explained this to you, it is intentional an your part.
We are all brothers and sisters of the same human family, I see many houses that would be in Gods kingdom on fire and its 5 am--does one walk away or does one knock? I knock.
You should take care of your house and let others worry about theirs.

Jesus didn't think like that--Luke 10--Acts 20:20
Satan quoted the Bible too.

Every time I share a bible truth with you-you reject it.
Which religion are you?
Matt 5:5--The meek will inherit the earth---who is Jesus speaking to?
I reject your interpretation of it. They are two different things.

Jesus is speaking to the exalted. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. This has practical application in THIS world. All of Christ's teaching had practical application in THIS world. You focus on the destination, when it was the journey that matters and what he was teaching.

Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. Two loving people will always have a better relationship than two hateful people. To humble people will always have a better relationship than two arrogant people. Two forgiving people will always have a better relationship than two people who harbor grudges. Two thankful people will always have a better relationship than two thankless people. Two honest people will always have a better relationship than two dishonest people. Not some of the time, all of the time.

You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about life and make it about death. You are the one who misinterprets Christ's message about the way to live life to make it about being rewarded or punished not in this life but in the afterlife.

The reality is that being virtuous naturally leads to success in all things in this life. That is what is meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. It is not a reference to dying and an afterlife. Being meek does not mean what you or most people think it means. Being meek is hard work. Being meek means to die to self to confront reality about yourself. You would rather turn scriptures on others when in reality we are intended to turn scriptures onto ourselves.

The message of Christ was not a societal message. It was a personal message. Not instructions to judge others, but to judge yourself. Being meek is hard work.

Jesus rejects your interpretation.

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